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Craft Customs Of The Ancient Stonehewers, Masons, And Carpenters.
15 . But if , on the contrary , the defamed one doesr-not bring his complaint as aforesaid , but knowingly sits under the injury , and leaves it unnoticed , neither apprentice nor fellow shall consort with him ; and he shall not be allowed to work longer than fourteen days without taking steps and having the matter looked into .
16 . And if any such master or fellow be found at work ( unless it be Government or other compulsory work ) , he shall , for each offence , be fined 3 oris . 17 . And if a fellow wishes to leave his master and not work any longer under him , he shall ask and take his leave on the
Saturday , when the week ' s pay is over ; as also masters and fellows are bound to give each other notice on Saturday and not in the week ( unless there be a special reason ) . 18 . But if the Master should discharge a fellow before the close of the week he shall be bound to pay him the full week ' s wages ; and
also the fellow , should he take leave during the week , shall forfeit the wages already earned in that week , unless indeed there be , either on the part of the master ' s discharge , or of the fellow ' s leave taking , some substantial reason ; then both sides shall be heard , and it shall be according to the judgment of the magistrate and the sworn masters .
19 . Should a fellow ask for employment of a master before he has taken his leave , and the master knowingly accept him , or instigate him thereto , then shall the master as well as the fellow be incontinently fined 1 fl . each to the chest . 20 . Should a fellow or master seduce another master ' s fellow ,
or make him rebellious or disobedient , no matter in what way or by what means , he shall be severely punished by the judge , with the advice of the sworn masters . *
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Craft Customs Of The Ancient Stonehewers, Masons, And Carpenters.
15 . But if , on the contrary , the defamed one doesr-not bring his complaint as aforesaid , but knowingly sits under the injury , and leaves it unnoticed , neither apprentice nor fellow shall consort with him ; and he shall not be allowed to work longer than fourteen days without taking steps and having the matter looked into .
16 . And if any such master or fellow be found at work ( unless it be Government or other compulsory work ) , he shall , for each offence , be fined 3 oris . 17 . And if a fellow wishes to leave his master and not work any longer under him , he shall ask and take his leave on the
Saturday , when the week ' s pay is over ; as also masters and fellows are bound to give each other notice on Saturday and not in the week ( unless there be a special reason ) . 18 . But if the Master should discharge a fellow before the close of the week he shall be bound to pay him the full week ' s wages ; and
also the fellow , should he take leave during the week , shall forfeit the wages already earned in that week , unless indeed there be , either on the part of the master ' s discharge , or of the fellow ' s leave taking , some substantial reason ; then both sides shall be heard , and it shall be according to the judgment of the magistrate and the sworn masters .
19 . Should a fellow ask for employment of a master before he has taken his leave , and the master knowingly accept him , or instigate him thereto , then shall the master as well as the fellow be incontinently fined 1 fl . each to the chest . 20 . Should a fellow or master seduce another master ' s fellow ,
or make him rebellious or disobedient , no matter in what way or by what means , he shall be severely punished by the judge , with the advice of the sworn masters . *