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Masonic Antiquities, Documents, &C. Jerusalem Encampment, Manchester.
" in defending our rights in Masonry we have elected « -you to become one " of this Order , therefore we command and require you to repair to us " at our Castle , Conclave , or Encampment aforesaid , on —• day the — " day of — A . D . 1801 , at — o ' clock to be enstalled and receive the " ensigns of the Order . Given at & c , & c . " ( Signed ) A . B . Captain General . " This ritual is considerably different to the present , and similar
to that probably of the early Grands of Scotland , and resembles also very closely that at present in use in Ireland , in both of which countries the Order of Malta was ever conferred . It contains much of the old spirit of the chivalric orders , and the O . B . is in three separate parts . The term Knight Templar and Knig ht of St . John are used synonymously , and the lectures open : —
" Worthy Knight of the Order of St . John of Jerusalem ( called Knights " Templar ) , " and the formula at installation was— " Your name which was here' ' toforc A . B . shall he no longer A . B . but Sir A . B . In the name of " the Holy Trinity I dubb , create , and confirm , thee a Knight of the Order " of St . John of Jerusalem , the true and faithful soldiers of Jesus Christ .
" Be faithful until death and thou shalt receive a crown of life . " Of course , if this were a pure Templar Order , the ceremony of conferring the Acolade during receptions is a modern innovation . The next document is the following return of members : — " Lancaster to Wit . — " Wo the undersigned John Shaw , Shopkeeper , and " John ChewGarment Makerboth of Manchestertwo Members of a
, , , " Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons called the Conclave of Jerusalem , " No . 4 , usually held at the house of Richard France , known by the " sign of Sir John Falstaff , Market Place , Manchester , pursuant to an Act " of Parliament passed in the thirty-ninth year of his present Majesty " George the Third ( entitled an Act for the more effectual suppression " of societies established for treasonable and seditious practises ) do hereby
" certify on oath that the said Lodge or Conclave of which we are both " Members , hath before the passing of the said Act been usually held " under the Denomination of a Lodge or Conclave of Free and Accepted " Masons , by virtue of a regular warrant from the Grand Lodge of " England , according to the rules of the said Society or Lodge of " Freemasons .
"JOHN SHAW . "JOHN CHEW . " " Sworn before us his Majesty ' s Justices \ " of the Peace at the New Bailey Court ( JNO . LEAF . " House in Salford this 12 th day of March , ( M . WHARINGTON . " " 1806 . ' " Lancaster to Wit . — "A Register to be enrolled pursuant to an Act
" passed in the thirty-ninth year of his present Majesty George the Third " ( entitled an Act for the more effectual suppression of societies established " for seditious and treasonable purposes and for the better preventing " treasonable and seditious practises ) of the names and places of abodes " of the Members of a Lodge or Conclave of Free and Accepted Masons , " called the Conclave of Jerusalembeing No . 4 usually held at the
, , " house of Rd . France , known by the Sign of Sir John Falstaff , Market " Place , Manchester , in the County aforesaid , on the Second Tuesdays in " February , May , August , and November . von i . i
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic Antiquities, Documents, &C. Jerusalem Encampment, Manchester.
" in defending our rights in Masonry we have elected « -you to become one " of this Order , therefore we command and require you to repair to us " at our Castle , Conclave , or Encampment aforesaid , on —• day the — " day of — A . D . 1801 , at — o ' clock to be enstalled and receive the " ensigns of the Order . Given at & c , & c . " ( Signed ) A . B . Captain General . " This ritual is considerably different to the present , and similar
to that probably of the early Grands of Scotland , and resembles also very closely that at present in use in Ireland , in both of which countries the Order of Malta was ever conferred . It contains much of the old spirit of the chivalric orders , and the O . B . is in three separate parts . The term Knight Templar and Knig ht of St . John are used synonymously , and the lectures open : —
" Worthy Knight of the Order of St . John of Jerusalem ( called Knights " Templar ) , " and the formula at installation was— " Your name which was here' ' toforc A . B . shall he no longer A . B . but Sir A . B . In the name of " the Holy Trinity I dubb , create , and confirm , thee a Knight of the Order " of St . John of Jerusalem , the true and faithful soldiers of Jesus Christ .
" Be faithful until death and thou shalt receive a crown of life . " Of course , if this were a pure Templar Order , the ceremony of conferring the Acolade during receptions is a modern innovation . The next document is the following return of members : — " Lancaster to Wit . — " Wo the undersigned John Shaw , Shopkeeper , and " John ChewGarment Makerboth of Manchestertwo Members of a
, , , " Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons called the Conclave of Jerusalem , " No . 4 , usually held at the house of Richard France , known by the " sign of Sir John Falstaff , Market Place , Manchester , pursuant to an Act " of Parliament passed in the thirty-ninth year of his present Majesty " George the Third ( entitled an Act for the more effectual suppression " of societies established for treasonable and seditious practises ) do hereby
" certify on oath that the said Lodge or Conclave of which we are both " Members , hath before the passing of the said Act been usually held " under the Denomination of a Lodge or Conclave of Free and Accepted " Masons , by virtue of a regular warrant from the Grand Lodge of " England , according to the rules of the said Society or Lodge of " Freemasons .
"JOHN SHAW . "JOHN CHEW . " " Sworn before us his Majesty ' s Justices \ " of the Peace at the New Bailey Court ( JNO . LEAF . " House in Salford this 12 th day of March , ( M . WHARINGTON . " " 1806 . ' " Lancaster to Wit . — "A Register to be enrolled pursuant to an Act
" passed in the thirty-ninth year of his present Majesty George the Third " ( entitled an Act for the more effectual suppression of societies established " for seditious and treasonable purposes and for the better preventing " treasonable and seditious practises ) of the names and places of abodes " of the Members of a Lodge or Conclave of Free and Accepted Masons , " called the Conclave of Jerusalembeing No . 4 usually held at the
, , " house of Rd . France , known by the Sign of Sir John Falstaff , Market " Place , Manchester , in the County aforesaid , on the Second Tuesdays in " February , May , August , and November . von i . i