Article MASONIC ANTIQUITIES, DOCUMENTS, &c. ← Page 2 of 4 →
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Masonic Antiquities, Documents, &C.
including our own , but it is needless to say such Grand Priors are not acknowledged by our Encampments , which are subject only to their o * . vn elected rulers . The clothing of the Order is black . The Duke of Sussex , in his anxiety to become chief of the high grades in England , applied to the Emperor of Russia , and Avas by him nominated Grand Prior of the Knights Templar of St .
John of Jerusalem , and Knights of Malta in England , and Sir AValter RodAvell Wright , the Grand Master , who had succeeded the Duke of Kent in 1808 , held a Grand Conclave at London in 1811 , resigned the Grand Mastership , and recommended the election of the Duke of Sussex , and he was accordingly installed in 1812 , and the Camp at Bristolwhich is said to have modified its ceremonies
, by the introduction of French degrees , about this period , SAvore fealty in the following oath , originally in Latin , and done into English by Sir Knt , Matthew Cooke , and printed in the magazine of Avhich he Avas Sub-editor , and by Avhose exertions so much Avas done in that journal " to place the Chivalric Orders in their proper position : —
" The Oath of Fealty and Obedience of the Most Eminent Commander of " the Orders of St . John , and the Temple , of the Stations of Bristol " and Gloucester , taken in our Annual Convocation in Hobv Week ,
"A . D . 1813 : " I , William Henry Goldwyer , of the Orders of Hospitallers , St . John , " and the Temple , Superiiitendant and Provincial Grand Master for this " our Station swear , in the presence of Almighty God and of our Kni ghts ' * ' regularly constituted , fealty and obedience to Prince Frederick , the " King ' s sonDuke of Sussexand Grand Master of those Noble Orders
, , " for the whole Kingdom of Britain . To rule the Kni ghts committed " to my charge , by the Most Eminent Grand Master , with justice and " brotherly love ; and if ever our Grand Master thinks we ought to " bo called out for the sake of defending the Christian Reli gion , . the " Order , or our Country , and being equipped on the station where I am " situated , to fly quickly to arms with the Knights under me . But
'" ' indeed , dearl y beloved Knights , I have considered it my obligation " to swear obedience to the Grand Master of our Order , at the same " time I deemed it my duty to swear to yourselves , on the words of the " Holy Evangelists , that I will never desert the standard of our Order " whilst I live ; and that Almighty God will at all times give me His " grace to observe all that is ordered hy our Most Eminent Grand " Master , and to you beloved Knights I have sworn this , my fervent oath . " Amen . "
In this year , 1813 , the Union of ancient and modern Masonry took place in the three Craft degrees , it being specially enacted that nothing in the said Union Avent to prohibit lodges from holding meetings in the Chivalric degrees , H . R . H . the Duke of Sussex continuing Grand Master of both Craft and Civalric Masonry , though the latter appears to have been much neglected
by him , if even lie did not aim at its total suppression . In 18 3 8 H . R . H . accepted from Sir Sydney Smith the Grand Priorship of the French Order of the Temple , which admitted th . :
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Masonic Antiquities, Documents, &C.
including our own , but it is needless to say such Grand Priors are not acknowledged by our Encampments , which are subject only to their o * . vn elected rulers . The clothing of the Order is black . The Duke of Sussex , in his anxiety to become chief of the high grades in England , applied to the Emperor of Russia , and Avas by him nominated Grand Prior of the Knights Templar of St .
John of Jerusalem , and Knights of Malta in England , and Sir AValter RodAvell Wright , the Grand Master , who had succeeded the Duke of Kent in 1808 , held a Grand Conclave at London in 1811 , resigned the Grand Mastership , and recommended the election of the Duke of Sussex , and he was accordingly installed in 1812 , and the Camp at Bristolwhich is said to have modified its ceremonies
, by the introduction of French degrees , about this period , SAvore fealty in the following oath , originally in Latin , and done into English by Sir Knt , Matthew Cooke , and printed in the magazine of Avhich he Avas Sub-editor , and by Avhose exertions so much Avas done in that journal " to place the Chivalric Orders in their proper position : —
" The Oath of Fealty and Obedience of the Most Eminent Commander of " the Orders of St . John , and the Temple , of the Stations of Bristol " and Gloucester , taken in our Annual Convocation in Hobv Week ,
"A . D . 1813 : " I , William Henry Goldwyer , of the Orders of Hospitallers , St . John , " and the Temple , Superiiitendant and Provincial Grand Master for this " our Station swear , in the presence of Almighty God and of our Kni ghts ' * ' regularly constituted , fealty and obedience to Prince Frederick , the " King ' s sonDuke of Sussexand Grand Master of those Noble Orders
, , " for the whole Kingdom of Britain . To rule the Kni ghts committed " to my charge , by the Most Eminent Grand Master , with justice and " brotherly love ; and if ever our Grand Master thinks we ought to " bo called out for the sake of defending the Christian Reli gion , . the " Order , or our Country , and being equipped on the station where I am " situated , to fly quickly to arms with the Knights under me . But
'" ' indeed , dearl y beloved Knights , I have considered it my obligation " to swear obedience to the Grand Master of our Order , at the same " time I deemed it my duty to swear to yourselves , on the words of the " Holy Evangelists , that I will never desert the standard of our Order " whilst I live ; and that Almighty God will at all times give me His " grace to observe all that is ordered hy our Most Eminent Grand " Master , and to you beloved Knights I have sworn this , my fervent oath . " Amen . "
In this year , 1813 , the Union of ancient and modern Masonry took place in the three Craft degrees , it being specially enacted that nothing in the said Union Avent to prohibit lodges from holding meetings in the Chivalric degrees , H . R . H . the Duke of Sussex continuing Grand Master of both Craft and Civalric Masonry , though the latter appears to have been much neglected
by him , if even lie did not aim at its total suppression . In 18 3 8 H . R . H . accepted from Sir Sydney Smith the Grand Priorship of the French Order of the Temple , which admitted th . :