Article THE LECHMERE MS. ← Page 4 of 5 →
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The Lechmere Ms.
and furthermore at divers Assemblyes hath beene put to & and added certaine Charges more & more by ye best Advice of m & ffellowes Heere followeth the worthy & godly oath of masons . Tunck vnus ex senioribus tenuit Librum et illi veil ille ponent vel ponet manum super Librum et tunc precepta debent Legi , euery
man yt is mason take heede well of this Charge if you finde yourselfe guilty of any of theise yt you may amend you againe , & especialy you yt are to be charged take good heed yt you may kepe this Charge , for it is a great p'ill for a man 1 * to forsweare himselfe vpon a Boocke ; ye first Charge is yt you shalbe true man to god & ye holy
Church & yt you vse noe error nor heresie by your vnderstanding or by teaching of 2 discreet men , Alsoe you shalbe true Leige men f to ye kinge w out 3 $ falshood , And yt you shall know noe treson but yt you amend it if you may or else warne ye kinge or his Councell thereof § 4 Alsoe you shalbe true one to another yt is to say eue » y M & fellow of ye craft of masonry yt be masons allowed yt you doe
to them as you would O they should doe to you , And alsoe yt eu y mason keepe true Councell of Lodge & Chamb & all other councells yt ought to bee kept by ye way 6 of masonry , And alsoe yt noe mason shalbe chieffe || neither in company as farforth as hee may know , And alsoe yt you shalbee true to ye lord 7 & M you serue & truly to see for
his p'fitt & advantage , And alsoe yt you doe noe villany in ye house wherby ye craft may be slandered 8 theise be Charges in generall yt eu y mason should hould ^ f both m & fellowes , now I will rehearse other Charges in particular both for m & fellowes first yt noe master shall take vpon him any Lords worke nor other worck but yt hee know
himselfe able & cuning to p'forme ye same soe yt ye Craft haue noe disworship but yt ye lord may be well served & truly , 2 alsoe yt noe m take any worcke but yt he take it resonably soe yt ye lord may be truly served w th his owne good & ye m ' to Hue honestly & pay his fellowes truly theire pay as ye maner of ye Craft doth reqiure , 3 And alsoe yt noe m nor fellow shall suplant othere of theire worck yt is to say , if they haue taken a worcke or stand m of a lords worck
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The Lechmere Ms.
and furthermore at divers Assemblyes hath beene put to & and added certaine Charges more & more by ye best Advice of m & ffellowes Heere followeth the worthy & godly oath of masons . Tunck vnus ex senioribus tenuit Librum et illi veil ille ponent vel ponet manum super Librum et tunc precepta debent Legi , euery
man yt is mason take heede well of this Charge if you finde yourselfe guilty of any of theise yt you may amend you againe , & especialy you yt are to be charged take good heed yt you may kepe this Charge , for it is a great p'ill for a man 1 * to forsweare himselfe vpon a Boocke ; ye first Charge is yt you shalbe true man to god & ye holy
Church & yt you vse noe error nor heresie by your vnderstanding or by teaching of 2 discreet men , Alsoe you shalbe true Leige men f to ye kinge w out 3 $ falshood , And yt you shall know noe treson but yt you amend it if you may or else warne ye kinge or his Councell thereof § 4 Alsoe you shalbe true one to another yt is to say eue » y M & fellow of ye craft of masonry yt be masons allowed yt you doe
to them as you would O they should doe to you , And alsoe yt eu y mason keepe true Councell of Lodge & Chamb & all other councells yt ought to bee kept by ye way 6 of masonry , And alsoe yt noe mason shalbe chieffe || neither in company as farforth as hee may know , And alsoe yt you shalbee true to ye lord 7 & M you serue & truly to see for
his p'fitt & advantage , And alsoe yt you doe noe villany in ye house wherby ye craft may be slandered 8 theise be Charges in generall yt eu y mason should hould ^ f both m & fellowes , now I will rehearse other Charges in particular both for m & fellowes first yt noe master shall take vpon him any Lords worke nor other worck but yt hee know
himselfe able & cuning to p'forme ye same soe yt ye Craft haue noe disworship but yt ye lord may be well served & truly , 2 alsoe yt noe m take any worcke but yt he take it resonably soe yt ye lord may be truly served w th his owne good & ye m ' to Hue honestly & pay his fellowes truly theire pay as ye maner of ye Craft doth reqiure , 3 And alsoe yt noe m nor fellow shall suplant othere of theire worck yt is to say , if they haue taken a worcke or stand m of a lords worck