Article OBITUARY. ← Page 2 of 3 Article THE R.W. BRO. J. J. L. HOFF. Page 1 of 1 Article THE HON. WILLIAM B. HUBBARD. Page 1 of 1
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Bro . Gorges Avas the only son of the late Hamilton Gorges , Esq ., of Kilbrew , Co . Meath , and at the time of his untoward decease AVRS in his twenty-sixth year . He was a lineal descendant of the historical Sir Ferdinando Gorges . Bro . Gorges Avas initiated in the De Grey and Ripon Lodge , No . 905 , April 27 th , 1863 . Ho served the office of Junior * AVarden in 1 SC 4 , and Avas installed Worshipful Master of the lodge in April , 1865 . His loss will be deeply felt by the members of the lodge , Avith whom he was a great favourite and much respected .
The R.W. Bro. J. J. L. Hoff.
THE R . W . BRO . J . J . L . HOFF .
Brother John Jacob Louis Hoff , Past Deputy Prov . G . M . of Bengal , and Past Junior Grand Warden of England , died at Calcutta on the 20 th of January , 1866 . For the last three years preA'ious to his decease , he had been an acute sufferer from paralysis and softening of tho brain . By a paper of instructions he declined to be buried with Masonic rites on account of the dislike he felt to any ceremonial of the order being made publicbut although the funeral
, was of a strictly private character , it was one of the most numerously attended ever witnessed in Calcutta , tho brethren of the English and Scotch lodges mustering in large numbers . Bro . Hoff will be gratefully remembered by the craft for his efforts in establishing , on a firm basis , The Indian Freemason's Friend , a publication now in the eighth year of its age , of which he was the projector , proprietor , and editor . The journal is continued by his son .
The Hon. William B. Hubbard.
" We have just received tidings of the death of this exemplary and distin" guished Mason , whose long and useful life has IIOAV reached its close . When " Ave met him at Columbus last September ho appeared to be in the enjoyment " of his usual health and likely to remain Avith us for years to come . He took " part in the transactions of the Grand Encampment Avith his usual zeal , and " conversed on all topics in his ordinary clear and business-like way ; especially " did this strike us in a long conversation we had together concerning the
diffi" culties in the Scottish Rite . A'Ve have long communed Avith him by corres" pondence , and have reason to believe that he Avrote us always frankl y and " without reseiwe on all topics . At lost the summons has reached him , and he " has laid him down as one who , having the consciousness of duty faithfully " performed , Avillingly accepts the rest which is its reward . His name must " ever be gratefully cherished by the craft as a faithful and unselfish labourer " in the cause . " The following , from a Columbus paper , gives a brief sketch of his public " life : —
" ' Mr . Hubbard Avas , at the time of his death , over seventy years of age . " ' Many of our readers recollect the pleasant surprise that came to him on his " ' birthday , in August last , Avith the present from his son , marked ' Three Score " ' Years and Ten . ' As an eminent hiAvyer , as a legislator , and as a financier , he " ' has been so intimately connected Avith the history of our city , that it seems " ' scarcely necessary to refer at length to the incidents of his life . He came " ' to this State at an early period , from New York , and established himself in
" ' the practice of his profession at St . Clairsville . In the session of 1831 he " ' represented Belmont County in the General Assembly , and Avas elected Speaker " ' of the House . He came to Columbus about three years afterwards , and " ' almost immediately became identified with the financial interests of the city . " ' He Avas for some time President of the Columbus Savings Institution , which " ' was afterwards converted into the City Bank . He Avas , AVC believe , the first " ' President of the Exchange Bank , incorporated under Kelley ' s Banking LaAV . " ' In 1863 , he organised the First National Bank of this city , one of the first ' ban ks in the state organised under that law .
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Bro . Gorges Avas the only son of the late Hamilton Gorges , Esq ., of Kilbrew , Co . Meath , and at the time of his untoward decease AVRS in his twenty-sixth year . He was a lineal descendant of the historical Sir Ferdinando Gorges . Bro . Gorges Avas initiated in the De Grey and Ripon Lodge , No . 905 , April 27 th , 1863 . Ho served the office of Junior * AVarden in 1 SC 4 , and Avas installed Worshipful Master of the lodge in April , 1865 . His loss will be deeply felt by the members of the lodge , Avith whom he was a great favourite and much respected .
The R.W. Bro. J. J. L. Hoff.
THE R . W . BRO . J . J . L . HOFF .
Brother John Jacob Louis Hoff , Past Deputy Prov . G . M . of Bengal , and Past Junior Grand Warden of England , died at Calcutta on the 20 th of January , 1866 . For the last three years preA'ious to his decease , he had been an acute sufferer from paralysis and softening of tho brain . By a paper of instructions he declined to be buried with Masonic rites on account of the dislike he felt to any ceremonial of the order being made publicbut although the funeral
, was of a strictly private character , it was one of the most numerously attended ever witnessed in Calcutta , tho brethren of the English and Scotch lodges mustering in large numbers . Bro . Hoff will be gratefully remembered by the craft for his efforts in establishing , on a firm basis , The Indian Freemason's Friend , a publication now in the eighth year of its age , of which he was the projector , proprietor , and editor . The journal is continued by his son .
The Hon. William B. Hubbard.
" We have just received tidings of the death of this exemplary and distin" guished Mason , whose long and useful life has IIOAV reached its close . When " Ave met him at Columbus last September ho appeared to be in the enjoyment " of his usual health and likely to remain Avith us for years to come . He took " part in the transactions of the Grand Encampment Avith his usual zeal , and " conversed on all topics in his ordinary clear and business-like way ; especially " did this strike us in a long conversation we had together concerning the
diffi" culties in the Scottish Rite . A'Ve have long communed Avith him by corres" pondence , and have reason to believe that he Avrote us always frankl y and " without reseiwe on all topics . At lost the summons has reached him , and he " has laid him down as one who , having the consciousness of duty faithfully " performed , Avillingly accepts the rest which is its reward . His name must " ever be gratefully cherished by the craft as a faithful and unselfish labourer " in the cause . " The following , from a Columbus paper , gives a brief sketch of his public " life : —
" ' Mr . Hubbard Avas , at the time of his death , over seventy years of age . " ' Many of our readers recollect the pleasant surprise that came to him on his " ' birthday , in August last , Avith the present from his son , marked ' Three Score " ' Years and Ten . ' As an eminent hiAvyer , as a legislator , and as a financier , he " ' has been so intimately connected Avith the history of our city , that it seems " ' scarcely necessary to refer at length to the incidents of his life . He came " ' to this State at an early period , from New York , and established himself in
" ' the practice of his profession at St . Clairsville . In the session of 1831 he " ' represented Belmont County in the General Assembly , and Avas elected Speaker " ' of the House . He came to Columbus about three years afterwards , and " ' almost immediately became identified with the financial interests of the city . " ' He Avas for some time President of the Columbus Savings Institution , which " ' was afterwards converted into the City Bank . He Avas , AVC believe , the first " ' President of the Exchange Bank , incorporated under Kelley ' s Banking LaAV . " ' In 1863 , he organised the First National Bank of this city , one of the first ' ban ks in the state organised under that law .