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Masonic Antiquities, Documents, &C.
they issued a certificate from copper-plate , UOAV in the possession of Sir Knt . George Orme , of Ashton-under-Lyne , and Avhich is almost identical Avith those issued for this Encampment , except that it contains the era " Anno Knight Templar Priesthood . " A ritual of Sir Jesse Lee , a member of this Encampment , has , hoAvever , come into my possession , and the era is there stated to date from
the "Year of Revival , or 1686 . " In the statement * that the York ceremony used nine officers , I have taken the authority of a brother Avho has incurred much trouble to revive this degree , and had a copy of the ritual dating early last century , if not into the century beyond , and Avhich Avas , I believe , obtained from a Bristol Knight . The degree Avas sometimes styled " Knights of the
Tabernacle , " and the cash book for 1780 , of the Order belonging to the Grand Lodge of ALL ENGLAND , at York , is in possession of the " Union" Lodge at York . Such of the twenty-one by-laws as may be printed Avithout any breach of propriety are here given . They commence : — " Glory to God on High ; Peace on Earth , Good will to men . " A . O . 695 . A . L . 5813 . K . T . 1118 .
Laws, &C., Of The United Sacred Band Of Royal Arch Knights Templar Priests.
"Held under sanction of the Conclave and -Chapter of Jerusalem , No . 9 , " at their Field of Encampment , in the town of Manchester and " County of Lancaster , on the Registry of the Grand and "Royal Conclave of England , A . D . 1813 . " Let us unite together as children of one Parent , brethren of one tie ; " and in the name of God let brotherly love . prevail .
LAAVS , & C . "The Lord is our Judge , the Lord is our LaAvgiver , the Lord is our " King ; He will save us . Blessed be He that cometh in the name of the " Lord . 2 nd .
" You must not carry on , or know to be carried on , any secret plot or " plots against the Brotherhood , our country , or our King , so long as he " or the male heirs apparent to the Crown shall continue true to their " Coronation Oath , but will freely give timely notice , as friends , of all " approaching danger Avhatsoever , as far as your several knowledge leads " you . 4 th .
" Thou shalt not make merchandize of the Order of Royal Arch Knights " Templar Priests . Every Faithful Knight Templar who is regularly re" gistered as such , and of good report amongst us , being free-born without " blemish , who will conform to the laws and secret rules of this Order , " shall be admitted a Pillar in our Tabernacle , and made a Priest in our " Temple .
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Masonic Antiquities, Documents, &C.
they issued a certificate from copper-plate , UOAV in the possession of Sir Knt . George Orme , of Ashton-under-Lyne , and Avhich is almost identical Avith those issued for this Encampment , except that it contains the era " Anno Knight Templar Priesthood . " A ritual of Sir Jesse Lee , a member of this Encampment , has , hoAvever , come into my possession , and the era is there stated to date from
the "Year of Revival , or 1686 . " In the statement * that the York ceremony used nine officers , I have taken the authority of a brother Avho has incurred much trouble to revive this degree , and had a copy of the ritual dating early last century , if not into the century beyond , and Avhich Avas , I believe , obtained from a Bristol Knight . The degree Avas sometimes styled " Knights of the
Tabernacle , " and the cash book for 1780 , of the Order belonging to the Grand Lodge of ALL ENGLAND , at York , is in possession of the " Union" Lodge at York . Such of the twenty-one by-laws as may be printed Avithout any breach of propriety are here given . They commence : — " Glory to God on High ; Peace on Earth , Good will to men . " A . O . 695 . A . L . 5813 . K . T . 1118 .
Laws, &C., Of The United Sacred Band Of Royal Arch Knights Templar Priests.
"Held under sanction of the Conclave and -Chapter of Jerusalem , No . 9 , " at their Field of Encampment , in the town of Manchester and " County of Lancaster , on the Registry of the Grand and "Royal Conclave of England , A . D . 1813 . " Let us unite together as children of one Parent , brethren of one tie ; " and in the name of God let brotherly love . prevail .
LAAVS , & C . "The Lord is our Judge , the Lord is our LaAvgiver , the Lord is our " King ; He will save us . Blessed be He that cometh in the name of the " Lord . 2 nd .
" You must not carry on , or know to be carried on , any secret plot or " plots against the Brotherhood , our country , or our King , so long as he " or the male heirs apparent to the Crown shall continue true to their " Coronation Oath , but will freely give timely notice , as friends , of all " approaching danger Avhatsoever , as far as your several knowledge leads " you . 4 th .
" Thou shalt not make merchandize of the Order of Royal Arch Knights " Templar Priests . Every Faithful Knight Templar who is regularly re" gistered as such , and of good report amongst us , being free-born without " blemish , who will conform to the laws and secret rules of this Order , " shall be admitted a Pillar in our Tabernacle , and made a Priest in our " Temple .