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Knight Templary.
DEVONPORT . © SffejL OYAL SUSSEX ENCAMPMENT . —The Sir Knts . of this Encampment met -JlIJ' on Monday , the 19 th . of February , at their rooms , in Chapel Street . Hrll ® f ""' business was of a purely formal nature , being to consider new llS pa *? b-laws and elect an E . C . and Treasurer for the ensuing The
y year . by-laws having been agreed upon , previous to their submission to the Encampment for adoption , a proposition to install a companion was received , and the Encampment was closed and ordered to be summoned for the above business on the 28 th .
Salford, Manchester.
ENCAMPMENT OE FAITH . —This Encampment ( confirmed in 1851 by Sir Kilt . Col . Tynte , M . E . and S . G . M ., but which , according to the warrant , was originally constituted in 1809 at Scarborough , Yorkshire , as an " Encampment of High Knights Templars and Knights of Malta , by " Sir John Hill , Early Grand Master , the Deputy Early G . Master , the Cap" tain General , the Grand Marshal , and the Grand Standard-bearer of the "Early Grand Encampment of Ireland" ) met at the Masonic Hall and Club ,
Islington Square , Salford , on Saturday , the 17 th . of February , when Companion Henry Reddish , John Cadman , Thos . Gardiner , and M . W . Peace , were installed Knights of the Order by Sir Knt . W . H . Wright , the Prov . Grand Chancellor . Sir Knt . Rowbotham gave notice of his intention to propose the removal of the Encampment to Wigan at the next meeting , which will meet with considerable opposition . Sir Knt . Thos . L . Bold , P . E . C ., was elected E . C . for the ensuing year , and Sir Knt . Pickering , the retiring E . C . was elected Treasurer , after
which the Encampment was duly closed , and the Sir Knts . adjourned to refreshment . Some of the members were absent at a Priory of the Malta degree held at Rochdale . Sir Knt . Broadbont , its oldest member , stated that the Encamp - ment formerly met every four months at Eccles , Bury , and Ringlcy , and recognized the degrees of Knight Templar , Knight of the White Cross , Knight of the Mediterranean Pass , Knight of Malta , Knight of the Red Cross , and ( but unconnected with it ) , Priestly Order . The Rosa Crucis they did not confer . The Knight of Malta degree and that of the Priestly Order they wish revived .
Royal Benevolent Institution For Aged Freemasons And Their Widows.
fHE exigencies of a printing office compel us to go to press some days before the end of the month , therefore , as the Annual Festival of THE ROYAE BENEVOLENT INSTITUTION TOE AGED FEEEMASONS AND THEIE WIDOWS was held on the last day of January , we have been unable to notice it until the present number . This institution , —the most deserving , the most needed—and the best of those supported by Freemasons—for many years laboured under the disadvantage of
holding such a meeting triennially . By the constant advocacy of Brother Henry George Warren , when proprietor and Editor of The Freemasons Magazine , it has , now , become the established rale to have a yearly festival . May it over continue the practice , and , by the bounty of the brethren , may its funds be increased fourfold , for not only is it the first DUTY of every brother to aid in its support , but it is tho HOST NEEDY of the three charitable foundations coexistent with Benevolent English . Freemasonry . It is the . most needful , because
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Knight Templary.
DEVONPORT . © SffejL OYAL SUSSEX ENCAMPMENT . —The Sir Knts . of this Encampment met -JlIJ' on Monday , the 19 th . of February , at their rooms , in Chapel Street . Hrll ® f ""' business was of a purely formal nature , being to consider new llS pa *? b-laws and elect an E . C . and Treasurer for the ensuing The
y year . by-laws having been agreed upon , previous to their submission to the Encampment for adoption , a proposition to install a companion was received , and the Encampment was closed and ordered to be summoned for the above business on the 28 th .
Salford, Manchester.
ENCAMPMENT OE FAITH . —This Encampment ( confirmed in 1851 by Sir Kilt . Col . Tynte , M . E . and S . G . M ., but which , according to the warrant , was originally constituted in 1809 at Scarborough , Yorkshire , as an " Encampment of High Knights Templars and Knights of Malta , by " Sir John Hill , Early Grand Master , the Deputy Early G . Master , the Cap" tain General , the Grand Marshal , and the Grand Standard-bearer of the "Early Grand Encampment of Ireland" ) met at the Masonic Hall and Club ,
Islington Square , Salford , on Saturday , the 17 th . of February , when Companion Henry Reddish , John Cadman , Thos . Gardiner , and M . W . Peace , were installed Knights of the Order by Sir Knt . W . H . Wright , the Prov . Grand Chancellor . Sir Knt . Rowbotham gave notice of his intention to propose the removal of the Encampment to Wigan at the next meeting , which will meet with considerable opposition . Sir Knt . Thos . L . Bold , P . E . C ., was elected E . C . for the ensuing year , and Sir Knt . Pickering , the retiring E . C . was elected Treasurer , after
which the Encampment was duly closed , and the Sir Knts . adjourned to refreshment . Some of the members were absent at a Priory of the Malta degree held at Rochdale . Sir Knt . Broadbont , its oldest member , stated that the Encamp - ment formerly met every four months at Eccles , Bury , and Ringlcy , and recognized the degrees of Knight Templar , Knight of the White Cross , Knight of the Mediterranean Pass , Knight of Malta , Knight of the Red Cross , and ( but unconnected with it ) , Priestly Order . The Rosa Crucis they did not confer . The Knight of Malta degree and that of the Priestly Order they wish revived .
Royal Benevolent Institution For Aged Freemasons And Their Widows.
fHE exigencies of a printing office compel us to go to press some days before the end of the month , therefore , as the Annual Festival of THE ROYAE BENEVOLENT INSTITUTION TOE AGED FEEEMASONS AND THEIE WIDOWS was held on the last day of January , we have been unable to notice it until the present number . This institution , —the most deserving , the most needed—and the best of those supported by Freemasons—for many years laboured under the disadvantage of
holding such a meeting triennially . By the constant advocacy of Brother Henry George Warren , when proprietor and Editor of The Freemasons Magazine , it has , now , become the established rale to have a yearly festival . May it over continue the practice , and , by the bounty of the brethren , may its funds be increased fourfold , for not only is it the first DUTY of every brother to aid in its support , but it is tho HOST NEEDY of the three charitable foundations coexistent with Benevolent English . Freemasonry . It is the . most needful , because