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The Last Thing Out In The Masonic Line.
" we should be compelled to ask material aid , as AVO mi ght have either bor" rowed the amount Ave now desire , or by individual subscriptions have made up " the sum Ave require for completing our Building . But not only haA e Ave " suffered in resources , but , alas , AVC IMA- to mourn the death of many of our " Brethren , noble spirits , AVIIO have fallen in the maintenance of Avhat they " believed to be their rights , and in obedience to the dut y Avhich they owed their
" State . Our numbers have been again depleted of late , on account of a " number of Officers attached to the Union service , who connected themselves " with us Avhilc here , returning to their homes . These are now scattered through" oat the north , and will probably , in a short while , sever their connection with " us , to become members of some Lodge ' in their immediate nei ghbourhoods . " And of these Brothers , Avherever they be , AVC ask that they Avill sot forth " our claims . ~
" Brethren , Ave do not believe that our appeal to you Avill be in vain . The " mysterious bonds of union Avhich bind us together , give us the privilege , " Avherever yon may he ; for ours is a Temple Avith one Altar and one God , re" cognizing no creed or sect ; and knoAving no country save that ' not made " with hands , eternal in the heavens . ' Give us , then , of Your nlentv . and AVR
" shall be inspired Avith new confidence in the immutabilit y of our sacred tenets , "which teach charity as the . chief corner stone of our edifice . Answer our ap" peal , and you -will thus show by example , that the violent antagonism of " feeling , Avhich civil war , Avith all its bitter sectional jealousies has in a" * es " created , has no place in the truly Masonic heart . " The Pestival of our patron Saint is IIOAV rapidly approaching , as Avell as that " other Pestival , consecrated , by the common consent of all Christendom , as a
" season of joyous salutations , and the reciprocation of the best wishes of the " heart—a season when all nature is bounteous . Surel y , then , at such a season , " Avhen the heart is filled Avith gladness , and gratitude—Avhen our hardest and - " most stubborn nature yields indulgence to its better and kinder feelings , you " Avill make some appropriation to aid us , in our endeavours to erect here an " asylum , where all true Fellows and Brothers will ever find a hearty Avelcome . " We will onl addthat sum desire to contribute be
y , any you may , may " remitted , by draft or otherwise , to Past Master D . D . PISKE , AVIIO has ' been " selected as the Treasurer of the Building Fund . Fraternally , M . C . AV . MuRDAUGH . }
0 P . P . M . II . P . BUTT . P . M . J . AVILLIAJISOJT . L ... II . flUDTWAICKER . CommitteC Jonx AV . TUCKER . P . M . D . D . PISKE .
Masonic Interlopers.
To tlic Editor of Tnx MASCOTC PRESS . DEAR SIR AND BEOHIBH , —Your article on "Masonic Interlopers , " in last months number , has created an immense sensation in the AVest I was si , prised at its outspoken advocacy of all that was ri ght , and deli ghted at the absence of any expression which could he construed as personal , ft is reported that a reply is being concocted bsome of tho upholders of the
y brother XdS to The cap has been found to fit the ri ght head , and is a very ti «* t fit too Letters are pouring in upon the wrong-doer consoling him upo / " the infW attack by THE MASOKIC l > mss At the meeting of the Brunswick Encam ment , a Sir Ivnt made a fearful onslaught on the * article , and condemned ™ and your publication , to predition . This , however , is all stuff an no ™
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Last Thing Out In The Masonic Line.
" we should be compelled to ask material aid , as AVO mi ght have either bor" rowed the amount Ave now desire , or by individual subscriptions have made up " the sum Ave require for completing our Building . But not only haA e Ave " suffered in resources , but , alas , AVC IMA- to mourn the death of many of our " Brethren , noble spirits , AVIIO have fallen in the maintenance of Avhat they " believed to be their rights , and in obedience to the dut y Avhich they owed their
" State . Our numbers have been again depleted of late , on account of a " number of Officers attached to the Union service , who connected themselves " with us Avhilc here , returning to their homes . These are now scattered through" oat the north , and will probably , in a short while , sever their connection with " us , to become members of some Lodge ' in their immediate nei ghbourhoods . " And of these Brothers , Avherever they be , AVC ask that they Avill sot forth " our claims . ~
" Brethren , Ave do not believe that our appeal to you Avill be in vain . The " mysterious bonds of union Avhich bind us together , give us the privilege , " Avherever yon may he ; for ours is a Temple Avith one Altar and one God , re" cognizing no creed or sect ; and knoAving no country save that ' not made " with hands , eternal in the heavens . ' Give us , then , of Your nlentv . and AVR
" shall be inspired Avith new confidence in the immutabilit y of our sacred tenets , "which teach charity as the . chief corner stone of our edifice . Answer our ap" peal , and you -will thus show by example , that the violent antagonism of " feeling , Avhich civil war , Avith all its bitter sectional jealousies has in a" * es " created , has no place in the truly Masonic heart . " The Pestival of our patron Saint is IIOAV rapidly approaching , as Avell as that " other Pestival , consecrated , by the common consent of all Christendom , as a
" season of joyous salutations , and the reciprocation of the best wishes of the " heart—a season when all nature is bounteous . Surel y , then , at such a season , " Avhen the heart is filled Avith gladness , and gratitude—Avhen our hardest and - " most stubborn nature yields indulgence to its better and kinder feelings , you " Avill make some appropriation to aid us , in our endeavours to erect here an " asylum , where all true Fellows and Brothers will ever find a hearty Avelcome . " We will onl addthat sum desire to contribute be
y , any you may , may " remitted , by draft or otherwise , to Past Master D . D . PISKE , AVIIO has ' been " selected as the Treasurer of the Building Fund . Fraternally , M . C . AV . MuRDAUGH . }
0 P . P . M . II . P . BUTT . P . M . J . AVILLIAJISOJT . L ... II . flUDTWAICKER . CommitteC Jonx AV . TUCKER . P . M . D . D . PISKE .
Masonic Interlopers.
To tlic Editor of Tnx MASCOTC PRESS . DEAR SIR AND BEOHIBH , —Your article on "Masonic Interlopers , " in last months number , has created an immense sensation in the AVest I was si , prised at its outspoken advocacy of all that was ri ght , and deli ghted at the absence of any expression which could he construed as personal , ft is reported that a reply is being concocted bsome of tho upholders of the
y brother XdS to The cap has been found to fit the ri ght head , and is a very ti «* t fit too Letters are pouring in upon the wrong-doer consoling him upo / " the infW attack by THE MASOKIC l > mss At the meeting of the Brunswick Encam ment , a Sir Ivnt made a fearful onslaught on the * article , and condemned ™ and your publication , to predition . This , however , is all stuff an no ™