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Masonic Antiquities, Documents, &C . Jerusalem. Encampment, Manchester.
" Lawlor , John Hardman , and James Cooper—proceeded to open the " G . E . E . aforesaid , in which Avas opened and read the Avarrant of the " E . E ., No . 15 , wlien tho said E . E . was by a most surprising feat of C . C . " legally and solemnly constituted as . the Eivsfc and Premier E . E . of S . K . T . " in all Lancashire , and tho G . C . thereof installed and invested ; and after , " receiving the proper charges , and all due honours paid to the G . G . C . " the same Avas closed Avithin the limited time and during the pleasure of
" the G . G . C . When the E . E ., No . 15 , Avas opened an encounter passed " through , and after all proper defensive precautions taken the same Avas " closed , and the K . retired in good order . " JOHN HASSALL , E . G . C " JOSEPH CARTEK , S . G . C . t : JAMES ASHTON , J . G . C . "
The Avarrant here mentioned Avas written by Bro . Blanchard , the Secretary of the Grand Lodge at York , on a sheet of parchment , and is as follows—the seal has been suspended by a ribbon from the bottom of the parchment , and an incision left in the frame for it to hang out , but has been broken off , Avith the ribbon , and lost : — No . 15 . EDWARD WOLLEY , G . G . C .
"In the Name of the Most Glorious Self-existing Lord God , " "We for the time heing the G . G . C . of the G . E . E . of All England hold "at York , do by the power and authority A estcd in us from the earliest "ages of O . K . and derived to Us from the successors of that Avorthy "S . K . T ., S . G . B . the first C . K . of Jerusalem , in our great love to the Order " of S . K . T . and in compliance with tho humble petition of Sir John Hassall ,
" Sir Joseph Carter , and Sir James Ashton , and others , all S . K . T ., praying " our authority , constitution , and Avarrant , to hold a E . E . of S . K . T . in "Manchester in the County Palatine of Lancaster , or elsewhere , do grant "this our Avarrant for holding such E . E . in any convenient place in " Manchester aforesaid , or elsewhere in the same county , according to the "antient usages and customs of all legal E . E . and they and their successors , " always observing duo subordination and acknowledgement , are hereby " authorised and empowered to hold a E . E . of S . K . T . and to continue it
" by succession to perpetual ages , and by the authority so vested in us , " we do hereby nominate and constitute our T . and W . B . B . all S . K . T . "John Hassall , Joseph Carter , and James Ashton , to be present G . C . "thereof , each in order as named , and we do hereby invest them with " full poAver to nominate and install their succeeding G . C . and those their " succeeding G . C . and so on in perpetual succession ; and such G . C . from "time to timeare hereby empowered and authorised by their knoAvn and
, "secret methods , to make and admit such worthy brethren S . K . T . as are " regularly and properly qualified to receive such Order and Dignity , and " also to receive into their E . E . such as Avere worthy and regular S . K . T . "before , and to expel from their E . E . such as b y their dishonourable "heliaviour unknight themselves , or merit expulsion , and also to convene "the IC . of the E . E . at their leasure and when riht shall require it
p g , " and likewise to deliver certificates to all worthy S . K . T ., and AVC the "G . G . C . aforesaid by this our warrant and constitution , ratifying and " confirming all your legal acts do hereby reserve to ourselves and our " successors of this G . E . E . full power and authority to abbrogate and recall
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic Antiquities, Documents, &C . Jerusalem. Encampment, Manchester.
" Lawlor , John Hardman , and James Cooper—proceeded to open the " G . E . E . aforesaid , in which Avas opened and read the Avarrant of the " E . E ., No . 15 , wlien tho said E . E . was by a most surprising feat of C . C . " legally and solemnly constituted as . the Eivsfc and Premier E . E . of S . K . T . " in all Lancashire , and tho G . C . thereof installed and invested ; and after , " receiving the proper charges , and all due honours paid to the G . G . C . " the same Avas closed Avithin the limited time and during the pleasure of
" the G . G . C . When the E . E ., No . 15 , Avas opened an encounter passed " through , and after all proper defensive precautions taken the same Avas " closed , and the K . retired in good order . " JOHN HASSALL , E . G . C " JOSEPH CARTEK , S . G . C . t : JAMES ASHTON , J . G . C . "
The Avarrant here mentioned Avas written by Bro . Blanchard , the Secretary of the Grand Lodge at York , on a sheet of parchment , and is as follows—the seal has been suspended by a ribbon from the bottom of the parchment , and an incision left in the frame for it to hang out , but has been broken off , Avith the ribbon , and lost : — No . 15 . EDWARD WOLLEY , G . G . C .
"In the Name of the Most Glorious Self-existing Lord God , " "We for the time heing the G . G . C . of the G . E . E . of All England hold "at York , do by the power and authority A estcd in us from the earliest "ages of O . K . and derived to Us from the successors of that Avorthy "S . K . T ., S . G . B . the first C . K . of Jerusalem , in our great love to the Order " of S . K . T . and in compliance with tho humble petition of Sir John Hassall ,
" Sir Joseph Carter , and Sir James Ashton , and others , all S . K . T ., praying " our authority , constitution , and Avarrant , to hold a E . E . of S . K . T . in "Manchester in the County Palatine of Lancaster , or elsewhere , do grant "this our Avarrant for holding such E . E . in any convenient place in " Manchester aforesaid , or elsewhere in the same county , according to the "antient usages and customs of all legal E . E . and they and their successors , " always observing duo subordination and acknowledgement , are hereby " authorised and empowered to hold a E . E . of S . K . T . and to continue it
" by succession to perpetual ages , and by the authority so vested in us , " we do hereby nominate and constitute our T . and W . B . B . all S . K . T . "John Hassall , Joseph Carter , and James Ashton , to be present G . C . "thereof , each in order as named , and we do hereby invest them with " full poAver to nominate and install their succeeding G . C . and those their " succeeding G . C . and so on in perpetual succession ; and such G . C . from "time to timeare hereby empowered and authorised by their knoAvn and
, "secret methods , to make and admit such worthy brethren S . K . T . as are " regularly and properly qualified to receive such Order and Dignity , and " also to receive into their E . E . such as Avere worthy and regular S . K . T . "before , and to expel from their E . E . such as b y their dishonourable "heliaviour unknight themselves , or merit expulsion , and also to convene "the IC . of the E . E . at their leasure and when riht shall require it
p g , " and likewise to deliver certificates to all worthy S . K . T ., and AVC the "G . G . C . aforesaid by this our warrant and constitution , ratifying and " confirming all your legal acts do hereby reserve to ourselves and our " successors of this G . E . E . full power and authority to abbrogate and recall