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The Papal Allocution Against Freemasonry.
" Their is another proof yet of British solidarity with Foreign Freemasonry . " Palmerston was a Freemason . Whether officially so or not he was " actually the chief of the Order in England , and we find it asserted , " uncontradicted , in some foreign journals of repute that he was the real " head of the Avhole Order throughout the world . " If this is so , the question seems to lie in our Avay—Avas it a mere
" coincidence , a casual fact without significance , that Palmerston was struck " down by the hand of death suddenly if not prematurely , in the very " week after the Papal Allocution was first published in this country . " This precious bit of " Communicated" matter is equally as
absurd as the Provincial Grand Master's oration upon which it comments . We have good reason to know that it Avas Avritten by a " Vert , "—whether the prefix " con" or " per" should appear before the term is a question , recently , much debated in Koman Catholic circles , but of little importance to the world
in general , —still it shows IIOAV ultramontane are the opinions some persons indulge Avhen they forsake their earlier principles and ignore the gentlemanly tone that ever pervaded the common room at Exeter College . The article was replied to by " A Catholic and a Freemason , " in a paper called The Age We Live In , on the 11 th . of November , 1865 , and Avhich we beg to lay , entire , before our readers .
To the Editor of the WEEKLY REGISTEE . " Sir , —It is well that the article on Freemasonry in the last number of " The Weekly Register has the prefix " communicated , " as , to a certain " extent , it absolves the editorial staff from a reasonable charge of ignorance . " As a Freemason I regret most deeply the issue of the Allocution .
" As a Catholic I do of course refrain from criticizing that document , " nor do I consider it necessary for my present purpose to enter upon a " discussion as to the jiropriety of tho speech of the Rev . Dr . Bowles upon " Avhich you have commented , especially as that speech was not delivered " in open Lodge , but at a convivial banquet .
" But as a reader of The Weefcly Register I ask for fair play only in " combating some of the erroneotis notions of the writer of the commu" nicated article . " " 1—English Freemasonry is not in a direct alliance Avith the craft in " every part of the globe . If I may use such an expression ( not a Masonic " one ) it is ' in communion' with the Grand Lodges of Ireland , Scotland , " Prussia , Hanover , Hamburgh , SAvitzcrland , United States , Canada , Holland ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Papal Allocution Against Freemasonry.
" Their is another proof yet of British solidarity with Foreign Freemasonry . " Palmerston was a Freemason . Whether officially so or not he was " actually the chief of the Order in England , and we find it asserted , " uncontradicted , in some foreign journals of repute that he was the real " head of the Avhole Order throughout the world . " If this is so , the question seems to lie in our Avay—Avas it a mere
" coincidence , a casual fact without significance , that Palmerston was struck " down by the hand of death suddenly if not prematurely , in the very " week after the Papal Allocution was first published in this country . " This precious bit of " Communicated" matter is equally as
absurd as the Provincial Grand Master's oration upon which it comments . We have good reason to know that it Avas Avritten by a " Vert , "—whether the prefix " con" or " per" should appear before the term is a question , recently , much debated in Koman Catholic circles , but of little importance to the world
in general , —still it shows IIOAV ultramontane are the opinions some persons indulge Avhen they forsake their earlier principles and ignore the gentlemanly tone that ever pervaded the common room at Exeter College . The article was replied to by " A Catholic and a Freemason , " in a paper called The Age We Live In , on the 11 th . of November , 1865 , and Avhich we beg to lay , entire , before our readers .
To the Editor of the WEEKLY REGISTEE . " Sir , —It is well that the article on Freemasonry in the last number of " The Weekly Register has the prefix " communicated , " as , to a certain " extent , it absolves the editorial staff from a reasonable charge of ignorance . " As a Freemason I regret most deeply the issue of the Allocution .
" As a Catholic I do of course refrain from criticizing that document , " nor do I consider it necessary for my present purpose to enter upon a " discussion as to the jiropriety of tho speech of the Rev . Dr . Bowles upon " Avhich you have commented , especially as that speech was not delivered " in open Lodge , but at a convivial banquet .
" But as a reader of The Weefcly Register I ask for fair play only in " combating some of the erroneotis notions of the writer of the commu" nicated article . " " 1—English Freemasonry is not in a direct alliance Avith the craft in " every part of the globe . If I may use such an expression ( not a Masonic " one ) it is ' in communion' with the Grand Lodges of Ireland , Scotland , " Prussia , Hanover , Hamburgh , SAvitzcrland , United States , Canada , Holland ,