Article GRAND OFFICE. ← Page 2 of 2 Article BRO. PRESTON'S COLLECTIONS. Page 1 of 1 Article THE ANCIENT LANDMARK. Page 1 of 1 Article THE CYPHER OF NINE. Page 1 of 1
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Grand Office.
when the favoured feAV have been promoted , his superiors may take him into consideration , —if he has a friend at court . To show you IIOAV the laAvs are broken in this respect take the folloAving : — Extract from the Laws of Hie Grand Lodge , October , 1779 . " Ordered . " That in future no brother be appointed a Grand Officer till
"he has seiwed the office of Steward at a Grand Feast , nor unless he be an " actual subscribing member of tho Stewards Lod ge at the time of such his " appointment . " Common-sense people Avould say tho limitation here adopted was decisive , but IIOAV— after breaking doAvn the privileges of the Grand StoAvards Lodge one by one—it Avould be an exception to find one of that bod
, y appointed . Let the brother propose , or second , the re-election of the Grand Master , he is safe for Grand Office , —that is Avorth and real merit , —for out of somo _ forty brethren that have done so , four only being notable craftsmen , thirty-tAVO have , had Grand Office at the next investiture following their truculent adulation . Do not expose any brother of real worth and merit to the odium of being a Grand Officer . ]
Bro. Preston's Collections.
About 1770—G the illustrious Brother William Preston made a vast collection from the papers , documents , and books , of the Grand Lod ° -e , to AA'hich he had free access , for the purpose of producing a UCAV edition of The Booh of Constitutions Avith an authoritative history derived from authentic sources . This fell through , and Brother Noorthouck ' s Edition Avas substituted for it . Can any one tell the Avriter if any of Preston ' s descendants are living , or give a clue as to Avhere his collection mav be consulted ? A MASONIC STUDENT .
The Ancient Landmark.
There was published in America , some ten or twelve years ago , a Masonic periodical , called The Ancient Landmark . Where can a copy be seen in England ? A MASONIC STUDENT .
The Cypher Of Nine.
I have a piece of parchment upon which is Avrittcn a long sentence of thirty lines , or to bo more correct I ought to say thirty words ot one hno each , composed of a series of letters Avhich haA * e defied all the persons I have submitted it to , so as to enable any one of them to pronounce in Avhat language it is Avrittcn . It is enclosed in a ruled border , at the corners of AAMCII are a square and compass , Avith the fi 9 in the centre It has
gure . been suggested that it is a masonic cypher . Is this so ? A COUNTRY BROTHER . [ It is . ' Cast out every ninth letter and continue to do so until nine letters only remain . It is not in thirty words , but is a continuous series of letters to be treated as indicated . If not too much trouble you might oblige us Avith a copy . ]
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Grand Office.
when the favoured feAV have been promoted , his superiors may take him into consideration , —if he has a friend at court . To show you IIOAV the laAvs are broken in this respect take the folloAving : — Extract from the Laws of Hie Grand Lodge , October , 1779 . " Ordered . " That in future no brother be appointed a Grand Officer till
"he has seiwed the office of Steward at a Grand Feast , nor unless he be an " actual subscribing member of tho Stewards Lod ge at the time of such his " appointment . " Common-sense people Avould say tho limitation here adopted was decisive , but IIOAV— after breaking doAvn the privileges of the Grand StoAvards Lodge one by one—it Avould be an exception to find one of that bod
, y appointed . Let the brother propose , or second , the re-election of the Grand Master , he is safe for Grand Office , —that is Avorth and real merit , —for out of somo _ forty brethren that have done so , four only being notable craftsmen , thirty-tAVO have , had Grand Office at the next investiture following their truculent adulation . Do not expose any brother of real worth and merit to the odium of being a Grand Officer . ]
Bro. Preston's Collections.
About 1770—G the illustrious Brother William Preston made a vast collection from the papers , documents , and books , of the Grand Lod ° -e , to AA'hich he had free access , for the purpose of producing a UCAV edition of The Booh of Constitutions Avith an authoritative history derived from authentic sources . This fell through , and Brother Noorthouck ' s Edition Avas substituted for it . Can any one tell the Avriter if any of Preston ' s descendants are living , or give a clue as to Avhere his collection mav be consulted ? A MASONIC STUDENT .
The Ancient Landmark.
There was published in America , some ten or twelve years ago , a Masonic periodical , called The Ancient Landmark . Where can a copy be seen in England ? A MASONIC STUDENT .
The Cypher Of Nine.
I have a piece of parchment upon which is Avrittcn a long sentence of thirty lines , or to bo more correct I ought to say thirty words ot one hno each , composed of a series of letters Avhich haA * e defied all the persons I have submitted it to , so as to enable any one of them to pronounce in Avhat language it is Avrittcn . It is enclosed in a ruled border , at the corners of AAMCII are a square and compass , Avith the fi 9 in the centre It has
gure . been suggested that it is a masonic cypher . Is this so ? A COUNTRY BROTHER . [ It is . ' Cast out every ninth letter and continue to do so until nine letters only remain . It is not in thirty words , but is a continuous series of letters to be treated as indicated . If not too much trouble you might oblige us Avith a copy . ]