Article FORM OF CERTIFICATE. ← Page 5 of 7 →
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Form Of Certificate.
It Avill be noticed that the list of officers had IIOAV become greatly altered and augmented , and also that they differ totally from those at present appointed . This petition appears to have been for-Avarded by Sir Jesse Lee , Avho Avas installed at this meeting Avith Sir John Crossley . The Encampment at this date issued its OAvn certificatesmaking
, no return during a portion of the reign of the Duke of Sussex . The folloAving is a copy of one of them beautifully illuminated Avith the symbols before mentioned , on the banners : — " This is to certify that our Avell-beloved Brother and trusty Companion " Jesse Leehaving passed through the different degrees of Craft and Holy
, " Royal Arch Masonry , and haAdng proved himself worthy by his great " zeal and perseverance , through the amazing trials made of his faith and " valour ( which he justly sustained and honourably maintained ) did duly " obtain and was by us admitted and dubbed a Sir Knight Companion of " the most Religious and Military Order of Knights Templars in our " Encampment , at Manchester , upon the 26 th day of October , in the year
" of our blessed Redeemer , One Thousand Eight Hundred and Twenty-six . ( Signed ) " Given under our hands and Seal of the Conclave No . 9 of © St . John of Jerusalem , by A'irtuo and authority of warrant granted by the late Most Eminent and Supreme Grand Master , Sir Thomas Dunckerley , " bearing date May 20 th . A . L . 5799 , A . D . 1795 , A . O . 677 , and A . C . 481 .
"JOHN BENT , E . Comr . " THOS . PEESTON , 1 st . Capt . " THOAIAS HIGGINSON , 2 nd . Capt . " JOHN SHAAV , Chanc . and Reg . " The seal has the eye , cross and serpent , Maltese cross , Bible and triangle of lights , cock , lamb , skull and cross bones , surrounded
Avith seven stars , and the inscription , " Conclave and Chapter of ¦ Jerusalem , Manchester . " There is also a beautifully illuminated certificate of the same brothers' admission to the Priestly Order , February nth , 1829 . The symbolism being seven branched candlestick , triangle and glory over a lamb placed upon a book and altar , from the former of Avhich
is suspended seven seals , and the pillars are thus symbolized : — 1 . Sun ; 2 . Green branch ; 3 . CroAvn ; 4 . Lilly ; 5 . SAVOTCI ; 6 . Anchor ; 7 . Cross and Bible . This bears the signature of John McDougall , 1 st P . ; Simon Jones , 2 nd P . ; Paul Plimmer , 3 rd P . ; John Schofield , 4 th P . ; John CheAV , 5 th P . ; Thomas Higginson , 6 th P . ; John Saxon , 7 th P . Sir Knt . Higginson Avas installed a Templar and is the oldest memberand in
in 1824 , living , spite of infirmity occasionally visits his Encampment , in the Knight of Malta costume , formerly used in this Encampment . The above mentioned Jesse Lee Avas made Knight of Malta , ' * ' Sunday , June 29 th , 1828 , at the Commercial Tavern , under warrant " of Conclave of Jerusalem , No . 9 , by M'Dougal , Bent , and CIBAV . Red " Cross , 1831 , " M 2
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Form Of Certificate.
It Avill be noticed that the list of officers had IIOAV become greatly altered and augmented , and also that they differ totally from those at present appointed . This petition appears to have been for-Avarded by Sir Jesse Lee , Avho Avas installed at this meeting Avith Sir John Crossley . The Encampment at this date issued its OAvn certificatesmaking
, no return during a portion of the reign of the Duke of Sussex . The folloAving is a copy of one of them beautifully illuminated Avith the symbols before mentioned , on the banners : — " This is to certify that our Avell-beloved Brother and trusty Companion " Jesse Leehaving passed through the different degrees of Craft and Holy
, " Royal Arch Masonry , and haAdng proved himself worthy by his great " zeal and perseverance , through the amazing trials made of his faith and " valour ( which he justly sustained and honourably maintained ) did duly " obtain and was by us admitted and dubbed a Sir Knight Companion of " the most Religious and Military Order of Knights Templars in our " Encampment , at Manchester , upon the 26 th day of October , in the year
" of our blessed Redeemer , One Thousand Eight Hundred and Twenty-six . ( Signed ) " Given under our hands and Seal of the Conclave No . 9 of © St . John of Jerusalem , by A'irtuo and authority of warrant granted by the late Most Eminent and Supreme Grand Master , Sir Thomas Dunckerley , " bearing date May 20 th . A . L . 5799 , A . D . 1795 , A . O . 677 , and A . C . 481 .
"JOHN BENT , E . Comr . " THOS . PEESTON , 1 st . Capt . " THOAIAS HIGGINSON , 2 nd . Capt . " JOHN SHAAV , Chanc . and Reg . " The seal has the eye , cross and serpent , Maltese cross , Bible and triangle of lights , cock , lamb , skull and cross bones , surrounded
Avith seven stars , and the inscription , " Conclave and Chapter of ¦ Jerusalem , Manchester . " There is also a beautifully illuminated certificate of the same brothers' admission to the Priestly Order , February nth , 1829 . The symbolism being seven branched candlestick , triangle and glory over a lamb placed upon a book and altar , from the former of Avhich
is suspended seven seals , and the pillars are thus symbolized : — 1 . Sun ; 2 . Green branch ; 3 . CroAvn ; 4 . Lilly ; 5 . SAVOTCI ; 6 . Anchor ; 7 . Cross and Bible . This bears the signature of John McDougall , 1 st P . ; Simon Jones , 2 nd P . ; Paul Plimmer , 3 rd P . ; John Schofield , 4 th P . ; John CheAV , 5 th P . ; Thomas Higginson , 6 th P . ; John Saxon , 7 th P . Sir Knt . Higginson Avas installed a Templar and is the oldest memberand in
in 1824 , living , spite of infirmity occasionally visits his Encampment , in the Knight of Malta costume , formerly used in this Encampment . The above mentioned Jesse Lee Avas made Knight of Malta , ' * ' Sunday , June 29 th , 1828 , at the Commercial Tavern , under warrant " of Conclave of Jerusalem , No . 9 , by M'Dougal , Bent , and CIBAV . Red " Cross , 1831 , " M 2