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" In their arrangements for the festival of 1826 , besides deciding upon having " a procession , dinner , and ball , the brethren ' agreed to have a sermon , if it " could be got ; and Mr . Gracio was to be applied to to preach '—a request with " which he ' cheei-fiilly complied . ' Great preparations were made for the com" ing demonstration—invitations were sent to the neighbouring lodges , a band " of music consisting of ' a drum , fife , bugle , and two clarionets , ' was engaged , " several of the brethren were raised to the ' sublime dignity / a number of
" neutrals were entered , and ' one guinea was agreed to as collection from the " funds , and every person his pleasure after . ' The 27 th having dawned , the " outsiders were early afoot in anticipation of the demonstration by the brother" hood , who immediately after electing their officebearers , and shortly before " High xii were joined by ' a respectable deputation from St . Magdalene , " Lochmabon , and other visiting brethren / and emerging from the Lodge-room " the fraternitin full regalia threaded their way through crowds of wondering
y " villagers to the old church of Morton , where they ' heard an excellent sermon " by Mr . Gracie from these words— " God said , Let there be light , and there " was light ; and the light was divided from the darkness . "' Bro . Gracie , of " Carronbridgo , was minister of North Esk , Musselburgh . Dinner followed
" sermon , and the Lodge being re-opened and placed under Southern rule , the " utmost harmony prevailed . As the masonic reached the horizon , Strength " brought his gavel to the ' recovery / took post at the wicket , and returning " to each his marie , bade a warm adieu to the many brethren who had that " night honoured the Lodge with their presence . " The St . John's Day procession and sermon seem for a time to have lost " their attraction ; for in 1836 , the Lodge so far discountenanced any ont-door
" display , as to limit the music to be engaged to ' a drum and fife / in the " event of ' 36 members being willing lo turn out . ' This decision of the " Lodge had the desired effect ; for there was no St . John's Day procession till " 1814 , when , under the Mastership of Bro . Robert M'Kinnell , the practice was " revived ; and so graphically have the joyous proceedings of that festive oeca" sion been delineated by the then Secretary , Bro . Daniel Mathieson , that we " cannot do better than quote the minute on the subject : —
" ' During their walk through the several streets of our beautiful and thriving " village , they were accompanied by some thousands of spectators , who all " seemed pleased , and even surprised at the regularity of our movements . Many . " a pretty blue-eyed damsel with her auburn hair hanging' in careless ringlets " down her rosy cheeks , looked all smiles and affection on her dear " Mason " lad , " and would have been nothing loath , had time and place suited , to have " Kissed her love with his apron on . "
" This bliss was reserved , however , for some moi-e happy moment , when recliu" ing on the manly bosom of her happy swain , he pours into her fond ear " these sweet and melodious wishes" Gie me a cannie hour at e ' en , My arms about my dearie O ; Bailh warldly cares and warldly men
May a' gang tapsalteerie O . " " The douce , staid matron , also , could not help heaving a tender sigh when " she thought on " the days o' langsyne / ' and still wishing them God-speed , " as the tear of pleasure started in her eye on observing hev " old cove" go " fresh and ruddy , and eagerly assisting to keep up the dignity of our " Royal " Craft . " Even the curly-headed urchins were heard in groups roarin" - out " most lustily , though not very
musically" Our daddie ' s a Freemason , and we needna fear the deil . " " ' While all was "jocund and gay , " we were much pleased to perceive the " manly cheeks of many a brother bedimmed with the tear of sympathy , as VOL . I . . K
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" In their arrangements for the festival of 1826 , besides deciding upon having " a procession , dinner , and ball , the brethren ' agreed to have a sermon , if it " could be got ; and Mr . Gracio was to be applied to to preach '—a request with " which he ' cheei-fiilly complied . ' Great preparations were made for the com" ing demonstration—invitations were sent to the neighbouring lodges , a band " of music consisting of ' a drum , fife , bugle , and two clarionets , ' was engaged , " several of the brethren were raised to the ' sublime dignity / a number of
" neutrals were entered , and ' one guinea was agreed to as collection from the " funds , and every person his pleasure after . ' The 27 th having dawned , the " outsiders were early afoot in anticipation of the demonstration by the brother" hood , who immediately after electing their officebearers , and shortly before " High xii were joined by ' a respectable deputation from St . Magdalene , " Lochmabon , and other visiting brethren / and emerging from the Lodge-room " the fraternitin full regalia threaded their way through crowds of wondering
y " villagers to the old church of Morton , where they ' heard an excellent sermon " by Mr . Gracie from these words— " God said , Let there be light , and there " was light ; and the light was divided from the darkness . "' Bro . Gracie , of " Carronbridgo , was minister of North Esk , Musselburgh . Dinner followed
" sermon , and the Lodge being re-opened and placed under Southern rule , the " utmost harmony prevailed . As the masonic reached the horizon , Strength " brought his gavel to the ' recovery / took post at the wicket , and returning " to each his marie , bade a warm adieu to the many brethren who had that " night honoured the Lodge with their presence . " The St . John's Day procession and sermon seem for a time to have lost " their attraction ; for in 1836 , the Lodge so far discountenanced any ont-door
" display , as to limit the music to be engaged to ' a drum and fife / in the " event of ' 36 members being willing lo turn out . ' This decision of the " Lodge had the desired effect ; for there was no St . John's Day procession till " 1814 , when , under the Mastership of Bro . Robert M'Kinnell , the practice was " revived ; and so graphically have the joyous proceedings of that festive oeca" sion been delineated by the then Secretary , Bro . Daniel Mathieson , that we " cannot do better than quote the minute on the subject : —
" ' During their walk through the several streets of our beautiful and thriving " village , they were accompanied by some thousands of spectators , who all " seemed pleased , and even surprised at the regularity of our movements . Many . " a pretty blue-eyed damsel with her auburn hair hanging' in careless ringlets " down her rosy cheeks , looked all smiles and affection on her dear " Mason " lad , " and would have been nothing loath , had time and place suited , to have " Kissed her love with his apron on . "
" This bliss was reserved , however , for some moi-e happy moment , when recliu" ing on the manly bosom of her happy swain , he pours into her fond ear " these sweet and melodious wishes" Gie me a cannie hour at e ' en , My arms about my dearie O ; Bailh warldly cares and warldly men
May a' gang tapsalteerie O . " " The douce , staid matron , also , could not help heaving a tender sigh when " she thought on " the days o' langsyne / ' and still wishing them God-speed , " as the tear of pleasure started in her eye on observing hev " old cove" go " fresh and ruddy , and eagerly assisting to keep up the dignity of our " Royal " Craft . " Even the curly-headed urchins were heard in groups roarin" - out " most lustily , though not very
musically" Our daddie ' s a Freemason , and we needna fear the deil . " " ' While all was "jocund and gay , " we were much pleased to perceive the " manly cheeks of many a brother bedimmed with the tear of sympathy , as VOL . I . . K