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Regulations And Constitutions.
Perfection in which our Fore Fathers had been formed ; and the hand of the All Perfect was far different from ours . In those happy days Purity , Innocence , and Candor guided naturally the hearts in the ways of Justice and Perfection , but the deprivation of manners occasioned by the unruliness of the heart and mind of Man , having by
length of time destroyed all virtue , innocence , and candor , which are its base , having insensibly disappeared and left mankind abandoned to all the horrors of Misery , Injustice , and Imperfection . Nevertheless Vice has not been general for the Venerable Patriarchs , our first Knights , have escaped the multitude of Rocks and Shoals which
threatened them with shipwreck , and they have preserved themselves in that happy state of Justice and Perfection which they have so happily transmitted from age to age , revealing the Sacred Mysteries
only to those whom they judged worthy of them , and in which the Eternal God has permitted us to be initiated . In order therefore to preserve ourselves in that happy state as well as all the Sublime Knights Princes , our Brothers , and with their advice , it has been resolved and determined , that besides the Ancient
and Secret Constitutions of the August Order of the Sublime Princes , which shall be forever entirely observed , that they shall not be communicated to the Profane Christians , nor even to Free-Masons under the degrees of Knight Prince of Jerusalem ; Grand Patriarch Noachite , Knight of the Royal Arch , Prince Adepte , and Commander
of the Black Eagle ; so that by this precaution we may ascertain if the Brothers so admitted possess the necessary qualifications for the Sublime degree .
These Constitutions and Regulations must be exactly executed and observed in all its points and articles as follows : As Religion is a Worship of dut y to the Omnipotent God , no person shall be initiated in the Secret Mysteries of the Eminent Degree , unless he is then submitted to the duties of the Religion of
the Country of which he must have necessarily received the true principals , and it must be certified by three Knights Princes , that he is born of free Parents , has always conducted himself properly , enjoys a good reputation and has been admitted as such into all the preceding degrees of Free-Masonry , and has at all times given proofs of his
obedience , submission , zeal , fervour , and constancy to the order , and finally free to contract the obligations of true Knighthood , when he shall be admitted to the sublime degree of High Perfection ; consequently capable to fulfill them all with rectitude and to obey the most Illustrious Sovereign Grand Master , Commander , his officers , and the Puissant and Sovereign Grand Council of the Sublime Princes assembled .
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Regulations And Constitutions.
Perfection in which our Fore Fathers had been formed ; and the hand of the All Perfect was far different from ours . In those happy days Purity , Innocence , and Candor guided naturally the hearts in the ways of Justice and Perfection , but the deprivation of manners occasioned by the unruliness of the heart and mind of Man , having by
length of time destroyed all virtue , innocence , and candor , which are its base , having insensibly disappeared and left mankind abandoned to all the horrors of Misery , Injustice , and Imperfection . Nevertheless Vice has not been general for the Venerable Patriarchs , our first Knights , have escaped the multitude of Rocks and Shoals which
threatened them with shipwreck , and they have preserved themselves in that happy state of Justice and Perfection which they have so happily transmitted from age to age , revealing the Sacred Mysteries
only to those whom they judged worthy of them , and in which the Eternal God has permitted us to be initiated . In order therefore to preserve ourselves in that happy state as well as all the Sublime Knights Princes , our Brothers , and with their advice , it has been resolved and determined , that besides the Ancient
and Secret Constitutions of the August Order of the Sublime Princes , which shall be forever entirely observed , that they shall not be communicated to the Profane Christians , nor even to Free-Masons under the degrees of Knight Prince of Jerusalem ; Grand Patriarch Noachite , Knight of the Royal Arch , Prince Adepte , and Commander
of the Black Eagle ; so that by this precaution we may ascertain if the Brothers so admitted possess the necessary qualifications for the Sublime degree .
These Constitutions and Regulations must be exactly executed and observed in all its points and articles as follows : As Religion is a Worship of dut y to the Omnipotent God , no person shall be initiated in the Secret Mysteries of the Eminent Degree , unless he is then submitted to the duties of the Religion of
the Country of which he must have necessarily received the true principals , and it must be certified by three Knights Princes , that he is born of free Parents , has always conducted himself properly , enjoys a good reputation and has been admitted as such into all the preceding degrees of Free-Masonry , and has at all times given proofs of his
obedience , submission , zeal , fervour , and constancy to the order , and finally free to contract the obligations of true Knighthood , when he shall be admitted to the sublime degree of High Perfection ; consequently capable to fulfill them all with rectitude and to obey the most Illustrious Sovereign Grand Master , Commander , his officers , and the Puissant and Sovereign Grand Council of the Sublime Princes assembled .