Article CHANNEL ISLANDS. ← Page 4 of 5 →
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Channel Islands.
Christie Minstrels svere exceedingly popular , so much so , that ess one of the evenings their performance svas given to three different audiences in succession . Those svho took part ss'as so clever and successful , that it may be insidious to particularize , but all agree in awarding the highest praise to Bro . G-. Perrofc , of ss'hom it svas remarked by a local journal , that ho appeared to have mistaken his s'ocation , since ho Avould have done credit even to tho London boards ; svith him too Mr . Green must bo mentioned , svhosc racy , illogical , and
amusing Nigger Lecture elicited roars of laughter . The Ca'sarean Menagerie of performing svild beasts , svarranted not to bite , attracted a large number of visitors . Concerts svere occasionally given . On one of the days , the sveather being mild and fine , out-door athletic sports were arranged under tho direction of Captain Mitford , in the grounds connected svith the Temple , which dresv off some hundreds of spectators at a time ss-heti the rooms svere most crosvded . The ladies svho presided over the stalls kindly contributed from their stores prizes to be competed for , ss-hich svere chiefly carried off by the youths from
the Naval Training School at Gorey , to svhom the committee subsequently showed their liberality by giving them an entree to all parts of the building , thus affording them a treat svhich their limited pecuniary means svould not otherwise have allowed them to enjoy . On Thursday , December 21 st . svhich svas announced as the closing clay of the fete , a magnificent Christmas tree svas presided , Avhich sva- > a great attraction to the children , and in the evening auctions svere held svith a view to clear off a portion of the unsold articles .
Sufficient , hosvever , still remained to induce the committee to re-open for a hours on the afternoon of Saturday , December the 23 rd . at the reduced price of threepence for admission . Though many of the svorking classes availed themselves of this opportunity , ss-ant of sufficient publicity prevented a crosvd , bsst an additional inducement Avas held out by the announcement of an Assault of Arms , in which Captain Mitford , Sergeant Barrow , and others , exhibited their skill in fencing , in single-stick exercises , the ssvord against the bayonet , & c .
Among other products ot the fete has been the publication of a very clever large sheet of masonic caricature , appropriate to the season and tho occasion , copies of svhich svere sold in tho rooms . In the centre is Father Christmas , a picture of jollity and good temper , duly arrayed in collar and apron , svith a poker over his shoulder in one baud , and a gridiron in the other , the jesvel attached to the collar being also a gridiron . On the apron , in the centre , are crossed pipes , flanked by a bottle and mug , to the use of svhich some
say that freemasons are particularly prone ; but that of course is a libel . At the top right hand corner of the sheet are a svidosv and orphans , at svhoso feet a Mason , grinning and ssveating under his load , is emptying a large cornucopia of money . At the top left hand corner are a British sailor and . a half-elad sas'age exchanging salutations svith fingers to their noses . Beneath are tsvo asses , one of ss'hom has a book in his fore pass's , from svhich he is explaining the masonic secrets to the other , AYIIO is expressing his astonishment .
A lady is peeping through a keyhole into a room Avhcre a lodge is being held . Across the centre of tho sheet is a fresco , on svhich are represented masons of different countries joined hand and hand , and having a dance round . At the bottom are faithful portraits , in a group , of about forty loading Jersey Freemasons . In the middle is the Prov . Grand Master in all his majesty and dignity fully equipped in the decorations of the order , round svhom the others are arrayed . The Prov . Grand Organist , svith an Italian revolutionary
hat on hit- , head , is grinding- a barrel organ . The Director of Ceremonies is making a report to the Prov . Grand Master . Another svell-knosvn brother carries a huge trosvel as a banner . The door is kept by a notorious masonic centenier , on the point of arresting a cosvan svho is attempting to enter . The portraits are all characteristic , and the sheet is Avell svorth its price , one shilling and sixpence . The artist is Mr . Draper , son of a Avell-knosvii member of the order at Guernsey . In conclusion it may be stated , that the freemasons conducting this fete have done themselves great credit by the efficiency of their arrangements , their
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Channel Islands.
Christie Minstrels svere exceedingly popular , so much so , that ess one of the evenings their performance svas given to three different audiences in succession . Those svho took part ss'as so clever and successful , that it may be insidious to particularize , but all agree in awarding the highest praise to Bro . G-. Perrofc , of ss'hom it svas remarked by a local journal , that ho appeared to have mistaken his s'ocation , since ho Avould have done credit even to tho London boards ; svith him too Mr . Green must bo mentioned , svhosc racy , illogical , and
amusing Nigger Lecture elicited roars of laughter . The Ca'sarean Menagerie of performing svild beasts , svarranted not to bite , attracted a large number of visitors . Concerts svere occasionally given . On one of the days , the sveather being mild and fine , out-door athletic sports were arranged under tho direction of Captain Mitford , in the grounds connected svith the Temple , which dresv off some hundreds of spectators at a time ss-heti the rooms svere most crosvded . The ladies svho presided over the stalls kindly contributed from their stores prizes to be competed for , ss-hich svere chiefly carried off by the youths from
the Naval Training School at Gorey , to svhom the committee subsequently showed their liberality by giving them an entree to all parts of the building , thus affording them a treat svhich their limited pecuniary means svould not otherwise have allowed them to enjoy . On Thursday , December 21 st . svhich svas announced as the closing clay of the fete , a magnificent Christmas tree svas presided , Avhich sva- > a great attraction to the children , and in the evening auctions svere held svith a view to clear off a portion of the unsold articles .
Sufficient , hosvever , still remained to induce the committee to re-open for a hours on the afternoon of Saturday , December the 23 rd . at the reduced price of threepence for admission . Though many of the svorking classes availed themselves of this opportunity , ss-ant of sufficient publicity prevented a crosvd , bsst an additional inducement Avas held out by the announcement of an Assault of Arms , in which Captain Mitford , Sergeant Barrow , and others , exhibited their skill in fencing , in single-stick exercises , the ssvord against the bayonet , & c .
Among other products ot the fete has been the publication of a very clever large sheet of masonic caricature , appropriate to the season and tho occasion , copies of svhich svere sold in tho rooms . In the centre is Father Christmas , a picture of jollity and good temper , duly arrayed in collar and apron , svith a poker over his shoulder in one baud , and a gridiron in the other , the jesvel attached to the collar being also a gridiron . On the apron , in the centre , are crossed pipes , flanked by a bottle and mug , to the use of svhich some
say that freemasons are particularly prone ; but that of course is a libel . At the top right hand corner of the sheet are a svidosv and orphans , at svhoso feet a Mason , grinning and ssveating under his load , is emptying a large cornucopia of money . At the top left hand corner are a British sailor and . a half-elad sas'age exchanging salutations svith fingers to their noses . Beneath are tsvo asses , one of ss'hom has a book in his fore pass's , from svhich he is explaining the masonic secrets to the other , AYIIO is expressing his astonishment .
A lady is peeping through a keyhole into a room Avhcre a lodge is being held . Across the centre of tho sheet is a fresco , on svhich are represented masons of different countries joined hand and hand , and having a dance round . At the bottom are faithful portraits , in a group , of about forty loading Jersey Freemasons . In the middle is the Prov . Grand Master in all his majesty and dignity fully equipped in the decorations of the order , round svhom the others are arrayed . The Prov . Grand Organist , svith an Italian revolutionary
hat on hit- , head , is grinding- a barrel organ . The Director of Ceremonies is making a report to the Prov . Grand Master . Another svell-knosvn brother carries a huge trosvel as a banner . The door is kept by a notorious masonic centenier , on the point of arresting a cosvan svho is attempting to enter . The portraits are all characteristic , and the sheet is Avell svorth its price , one shilling and sixpence . The artist is Mr . Draper , son of a Avell-knosvii member of the order at Guernsey . In conclusion it may be stated , that the freemasons conducting this fete have done themselves great credit by the efficiency of their arrangements , their