Article TO SUBSCRIBERS. ← Page 2 of 2
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To Subscribers.
Bros . Albert Q . Mackey , 33 ° , and Rob . Morris . —AVill some of our American brethren kindly furnish us with the respective addresses of , and how letters can safely find Bros . Mackey and Rob . Morris . Bro . Charles Lafon de Ladebat , 33 ° . — -HOAV will a particular letter reach you Avith safety ? Le Mon de Maconniqiie .- — -Eleven monthly parts to hand .
R . yL { . —What you inquire for is in course of preparation . G . H . —It is a scarce ivork . AVo know of a copy—Avell worn—for which twenty guineas is asked . It is cheap even at that price . T . B . —If he is a Fenian he has no right in a lodge . Ho is by his OAvn act a traitor , and traitors are not tolerated under the ancient charges .
Veritas . —We are indebted to you for your good opinion , but the truth has its martyrs . We are most reluctantly compelled to decline your suggestion . A . — -You read us a pretty severe lecture , Avhy ? We never spoke slightingly of the brother you mention . AVo patched up a hollow truce with him once , and kept our side of it . Since then Ave do not speak , it is true , but' you Avould not have us submit to insult such as the brother invariably makes it his
business to offer whenever , by accident , we come in contact . We adopt that good feature of a Mason , in such circumstances , silence . If you are olfended because we' do not Avorship at the same shrine Avith you Ave are sorry for it , but cannot help it . Portland Place . —Are Ave right ? AVe believed , in our vain glory , Ave could read any Avrifing Avhich a man could pen . You have beaten us altogether .
Not one Avord of your long letter is decipherable , and Ave A'ery much doubt if the signature is as above , and yet that is the nearest Ave can approach to it . A Friend of Mrs . T . — -We never put our name to any canvassing card , and never -will . It Avould do you no sendee if Ave did .
Quiz . —We cannot conjecture any more than you can . Perhaps some of our readers can help Qidz . He Avants to know IIOAV it can bo reconciled that the colour of the Grand Lodge of Scotland is green when , as he says , that ought to be the colour for Ireland—the green isle . Pro and Con . —The report you mention is not confined to a finv . It is not a subject AVC could admit into our pages . It is an evil Avhich attaches itself , more or less , to all public schools . Do not let us hear any more about it .
If you think you can do good do it privately , and through the proper channel . V . A . —Wo have seen the statement . Turn back a few pages , and that will satisfy you . W . Hunter . —Yes , if your statement is exactly that of the other side . F . F ., New York . —There are so many difficulties in the way that the suggestion appears improbable . Many , no doubt , Avould take an interest in it , but then who are to bo the chief movers ?
Science . —Wo are credulous , but not green . Try your hand elsewhere , it does not suit our book . To Bro . H *** £ *** . —YVill you do us the promised favour or no ? All AVO Avant is a reply . It Avas your own offer , and we thankfully accepted it . Vindex . —The laAv is silent on the point . Crimson Bob . —Send your proper name , & c . & c . AVe do not recognize one so
highly coloured . A . C , Constant Reader , and J . Jones . —Received , but must remain , for the present , under consideration , ( $ A 4 / jLHAa-eLcaJ ! . " MJ H ^ e < Tfi £ puot jJ ^ r ^ nd / Sb b . )
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
To Subscribers.
Bros . Albert Q . Mackey , 33 ° , and Rob . Morris . —AVill some of our American brethren kindly furnish us with the respective addresses of , and how letters can safely find Bros . Mackey and Rob . Morris . Bro . Charles Lafon de Ladebat , 33 ° . — -HOAV will a particular letter reach you Avith safety ? Le Mon de Maconniqiie .- — -Eleven monthly parts to hand .
R . yL { . —What you inquire for is in course of preparation . G . H . —It is a scarce ivork . AVo know of a copy—Avell worn—for which twenty guineas is asked . It is cheap even at that price . T . B . —If he is a Fenian he has no right in a lodge . Ho is by his OAvn act a traitor , and traitors are not tolerated under the ancient charges .
Veritas . —We are indebted to you for your good opinion , but the truth has its martyrs . We are most reluctantly compelled to decline your suggestion . A . — -You read us a pretty severe lecture , Avhy ? We never spoke slightingly of the brother you mention . AVo patched up a hollow truce with him once , and kept our side of it . Since then Ave do not speak , it is true , but' you Avould not have us submit to insult such as the brother invariably makes it his
business to offer whenever , by accident , we come in contact . We adopt that good feature of a Mason , in such circumstances , silence . If you are olfended because we' do not Avorship at the same shrine Avith you Ave are sorry for it , but cannot help it . Portland Place . —Are Ave right ? AVe believed , in our vain glory , Ave could read any Avrifing Avhich a man could pen . You have beaten us altogether .
Not one Avord of your long letter is decipherable , and Ave A'ery much doubt if the signature is as above , and yet that is the nearest Ave can approach to it . A Friend of Mrs . T . — -We never put our name to any canvassing card , and never -will . It Avould do you no sendee if Ave did .
Quiz . —We cannot conjecture any more than you can . Perhaps some of our readers can help Qidz . He Avants to know IIOAV it can bo reconciled that the colour of the Grand Lodge of Scotland is green when , as he says , that ought to be the colour for Ireland—the green isle . Pro and Con . —The report you mention is not confined to a finv . It is not a subject AVC could admit into our pages . It is an evil Avhich attaches itself , more or less , to all public schools . Do not let us hear any more about it .
If you think you can do good do it privately , and through the proper channel . V . A . —Wo have seen the statement . Turn back a few pages , and that will satisfy you . W . Hunter . —Yes , if your statement is exactly that of the other side . F . F ., New York . —There are so many difficulties in the way that the suggestion appears improbable . Many , no doubt , Avould take an interest in it , but then who are to bo the chief movers ?
Science . —Wo are credulous , but not green . Try your hand elsewhere , it does not suit our book . To Bro . H *** £ *** . —YVill you do us the promised favour or no ? All AVO Avant is a reply . It Avas your own offer , and we thankfully accepted it . Vindex . —The laAv is silent on the point . Crimson Bob . —Send your proper name , & c . & c . AVe do not recognize one so
highly coloured . A . C , Constant Reader , and J . Jones . —Received , but must remain , for the present , under consideration , ( $ A 4 / jLHAa-eLcaJ ! . " MJ H ^ e < Tfi £ puot jJ ^ r ^ nd / Sb b . )