Article FORM OF CERTIFICATE. ← Page 2 of 7 →
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Form Of Certificate.
Bro . James Lazarus Threlfall , P . Prov . G . Sec . East Lane , states that about 1818-1819 , many interesting Templar and other documents , bearing on military topics , belonging to the Social Lodge , which had at one time been attached to some regiment Avritten in French , & c , Avere burned in his presence in the stable yard of the " Old Boar ' s Head , " Hyde Cross , on account of the stringent measures
government Avere using for suppressing Secret Societies , and the fear lest , if found , such documents might be misinterpreted , and the Encampment Avould appear to have been in a half dormant state , betAveen 1816-182 2 , for the by-laAVS , though containing additions made in 1819 , have ho signatures after 1816 , after Avhich Bro . Threlfall states it held an annual meeting for several years , at the Craven Inn ,
Miller Street , on Good Fridays , and many of the old Encampments , such as that at Newcastle , yet retain that day for conferring the Rose Croix and other high degrees . They met at seven o ' clock in
the morning , and remained until eight o ' clock at night . Lectures Avere given on matters connected with the order ; a knowledge of heraldry Avas enjoined on candidates for admission , and illustrated by a pedigree of the Houses of York and Lancaster , showing the origin and close of the Wars of the Roses , which it was supposed had something to do Avith the preservation of the order , these Avars
Shakespeare makes to commence in the garden of the Ancient Temple , London . Admiral Murray . Capt . Dundas , and brethren from Nottingham visited the Encampment , these visits Avere returned , and at Nottingham the Rosas Crucis degree was worked by the Templars in a very superior manner , a closing lecture being given , Avhichby Bro . Threlfall ' s account of itapparentlreferred to the
, , y legend of Christian Rosencreutzer , Avith some startling machinery , alluding to an event in his supposed history by his resuscitation . The " Jerusalem" had four banners painted , valuable as illustrating the Avorking of the period , containing the following symbolism : —
1 . A castle , the tOAver containing the characters of the order , surrounded by a fire . Reverse . The Patriarchal Cross of the Temple . 2 . Eye , sun , moon , skull , and crossbones , hand , foot , coffin . Reverse The Cross of Jerusalem , or Arms of Sir Godfrey de Bouillon . 3 . Glory with triangle , scrip , cup , sword and saw , lamb , cock , crown of thorns . Reverse . The Maltese Cross . 4 . Triangle of lightsarmed ilgrim
, p , seven pointed star , cross and serpent , ladder Avith double headed eagle , and the letters and figures , or symbolical ages , 3 ¦ 5 ¦ 1 9 ¦ 2 7 ¦ 54 ¦ 81 . 1 neplus , , , ( t ^ . -, lic . S . SE . F . E . H . SA . S . B . T . j ultra , and the ' v 0 lds ' Kadosh &
T XT C \ T Templar . " Reverse . Cross of St . George of Italy , with A Y * O The old members state that the degrees Avhich they recognized and conferred Avere E . A ., F . C ., M . M ., P . M . ( after twelve months ) , R . A ., K . T . ( after six months ) , K . of Med . Pass , ( after six months ) ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Form Of Certificate.
Bro . James Lazarus Threlfall , P . Prov . G . Sec . East Lane , states that about 1818-1819 , many interesting Templar and other documents , bearing on military topics , belonging to the Social Lodge , which had at one time been attached to some regiment Avritten in French , & c , Avere burned in his presence in the stable yard of the " Old Boar ' s Head , " Hyde Cross , on account of the stringent measures
government Avere using for suppressing Secret Societies , and the fear lest , if found , such documents might be misinterpreted , and the Encampment Avould appear to have been in a half dormant state , betAveen 1816-182 2 , for the by-laAVS , though containing additions made in 1819 , have ho signatures after 1816 , after Avhich Bro . Threlfall states it held an annual meeting for several years , at the Craven Inn ,
Miller Street , on Good Fridays , and many of the old Encampments , such as that at Newcastle , yet retain that day for conferring the Rose Croix and other high degrees . They met at seven o ' clock in
the morning , and remained until eight o ' clock at night . Lectures Avere given on matters connected with the order ; a knowledge of heraldry Avas enjoined on candidates for admission , and illustrated by a pedigree of the Houses of York and Lancaster , showing the origin and close of the Wars of the Roses , which it was supposed had something to do Avith the preservation of the order , these Avars
Shakespeare makes to commence in the garden of the Ancient Temple , London . Admiral Murray . Capt . Dundas , and brethren from Nottingham visited the Encampment , these visits Avere returned , and at Nottingham the Rosas Crucis degree was worked by the Templars in a very superior manner , a closing lecture being given , Avhichby Bro . Threlfall ' s account of itapparentlreferred to the
, , y legend of Christian Rosencreutzer , Avith some startling machinery , alluding to an event in his supposed history by his resuscitation . The " Jerusalem" had four banners painted , valuable as illustrating the Avorking of the period , containing the following symbolism : —
1 . A castle , the tOAver containing the characters of the order , surrounded by a fire . Reverse . The Patriarchal Cross of the Temple . 2 . Eye , sun , moon , skull , and crossbones , hand , foot , coffin . Reverse The Cross of Jerusalem , or Arms of Sir Godfrey de Bouillon . 3 . Glory with triangle , scrip , cup , sword and saw , lamb , cock , crown of thorns . Reverse . The Maltese Cross . 4 . Triangle of lightsarmed ilgrim
, p , seven pointed star , cross and serpent , ladder Avith double headed eagle , and the letters and figures , or symbolical ages , 3 ¦ 5 ¦ 1 9 ¦ 2 7 ¦ 54 ¦ 81 . 1 neplus , , , ( t ^ . -, lic . S . SE . F . E . H . SA . S . B . T . j ultra , and the ' v 0 lds ' Kadosh &
T XT C \ T Templar . " Reverse . Cross of St . George of Italy , with A Y * O The old members state that the degrees Avhich they recognized and conferred Avere E . A ., F . C ., M . M ., P . M . ( after twelve months ) , R . A ., K . T . ( after six months ) , K . of Med . Pass , ( after six months ) ,