Article PROVINCIAL GRAND SUPERINTENDENTS. ← Page 2 of 2 Article JERSEY FETE. Page 1 of 2 →
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Provincial Grand Superintendents.
is a matter of debate Avhether , in other Royal Arch Chapters , brethren so exalted should be admitted as visiting companions . Pray give us your opinion on the whole case , and oblige , THE Z . H . J . E . N . AND COMPANIONS OP CHAPTER , [ The Royal Arcli Regulations are more A'ague than the Boole of Constitutions , hut we will ive you Avhat AVO consider a common-sense view of the matter .
g Much of your communication was inadmissible . Paley ' s doctrine of expediency , —one we most heartily detest , —is that " whatever is is right . " Though Ave dislike the doctrine yet , in this case , we feel it must govern the principle . The companions are Royal Arch Masons because they were exalted under a recognized authority , did not commit themselves to any clandestine proceedings but , imagined the Superintendent under Avhom they reside had the necessary power . If he has not that power it will not do to visit them with pains and
penalties because they , not being Royal Arch Masons at that time , could not be supposed to know their exaltation Avas informal , —spurious or clandestine it could not he for the reason before given . Your letter , however , opens up a A'ery important series of questions . It raises several issues which involve many considerations ; one or two only AVO shall allude to here . The Craft elects the Grand ' L . ! He appoints the Piw . G . Superintendents . The Grand Chapter has no power at all saA * e the nominal one of granting Royal Arch Warrants . To whom then is a Grand Superintendent amenable for his errors ? To none but the Grand Z . But suppose the Grand Z . to be
deserving of deposition , Avho can depose him ? No one so long as he is Grand Master of Craft Masonry , for the regulations say the Grand Master of the Craft , if he is a Royal Arch Mason , is de facto and de jure Grand Z . AVas there eA'er such an Anomaly perpetrated anywhere outside English Craft Masonry ? Tho inferior grade , —nay more , brethren not Royal Arch Masons , — elect the head of an order above them ! It is quite time there was a Reform in this , for , AVC candidly confess , AVC never gave this wheel within a Avheel a
moment's consideration , until our correspondents suggested it hj their inquiry . AA e also fully believe , so startling is the paradox at first sight , that nineteentwentieths of Royal Arch Masons will doubt its truth . Let us realize it in another shape . The Grand Mastership of the Craft is vacant , and any one not a Freemason has a right to A'ote who should be the Chief Officer of the Craft . There Avould bo a pretty screech of displeasure at such an absurdity , and yet Royal Arch Masons are inexactlythe same predicament .
, , This is a subject that must not be allowed to drop . Royal Arch Masonry demands a full and searching investigation . It relieves nobody , pays part of the craft executive wages , receives money , and what becomes of it no one appears to know . Our columns are open to all Avilling to discuss this most unparallclled curiosity of masonic legislation . ]
Jersey Fete.
To the Editor of THE MASONIC PRESS . DEAR SIR AND BROTHER , —At the close of a recent Bazaar and Pete , held in the Jersey Masonic Temple , which was inserted in your February number ( p . 91 ) , reference Avas made to the unworthy conduct of some members high in the Craft , AVIIO endeavoured to defeat tho scheme by spreading false and malicious statements . I now send you the vindication of the
managerspub-, lished in the Jersey Express newspaper of March 27 th , for which , in justice to them , I hope you will bo able to find space . I beg also to call the attention of your readers to the dates at the end of the sixth clause , and to add , that the money was not sent by the Prov . G . M . in August , until after a letter of
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Provincial Grand Superintendents.
is a matter of debate Avhether , in other Royal Arch Chapters , brethren so exalted should be admitted as visiting companions . Pray give us your opinion on the whole case , and oblige , THE Z . H . J . E . N . AND COMPANIONS OP CHAPTER , [ The Royal Arcli Regulations are more A'ague than the Boole of Constitutions , hut we will ive you Avhat AVO consider a common-sense view of the matter .
g Much of your communication was inadmissible . Paley ' s doctrine of expediency , —one we most heartily detest , —is that " whatever is is right . " Though Ave dislike the doctrine yet , in this case , we feel it must govern the principle . The companions are Royal Arch Masons because they were exalted under a recognized authority , did not commit themselves to any clandestine proceedings but , imagined the Superintendent under Avhom they reside had the necessary power . If he has not that power it will not do to visit them with pains and
penalties because they , not being Royal Arch Masons at that time , could not be supposed to know their exaltation Avas informal , —spurious or clandestine it could not he for the reason before given . Your letter , however , opens up a A'ery important series of questions . It raises several issues which involve many considerations ; one or two only AVO shall allude to here . The Craft elects the Grand ' L . ! He appoints the Piw . G . Superintendents . The Grand Chapter has no power at all saA * e the nominal one of granting Royal Arch Warrants . To whom then is a Grand Superintendent amenable for his errors ? To none but the Grand Z . But suppose the Grand Z . to be
deserving of deposition , Avho can depose him ? No one so long as he is Grand Master of Craft Masonry , for the regulations say the Grand Master of the Craft , if he is a Royal Arch Mason , is de facto and de jure Grand Z . AVas there eA'er such an Anomaly perpetrated anywhere outside English Craft Masonry ? Tho inferior grade , —nay more , brethren not Royal Arch Masons , — elect the head of an order above them ! It is quite time there was a Reform in this , for , AVC candidly confess , AVC never gave this wheel within a Avheel a
moment's consideration , until our correspondents suggested it hj their inquiry . AA e also fully believe , so startling is the paradox at first sight , that nineteentwentieths of Royal Arch Masons will doubt its truth . Let us realize it in another shape . The Grand Mastership of the Craft is vacant , and any one not a Freemason has a right to A'ote who should be the Chief Officer of the Craft . There Avould bo a pretty screech of displeasure at such an absurdity , and yet Royal Arch Masons are inexactlythe same predicament .
, , This is a subject that must not be allowed to drop . Royal Arch Masonry demands a full and searching investigation . It relieves nobody , pays part of the craft executive wages , receives money , and what becomes of it no one appears to know . Our columns are open to all Avilling to discuss this most unparallclled curiosity of masonic legislation . ]
Jersey Fete.
To the Editor of THE MASONIC PRESS . DEAR SIR AND BROTHER , —At the close of a recent Bazaar and Pete , held in the Jersey Masonic Temple , which was inserted in your February number ( p . 91 ) , reference Avas made to the unworthy conduct of some members high in the Craft , AVIIO endeavoured to defeat tho scheme by spreading false and malicious statements . I now send you the vindication of the
managerspub-, lished in the Jersey Express newspaper of March 27 th , for which , in justice to them , I hope you will bo able to find space . I beg also to call the attention of your readers to the dates at the end of the sixth clause , and to add , that the money was not sent by the Prov . G . M . in August , until after a letter of