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Masonic Antiquities, Documents, &C. Jerusalem Encampment, Manchester.
" David Torr , brush manufacturer , Manchester . " Tbomes Hewitt , warehouseman , „ " John Chew , garment maker , „ ' ¦ ' Joseph Hobson , manufacturer , ,, " William Schlaberge , merchant , ,, " Thomas Litbgoe , gentleman , „ " Thomas Matherinnkeeper Salford .
, , " John Shaw , shopkeeper Manchester . " David Tomkinson , bricklayer , „ " Peter Sutton , cotton spinner , „ " Edward Finney , ironmonger , „ " Baptist Eonchetti , picture-frame maker , „ " George Seel , cabinet maker ,
'" ' Oct . 21 st , 1806 . —Received a memorial from the Conclave of Loyal " Ashton-undcr-Lyne Volunteers , containing some strong charges of illegal " proceedings in the provincial Grand Commander , Sir John Schofield , " requesting the concurrence of the Sir Knts . of this Conclave , in l ^
orting" the same to the Grand Conclave which was unanimously agreed to . " Nov . llth , 1806 . —Resolved that it is the opinion of this Conclave , " that a Provincial Grand Conclave ought to consist of Sir Knts . from " each Conclave to be elected bj r the officers and Members to represent " their body , one from each according to seniority to . serve the various " offices of a Provincial Conclave of this County . August ; llth , 1807 . — " The Communication from the Grand Conclave was readit appeared to
, " render the utmost satisfaction . May 3 rd , 180 S . —Companions John Duffy , " William Davy , and Owen Sullivan were admitted Knights , a request was " made by the above named Sir Knts ., this day initiated , to petition the " Provincial Grand Commander F . D . Astley , for a Warrant of Consti" tution to be denominated the Conclave of St . Patrick , to be held at " Shakespere TavernThomas' BuildingsLiverpool . May 9 fch 1809 . —Sir
, , , " John Shaw elected G . C Feb . 3 . 3 th , 1810 . —Read a letter from the " Grand Conclave wherein was contained the account of a letter received " from this Conclave annexing a petition for the Conclave of St . Patrick , " Liverpool , which was ordered accordingly . April 28 th , 1811 . —A Special " Meeting was held for making Knights of Malta . "
And the minutes contrary to the usual custom , and for the only occasion , are entered in the Templar minute-book " The Malta fee was increased from 7-r . 6 d . to xos . 6 d . " From these minutes it would appear , that a member of the Order of Malta added the term of Knight to his former title of Sir , as Sir KNT . A . B . The clothing used , here , was a red tunic , with slashed sleeves , black
cioak , Spanish hat , & c , all bearing the White Cross of the Order . During all this period the Templar lectures were regularly given . Torr died in 1812 , and the first minute-book here terminates . As he was the working brother , it is probable that the Encampment might be dormant for a year or so , though not for any length of timefor the by-laws at the end of the old minute-book contain
, the signatures of all knights admitted from 1786 to 1816 or 1819 , and include the names of Daniel Lynch , D . Prov . G . M ., East Lancashire , and Thos . Preston , also D . Prov . G . M ., East Lancashire , the latter of whom was a member until his death in 1854 . ( To be continued . ) J . t '( . ' _ ,-., f & $ -
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic Antiquities, Documents, &C. Jerusalem Encampment, Manchester.
" David Torr , brush manufacturer , Manchester . " Tbomes Hewitt , warehouseman , „ " John Chew , garment maker , „ ' ¦ ' Joseph Hobson , manufacturer , ,, " William Schlaberge , merchant , ,, " Thomas Litbgoe , gentleman , „ " Thomas Matherinnkeeper Salford .
, , " John Shaw , shopkeeper Manchester . " David Tomkinson , bricklayer , „ " Peter Sutton , cotton spinner , „ " Edward Finney , ironmonger , „ " Baptist Eonchetti , picture-frame maker , „ " George Seel , cabinet maker ,
'" ' Oct . 21 st , 1806 . —Received a memorial from the Conclave of Loyal " Ashton-undcr-Lyne Volunteers , containing some strong charges of illegal " proceedings in the provincial Grand Commander , Sir John Schofield , " requesting the concurrence of the Sir Knts . of this Conclave , in l ^
orting" the same to the Grand Conclave which was unanimously agreed to . " Nov . llth , 1806 . —Resolved that it is the opinion of this Conclave , " that a Provincial Grand Conclave ought to consist of Sir Knts . from " each Conclave to be elected bj r the officers and Members to represent " their body , one from each according to seniority to . serve the various " offices of a Provincial Conclave of this County . August ; llth , 1807 . — " The Communication from the Grand Conclave was readit appeared to
, " render the utmost satisfaction . May 3 rd , 180 S . —Companions John Duffy , " William Davy , and Owen Sullivan were admitted Knights , a request was " made by the above named Sir Knts ., this day initiated , to petition the " Provincial Grand Commander F . D . Astley , for a Warrant of Consti" tution to be denominated the Conclave of St . Patrick , to be held at " Shakespere TavernThomas' BuildingsLiverpool . May 9 fch 1809 . —Sir
, , , " John Shaw elected G . C Feb . 3 . 3 th , 1810 . —Read a letter from the " Grand Conclave wherein was contained the account of a letter received " from this Conclave annexing a petition for the Conclave of St . Patrick , " Liverpool , which was ordered accordingly . April 28 th , 1811 . —A Special " Meeting was held for making Knights of Malta . "
And the minutes contrary to the usual custom , and for the only occasion , are entered in the Templar minute-book " The Malta fee was increased from 7-r . 6 d . to xos . 6 d . " From these minutes it would appear , that a member of the Order of Malta added the term of Knight to his former title of Sir , as Sir KNT . A . B . The clothing used , here , was a red tunic , with slashed sleeves , black
cioak , Spanish hat , & c , all bearing the White Cross of the Order . During all this period the Templar lectures were regularly given . Torr died in 1812 , and the first minute-book here terminates . As he was the working brother , it is probable that the Encampment might be dormant for a year or so , though not for any length of timefor the by-laws at the end of the old minute-book contain
, the signatures of all knights admitted from 1786 to 1816 or 1819 , and include the names of Daniel Lynch , D . Prov . G . M ., East Lancashire , and Thos . Preston , also D . Prov . G . M ., East Lancashire , the latter of whom was a member until his death in 1854 . ( To be continued . ) J . t '( . ' _ ,-., f & $ -