Article CHANNEL ISLANDS. ← Page 5 of 5
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Channel Islands.
energy , liberality , and courtesy . During tho week no unpleasantness or discord occurred , the greatest cordiality and good temper prevailed , perfect union with a desire to carry out the Avishes of tho zealous chairman , Bro . Manuel , svere displayed , and all concerned exerted themselves to the utmost . The result Avas a general expression of satisfaction on the part of the visitors . A cheap and intellectual entertainment Avas provided , Avith ample variety to gratify tho taste , to contribute to the amusement , and to minister to the instruction of all decided
classes and all ages , and it is pleasant to feel a conviction that a success has attended the labours of tho committee of management , resulting in a profit of about 300 / . after deduction of expenses , Avhich will be invested for the benefit of the AAldosvs and Orphans Fund in the manner described by the chairman in his opening address . Had all the shares in the Temple Company been taken up , and none forfeited by the omission to pay the calls on the part of svhose oriinal enthusiasm had died ass-aybut from some
persons g , of svhom , considering their position , better things might have been expected , this fete Avould probably not have been held , but the liberality svith Avhich assistance svas offered by gentlemen osvning valuable svorks of ait in Jersey , and the promises of future contributions from stores not previously knosvn to exist in the island , render it probable that another fete svill be held iu the course of next summer , of a similar character , svith the exception of tho bazaar , which As-ill gratify the tastethe curiosityand the desire for instruction , of a
, , large portion of the community . At page 35 , of the first number of THE MASOSIC PEESS , allusion Avas made to a lodge in Jersey working ssndev a French warrant , the founders of which , being under English jurisdiction , had been suspended by tho Prov . Grand Mastei
and the Grand Lodge of England , as it v » as deemed that by joining it they had acted contrary to the regulations of the craft in England . Allusion is made to the circumstances here , not in a spirit of captiousness , but merely to mention it as a fact , for it must be admitted that opinions on the subject differ much . During tho time of the fete , the annual festival of this Lodge svas held , and it svas gratifying to find that at the close of their business the members adjourned in a body to pay a visit to tho Temple , a course highly
creditable to them , and tending to soften any little feelings of jealousy or asperity that had existed . It need hardly bo said that they ss ere received Avith the greatest cordiality . This incident stood in striking contrast Avith the conduct of some foAv English Freemasons , even of rank , sslio not only abstained from all connexion with the proceedings , but on the contrary endeavoured , by the circulation of false reports and insinuations against the character , conduct , and motives of the promotersto sosv seeds of dissension and to injure the
, cause . In some fesv cases perhaps a temporary uneasy impression was produced , easily dispelled on further inquiry , Asliile in others no credence svas given to the statement made , even on their osvn shosving , and tho persons addressed instead of being influenced , Avent immediately to make liberal purchases of tickets . Conscious of rectitude and honesty of purpose , confident of public support and sympathy , relying on their osvn personal character , too much occupied to interfere at the timethe committee felt that they could afford to disregard
, the vicious attempts to mar their efforts , and the result has justified the course they adopted . It is understood , hosvever , that they have at their command certain authentic letters and documents , of Avhich they contemplate the publication with a vieAV to vindicate themselves , and svhich sslll doubtless cause to recoil on their maligners the charges to svhich they have been subjected .
GOOD HTJJIOTJE . —Good humour is the most exquisite beauty of a fine face ; a redeeming grace is a homely one . It is like the green in the landscape , harmonizing svith every colour , niellosving the glories of the bright , and softening the hues of the dark ; or like a ilute in a full concert of instruments , a sound , not at first discovered by the ear , yet filling up the breaks with its ssveet melody .
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Channel Islands.
energy , liberality , and courtesy . During tho week no unpleasantness or discord occurred , the greatest cordiality and good temper prevailed , perfect union with a desire to carry out the Avishes of tho zealous chairman , Bro . Manuel , svere displayed , and all concerned exerted themselves to the utmost . The result Avas a general expression of satisfaction on the part of the visitors . A cheap and intellectual entertainment Avas provided , Avith ample variety to gratify tho taste , to contribute to the amusement , and to minister to the instruction of all decided
classes and all ages , and it is pleasant to feel a conviction that a success has attended the labours of tho committee of management , resulting in a profit of about 300 / . after deduction of expenses , Avhich will be invested for the benefit of the AAldosvs and Orphans Fund in the manner described by the chairman in his opening address . Had all the shares in the Temple Company been taken up , and none forfeited by the omission to pay the calls on the part of svhose oriinal enthusiasm had died ass-aybut from some
persons g , of svhom , considering their position , better things might have been expected , this fete Avould probably not have been held , but the liberality svith Avhich assistance svas offered by gentlemen osvning valuable svorks of ait in Jersey , and the promises of future contributions from stores not previously knosvn to exist in the island , render it probable that another fete svill be held iu the course of next summer , of a similar character , svith the exception of tho bazaar , which As-ill gratify the tastethe curiosityand the desire for instruction , of a
, , large portion of the community . At page 35 , of the first number of THE MASOSIC PEESS , allusion Avas made to a lodge in Jersey working ssndev a French warrant , the founders of which , being under English jurisdiction , had been suspended by tho Prov . Grand Mastei
and the Grand Lodge of England , as it v » as deemed that by joining it they had acted contrary to the regulations of the craft in England . Allusion is made to the circumstances here , not in a spirit of captiousness , but merely to mention it as a fact , for it must be admitted that opinions on the subject differ much . During tho time of the fete , the annual festival of this Lodge svas held , and it svas gratifying to find that at the close of their business the members adjourned in a body to pay a visit to tho Temple , a course highly
creditable to them , and tending to soften any little feelings of jealousy or asperity that had existed . It need hardly bo said that they ss ere received Avith the greatest cordiality . This incident stood in striking contrast Avith the conduct of some foAv English Freemasons , even of rank , sslio not only abstained from all connexion with the proceedings , but on the contrary endeavoured , by the circulation of false reports and insinuations against the character , conduct , and motives of the promotersto sosv seeds of dissension and to injure the
, cause . In some fesv cases perhaps a temporary uneasy impression was produced , easily dispelled on further inquiry , Asliile in others no credence svas given to the statement made , even on their osvn shosving , and tho persons addressed instead of being influenced , Avent immediately to make liberal purchases of tickets . Conscious of rectitude and honesty of purpose , confident of public support and sympathy , relying on their osvn personal character , too much occupied to interfere at the timethe committee felt that they could afford to disregard
, the vicious attempts to mar their efforts , and the result has justified the course they adopted . It is understood , hosvever , that they have at their command certain authentic letters and documents , of Avhich they contemplate the publication with a vieAV to vindicate themselves , and svhich sslll doubtless cause to recoil on their maligners the charges to svhich they have been subjected .
GOOD HTJJIOTJE . —Good humour is the most exquisite beauty of a fine face ; a redeeming grace is a homely one . It is like the green in the landscape , harmonizing svith every colour , niellosving the glories of the bright , and softening the hues of the dark ; or like a ilute in a full concert of instruments , a sound , not at first discovered by the ear , yet filling up the breaks with its ssveet melody .