Article THE LECHMERE MS. ← Page 3 of 5 →
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The Lechmere Ms.
stood void vntil S * Albon Came into England * an din his time ye king of England builded y town w is now Called saint Albans and soe in Albans time a worthy knight was steward to ye king & had ye gouernance of ye Realme , f & alsoe makeing ye towne walle , hee loued well masons & Cherished them & hee made theire payment Ryght good ,
standing wages , as ye Realme did require for hee gaue them 3 - 6 a weecke to theire dowble wages before yt time throw all ye land a mason tooke but a peny day , & next to yt time yt S * Albaines amended it & got them a Charter of ye Kinge , & his Councill & gaue it ye name of Assembly & there at hee was himselfe & made
masons & gaue them Charges as you shall heare afterwards right soone after ye death of S Albaines theire came great wars into England through divers Comotions , soe yt good Rule of masonry was destroyed , vntill ye time of kinge Athelstone yt was a worthy kinge in England , and he brought ye land vnto Rest & peace againe & hee
builded many good worcks and Abbeyes and Castles and many other divers buildings & hee loued masons very well & hee had a sonn yt was named hedwe [? or Ledwe ] and he loued masons much more then his father , for he was full practise in geometric wherefor he
drew himselfe to Comune w " masons & to learne of them theire Craft & afterwards for loue hee had to masons & to ye Crafte he was made mason himselfe & hee got of his father J ye kinge a Charter & a Comission to hould euery yeare Assembly , where they would w thin y e Realme & to Corect w thin themselues statutes & trespasses if it were
done w thin ye Craft & he held himselfe assembly at yorck & theire hee made masons & gaue them charges & taught to them ye maners of masons & commanded yt Rule to be houlden euer after , & to them tooke ye Charter & Comission to keepe & ordinances yt it should bee ruled from kinge to kinge , when this Assembly was gathered to
gether hee made a Cry yt all masons both ould & young yt had any writing or vnderstandinge of ye Charges yt were made before in this Land or in any other land yt they should shew themforth and theire was some in french some in greecke some in English & some in other languages & ye intent theirof was fond & hee Comanded a
boocke to be made & how ye Craft was first made & found , & Comanded yt it should be read & tould when any mason should be made & to giue him his Charges : & from yt vntill this time masons have beene kept in yt sort & order as well as men myght governe if ;
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The Lechmere Ms.
stood void vntil S * Albon Came into England * an din his time ye king of England builded y town w is now Called saint Albans and soe in Albans time a worthy knight was steward to ye king & had ye gouernance of ye Realme , f & alsoe makeing ye towne walle , hee loued well masons & Cherished them & hee made theire payment Ryght good ,
standing wages , as ye Realme did require for hee gaue them 3 - 6 a weecke to theire dowble wages before yt time throw all ye land a mason tooke but a peny day , & next to yt time yt S * Albaines amended it & got them a Charter of ye Kinge , & his Councill & gaue it ye name of Assembly & there at hee was himselfe & made
masons & gaue them Charges as you shall heare afterwards right soone after ye death of S Albaines theire came great wars into England through divers Comotions , soe yt good Rule of masonry was destroyed , vntill ye time of kinge Athelstone yt was a worthy kinge in England , and he brought ye land vnto Rest & peace againe & hee
builded many good worcks and Abbeyes and Castles and many other divers buildings & hee loued masons very well & hee had a sonn yt was named hedwe [? or Ledwe ] and he loued masons much more then his father , for he was full practise in geometric wherefor he
drew himselfe to Comune w " masons & to learne of them theire Craft & afterwards for loue hee had to masons & to ye Crafte he was made mason himselfe & hee got of his father J ye kinge a Charter & a Comission to hould euery yeare Assembly , where they would w thin y e Realme & to Corect w thin themselues statutes & trespasses if it were
done w thin ye Craft & he held himselfe assembly at yorck & theire hee made masons & gaue them charges & taught to them ye maners of masons & commanded yt Rule to be houlden euer after , & to them tooke ye Charter & Comission to keepe & ordinances yt it should bee ruled from kinge to kinge , when this Assembly was gathered to
gether hee made a Cry yt all masons both ould & young yt had any writing or vnderstandinge of ye Charges yt were made before in this Land or in any other land yt they should shew themforth and theire was some in french some in greecke some in English & some in other languages & ye intent theirof was fond & hee Comanded a
boocke to be made & how ye Craft was first made & found , & Comanded yt it should be read & tould when any mason should be made & to giue him his Charges : & from yt vntill this time masons have beene kept in yt sort & order as well as men myght governe if ;