Article A MASONIC ADDRESS. Page 1 of 4 →
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A Masonic Address.
WE have thought it well to give , in the original language , Bro . Stoppani ' s m ost eloquent address , as delivered at the Installation banquet of the St . Ambrose Lodge . In fear of any misunderstanding of our English views on such an important point , we think it well to subjoin here an explanatory " leaderette " anent the same
remarkable speech , which appeared , in the Freemason of November 11 th . " We call special attention to an eloquent address by Bro . Stoppani , delivered at a recent meeting of the St . Ambrose Lodge . Bro . Stoppani is , we understand , a distinguished barrister in his own
country ( Switzerland ) , W . M . of the Lodge at Lugano , and a near relative of the well-known historian , Merle D'Aubigne . Certainly his address betrays all the marks of great eloquence and of a very cultivated mind . In its general aim and scope we most fully concur , and are glad to think that so admirable a testimony to the value and
importance of Freemasonry was delivered by a Swiss brother in an English lodge . It is a proof of the Cosmopolitanism of Freemasonry , striking and effective , which none can gainsay , and none can ignore . For fear of any misunderstanding , however , whether on the part of
friends or foes , we think it right to add that , according to our English teaching , which we venture to deem the soundest and the safest of all , Freemasonry is not a religion , and cannot be a religion , in the true sense of the word , to us . Such is an idea very popular on the Continent , but never accepted in England . Freemasonry is an
admirable , and tolerant and beneficent Fraternity , inculcating all Divine morality , as found in God ' s Holy Word , and advocating necessarily , in its most extensive application the Divine message of " Goodwill , Affection , Charity , and Sympathy " for all the children of the dust . A loyal Institution to the Supreme Government ever , it
keeps away from all plots and conspiracies against the State , always seeks to obey law and preserve order , and to extend the benign principles of liberty of conscience and toleration of opinions to all as well within its own fold , as on the surface of this wide world . We , however , as all others , our readers now and the hearers then ,
cannot fail to be struck with the effective words of Bro . Stoppani , and we heartily thank Bro . Dr . Ramsay , W . M . of the St . Ambrose Lodge , for favouring us with a copy of our excellent foreign brother ' s kindly and eloquent address , "
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A Masonic Address.
WE have thought it well to give , in the original language , Bro . Stoppani ' s m ost eloquent address , as delivered at the Installation banquet of the St . Ambrose Lodge . In fear of any misunderstanding of our English views on such an important point , we think it well to subjoin here an explanatory " leaderette " anent the same
remarkable speech , which appeared , in the Freemason of November 11 th . " We call special attention to an eloquent address by Bro . Stoppani , delivered at a recent meeting of the St . Ambrose Lodge . Bro . Stoppani is , we understand , a distinguished barrister in his own
country ( Switzerland ) , W . M . of the Lodge at Lugano , and a near relative of the well-known historian , Merle D'Aubigne . Certainly his address betrays all the marks of great eloquence and of a very cultivated mind . In its general aim and scope we most fully concur , and are glad to think that so admirable a testimony to the value and
importance of Freemasonry was delivered by a Swiss brother in an English lodge . It is a proof of the Cosmopolitanism of Freemasonry , striking and effective , which none can gainsay , and none can ignore . For fear of any misunderstanding , however , whether on the part of
friends or foes , we think it right to add that , according to our English teaching , which we venture to deem the soundest and the safest of all , Freemasonry is not a religion , and cannot be a religion , in the true sense of the word , to us . Such is an idea very popular on the Continent , but never accepted in England . Freemasonry is an
admirable , and tolerant and beneficent Fraternity , inculcating all Divine morality , as found in God ' s Holy Word , and advocating necessarily , in its most extensive application the Divine message of " Goodwill , Affection , Charity , and Sympathy " for all the children of the dust . A loyal Institution to the Supreme Government ever , it
keeps away from all plots and conspiracies against the State , always seeks to obey law and preserve order , and to extend the benign principles of liberty of conscience and toleration of opinions to all as well within its own fold , as on the surface of this wide world . We , however , as all others , our readers now and the hearers then ,
cannot fail to be struck with the effective words of Bro . Stoppani , and we heartily thank Bro . Dr . Ramsay , W . M . of the St . Ambrose Lodge , for favouring us with a copy of our excellent foreign brother ' s kindly and eloquent address , "