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Hints On The Secret Literature Of Freemasonry.
tached portions can give no fair idea of IIOAV far the theory is sustained by the AAiiole , but as on the one hand , neither can Ave bring forward matters Avhich all our readers are equally entitled to share . We shall partially raise the A eil and shoAV IroAv the literature
in question AA * as brought to bear on the order . DoAvn to the fourteenth century the symbolical language had been entirely of an amatory character . The love poems , and love courts , of Provenge and Toulouse , were vehicles of political discussion , freedom of inquiry , and active interchange of masonic ideas . In
this poetry are concealed , under expressions the most unmeaning and Avhich have been tire stumbling block of editors , commentators , & c , & c , secrets of profound significance , or denunciations of bitter animosity , all of Avhich seized to unite men of genius , IroAvever remote from each other , in the great cause
of Freemasonry and liberty . After the Troubadours , poetry declined for a time , but certain Italians Avho fostered Avhat was called the UCAV language , or the
gay science , rhymed , in the fashion of their Provengal predecessors , and expounded their masonic political doctrines in the form of sonnets and canzones . However , " Old Death , " as they piously denominated the Holy See , got notice , through traitorious brethren , of the true meaning of this style of Avriting
and , no doubt , Avould have speedily succeeded in exterminating the obnoxious lovers , had it not been that they Avere foreAvarned in time . Then Dante effected an entire change in the style . He incorporated Avith the love tale the symbols of the mysteries of the Christian , faith . On this account he Avas kiiOAvn as the
" Creator lingua ? , " by those A \ dro Avere of the order , and , in various portions of his OAVH AA ritings , as Avell as by cotemporary Avriters , Avho AA ere initiated , he is represented under the designation of Adam . After his death , hoA \* eA er , the old disguise of love poetry—never entirely abandoned by him—Avas resumed
by his successors and at various times , and in divers lands , religionist disguise has been frequently found convenient for the concealment of masonic doctrine and instruction . The last great master Avho so treated Freemasonry Avas
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Hints On The Secret Literature Of Freemasonry.
tached portions can give no fair idea of IIOAV far the theory is sustained by the AAiiole , but as on the one hand , neither can Ave bring forward matters Avhich all our readers are equally entitled to share . We shall partially raise the A eil and shoAV IroAv the literature
in question AA * as brought to bear on the order . DoAvn to the fourteenth century the symbolical language had been entirely of an amatory character . The love poems , and love courts , of Provenge and Toulouse , were vehicles of political discussion , freedom of inquiry , and active interchange of masonic ideas . In
this poetry are concealed , under expressions the most unmeaning and Avhich have been tire stumbling block of editors , commentators , & c , & c , secrets of profound significance , or denunciations of bitter animosity , all of Avhich seized to unite men of genius , IroAvever remote from each other , in the great cause
of Freemasonry and liberty . After the Troubadours , poetry declined for a time , but certain Italians Avho fostered Avhat was called the UCAV language , or the
gay science , rhymed , in the fashion of their Provengal predecessors , and expounded their masonic political doctrines in the form of sonnets and canzones . However , " Old Death , " as they piously denominated the Holy See , got notice , through traitorious brethren , of the true meaning of this style of Avriting
and , no doubt , Avould have speedily succeeded in exterminating the obnoxious lovers , had it not been that they Avere foreAvarned in time . Then Dante effected an entire change in the style . He incorporated Avith the love tale the symbols of the mysteries of the Christian , faith . On this account he Avas kiiOAvn as the
" Creator lingua ? , " by those A \ dro Avere of the order , and , in various portions of his OAVH AA ritings , as Avell as by cotemporary Avriters , Avho AA ere initiated , he is represented under the designation of Adam . After his death , hoA \* eA er , the old disguise of love poetry—never entirely abandoned by him—Avas resumed
by his successors and at various times , and in divers lands , religionist disguise has been frequently found convenient for the concealment of masonic doctrine and instruction . The last great master Avho so treated Freemasonry Avas