Article THE LECHMERE MS. ← Page 2 of 5 →
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The Lechmere Ms.
made through out ye Realme , if theire weare any man yt could informe him yt hee should Come vnto him , & hee should be well rewarded & hould himselfe well paid , After this Cry was made came this worthy Clarke Euchild , & said vnto ye King & all his great lords , if you will take mee * youre Children to gouerne & teach them honestly as
gentlemen should bee : Vnder Condicon yt you will graunt them & mee A Comision , yt I may haue power to rule them honestly as yt science ought to bee Ruled & ye King and his Councill granted them a none & seald yt Comission & then yt worthy Doctor tooke to him ye Lords soons and taught them this science of geometric in practise , to worck
misteries , all maner of worthy worcks yt belonged to building of Castles , all maner of Courts temples & Churches w all other buildings , & he gaue them a Charge in this maner , first yt they should be
true to ye King & ye lord they served , & yt they should lone one another & be true one to another , & yt they should call one another fellows & not servant , nor his knaue , nor any other foule names & yt they should truly seme theire payment to ye lord yt they serue , & yt they should ordaine ye wisest of them to bee M of ye lord worck ,
& neither for loue nor great Riches nor Liueing , to set another yt hath Little Cuning to bee M of ye lords worck whereby hee should be evill served & they ashamed , & yt they should call y gouerner of ye worck m , of y worck whilst they worck w th him , & many other Charges w weare to loung to tell & to all theise Charges bee made them
, sweare y greatest oath men Vsed to sweare at y t time & ordained for them Resonable payment yt they myght line by it honestly & alsoe they should come and assemble theire other yt they myght haue Councill in theire Crafts . t
X [ ca ] me into ffrance & craft of [ ma ] sonrie vnto ye men of france , yt was named Charles Martill , hee loued well his Craft & drew to him this naymus groecus abouesaide & learned of him ye Craft & tooke ye Charges & maners vpon him , & afterwards by ye grace of god was elected to be king of ffrance , &
when he was in his Estate hee tooke to him many masons & made masons theire yt was none , & set them to worck & gaue both Charges & maners & good payment hee had , and for ye masons hee confirmed them a charter from yeare to yeare to hould theire Assembly and thus came ye science § vnto ffrance , And England all this season
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The Lechmere Ms.
made through out ye Realme , if theire weare any man yt could informe him yt hee should Come vnto him , & hee should be well rewarded & hould himselfe well paid , After this Cry was made came this worthy Clarke Euchild , & said vnto ye King & all his great lords , if you will take mee * youre Children to gouerne & teach them honestly as
gentlemen should bee : Vnder Condicon yt you will graunt them & mee A Comision , yt I may haue power to rule them honestly as yt science ought to bee Ruled & ye King and his Councill granted them a none & seald yt Comission & then yt worthy Doctor tooke to him ye Lords soons and taught them this science of geometric in practise , to worck
misteries , all maner of worthy worcks yt belonged to building of Castles , all maner of Courts temples & Churches w all other buildings , & he gaue them a Charge in this maner , first yt they should be
true to ye King & ye lord they served , & yt they should lone one another & be true one to another , & yt they should call one another fellows & not servant , nor his knaue , nor any other foule names & yt they should truly seme theire payment to ye lord yt they serue , & yt they should ordaine ye wisest of them to bee M of ye lord worck ,
& neither for loue nor great Riches nor Liueing , to set another yt hath Little Cuning to bee M of ye lords worck whereby hee should be evill served & they ashamed , & yt they should call y gouerner of ye worck m , of y worck whilst they worck w th him , & many other Charges w weare to loung to tell & to all theise Charges bee made them
, sweare y greatest oath men Vsed to sweare at y t time & ordained for them Resonable payment yt they myght line by it honestly & alsoe they should come and assemble theire other yt they myght haue Councill in theire Crafts . t
X [ ca ] me into ffrance & craft of [ ma ] sonrie vnto ye men of france , yt was named Charles Martill , hee loued well his Craft & drew to him this naymus groecus abouesaide & learned of him ye Craft & tooke ye Charges & maners vpon him , & afterwards by ye grace of god was elected to be king of ffrance , &
when he was in his Estate hee tooke to him many masons & made masons theire yt was none , & set them to worck & gaue both Charges & maners & good payment hee had , and for ye masons hee confirmed them a charter from yeare to yeare to hould theire Assembly and thus came ye science § vnto ffrance , And England all this season