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" attest not only the proficiency and progress of the pupils in the various '• ' branches of education in which they are instructed , but the excellence of the " system adopted by their teachers . It is right to state , however , that not" withstanding the improved and hi gher class of education imparted to the " girls , the system originally adopted has not been abandoned , and the girls " are still trained to perform all household duties , so as to be enabled to earn " their own livelihood , even in an humble position , and are taught how they should
" regulate their own homes in after-life , and fulfil the domestic duties , " without which , accomplishments are worthless . The accounts of the conduct " of the former inmates of the school continue to be most encouraging , and " the exemplary excellence of their conduct is only exceeded by the sincere " affection they entertain for their early home , youthful companions , teachers , " and friends . The governors feel bound to record their sincere regret at the "loss the institution has sustained btho death of the RevHVWhite
y . . . , " the zealous and amiable chaplain of the institution for the last six years . " By the mysterious will of Divine Providence the inmates of the institution " have been deprived of his gentle consideration and affectionate solicitude on " their behalf—the governors , of a brother with whom they had always " harmoniously and fraternally co-operated , and his bereaved family of a " devoted parent . . " In conclusion , the governors fraternally invite tho support of their brethren
" in this labour of love , and earnestly entreat them not to slaken the hand " of charity , but to continue to tho utmost of their several abilities to carry " out the groat fundamental principles of Masonry , and relieve the necessities " and mitigate the distresses of the orphans of their deceased brethren . " Brother Arthur Bushe , S . G . AA ^ ., in coming forward to move the first resolution , was received with loud applause . The resolution was as follows : — "That the marked thanks of this meeting arc eminently due to Brother E . R . D . La Touche , the Honorary Secretary , the members of the Ladies' Committee ,
the Education Committee , the Finance Committee , and tho Apprentice Committee , for the efficient services they have rendered to the Masonic Female Orphan School during the past year . " He compared his position in being asked to move the first resolution to the " stick" who , as manager of a theatre , came forward to announce that he would appear in place of some great actor or operatic singer who had been suddenly attacked with illness and was unable to perforin . ( Laughter . ) He was the " stick" in waiting , and it was his
duty to stand in the front and take all the tremendous fire of their eyes , which , only they looked so kindly , would affect his peace of mind . ( Laughter . ) The resolution embraced five subjects . In the first place , he thought their thanks were due to' Bro . La Touche . ( Hear , hear . ) As regards the work of the Finance Committee , it was gratifying to find that they had received 3001 . more last than the previous year . 2001 . had been subscribed for a memorial to Brother Speedyand they intended to expend the in building
, money additional accommodation in the school . ( Applause . ) They expected from them that night the verdict , "God bless your work . " ( Applause . ) The Education Committee and the Ladies' Committee were also greatly deserving of their thanks for their energies and zeal in behalf of the school . ( Applause . ) Brother Lanyon , Prov . Dep . G . M . Belfast , in seconding the resolution , said —Most Worshipful , ladies , and brethren , our brother Bushe came before you , as he said , as the manager , and he has delivered to you so excellent a
prologue that he has left me little to do ; I shall , therefore , content myself with a very few observations on the present occasion , and it is agreeable to me to do so , for it is only within these few minutes that I have been made aware of the important jiosition I should occupy here this evening . I have very great pleasure indeed in coming from the north , which I know is considered a cold country—( no , no)—to second the resolution . Cold as it is prosperity reigns there —( hearhear)—and with prosperity a love for Masonry .
, ( Applause . ) There is a genial warmth there so far as Masonry is concerned ; and I believe there is no town in Ireland in which it flourishes more than in Belfast , ( Loud applause . ) I am a practical man ; I cannot enter into details with reference to the acts of the committee , but it must be patent
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
" attest not only the proficiency and progress of the pupils in the various '• ' branches of education in which they are instructed , but the excellence of the " system adopted by their teachers . It is right to state , however , that not" withstanding the improved and hi gher class of education imparted to the " girls , the system originally adopted has not been abandoned , and the girls " are still trained to perform all household duties , so as to be enabled to earn " their own livelihood , even in an humble position , and are taught how they should
" regulate their own homes in after-life , and fulfil the domestic duties , " without which , accomplishments are worthless . The accounts of the conduct " of the former inmates of the school continue to be most encouraging , and " the exemplary excellence of their conduct is only exceeded by the sincere " affection they entertain for their early home , youthful companions , teachers , " and friends . The governors feel bound to record their sincere regret at the "loss the institution has sustained btho death of the RevHVWhite
y . . . , " the zealous and amiable chaplain of the institution for the last six years . " By the mysterious will of Divine Providence the inmates of the institution " have been deprived of his gentle consideration and affectionate solicitude on " their behalf—the governors , of a brother with whom they had always " harmoniously and fraternally co-operated , and his bereaved family of a " devoted parent . . " In conclusion , the governors fraternally invite tho support of their brethren
" in this labour of love , and earnestly entreat them not to slaken the hand " of charity , but to continue to tho utmost of their several abilities to carry " out the groat fundamental principles of Masonry , and relieve the necessities " and mitigate the distresses of the orphans of their deceased brethren . " Brother Arthur Bushe , S . G . AA ^ ., in coming forward to move the first resolution , was received with loud applause . The resolution was as follows : — "That the marked thanks of this meeting arc eminently due to Brother E . R . D . La Touche , the Honorary Secretary , the members of the Ladies' Committee ,
the Education Committee , the Finance Committee , and tho Apprentice Committee , for the efficient services they have rendered to the Masonic Female Orphan School during the past year . " He compared his position in being asked to move the first resolution to the " stick" who , as manager of a theatre , came forward to announce that he would appear in place of some great actor or operatic singer who had been suddenly attacked with illness and was unable to perforin . ( Laughter . ) He was the " stick" in waiting , and it was his
duty to stand in the front and take all the tremendous fire of their eyes , which , only they looked so kindly , would affect his peace of mind . ( Laughter . ) The resolution embraced five subjects . In the first place , he thought their thanks were due to' Bro . La Touche . ( Hear , hear . ) As regards the work of the Finance Committee , it was gratifying to find that they had received 3001 . more last than the previous year . 2001 . had been subscribed for a memorial to Brother Speedyand they intended to expend the in building
, money additional accommodation in the school . ( Applause . ) They expected from them that night the verdict , "God bless your work . " ( Applause . ) The Education Committee and the Ladies' Committee were also greatly deserving of their thanks for their energies and zeal in behalf of the school . ( Applause . ) Brother Lanyon , Prov . Dep . G . M . Belfast , in seconding the resolution , said —Most Worshipful , ladies , and brethren , our brother Bushe came before you , as he said , as the manager , and he has delivered to you so excellent a
prologue that he has left me little to do ; I shall , therefore , content myself with a very few observations on the present occasion , and it is agreeable to me to do so , for it is only within these few minutes that I have been made aware of the important jiosition I should occupy here this evening . I have very great pleasure indeed in coming from the north , which I know is considered a cold country—( no , no)—to second the resolution . Cold as it is prosperity reigns there —( hearhear)—and with prosperity a love for Masonry .
, ( Applause . ) There is a genial warmth there so far as Masonry is concerned ; and I believe there is no town in Ireland in which it flourishes more than in Belfast , ( Loud applause . ) I am a practical man ; I cannot enter into details with reference to the acts of the committee , but it must be patent