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Laws, &C., Of The United Sacred Band Of Royal Arch Knights Templar Priests.
6 th . " All those who have the honour of being members of this Ancient Order " of Royal Arch Knights Templar Priests must live according to the true " principles of the Reformed churches , and never separate themselves to their " lives end . 14 th .
" Let all good men unite together in one indissoluble bond of union to " oppose the world , the flesh , and the devil , and to promote the interests " of Christianity and the Avelfare of the human race . Let ITS , as Christian " Builders , carefully observe these tenets : 1 . To ' keep his secrets . 2 ndly . " To assist him in all his outward needs . 3 rdly . To counsel him Avhen he " wants advice . 4 thly . To cheer him when he needs comfort . 5 thly . To " endeavour his rescue out of any trouble or danger . 6 thly . To be aiding
" and assisting to his soul in all spiritual wants . 7 thly . It is the duty of " Brethren always to bo faithful and affectionate to each other . " Beloved Brethren—Let us love one another . Let us bear with one " another . Let us not speak evil of one another . Let us always do good " one to another . Let us pray with and for one another . Let us spend , " and be spent , in defence of the Christian Religion . " Blessed be the Lord God , the God of Israel , who only is the Lord ; " and blessed be His glorkras name for ever and ever . Amen , and amen . "
Form Of Certificate.
" Amo . Cultor—Dei . Invenimus . " Lux e Tenebris Initium Timor Sapientias Domini . " Templum Hierosolamaa . " Wisdom hath Builded her House ; she hath hewn out her seven " Pillars . The light that cometh from Wisdom shall never go out .
" We , the United Sacred Band of Royal Arch Knights Templar Priests , " held at Manchester , under the sanction of the Conclave and Chapter of " Jerusalem , No . 9 on the Registry of the Grand and Royal Conclave of " England . Do hereby certify and declare , that our worthy and Avell" beloA'ed Brother and Companion the Worshipful Sir , after " having regularly obtained and honourably maintained the dignity of
" Knighthood , and having been warmly recommended unto Us , and found " worthy , was upon the day of , in the year of our Lord , " initiated , confirmed , and installed into all the Grand and Sublime " Mysteries of this Holy Order , and admitted a Priest in our Tabernacle " and a Pillar in our Temple ; and we further certify that during his stay " amongst us , his behaviour has entitled him to this certificate , which ,
" like the olive branch of peace , we commit into his hands , and rocom" mend him to all True and Faithful Brethren and Computus of this " Sacred Order , throughout the universe , to accept of him as such , and to " take him under their brotherly care and protection . " Given under our hand and the Seal of the ConclaA r e and " Chapter of Jerusalem , No , 9 in then * Field of Encampment ,
" at Manchester this day of , in the year of Sal" vation , 1813 ; of Light , 5813 ; of Royal Arch Masonry , 3300 , " and of Knights of the Holy Temple and Sepulchre , 695 . " Seal on _ green ( 52 nd Psalm , S vs . ) , and ) Si S ned 1 P * " White ribbon in the form of seven steps . , _ p
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Laws, &C., Of The United Sacred Band Of Royal Arch Knights Templar Priests.
6 th . " All those who have the honour of being members of this Ancient Order " of Royal Arch Knights Templar Priests must live according to the true " principles of the Reformed churches , and never separate themselves to their " lives end . 14 th .
" Let all good men unite together in one indissoluble bond of union to " oppose the world , the flesh , and the devil , and to promote the interests " of Christianity and the Avelfare of the human race . Let ITS , as Christian " Builders , carefully observe these tenets : 1 . To ' keep his secrets . 2 ndly . " To assist him in all his outward needs . 3 rdly . To counsel him Avhen he " wants advice . 4 thly . To cheer him when he needs comfort . 5 thly . To " endeavour his rescue out of any trouble or danger . 6 thly . To be aiding
" and assisting to his soul in all spiritual wants . 7 thly . It is the duty of " Brethren always to bo faithful and affectionate to each other . " Beloved Brethren—Let us love one another . Let us bear with one " another . Let us not speak evil of one another . Let us always do good " one to another . Let us pray with and for one another . Let us spend , " and be spent , in defence of the Christian Religion . " Blessed be the Lord God , the God of Israel , who only is the Lord ; " and blessed be His glorkras name for ever and ever . Amen , and amen . "
Form Of Certificate.
" Amo . Cultor—Dei . Invenimus . " Lux e Tenebris Initium Timor Sapientias Domini . " Templum Hierosolamaa . " Wisdom hath Builded her House ; she hath hewn out her seven " Pillars . The light that cometh from Wisdom shall never go out .
" We , the United Sacred Band of Royal Arch Knights Templar Priests , " held at Manchester , under the sanction of the Conclave and Chapter of " Jerusalem , No . 9 on the Registry of the Grand and Royal Conclave of " England . Do hereby certify and declare , that our worthy and Avell" beloA'ed Brother and Companion the Worshipful Sir , after " having regularly obtained and honourably maintained the dignity of
" Knighthood , and having been warmly recommended unto Us , and found " worthy , was upon the day of , in the year of our Lord , " initiated , confirmed , and installed into all the Grand and Sublime " Mysteries of this Holy Order , and admitted a Priest in our Tabernacle " and a Pillar in our Temple ; and we further certify that during his stay " amongst us , his behaviour has entitled him to this certificate , which ,
" like the olive branch of peace , we commit into his hands , and rocom" mend him to all True and Faithful Brethren and Computus of this " Sacred Order , throughout the universe , to accept of him as such , and to " take him under their brotherly care and protection . " Given under our hand and the Seal of the ConclaA r e and " Chapter of Jerusalem , No , 9 in then * Field of Encampment ,
" at Manchester this day of , in the year of Sal" vation , 1813 ; of Light , 5813 ; of Royal Arch Masonry , 3300 , " and of Knights of the Holy Temple and Sepulchre , 695 . " Seal on _ green ( 52 nd Psalm , S vs . ) , and ) Si S ned 1 P * " White ribbon in the form of seven steps . , _ p