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The Legend Of The Introduction Of Masons Into England.
The continuations of this Chronicle , which appear to be contemporary , carry the relation of events down to 1295 . Florence of Worcester commences his history with an account of the two walls of turves and stone built across Britain as a defence
against the incursions of the Picts and Scots . There are numerous records , as in the other chronicles , of monasteries and churches' having been founded , built , etc ., but without any definite information . The visits of Benedict Biscop to Rome are recorded , and his works at Weairnouth and Jai'row are chronicled in as
few words as posible , but the text in the original appears here to be imperfect , under the year 597 * The church formerly built by the Roman Christians is referred to f as already given in the extracts from Bede . The " splendid monastery " is built by the holy man Fursey ; - ' . he monastery ! of Leastingaig is built and furnished " with religious
institutions . " The abbess Hilda § in 658 " began to build a monastery at Whitby . In 675 , when recording the death of Wulfere , King of the Mercians , Florence informs us that this king (( " built churches in many places . " St . Egwin If " began the building ( construere coepit ) of the
monastery which is called Eovesham . " Queen Aethelburg , in 722 , utterly ** destroyed the castle ( casfcruin ) called Taunton , which had been previously built by King Lie . "
A chamber ( cameram ) tt with a door is " closelysurrounded , " and King Kineulf is slain in 784 . To revenge his murder the king ' s party " foi-ce open the gates" ( portas ) and "break through the enclosures " ( sepes diruunt ) . The monastery of Repton was in the year 850 , JJ " then very celebrated , " and " a splendid monastery "
existed in the Island of Sheppey . §§ The account of the storming of the City of York which " had not then strong and well built fortifications , " already given in the extracts from Asser ' s Life of Alfred is repeated . Florence seems to give an item of original information when he
records that in 868 jjjj " The oratory ( oratorium ) of St . Andrew the Apostle , at Kemsege , was built and dedicated by Alhun , Bishop of Worcester . " In dealing with the reign of King Alfred , however , he follows to a large extent Asser , including the account of the peculiarities of his buildings , which is a little varied , by Mr . Stevenson in his translation ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Legend Of The Introduction Of Masons Into England.
The continuations of this Chronicle , which appear to be contemporary , carry the relation of events down to 1295 . Florence of Worcester commences his history with an account of the two walls of turves and stone built across Britain as a defence
against the incursions of the Picts and Scots . There are numerous records , as in the other chronicles , of monasteries and churches' having been founded , built , etc ., but without any definite information . The visits of Benedict Biscop to Rome are recorded , and his works at Weairnouth and Jai'row are chronicled in as
few words as posible , but the text in the original appears here to be imperfect , under the year 597 * The church formerly built by the Roman Christians is referred to f as already given in the extracts from Bede . The " splendid monastery " is built by the holy man Fursey ; - ' . he monastery ! of Leastingaig is built and furnished " with religious
institutions . " The abbess Hilda § in 658 " began to build a monastery at Whitby . In 675 , when recording the death of Wulfere , King of the Mercians , Florence informs us that this king (( " built churches in many places . " St . Egwin If " began the building ( construere coepit ) of the
monastery which is called Eovesham . " Queen Aethelburg , in 722 , utterly ** destroyed the castle ( casfcruin ) called Taunton , which had been previously built by King Lie . "
A chamber ( cameram ) tt with a door is " closelysurrounded , " and King Kineulf is slain in 784 . To revenge his murder the king ' s party " foi-ce open the gates" ( portas ) and "break through the enclosures " ( sepes diruunt ) . The monastery of Repton was in the year 850 , JJ " then very celebrated , " and " a splendid monastery "
existed in the Island of Sheppey . §§ The account of the storming of the City of York which " had not then strong and well built fortifications , " already given in the extracts from Asser ' s Life of Alfred is repeated . Florence seems to give an item of original information when he
records that in 868 jjjj " The oratory ( oratorium ) of St . Andrew the Apostle , at Kemsege , was built and dedicated by Alhun , Bishop of Worcester . " In dealing with the reign of King Alfred , however , he follows to a large extent Asser , including the account of the peculiarities of his buildings , which is a little varied , by Mr . Stevenson in his translation ,