Article FORM OF CERTIFICATE. ← Page 6 of 7 →
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Form Of Certificate.
( The latter must have been under the Band , unless the Rosse Crusis is meant ) . The Encampment next year met at the " Commercial Inn , " Market Street , and here installed Bro . Le Gendre Nicholas Starkie , Prov . G . M . for West Lancashire . From some cause the higher degrees , more particularly the Knights of Malta and Knights Rosa ?
Crueis , Avould appear to have commenced to fall off , -though there are dates of admission preserved about this period , endorsements on the backs of certificates , & c . The secretary of these degrees Avas Sir John McDougall , who left the country about 18 33 , probably taking the minutes with him as they were kept in a small clasp pocket book . In 1830 the Conclave installed several
, members at the Commercial Inn , and the Gibraltar Plotel , and there are one or two certificates almost identical in Avording Avith that before given . A K . T . ' s certificate of installation , April 24 th , 18 30 ( Commercial Inn ) , bearing the names of Daniel Lynch , E . G . ; John Bent , Senior Capt . ; James Lazarus Threlfall , Junior Capt . ;
Jesse Lee , Chan , and Reg . ; and a P . O . certificate of the admission of the same Sir Knight , June 29 th , 1830 ( Gibraltar Hotel ) . In August , 1831 , it Avas ordered " that the Conclave and Chapter " meet in future along Avith the Lodge of Fortitude to Avhich " the Avarrant was granted . " ( This is a mistake as the Avarrant was granted to Lodge 39 of the Athol Constitution Avhich united Avith
the former ) . But here it Avould appear to have done little or nothing . The members of the Fortitude having united with the Lodge and Chapter of " Virtue , " then 177 , and the Fortitude warrant beingremoved to Milnrow , near Rochdale , Avhere it remained until 186 3 , Avhen it came back to Manchester as a Provincial Grand Officers Lodge . In 18 39 the Encampment held its meetings and received
, many members at the " Nag ' s Head , " Hanover Street , and in April , 1841 , it Avas ordered that both Encampment and Priestly Order hold their meetings at the house of Bro . Johnson , Garret Road , and attach themselves to the Lodge and Chapter of Virtue . In 1845 many members appear to have been admitted , and the folloAving report ¦ is copied from the Freemasons'' Quarterly : —
" St . John of Jerusalem , JS o . 9 . Manchester , May 22 nd , 1845 . —The " Conclave met this day , Avhen the following Companions were admitted , " viz ., Comp . Joseph John Moody , P . G . Registrar for Cheshire , and P . P . Z . " of Chapter 404 , and Comp . Johnson , P . M . of No . 1 Cork , and R . A . C . " of Chapter 52 , Manchester . The following distinguished Sir Knights " were likewise admitted as members , viz ., Job Lockyer Scale , M . D ., " P . P . G . S . of Somersetshire , and P . G . Rose ^ of the Baldwin Encamp - " ment of the Prince Masons of BristolFrancis GoodwinMDKniht
; , ... g " of the Edinburgh Prioiy No . 1 , P . G . R . C . of Edinburgh Chapter of " Rose vjl , and Knight of the 33 rd degree of Mizraim ; Walter Laurence , " of Lisreaghan , S . P . G . R . ^ of the late Grand Chapter of Ireland ; James " Boll , of Balinasloo , S . P . G . R . ^ of the late Grand Chapter of Ireland . " The ConclaA e was closed in harmony with the hope that , as so many " of its members were Rose ^ J « Masons , a Chapter of that degree , attached " to the Conclave , Avould be reAivcd . "
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Form Of Certificate.
( The latter must have been under the Band , unless the Rosse Crusis is meant ) . The Encampment next year met at the " Commercial Inn , " Market Street , and here installed Bro . Le Gendre Nicholas Starkie , Prov . G . M . for West Lancashire . From some cause the higher degrees , more particularly the Knights of Malta and Knights Rosa ?
Crueis , Avould appear to have commenced to fall off , -though there are dates of admission preserved about this period , endorsements on the backs of certificates , & c . The secretary of these degrees Avas Sir John McDougall , who left the country about 18 33 , probably taking the minutes with him as they were kept in a small clasp pocket book . In 1830 the Conclave installed several
, members at the Commercial Inn , and the Gibraltar Plotel , and there are one or two certificates almost identical in Avording Avith that before given . A K . T . ' s certificate of installation , April 24 th , 18 30 ( Commercial Inn ) , bearing the names of Daniel Lynch , E . G . ; John Bent , Senior Capt . ; James Lazarus Threlfall , Junior Capt . ;
Jesse Lee , Chan , and Reg . ; and a P . O . certificate of the admission of the same Sir Knight , June 29 th , 1830 ( Gibraltar Hotel ) . In August , 1831 , it Avas ordered " that the Conclave and Chapter " meet in future along Avith the Lodge of Fortitude to Avhich " the Avarrant was granted . " ( This is a mistake as the Avarrant was granted to Lodge 39 of the Athol Constitution Avhich united Avith
the former ) . But here it Avould appear to have done little or nothing . The members of the Fortitude having united with the Lodge and Chapter of " Virtue , " then 177 , and the Fortitude warrant beingremoved to Milnrow , near Rochdale , Avhere it remained until 186 3 , Avhen it came back to Manchester as a Provincial Grand Officers Lodge . In 18 39 the Encampment held its meetings and received
, many members at the " Nag ' s Head , " Hanover Street , and in April , 1841 , it Avas ordered that both Encampment and Priestly Order hold their meetings at the house of Bro . Johnson , Garret Road , and attach themselves to the Lodge and Chapter of Virtue . In 1845 many members appear to have been admitted , and the folloAving report ¦ is copied from the Freemasons'' Quarterly : —
" St . John of Jerusalem , JS o . 9 . Manchester , May 22 nd , 1845 . —The " Conclave met this day , Avhen the following Companions were admitted , " viz ., Comp . Joseph John Moody , P . G . Registrar for Cheshire , and P . P . Z . " of Chapter 404 , and Comp . Johnson , P . M . of No . 1 Cork , and R . A . C . " of Chapter 52 , Manchester . The following distinguished Sir Knights " were likewise admitted as members , viz ., Job Lockyer Scale , M . D ., " P . P . G . S . of Somersetshire , and P . G . Rose ^ of the Baldwin Encamp - " ment of the Prince Masons of BristolFrancis GoodwinMDKniht
; , ... g " of the Edinburgh Prioiy No . 1 , P . G . R . C . of Edinburgh Chapter of " Rose vjl , and Knight of the 33 rd degree of Mizraim ; Walter Laurence , " of Lisreaghan , S . P . G . R . ^ of the late Grand Chapter of Ireland ; James " Boll , of Balinasloo , S . P . G . R . ^ of the late Grand Chapter of Ireland . " The ConclaA e was closed in harmony with the hope that , as so many " of its members were Rose ^ J « Masons , a Chapter of that degree , attached " to the Conclave , Avould be reAivcd . "