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Masonic Antiquities, Documents, &C . Jerusalem. Encampment, Manchester.
" head-quarters was Stirling , It has , therefore , been- believed that the " ceremonial of the Royal Arch was imported from the East by the " Crusaders , and worked up thereafter as a masonic degree . We are more " strengthened in this idea by having seen two rudely-engraved brass " plates , about 9 in . ' long by 3 in . broad . The ago of those _ plates is " unknown , but they can scarcely be more modern than the beginning or " middle of the seventeenth century . The one late has reference to tho
p " first two degrees . On one side are the symbols of the apprentice degree , " while the other has those of tho follow craft . On the other plate one " side is devoted to the M . M . degree , and on the obverse , at the top , are " certain symbols , Avith the inscription ' EEDD CROS OR ARK ; ' at the " bottom are a series of concentric arches , which might be mistaken for a " rainbow , were there not a key-stone on tho summit , indicative of an alreadboon described this side of
" arch . In addition to Avhat has y , on " the plate are , enclosed in a border , divided into three equal divisions , " certain other inscriptions , with the respective names of ' Sepulchre , ' " ' Knights of Malta , ' and ' Knights Templars . ' The Red Cross degree here mentioned , in some versions , is so
similar to the old Arch degree , that it is quite possible that the Order of the Ancient Grand Lodge in the South Avas compiled from the degree . It is said that Avhen three K . T . ' s hailing from different Encampments meet , they have the power to confer it . Generally it Avas conferred after the Templar . Half a century ago it Avas conferred at Warrington , and they have still the minutes ,
and the degree referred to the time of Daniel and the vision of of Beltshazzar , and Avas named the " Mysterious Red Cross of " Babylon . " I am told on respectable authority , that at EastAvood , near Tochnorden , they have separate York Avarrants authorizing them to confer this Red Cross degree , as also the K . T ., the Priestly Order , Rose Croix , and other degrees . If such is the case
they Avill do Avell to settle the point by communicating Avith you . Some time ago copies Avere promised the Avriter , but have not been received . Under Avhatever name knoAvn there can be no doubt that a similar degree to our present R . A . is alluded to , as the " gth Order , " in the " Pawlinson Papers" under date of 1724 , at Avhich period the press teemed AA'ith charges of Rosicrucianism against the London Lodges .
From 1786 the Encampment met monthly , had a large number of visitors , and generally admitted candidates at every meeting , a lecture Avas also given monthly , but there is so little of general interest in the minutes , owing to the great objections the old Masons had to commit anything to AA'riting . " March 20 th 1788—Sir John Hassall continued E . G . C . Sir Eichard
, . " Hunt , S . G . C . to pass the chair and received the G . G . Sir Patrick " Lawlor , S . G . C . Sir Wm . Goodall , J . G . C . " Oct . 2 , 1789 . The 8 th article " abolished as to qualification for admission . June 3 , 1790 . Sir David " Torr chosen E . G . C . " ( Up to this period the chair had been occupied by Sir John Hassall . ) "This night it was resolved to remove to Bro . Henry " Hall ' s , the sign of the ' Grapes' in Tib Lane . " " Sept . 12 th , 1790 .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic Antiquities, Documents, &C . Jerusalem. Encampment, Manchester.
" head-quarters was Stirling , It has , therefore , been- believed that the " ceremonial of the Royal Arch was imported from the East by the " Crusaders , and worked up thereafter as a masonic degree . We are more " strengthened in this idea by having seen two rudely-engraved brass " plates , about 9 in . ' long by 3 in . broad . The ago of those _ plates is " unknown , but they can scarcely be more modern than the beginning or " middle of the seventeenth century . The one late has reference to tho
p " first two degrees . On one side are the symbols of the apprentice degree , " while the other has those of tho follow craft . On the other plate one " side is devoted to the M . M . degree , and on the obverse , at the top , are " certain symbols , Avith the inscription ' EEDD CROS OR ARK ; ' at the " bottom are a series of concentric arches , which might be mistaken for a " rainbow , were there not a key-stone on tho summit , indicative of an alreadboon described this side of
" arch . In addition to Avhat has y , on " the plate are , enclosed in a border , divided into three equal divisions , " certain other inscriptions , with the respective names of ' Sepulchre , ' " ' Knights of Malta , ' and ' Knights Templars . ' The Red Cross degree here mentioned , in some versions , is so
similar to the old Arch degree , that it is quite possible that the Order of the Ancient Grand Lodge in the South Avas compiled from the degree . It is said that Avhen three K . T . ' s hailing from different Encampments meet , they have the power to confer it . Generally it Avas conferred after the Templar . Half a century ago it Avas conferred at Warrington , and they have still the minutes ,
and the degree referred to the time of Daniel and the vision of of Beltshazzar , and Avas named the " Mysterious Red Cross of " Babylon . " I am told on respectable authority , that at EastAvood , near Tochnorden , they have separate York Avarrants authorizing them to confer this Red Cross degree , as also the K . T ., the Priestly Order , Rose Croix , and other degrees . If such is the case
they Avill do Avell to settle the point by communicating Avith you . Some time ago copies Avere promised the Avriter , but have not been received . Under Avhatever name knoAvn there can be no doubt that a similar degree to our present R . A . is alluded to , as the " gth Order , " in the " Pawlinson Papers" under date of 1724 , at Avhich period the press teemed AA'ith charges of Rosicrucianism against the London Lodges .
From 1786 the Encampment met monthly , had a large number of visitors , and generally admitted candidates at every meeting , a lecture Avas also given monthly , but there is so little of general interest in the minutes , owing to the great objections the old Masons had to commit anything to AA'riting . " March 20 th 1788—Sir John Hassall continued E . G . C . Sir Eichard
, . " Hunt , S . G . C . to pass the chair and received the G . G . Sir Patrick " Lawlor , S . G . C . Sir Wm . Goodall , J . G . C . " Oct . 2 , 1789 . The 8 th article " abolished as to qualification for admission . June 3 , 1790 . Sir David " Torr chosen E . G . C . " ( Up to this period the chair had been occupied by Sir John Hassall . ) "This night it was resolved to remove to Bro . Henry " Hall ' s , the sign of the ' Grapes' in Tib Lane . " " Sept . 12 th , 1790 .