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Masonic Antiquities, Documents, &C . Jerusalem. Encampment, Manchester.
" tins constitution Avhenever by indefensible actions or neglect , the E . E ., "to be held in pursuance hereof , becomes irregular or obnoxious to the "Antient Order of O . K . " "Given in our G . E . E . under our hands , and the seal thereof , this 10 th "day of October , A . D . 1786 , A . C . 3 L 1754 , A . D . 5786 . "JOHN PAEKEE , S . G . A . C . "GEO . KITSON , J . G . A . C . "WM . BLANCHARD . G . S . "
The following is the copy of a letter on a loose sheet of paper : — "Manchester , November 1 st , 1786 . "Most Honourable G . G . C . "We , the K . T . of the E . E ., No . 15 , do with all due submission -write "to acquaint that on Tuesday evening tho 17 th of October lastsuch of
you , " us as were delegated and authorised by you proceeded to open the G . E . E . " of All England in which Ave broke open and read your warrant , constituted " our E . E . and installed our G . C , and after the due honours j > aid you . we" closed rite same in proper time , and with Good Harmony , after Avhich we " opened our E . E . No . 15 , and passed through its necessary requisites , and "do noAv make a return of the names of the S . K . T . that at present form
" our E . E ., these are S . John Hassall , E . G . C ., S . Joseph Carter , S . G . C ., "S . James Ashton , J . G . C ., S . John Watson , S . Richard Hunt , S . Patrick " LaAvlor , S . John Hardman , and S . James Cooper , these eight names we "bee vou to insert in vour Grand Eea-istrv . and shall mate nroner
" suceeding returns for any new acquisition [ and your immediate decisive " answer to the folloAving questions agitated amongst us , is desired , if a " man Avho is an Ancient Mason in the three first degrees , regularly " passed the chair , made A . M . and S . K . T ., but sitting under a modern " Avarrant may be accepted in our E . E ., your speedy answer to this will " much oblige yours , & c . "J
The portion in brackets has the pen drawn through but is distinctly readable . "Please to direct for J . Hassall , G . C ., at Mr . William Goodall ' s , the " Eleeee Tavern , Old Shamble , Manchester , our E . E . being noAv kept there . " -The next meeting of the Encampment Avas on the 21 st November , 17 . 86 ,
" When S . John Bagshaw made application , from 157 , under the sanction " of GlasgOAv , to become a member , Avho Ave re-made , and , after an enooun" ter , closed the E . E . and the K . retired in good order . " No explanation is given as to the re-making of the GlasgOAV knight . The presumption is that he Avas deficient in the Arch or
some other qualification required by the bye-laws . The Arch or Red Cross degree appear , however , to be of old date in Scotland , for a correspondent of the Freemasons Magazine , speaking of the " Stirling Rock Chapter , " which is believed to be the oldest in the world , though they have lost their minutes previous to 1743 , says : — " It is Avell knoAvn that Bruce fostered the Templars , and that their
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic Antiquities, Documents, &C . Jerusalem. Encampment, Manchester.
" tins constitution Avhenever by indefensible actions or neglect , the E . E ., "to be held in pursuance hereof , becomes irregular or obnoxious to the "Antient Order of O . K . " "Given in our G . E . E . under our hands , and the seal thereof , this 10 th "day of October , A . D . 1786 , A . C . 3 L 1754 , A . D . 5786 . "JOHN PAEKEE , S . G . A . C . "GEO . KITSON , J . G . A . C . "WM . BLANCHARD . G . S . "
The following is the copy of a letter on a loose sheet of paper : — "Manchester , November 1 st , 1786 . "Most Honourable G . G . C . "We , the K . T . of the E . E ., No . 15 , do with all due submission -write "to acquaint that on Tuesday evening tho 17 th of October lastsuch of
you , " us as were delegated and authorised by you proceeded to open the G . E . E . " of All England in which Ave broke open and read your warrant , constituted " our E . E . and installed our G . C , and after the due honours j > aid you . we" closed rite same in proper time , and with Good Harmony , after Avhich we " opened our E . E . No . 15 , and passed through its necessary requisites , and "do noAv make a return of the names of the S . K . T . that at present form
" our E . E ., these are S . John Hassall , E . G . C ., S . Joseph Carter , S . G . C ., "S . James Ashton , J . G . C ., S . John Watson , S . Richard Hunt , S . Patrick " LaAvlor , S . John Hardman , and S . James Cooper , these eight names we "bee vou to insert in vour Grand Eea-istrv . and shall mate nroner
" suceeding returns for any new acquisition [ and your immediate decisive " answer to the folloAving questions agitated amongst us , is desired , if a " man Avho is an Ancient Mason in the three first degrees , regularly " passed the chair , made A . M . and S . K . T ., but sitting under a modern " Avarrant may be accepted in our E . E ., your speedy answer to this will " much oblige yours , & c . "J
The portion in brackets has the pen drawn through but is distinctly readable . "Please to direct for J . Hassall , G . C ., at Mr . William Goodall ' s , the " Eleeee Tavern , Old Shamble , Manchester , our E . E . being noAv kept there . " -The next meeting of the Encampment Avas on the 21 st November , 17 . 86 ,
" When S . John Bagshaw made application , from 157 , under the sanction " of GlasgOAv , to become a member , Avho Ave re-made , and , after an enooun" ter , closed the E . E . and the K . retired in good order . " No explanation is given as to the re-making of the GlasgOAV knight . The presumption is that he Avas deficient in the Arch or
some other qualification required by the bye-laws . The Arch or Red Cross degree appear , however , to be of old date in Scotland , for a correspondent of the Freemasons Magazine , speaking of the " Stirling Rock Chapter , " which is believed to be the oldest in the world , though they have lost their minutes previous to 1743 , says : — " It is Avell knoAvn that Bruce fostered the Templars , and that their