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"Masonic Temple Company (Limited.)
" ' At the same time Ave think it but fair to stipulate that until this hope be " ' realized , an interest of three per cent , per annum be guaranteed by you on " ' the above sixty shares . ' " On the motion of Bro . Clement Le Sueur , seconded by Bro . J . Durcll , tho " conditions proposed by tho Trustees AVCVC adopted , and sixty additional shares , " Nos . 301 to 360 inclusive , were ordered to be duly transferred to tho W . and " O . Fund .
" The Board then proceeded to consider the conduct of individuals who , in " defiance of truth and of masonic obligation , had endeavoured to damage the " objects of the bazaar , by falsely asserting in public that the fund which it pnr" ported to support did not exist . " On the question Avhethev they should be designated by name , the Board , " adhering to tho principle of charitableness , even under circumstances of the " most Avanton provocationanswered in the negative ; and it was finally resolved
, " that the requirements of the case would he met sufficiently by publishing this " day's minutes , and recording that tho Board feel deep sorrow that any member " of this honourable craft should at any time suffer under the affliction of ' a " ' defective sense of veracity / " Tho following ; votes of thanks were then nut to the Board and adonted
" nem . con .: — " ' 1 . —That the Board of Management are deeply grateful to their fellow " citizens of all classes and denominations for the encouragement given them " ' Avhen striving to perform the duty of relieving the AVidow and tho Fatherless . " ' 2 . —That the Board tender their Avarm thanks to the numerous friends to " ' whose generous contributions tho Bazaar is mainly indebted for its success . " ' 3—That the most grateful and respectful thanks of the Board are due
. , " ' and are hereby tendered , to the ladies who presided at the Bazaar Stalls —• " ' whose presence lent grace to tho fete—and without Avhose kind , active , and " ' admirable co-operation and assistance the Bazaar could not ha \* e succeeded . ' " HENEY LUCE MANUEL , Chairman . "A cordial vote of thanks was passed by acclamation to the Chairman for his
" untiring , zealous , and arduous services . " A . SCHMITT , ) , „ „ " ED . D . LE COUTEUE , J il 0 "' feecf ! *
History of Freemasonry from its Rise down to the Present Day . By J . G FINDEL . 732 pp . Svo . Asher and Co ., London , 18 G 6 . 4 > ggfc § IHE Chinese have a saying , and a A ery expressive one too , that " When ISjlS the sun goes down , A \\ any little stavs shine in the sky . " Our Masonic € fef suns seldom or ever give utterance to the vast knoAvledgo they possess , SSSpJK ? and hence the little stars imagine it falls to their lot to he the lights of the Masonic Avorld . Contriving to make " that dark which Avas dark
enough before , " these infinitesimal glimmerers foist on us certain laboured conclusions , through Avhich , like so manv Ossianic ghosts , " dim twinkled the stars of night . " Under these circumstances , Ave confess to something more than disappointment Avhen Ave find , in the printed prospectus announcing the aboA'C portentous compilation , that" Mr . Findel ' s Avork is the only complete , reliable and authentic history of the " origin and development of Freemasonry . "
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
"Masonic Temple Company (Limited.)
" ' At the same time Ave think it but fair to stipulate that until this hope be " ' realized , an interest of three per cent , per annum be guaranteed by you on " ' the above sixty shares . ' " On the motion of Bro . Clement Le Sueur , seconded by Bro . J . Durcll , tho " conditions proposed by tho Trustees AVCVC adopted , and sixty additional shares , " Nos . 301 to 360 inclusive , were ordered to be duly transferred to tho W . and " O . Fund .
" The Board then proceeded to consider the conduct of individuals who , in " defiance of truth and of masonic obligation , had endeavoured to damage the " objects of the bazaar , by falsely asserting in public that the fund which it pnr" ported to support did not exist . " On the question Avhethev they should be designated by name , the Board , " adhering to tho principle of charitableness , even under circumstances of the " most Avanton provocationanswered in the negative ; and it was finally resolved
, " that the requirements of the case would he met sufficiently by publishing this " day's minutes , and recording that tho Board feel deep sorrow that any member " of this honourable craft should at any time suffer under the affliction of ' a " ' defective sense of veracity / " Tho following ; votes of thanks were then nut to the Board and adonted
" nem . con .: — " ' 1 . —That the Board of Management are deeply grateful to their fellow " citizens of all classes and denominations for the encouragement given them " ' Avhen striving to perform the duty of relieving the AVidow and tho Fatherless . " ' 2 . —That the Board tender their Avarm thanks to the numerous friends to " ' whose generous contributions tho Bazaar is mainly indebted for its success . " ' 3—That the most grateful and respectful thanks of the Board are due
. , " ' and are hereby tendered , to the ladies who presided at the Bazaar Stalls —• " ' whose presence lent grace to tho fete—and without Avhose kind , active , and " ' admirable co-operation and assistance the Bazaar could not ha \* e succeeded . ' " HENEY LUCE MANUEL , Chairman . "A cordial vote of thanks was passed by acclamation to the Chairman for his
" untiring , zealous , and arduous services . " A . SCHMITT , ) , „ „ " ED . D . LE COUTEUE , J il 0 "' feecf ! *
History of Freemasonry from its Rise down to the Present Day . By J . G FINDEL . 732 pp . Svo . Asher and Co ., London , 18 G 6 . 4 > ggfc § IHE Chinese have a saying , and a A ery expressive one too , that " When ISjlS the sun goes down , A \\ any little stavs shine in the sky . " Our Masonic € fef suns seldom or ever give utterance to the vast knoAvledgo they possess , SSSpJK ? and hence the little stars imagine it falls to their lot to he the lights of the Masonic Avorld . Contriving to make " that dark which Avas dark
enough before , " these infinitesimal glimmerers foist on us certain laboured conclusions , through Avhich , like so manv Ossianic ghosts , " dim twinkled the stars of night . " Under these circumstances , Ave confess to something more than disappointment Avhen Ave find , in the printed prospectus announcing the aboA'C portentous compilation , that" Mr . Findel ' s Avork is the only complete , reliable and authentic history of the " origin and development of Freemasonry . "