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Masonic Antiquities, Documents, &C . Jerusalem. Encampment, Manchester.
• I ho Boyal Encampment met at tho house of Sir Jacob Wilde ' s , having " no other convenience , a little after seven o ' clock , and not thinking proper " to open , tho majority agreed to the removal of tho Encampment to the " house of Mr . Wm . Young in the New Market in Manchester . April 10 th , " 1791 . Tho evening spent Avith no pleasure on account oi' the absence " of Sir John Hassall , as then had ho been present to have ansAvercd '' such questions on different natures belonging to the Temple . July 10 th ,
• ' 1791 . Sir Thos . Overton , chosen E . G . CV ' Other Avarrants Avere applied for , from York , this year , as the following copy is among the loose papers : — "Extract of letter dated July Sth , 1791 , taken by J . H . Mr . Hassall : ""At my return from a journey I received yours , and am sorry you
" have been so long disappointed of your Avarrants , the illness of our ' G . M ., " tho death of our Brother Clublcy , and the absence of our Deputy G ., " Avho has been long in . London , is the reason of our delay . Bro . Wollcy " I am told Avill soon return , and as our G . M . is a little better , I hope " very soon Ave shall hold a Chapter and a E . E ., and then the Secretary " will have orders to prepare and send you the warrants , you may be " certain of my assistance , being your faithful brother , "GEORGE KITSON .
" Of York . " There can be little doubt but that the Avarrants here alluded to were the other degrees before and after-mentioned connected Avith the order . Whether or not , however , the Avarrants Avere ever issued to this Encampment it is impossible at present to say . No care Avhatever has been taken by it to preserve its records . The
minute-book of 1786 Avas found in a box of Arch furniture , at the Masonic Rooms , the loose documents Avere obtained by the Avriter at the house of a brother , and the original Avarrant of 1786 turned up accidentally at Warrington in 1863 , and at the suit of the Avriter Avas restored to the Encampment by Bro . H . B . White , W . M . of the Lodge of Lights ; the bearer of the document to the Encampment being the Rev . James Nixon Porter , who A \ r as
constituted an Honorary Member , and a vote of thanks passed to the Lodge and its W . M . It is supposed that the document had been carried to' Warrington by Lodge " St . John , " Avhich met at the " Grapes Inn , " Manchester , about 1818 , removed to Warrington , and , about 1830 , united Avith the "Lodge of Lights . " There Avas hoAvever formerly an Encampment Avliich met at Warrington , some
of the members being also members of the Manchester Encampment , and it may have found its Avay thus . It is very doubtful Avhether the ancient " Druidical Lodge , " as it styled itself , ever met again at York , for in the year mentioned ( 1791 ) Bro . Thomas Dunckerley organized a Grand Conclave or General Assembly at London , and states its origin in a letter in of
possession of the Encampment Redemption , formerly meeting at York and HOAV at Hull , and Avhich letter has been recently printed . ( To be continued . ) . < ¦ / ; r : ; -
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic Antiquities, Documents, &C . Jerusalem. Encampment, Manchester.
• I ho Boyal Encampment met at tho house of Sir Jacob Wilde ' s , having " no other convenience , a little after seven o ' clock , and not thinking proper " to open , tho majority agreed to the removal of tho Encampment to the " house of Mr . Wm . Young in the New Market in Manchester . April 10 th , " 1791 . Tho evening spent Avith no pleasure on account oi' the absence " of Sir John Hassall , as then had ho been present to have ansAvercd '' such questions on different natures belonging to the Temple . July 10 th ,
• ' 1791 . Sir Thos . Overton , chosen E . G . CV ' Other Avarrants Avere applied for , from York , this year , as the following copy is among the loose papers : — "Extract of letter dated July Sth , 1791 , taken by J . H . Mr . Hassall : ""At my return from a journey I received yours , and am sorry you
" have been so long disappointed of your Avarrants , the illness of our ' G . M ., " tho death of our Brother Clublcy , and the absence of our Deputy G ., " Avho has been long in . London , is the reason of our delay . Bro . Wollcy " I am told Avill soon return , and as our G . M . is a little better , I hope " very soon Ave shall hold a Chapter and a E . E ., and then the Secretary " will have orders to prepare and send you the warrants , you may be " certain of my assistance , being your faithful brother , "GEORGE KITSON .
" Of York . " There can be little doubt but that the Avarrants here alluded to were the other degrees before and after-mentioned connected Avith the order . Whether or not , however , the Avarrants Avere ever issued to this Encampment it is impossible at present to say . No care Avhatever has been taken by it to preserve its records . The
minute-book of 1786 Avas found in a box of Arch furniture , at the Masonic Rooms , the loose documents Avere obtained by the Avriter at the house of a brother , and the original Avarrant of 1786 turned up accidentally at Warrington in 1863 , and at the suit of the Avriter Avas restored to the Encampment by Bro . H . B . White , W . M . of the Lodge of Lights ; the bearer of the document to the Encampment being the Rev . James Nixon Porter , who A \ r as
constituted an Honorary Member , and a vote of thanks passed to the Lodge and its W . M . It is supposed that the document had been carried to' Warrington by Lodge " St . John , " Avhich met at the " Grapes Inn , " Manchester , about 1818 , removed to Warrington , and , about 1830 , united Avith the "Lodge of Lights . " There Avas hoAvever formerly an Encampment Avliich met at Warrington , some
of the members being also members of the Manchester Encampment , and it may have found its Avay thus . It is very doubtful Avhether the ancient " Druidical Lodge , " as it styled itself , ever met again at York , for in the year mentioned ( 1791 ) Bro . Thomas Dunckerley organized a Grand Conclave or General Assembly at London , and states its origin in a letter in of
possession of the Encampment Redemption , formerly meeting at York and HOAV at Hull , and Avhich letter has been recently printed . ( To be continued . ) . < ¦ / ; r : ; -