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Sanger ; Rev . F . F . Carmichael ; Laurence Smith ; Henry Parkinson ; E . Kinahan ; Philip R . Patman , P . M . 153 ; Dr . Macnamara ; J . AV . Switzcr ; AA m . Barlow , barrister ; Charles H . Hemphill , Q . C . ; Randal M'Donnell , barrister ; Alderman Gregg ; S . N . Flrington ; AV . K . Clay ; A . Kennedy ; Dr . Smyth ; Dr . Frazer ; Dr . Ringland ; Rev . A . Campbell ; R . AV . Gamble , barrister ; Wm . Smyth ; Mr . Thompson ; Henry Barker ; J . Brunker ; Henry Fielding ; F . Chatterton , Q . C ; A . Downes , Grand Tyler .
Tho following brethren , members of the Order of Knights Templar , formed the Arch of Steel under which the procession passed on their way to the platform : —The Grand Prelate—Rev . S . G . Morrison . The Commander—Brother Shekelton . Banner—B . Flvnn ; Flavcllc ; J . Cobbo ; Gealy ; Kemnston ;
Hedgelong ; Pardon ; Espy ; Lovely ; Telford : Addisson ; Campbell ; Knight . Shield —B . AVilson ; B . Moir ; Simonton ; Green ; Field ; Ryan : G . AVTiitestone ; O'Brien ; O'Neill ; Jude ; Loydd ; Moir . After the Grand Master had been saluted , The proceedings commenced with the 100 th . Psalm , and a prayer by the Rev . J . J . M'Sorley , Grand Chaplain . Bro . E . R . D . La Touehe , Hon . Secretary , then" read the following report : —
" The Governors of the Masonic Female Orphan School have to report that " although the funds of that institution are in a solvent condition as regards " its present exigencies , they are still inadequate to meet the numerous and " urgent calls for shelter and protection made to them on behalf of the " destitute orphans of the brethren of this ancient , honourable , and loyal order . " At the last election , although there were fourteen eligible candidates , only " five could be admittedconsistently with the financial condition of the school
, " and the accommodation which the house is capable of affording . The total " receipts of the year 1865 amounted to 1 , 671 Z . 17 s . lOd . and the expenditure " to 1 , 339 Z . 19 * . 9 d . Of the balance 3301 . was invested in tho purchase of " stock , in accordance with the rules of the school , which require all donations " of 101 . and upwards to be so invested , and there remained in the bank to the
" credit of the institution , on the 1 st January , 1866 , 11 . 18 s . Id . The amount " now invested on permanent security for the benefit of the institution is 2 , 769 Z . " 4 s . Id . The governors fraternally invite the co-operation of their brethren in " this good work , and assure them that any sum contributed by them will be " expended with the most frugal economy , under the careful supervision of " the Finance Committee . The governors regret to report that during the " past year death ( which has not visited the school for nearly twenty years ) had
" removed from its shelter and protection two of its little inmates—Helena " Mahony and Kate Field who died , the former six weeks and the latter " about a month after her admission to the school . Their deaths were , in some " degree , attributed to tho privations experienced by them previous to their " admission to the institution , and to the change of dietary operating upon " constitutions naturally delicate . The attention of the eminent medical men , " who gratuitously afford their valuable services to the institution , to these poor " little children , was unremitting ; and the almost maternal kindness of Mrs .
" Noble , though it alleviated their suffering , proved powerless to arrest the " fatal progress of the diseases under which they sunk . It is to be remembered , " however , that although these two deaths followed so closely , a long time had " elapsed without any case of even serious illness in the school , and that the " other children have enjoyed excellent health . During the past year , in addition " to the vacancies caused in tho school by the deaths of the girls referred to , " seven other vacancies have taken place from girls having returned to their
" parents , or being provided witli eligible situations . Those who have been so " provided for have been furnished with suitable outfits , and about 184 Z . has " been expended for that purpose and the payment of apprentice foes . The governors regard it as one of tho essential objects of the institution , not only " to educate the pupils but to enable them to make a fair and creditable " entrance into life , when they are removed from the shelter of the school . " The reports of the distinguished gentlemen and brethren who examined the " girls at tho last annual examinations , and which are appended to this report
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Sanger ; Rev . F . F . Carmichael ; Laurence Smith ; Henry Parkinson ; E . Kinahan ; Philip R . Patman , P . M . 153 ; Dr . Macnamara ; J . AV . Switzcr ; AA m . Barlow , barrister ; Charles H . Hemphill , Q . C . ; Randal M'Donnell , barrister ; Alderman Gregg ; S . N . Flrington ; AV . K . Clay ; A . Kennedy ; Dr . Smyth ; Dr . Frazer ; Dr . Ringland ; Rev . A . Campbell ; R . AV . Gamble , barrister ; Wm . Smyth ; Mr . Thompson ; Henry Barker ; J . Brunker ; Henry Fielding ; F . Chatterton , Q . C ; A . Downes , Grand Tyler .
Tho following brethren , members of the Order of Knights Templar , formed the Arch of Steel under which the procession passed on their way to the platform : —The Grand Prelate—Rev . S . G . Morrison . The Commander—Brother Shekelton . Banner—B . Flvnn ; Flavcllc ; J . Cobbo ; Gealy ; Kemnston ;
Hedgelong ; Pardon ; Espy ; Lovely ; Telford : Addisson ; Campbell ; Knight . Shield —B . AVilson ; B . Moir ; Simonton ; Green ; Field ; Ryan : G . AVTiitestone ; O'Brien ; O'Neill ; Jude ; Loydd ; Moir . After the Grand Master had been saluted , The proceedings commenced with the 100 th . Psalm , and a prayer by the Rev . J . J . M'Sorley , Grand Chaplain . Bro . E . R . D . La Touehe , Hon . Secretary , then" read the following report : —
" The Governors of the Masonic Female Orphan School have to report that " although the funds of that institution are in a solvent condition as regards " its present exigencies , they are still inadequate to meet the numerous and " urgent calls for shelter and protection made to them on behalf of the " destitute orphans of the brethren of this ancient , honourable , and loyal order . " At the last election , although there were fourteen eligible candidates , only " five could be admittedconsistently with the financial condition of the school
, " and the accommodation which the house is capable of affording . The total " receipts of the year 1865 amounted to 1 , 671 Z . 17 s . lOd . and the expenditure " to 1 , 339 Z . 19 * . 9 d . Of the balance 3301 . was invested in tho purchase of " stock , in accordance with the rules of the school , which require all donations " of 101 . and upwards to be so invested , and there remained in the bank to the
" credit of the institution , on the 1 st January , 1866 , 11 . 18 s . Id . The amount " now invested on permanent security for the benefit of the institution is 2 , 769 Z . " 4 s . Id . The governors fraternally invite the co-operation of their brethren in " this good work , and assure them that any sum contributed by them will be " expended with the most frugal economy , under the careful supervision of " the Finance Committee . The governors regret to report that during the " past year death ( which has not visited the school for nearly twenty years ) had
" removed from its shelter and protection two of its little inmates—Helena " Mahony and Kate Field who died , the former six weeks and the latter " about a month after her admission to the school . Their deaths were , in some " degree , attributed to tho privations experienced by them previous to their " admission to the institution , and to the change of dietary operating upon " constitutions naturally delicate . The attention of the eminent medical men , " who gratuitously afford their valuable services to the institution , to these poor " little children , was unremitting ; and the almost maternal kindness of Mrs .
" Noble , though it alleviated their suffering , proved powerless to arrest the " fatal progress of the diseases under which they sunk . It is to be remembered , " however , that although these two deaths followed so closely , a long time had " elapsed without any case of even serious illness in the school , and that the " other children have enjoyed excellent health . During the past year , in addition " to the vacancies caused in tho school by the deaths of the girls referred to , " seven other vacancies have taken place from girls having returned to their
" parents , or being provided witli eligible situations . Those who have been so " provided for have been furnished with suitable outfits , and about 184 Z . has " been expended for that purpose and the payment of apprentice foes . The governors regard it as one of tho essential objects of the institution , not only " to educate the pupils but to enable them to make a fair and creditable " entrance into life , when they are removed from the shelter of the school . " The reports of the distinguished gentlemen and brethren who examined the " girls at tho last annual examinations , and which are appended to this report