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The Papal Allocution Against Freemasonry.
" and Hayti , which countries alone have representatives at the Grand Lodge " of England . Tho words ' Solidarity' and ' One and Indivisible , ' quoted " by the Avi'iter of tho article , and familiar enough in the mouths of " revolutionists , are unknown in English Masonic language . " 2—English Freemasonry has ¦ no machinery at hand for aiding
revolu" tion abroad . The funds of English Freemasonry are strictly devoted to ' ' Charity , and Balance Sheets , properly audited , are periodically issued , " but no money can be secretly granted for any 2 ) 1 U'P 0 S 0 » Masonic or " otherwise , except in A ery limited amounts to distressed brethren , by tho " Board of Benevolence in special cases . One of the instances adduced " by the Avriter of the communicated article Avas the welcome of Garibaldi
" by Dukes , Protestant Bishops , and Cabinet Ministers , none of whom , with . " one exception only , as I happen to know , are members of the Order . " The other instance is the alleged neutralization of English sympathy for " Poland—the fact being that the Russian Government is strongly anil" masonic , and if political sympathy could in any case have been exhibited " by Freemasons as a body , it must of necessity have been in favor of
" Catholic Poland , most of the exiled Poles ( including some Clerical ones ) " being members of the Craft . " 3 . —Freemasonry in England is ranged strictly upon tho side of " loyalty and order . The Master elect of eA ery Lodge previous to his " installation is obliged to promise to be a peaceable subject , and cheerfully
" to conform to the laAvs of his country—not to be concerned in plots or " conspiracies against government , but patiently to submit to the decisions " of the supreme legislature . The ' ancient charges ' declare that ' a man " is particularly bound never to act against the dictates of his conscience , '
" and that ' no discussion about religion or nations , or state policy , can " be permitted Avithin tho Lodge . ' ' Being of all nations , tongues , kindreds > " and languages , we are resolved against all [ politics as Avhat never yet " conduced to the Avelfare of airy Lodge nor eA er Avill . ' At the inisiation " . of a candidate he is enjoined to be ' a quiet and peaceable subject , true " to his sovereign , and just to his country—not to countenance disloyalt y
" or rebellion , but patiently submit to legal authority , and to conform " Avith cheerfulness to the government under Avhich he lives—yielding " obedience to the laws Avhich afford him protection , and never forgetting " the attachment he OAVCS to the place of his nativity , nor the allegiance " due to the Sovereign or protectors of that spot . '
" 4—The connexion of Lord Palmerston Avith the order of Freemasonry " exists only in the imagination of tho Avriter founded upon an erroneous " statement in The Times Avhich also led one of our Lodges , and even " a masonic publication to assume its truth . The fact is , hoAAreArer , that " Lord Palmerston notj ' only never possessed tho slightest influence in tho " craft , or held any office in it , or ever entered a Lodge or subscribed
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Papal Allocution Against Freemasonry.
" and Hayti , which countries alone have representatives at the Grand Lodge " of England . Tho words ' Solidarity' and ' One and Indivisible , ' quoted " by the Avi'iter of tho article , and familiar enough in the mouths of " revolutionists , are unknown in English Masonic language . " 2—English Freemasonry has ¦ no machinery at hand for aiding
revolu" tion abroad . The funds of English Freemasonry are strictly devoted to ' ' Charity , and Balance Sheets , properly audited , are periodically issued , " but no money can be secretly granted for any 2 ) 1 U'P 0 S 0 » Masonic or " otherwise , except in A ery limited amounts to distressed brethren , by tho " Board of Benevolence in special cases . One of the instances adduced " by the Avriter of the communicated article Avas the welcome of Garibaldi
" by Dukes , Protestant Bishops , and Cabinet Ministers , none of whom , with . " one exception only , as I happen to know , are members of the Order . " The other instance is the alleged neutralization of English sympathy for " Poland—the fact being that the Russian Government is strongly anil" masonic , and if political sympathy could in any case have been exhibited " by Freemasons as a body , it must of necessity have been in favor of
" Catholic Poland , most of the exiled Poles ( including some Clerical ones ) " being members of the Craft . " 3 . —Freemasonry in England is ranged strictly upon tho side of " loyalty and order . The Master elect of eA ery Lodge previous to his " installation is obliged to promise to be a peaceable subject , and cheerfully
" to conform to the laAvs of his country—not to be concerned in plots or " conspiracies against government , but patiently to submit to the decisions " of the supreme legislature . The ' ancient charges ' declare that ' a man " is particularly bound never to act against the dictates of his conscience , '
" and that ' no discussion about religion or nations , or state policy , can " be permitted Avithin tho Lodge . ' ' Being of all nations , tongues , kindreds > " and languages , we are resolved against all [ politics as Avhat never yet " conduced to the Avelfare of airy Lodge nor eA er Avill . ' At the inisiation " . of a candidate he is enjoined to be ' a quiet and peaceable subject , true " to his sovereign , and just to his country—not to countenance disloyalt y
" or rebellion , but patiently submit to legal authority , and to conform " Avith cheerfulness to the government under Avhich he lives—yielding " obedience to the laws Avhich afford him protection , and never forgetting " the attachment he OAVCS to the place of his nativity , nor the allegiance " due to the Sovereign or protectors of that spot . '
" 4—The connexion of Lord Palmerston Avith the order of Freemasonry " exists only in the imagination of tho Avriter founded upon an erroneous " statement in The Times Avhich also led one of our Lodges , and even " a masonic publication to assume its truth . The fact is , hoAAreArer , that " Lord Palmerston notj ' only never possessed tho slightest influence in tho " craft , or held any office in it , or ever entered a Lodge or subscribed