Article THE MASONIC REPORTER. ← Page 2 of 2 Article KNIGHT TEMPLARY. Page 1 of 3 →
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The Masonic Reporter.
32 ° , then proposed the toast of the noAvly installed member : ; of the Order , and the Reverend E . IT . H . Vernon responded on behalf of till . The formal business of the banquet table having been ' concluded , the Illustrious brethren of the Supreme Grand Council entered into many particulars , on various masonic topics , and afforded the members of the Nottingham Chapter much information , from which it is presumed they Avill profit . After an evening so well spent the visitors and members separated mutually pleased Avith each other and the Order in Avhich they had taken their respective parts .
Knight Templary.
WOOLWICH . t EMEY'S TYNTP . EXCAJIPIIENT . —The Sir Knts . belonging to this Encampment met at the Masonic Hall , AVilliam Street , AVoolwich , on Friday tho 19 th of January . These Avere present Colonel Clerk , V . E . Prov . w « =- —J G . Com . of Kent ; J . R . Thomson , E . C ; Captain Dadson , 1 st . Captain ; Matthew Cooke , G . Org ., 2 nd . Captain ; Captain Boyle , Treas . ; P . Laird ,
Registrar ; Joseph Taylor , Captain of Lines ; Captain N . G . Philips , P . G . Sub-Prior ; William Smith , P . R . C . ; and James Forrester . The Visitors Avere S ' r Knts . Meymott , G . D . of Cers . ; and C . Horsley . There was no Installation of a Companion at this Meeting but the V . E . Prov . G . Commander very kindly undertook to furnish some peculiar information on Masonic Templary , which was thankfully listened to by those assembled . After the Encampment Avas closed the Sir Knts . proceeded , as usual , to Bro . De Grey ' s and dined together .
CANADA . J ?* k ODFREY DE BOTTILI . OS' ENCAAIPMENT , HA :. IIT . TOX . —Tho annual meeting M yX ° f this Encampment AATIS held at head quarters in Hamilton , on Friday , § 1 t ^ fS December 1 st . 1 SG 5 , under tho command of Sir Knt . Thomas B . Harris , ^ = ^ Avho officiated for Sir Knt . Thomas McCraken , in his unavoidable absence . Several companions Avere recciA'ed and installed into tho orderafter Avhich
, the officiating E . C . Avas formally installed E . C . of the Encampment and appointed as his officers the following fraters : —Charles Magill , M . P . P ., Prelate ; John W . Murton , 1 st . Captain ; David Curtis , 2 nd . Captain ; William Edgar , Registrar and Treas . ; S . B . Campbell , Almoner ; Benj . E . Charlton , Expert ; James M'Kay , 1 st . Standard Bearer ; Henry Robertson , 2 nd . do . ; David Gillies , Captain of Lines ; F . J . Rastriek , 1 st . Herald ; Isaac P . Willson , 2 nd . Herald ; AV . W . Summers , Equerry ,
The Sir Knights after labour adjourned to a Banquet which had been specially prepared for tho occasion at Bro . Lees Restaurant . Upwards of twenty-five Sir Knights Avcve present , Avearing their full costume , and giving to the company a most brilliant appearance . The chair AV . IS ably filled by Sir Knt . Thomas B . Harris , E . C . and Provincial Grand Prior , supported on tho right by Sir Knt . Charles Magill , M . P . P ., and on tho left by Sir Knt . Alexander S . Kirlcpatrick , E . G ., Hugh do Payens Encampment , Kingston .
Tho cloth being removed , letters and telegrams of apology , for imaA-oidable absence , Avere road from the following Sir Knts .: —Captain Thompson AA ilson , London ; John Davidson , Gait ; \ f . B . Simpson , Kingston ; George E . Earl , Ogdensburg-lt , U . S . ; James Seymour and Dr . E . Goodman , St . Catherines ; Colonel AVm . M . Mercer AVilson , Simcoe ; Colonel AV . H . AVhitehead , AA oodstock ; John Charles Frank , Montreal , & e . In announcing the first toast tho chairman said : —Sir Knihtsour order has
g , ever been found one of the most patriotic and loyal . During its early career it was no uncommon thing for our predecessors to prove their faith and seal then * attachment Avith their blood . Loyalty to the Sovereign Avho gives us protection , pot only as an order but as citizens , is not less characteristic of our order at 9 2
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Masonic Reporter.
32 ° , then proposed the toast of the noAvly installed member : ; of the Order , and the Reverend E . IT . H . Vernon responded on behalf of till . The formal business of the banquet table having been ' concluded , the Illustrious brethren of the Supreme Grand Council entered into many particulars , on various masonic topics , and afforded the members of the Nottingham Chapter much information , from which it is presumed they Avill profit . After an evening so well spent the visitors and members separated mutually pleased Avith each other and the Order in Avhich they had taken their respective parts .
Knight Templary.
WOOLWICH . t EMEY'S TYNTP . EXCAJIPIIENT . —The Sir Knts . belonging to this Encampment met at the Masonic Hall , AVilliam Street , AVoolwich , on Friday tho 19 th of January . These Avere present Colonel Clerk , V . E . Prov . w « =- —J G . Com . of Kent ; J . R . Thomson , E . C ; Captain Dadson , 1 st . Captain ; Matthew Cooke , G . Org ., 2 nd . Captain ; Captain Boyle , Treas . ; P . Laird ,
Registrar ; Joseph Taylor , Captain of Lines ; Captain N . G . Philips , P . G . Sub-Prior ; William Smith , P . R . C . ; and James Forrester . The Visitors Avere S ' r Knts . Meymott , G . D . of Cers . ; and C . Horsley . There was no Installation of a Companion at this Meeting but the V . E . Prov . G . Commander very kindly undertook to furnish some peculiar information on Masonic Templary , which was thankfully listened to by those assembled . After the Encampment Avas closed the Sir Knts . proceeded , as usual , to Bro . De Grey ' s and dined together .
CANADA . J ?* k ODFREY DE BOTTILI . OS' ENCAAIPMENT , HA :. IIT . TOX . —Tho annual meeting M yX ° f this Encampment AATIS held at head quarters in Hamilton , on Friday , § 1 t ^ fS December 1 st . 1 SG 5 , under tho command of Sir Knt . Thomas B . Harris , ^ = ^ Avho officiated for Sir Knt . Thomas McCraken , in his unavoidable absence . Several companions Avere recciA'ed and installed into tho orderafter Avhich
, the officiating E . C . Avas formally installed E . C . of the Encampment and appointed as his officers the following fraters : —Charles Magill , M . P . P ., Prelate ; John W . Murton , 1 st . Captain ; David Curtis , 2 nd . Captain ; William Edgar , Registrar and Treas . ; S . B . Campbell , Almoner ; Benj . E . Charlton , Expert ; James M'Kay , 1 st . Standard Bearer ; Henry Robertson , 2 nd . do . ; David Gillies , Captain of Lines ; F . J . Rastriek , 1 st . Herald ; Isaac P . Willson , 2 nd . Herald ; AV . W . Summers , Equerry ,
The Sir Knights after labour adjourned to a Banquet which had been specially prepared for tho occasion at Bro . Lees Restaurant . Upwards of twenty-five Sir Knights Avcve present , Avearing their full costume , and giving to the company a most brilliant appearance . The chair AV . IS ably filled by Sir Knt . Thomas B . Harris , E . C . and Provincial Grand Prior , supported on tho right by Sir Knt . Charles Magill , M . P . P ., and on tho left by Sir Knt . Alexander S . Kirlcpatrick , E . G ., Hugh do Payens Encampment , Kingston .
Tho cloth being removed , letters and telegrams of apology , for imaA-oidable absence , Avere road from the following Sir Knts .: —Captain Thompson AA ilson , London ; John Davidson , Gait ; \ f . B . Simpson , Kingston ; George E . Earl , Ogdensburg-lt , U . S . ; James Seymour and Dr . E . Goodman , St . Catherines ; Colonel AVm . M . Mercer AVilson , Simcoe ; Colonel AV . H . AVhitehead , AA oodstock ; John Charles Frank , Montreal , & e . In announcing the first toast tho chairman said : —Sir Knihtsour order has
g , ever been found one of the most patriotic and loyal . During its early career it was no uncommon thing for our predecessors to prove their faith and seal then * attachment Avith their blood . Loyalty to the Sovereign Avho gives us protection , pot only as an order but as citizens , is not less characteristic of our order at 9 2