Article THE LECHMERE MS. ← Page 5 of 5
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The Lechmere Ms.
you shall nott put him out , yf he be able of Cuning to end ye worck 4 Alsoe yt m nor fellow take noe aprentice to be allowed his prentice but for 7 yeares & yt ye aprentice be able of birth & life as he ought to be . 5 . And alsoe yt noe m nor fellow take noe allowance
to be made mason w out consent of his fellows at ye least 5 or 6 & yt he yt shalbe made mason be able ou all Lyers yt is to say yt he be free borne & of a good kindred & noe bound man & yt he haue his right limbs as a man ought to haue . 6 and alsoe yt noe m put Lords to taske yt is vsed to goe Iourney , 7 And alsoe yt
eu ie mason shall giue noe pay to his fellows but as he may deserue soe yt he be not decerned by false worckmen , 8 , And alsoe yt no fellow slander another falsly behind his back to make him loose his good name or his wordly goods , 9 , And alsoe yt no fellow answere one another vngodly in a lodg or w out w out ( sic ) reasonable cause 10
, and also yt eu ie mason should p'fer his elder & put him to worship 11 , And also yt no mason play at Hazards nor other play wherby they may be slandered , 12 And also yt no mason shall bee a Comon
Ribbald in Lecherie to make ye . . . to be slandered , 13 And yt noe fellow goe into ye town by night there as is a lodge , of fellows w out a fellow yt may beare him witnes yt he was in honest copany , 14 . And also yt eu ie m & fellow come to ye assebly if it be w in 50 miles about him & if he haue any waring and to stand at reward of m &
fellows , 15 . And also yt eu ie m and fellow if they haue trespassed shall stand at award of m and fellows to make them accord if they may & if they may not acord , then to go to comon law , 16 and also yt no mason make mould square nor rule to any rough
Lyers . 17 , and also yt no mason set no Layes w thin a Lodge or w out to haue mould stones w no moulds of his owne making , 11 and also yt euery mason shall cherish a stranger when they come ou ye coun-. trie & set them at worck as ye man is or else to relife them w some money to bring them to ye next lodge , 19 And also yee shall &
euerie mason shall serue truly ye worck & make an end of your worck be it taske or Iourney theise Charge w I haue rehearsed & all other yt belongs to masons you shall keepe , soe helpe you god &
by this Booke to youre power .
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The Lechmere Ms.
you shall nott put him out , yf he be able of Cuning to end ye worck 4 Alsoe yt m nor fellow take noe aprentice to be allowed his prentice but for 7 yeares & yt ye aprentice be able of birth & life as he ought to be . 5 . And alsoe yt noe m nor fellow take noe allowance
to be made mason w out consent of his fellows at ye least 5 or 6 & yt he yt shalbe made mason be able ou all Lyers yt is to say yt he be free borne & of a good kindred & noe bound man & yt he haue his right limbs as a man ought to haue . 6 and alsoe yt noe m put Lords to taske yt is vsed to goe Iourney , 7 And alsoe yt
eu ie mason shall giue noe pay to his fellows but as he may deserue soe yt he be not decerned by false worckmen , 8 , And alsoe yt no fellow slander another falsly behind his back to make him loose his good name or his wordly goods , 9 , And alsoe yt no fellow answere one another vngodly in a lodg or w out w out ( sic ) reasonable cause 10
, and also yt eu ie mason should p'fer his elder & put him to worship 11 , And also yt no mason play at Hazards nor other play wherby they may be slandered , 12 And also yt no mason shall bee a Comon
Ribbald in Lecherie to make ye . . . to be slandered , 13 And yt noe fellow goe into ye town by night there as is a lodge , of fellows w out a fellow yt may beare him witnes yt he was in honest copany , 14 . And also yt eu ie m & fellow come to ye assebly if it be w in 50 miles about him & if he haue any waring and to stand at reward of m &
fellows , 15 . And also yt eu ie m and fellow if they haue trespassed shall stand at award of m and fellows to make them accord if they may & if they may not acord , then to go to comon law , 16 and also yt no mason make mould square nor rule to any rough
Lyers . 17 , and also yt no mason set no Layes w thin a Lodge or w out to haue mould stones w no moulds of his owne making , 11 and also yt euery mason shall cherish a stranger when they come ou ye coun-. trie & set them at worck as ye man is or else to relife them w some money to bring them to ye next lodge , 19 And also yee shall &
euerie mason shall serue truly ye worck & make an end of your worck be it taske or Iourney theise Charge w I haue rehearsed & all other yt belongs to masons you shall keepe , soe helpe you god &
by this Booke to youre power .