Article Masonic Mems. ← Page 3 of 4 →
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Masonic Mems.
evil and a perversit } - scarce credible , by children of thirteen , twelve , and even nine years . In France , during 18 S 4 , out of over 7 , suicides , there were sixty-seven children of less than sixteen , and 331 between sixteen and twenty one . " The question , " says the Cliron ' aji / e , "is contemporaneous rather than modern , " and declares that this " well authenticated lowering of what may be called the legal age of criminals" has taken place during the last fifteen years .
* * * The half of the free income of the Grand Lodge of Scotland for the year ending November 28 last amounts to about ^ 1 , 426 , and of this sum ^ 713 will be at the disposal of the Board for the granting of annuities in the 1 S 90 A similar will fall to
year . sum be capitalised for the fund . Of the ^ 500 at the disposal of the Board for the year 1 SS 9 , the sum of ^ 325 was voted in annuities , leaving a balance of 7 ^* 175 available for present grants . The quarterly meeting of the Board for granting annuities takes place this month .
* * The consecration of the Borough of Greenwich Lodge 2 , 332 took place on Wednesday , the nth ult ., in the presence of a distinguished body of Masons . The ceremony was performed by Col . Shadwell Clerke , G . Sec , assisted by Bros . Dr . Ralph Gooding ,
P . G . D ., as S . W . ; Lieut-Col . G . Haldane , P . G . S . B ., as J . W . ; the Rev . J . S . Brownrigg , P . G . C ., as Chaplain ; Frank Richardson , P . G . D ., as D . C . ; Colonel W . Bristowe , P . G . S . B ., as J . G . ; and H . Sadler , G . Tyler , as Tyler . The Lodge having been duly consecrated and constituted , the Consecrating Officer installed Bro .
T . W . Boord , M . P ., W . M . designate , and that Brother having been saluted by a Board of Installed Masters , some thirty or more in number , invested his officers * . —Bros . A . H . Bateman , acting I . P . M . ; Capt . Blakey , P . M ., P . G . W . Kent , S . W . ; H . Roberts , P . M ., J . W . ; W . T . Hunt , P . M ., Treas . ; G . P . Carter , Sec . ; A . H . Oakley , P . M .,
S . D . ; J . G . Thomas , P . M ., J . D . ; J . Pitt , P . M ., I . G . ; A . Bateman , P . M ., D . C ; W . Kipps , P . M ., Org . ; E . Watkins , P . M ., Stwd . ; and E . Spinks , Tyler . * * # The Mount Moriah Lodge , No . 34 , which has been established
since 1754 , but which has not hitherto had a chapter attached to it , had this want supplied on Tuesday , the 17 th inst ., by the consecration of the Moriah Chapter , No . 34 . The impressive ceremony was performed by Comp . Col . Shadwell H . Clerke , G . S . E ., as M . E . Z ., assisted by Comps . Chas . Belton , G . Std . Br ., as H . ; Rev . J . S .
Brownrigg , P . A . G . S ., as J . ; Frank Richardson , G . D . C ., as D . C ; and C . F . Matier , P . G . D . C , as S . N . The founders of the chapter , all of whom were present , are Comps . Alfred Rixon , M . F . Z . designate ; W . G . Gribbon , H . designate ; T . B . White , J . designate ; S . J . Attenborough , J . A . P . Ingoldby , A . C . Thorpe , W . H . Glazier , A . Dutton , and J . Chambers .
* * it-Writes W . J . Hughan : — " The distinguished frater , Ccl . MacLeod Moore , Great Prior of Canada , has published the ' Allocution' he delivered at Montreal , October 22 , 1889 . It is fully equal to his previous deliverances on the subject , and makes a very readable
sketch and exceedingly interesting digest of the facts relating to the origin and character of Masonic Knight Templary . Had such enlightened and common-sense views prevailed in the past , there is no doubt that the Order would have taken a firmer hold of the Craft in this country . Any attempt to prove the continuity or direct
descent from the ancient military Order after its suppression in tlie fourteenth century must fail , as , Masonicall y , the imitation of the extinct body was subsequent to the origin of Degrees early last century . I quite believe , with Colonel Moore that if K . Templary is dead 'its teachings have survived . ' The Great Prior ' s declaration that the present Knights Templars ' arc not a
military association , they only borrow' the name from the ancient chivalric Orders , whose principles and rules the } ' are supposed to imitate , ' deserves to be carefull } ' noted , as it is true in theory and fact . Likewise an objection to the prefix ' sir , ' used throughout the U . S . A ., and to ' sir knight' in England , ' assuming a title of the British aristocracy , ' is an inconsistency which should be entirely
removed by the adoption of the term Frater , being merely the Latin term for brother . He says ' there is no such thing as Masonic Knighthood , ' and another bubble is also pricked in his statement that the ' York Rite' has been dead from about 1790 . The modes of recognition peculiar to the K . T . and Malta are shown to be
modern in origin , and the ' Baldwyn' of Bristol and other old encampments cannot claim an existence prior to the latter part of the last century . The allocution deserves a large circulation and many readers , as no one can speak more authoritatively and sensibly on the subject than the veteran Colonel Moore , of Canada . "
At the last meeting for the 3 * ear 18 S 9 of the Board of Benevolence , at Freemasons' Hall , Bro . Robert Grey , P . G . D ., President of the Board , presided , and the Senior and Junior Vice-Presidents , Bros . James Brett , P . G . P ., and C . A . Cottebrune , P . G . P ., occupied their respective chairs . Bro . Col . Shadwell H . Clerke , G . Sec , Bro . A . A . Pendlebury , A . G . Sec , Bro . W . Dodd ,
and Bro . W . H . Lee represented Grand Secretary ' s office . The Brethren first confirmed recommendations made at the former meeting to the extent of £ 170 . There were thirty-nine cases on the new list , qualified through Lodges in the London district , and at Luton , Southend , Whitehaven , Liverpool , Uxbridge , Colchester ,
Riverhead , Sheerness , Rochford , Newbury , Stony Stratford , Willington Quay , Filey , Meerut , New York , Gibraltar , Guildford , Dover , Tenterfield , N . S . W ., South Shields , Tunis , Calcutta , Knutsford , Cleckheaton , and Chester . Five of the cases were deferred , being incomplete , and one was dismissed , not being within the rules
of the Fund of Benevolence . The remainder were relieved with a total sum of ^" 782 . There were in this sum two recommendations to Grand Lodge of ^ 50 each ; five to the Grand Master of ^ 40 each ; and six of ^ 30 each . There were also eleven immediate grants of ^ 20 each ; two of £ 15 each ; four of ^" 10 each ; two of ^ 5 each ; and one of £ 2 .
* * * The success attendant upon the fortunes of the Scots Craft Lodge ( 2319 ) , the consecration of which took place at the latter end of July last , has been so great as to induce the members to applysuccessfully—for a petition for a Mark Lodge . The consecration
took place on December 19 at the home of the mother Lodge—the Scottish Corporation Hall , Crane-court , Fleet-street . The Consecrating Officers upon the occasion were Bros , the Earl of Euston , P . G . W ., as W . M . ; Capt . N . G . Philips , P . G . W ., as S . W . ; Col . Shadwell H . Clerke , P . G . W ., as J . W . ; W . R . M . Pope , as
Chaplain ; Charles Ii . Driver , P . G . M . O ., as D . C . ; and W . C . Gilles , P . G . Steward , as I . G . In addition to the above , all the founders , with one exception , were likewise present . These were Bros . C . F . Matier , P . G . W ., G . Sec , W . M . designate ; Vero Shaw , S . W . designate ; John Whitehead , J . W . designate ; Capt . J . Parke Airey , G . Steward ; H . E . Campbell , Beaver ; Robert Berridge , P . G . M . O ., G . D . C . ; and George Henderson .
* * -it-Sussex Freemasons will learn with interest that H . R . H . the Duke of Connaught , as Provincial Grand Master of Sussex , is about to appoint the Right Hon . Sir William Thackeray Marriott , Q . C ., M . P ., to be Deputy Provincial Grand Master in the place of
the late Mr . Gerard Ford . Sir William , who is a Past Grand Steward of the Grand Lodge of England , first became connected with the province of Sussex as one of the founders of the " Earl of Sussex " Lodge ( so named from the minor title of H . R . H . the Duke of Connaught , who , on June 15 , 1 SS 6 , was installed by the
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic Mems.
evil and a perversit } - scarce credible , by children of thirteen , twelve , and even nine years . In France , during 18 S 4 , out of over 7 , suicides , there were sixty-seven children of less than sixteen , and 331 between sixteen and twenty one . " The question , " says the Cliron ' aji / e , "is contemporaneous rather than modern , " and declares that this " well authenticated lowering of what may be called the legal age of criminals" has taken place during the last fifteen years .
* * * The half of the free income of the Grand Lodge of Scotland for the year ending November 28 last amounts to about ^ 1 , 426 , and of this sum ^ 713 will be at the disposal of the Board for the granting of annuities in the 1 S 90 A similar will fall to
year . sum be capitalised for the fund . Of the ^ 500 at the disposal of the Board for the year 1 SS 9 , the sum of ^ 325 was voted in annuities , leaving a balance of 7 ^* 175 available for present grants . The quarterly meeting of the Board for granting annuities takes place this month .
* * The consecration of the Borough of Greenwich Lodge 2 , 332 took place on Wednesday , the nth ult ., in the presence of a distinguished body of Masons . The ceremony was performed by Col . Shadwell Clerke , G . Sec , assisted by Bros . Dr . Ralph Gooding ,
P . G . D ., as S . W . ; Lieut-Col . G . Haldane , P . G . S . B ., as J . W . ; the Rev . J . S . Brownrigg , P . G . C ., as Chaplain ; Frank Richardson , P . G . D ., as D . C . ; Colonel W . Bristowe , P . G . S . B ., as J . G . ; and H . Sadler , G . Tyler , as Tyler . The Lodge having been duly consecrated and constituted , the Consecrating Officer installed Bro .
T . W . Boord , M . P ., W . M . designate , and that Brother having been saluted by a Board of Installed Masters , some thirty or more in number , invested his officers * . —Bros . A . H . Bateman , acting I . P . M . ; Capt . Blakey , P . M ., P . G . W . Kent , S . W . ; H . Roberts , P . M ., J . W . ; W . T . Hunt , P . M ., Treas . ; G . P . Carter , Sec . ; A . H . Oakley , P . M .,
S . D . ; J . G . Thomas , P . M ., J . D . ; J . Pitt , P . M ., I . G . ; A . Bateman , P . M ., D . C ; W . Kipps , P . M ., Org . ; E . Watkins , P . M ., Stwd . ; and E . Spinks , Tyler . * * # The Mount Moriah Lodge , No . 34 , which has been established
since 1754 , but which has not hitherto had a chapter attached to it , had this want supplied on Tuesday , the 17 th inst ., by the consecration of the Moriah Chapter , No . 34 . The impressive ceremony was performed by Comp . Col . Shadwell H . Clerke , G . S . E ., as M . E . Z ., assisted by Comps . Chas . Belton , G . Std . Br ., as H . ; Rev . J . S .
Brownrigg , P . A . G . S ., as J . ; Frank Richardson , G . D . C ., as D . C ; and C . F . Matier , P . G . D . C , as S . N . The founders of the chapter , all of whom were present , are Comps . Alfred Rixon , M . F . Z . designate ; W . G . Gribbon , H . designate ; T . B . White , J . designate ; S . J . Attenborough , J . A . P . Ingoldby , A . C . Thorpe , W . H . Glazier , A . Dutton , and J . Chambers .
* * it-Writes W . J . Hughan : — " The distinguished frater , Ccl . MacLeod Moore , Great Prior of Canada , has published the ' Allocution' he delivered at Montreal , October 22 , 1889 . It is fully equal to his previous deliverances on the subject , and makes a very readable
sketch and exceedingly interesting digest of the facts relating to the origin and character of Masonic Knight Templary . Had such enlightened and common-sense views prevailed in the past , there is no doubt that the Order would have taken a firmer hold of the Craft in this country . Any attempt to prove the continuity or direct
descent from the ancient military Order after its suppression in tlie fourteenth century must fail , as , Masonicall y , the imitation of the extinct body was subsequent to the origin of Degrees early last century . I quite believe , with Colonel Moore that if K . Templary is dead 'its teachings have survived . ' The Great Prior ' s declaration that the present Knights Templars ' arc not a
military association , they only borrow' the name from the ancient chivalric Orders , whose principles and rules the } ' are supposed to imitate , ' deserves to be carefull } ' noted , as it is true in theory and fact . Likewise an objection to the prefix ' sir , ' used throughout the U . S . A ., and to ' sir knight' in England , ' assuming a title of the British aristocracy , ' is an inconsistency which should be entirely
removed by the adoption of the term Frater , being merely the Latin term for brother . He says ' there is no such thing as Masonic Knighthood , ' and another bubble is also pricked in his statement that the ' York Rite' has been dead from about 1790 . The modes of recognition peculiar to the K . T . and Malta are shown to be
modern in origin , and the ' Baldwyn' of Bristol and other old encampments cannot claim an existence prior to the latter part of the last century . The allocution deserves a large circulation and many readers , as no one can speak more authoritatively and sensibly on the subject than the veteran Colonel Moore , of Canada . "
At the last meeting for the 3 * ear 18 S 9 of the Board of Benevolence , at Freemasons' Hall , Bro . Robert Grey , P . G . D ., President of the Board , presided , and the Senior and Junior Vice-Presidents , Bros . James Brett , P . G . P ., and C . A . Cottebrune , P . G . P ., occupied their respective chairs . Bro . Col . Shadwell H . Clerke , G . Sec , Bro . A . A . Pendlebury , A . G . Sec , Bro . W . Dodd ,
and Bro . W . H . Lee represented Grand Secretary ' s office . The Brethren first confirmed recommendations made at the former meeting to the extent of £ 170 . There were thirty-nine cases on the new list , qualified through Lodges in the London district , and at Luton , Southend , Whitehaven , Liverpool , Uxbridge , Colchester ,
Riverhead , Sheerness , Rochford , Newbury , Stony Stratford , Willington Quay , Filey , Meerut , New York , Gibraltar , Guildford , Dover , Tenterfield , N . S . W ., South Shields , Tunis , Calcutta , Knutsford , Cleckheaton , and Chester . Five of the cases were deferred , being incomplete , and one was dismissed , not being within the rules
of the Fund of Benevolence . The remainder were relieved with a total sum of ^" 782 . There were in this sum two recommendations to Grand Lodge of ^ 50 each ; five to the Grand Master of ^ 40 each ; and six of ^ 30 each . There were also eleven immediate grants of ^ 20 each ; two of £ 15 each ; four of ^" 10 each ; two of ^ 5 each ; and one of £ 2 .
* * * The success attendant upon the fortunes of the Scots Craft Lodge ( 2319 ) , the consecration of which took place at the latter end of July last , has been so great as to induce the members to applysuccessfully—for a petition for a Mark Lodge . The consecration
took place on December 19 at the home of the mother Lodge—the Scottish Corporation Hall , Crane-court , Fleet-street . The Consecrating Officers upon the occasion were Bros , the Earl of Euston , P . G . W ., as W . M . ; Capt . N . G . Philips , P . G . W ., as S . W . ; Col . Shadwell H . Clerke , P . G . W ., as J . W . ; W . R . M . Pope , as
Chaplain ; Charles Ii . Driver , P . G . M . O ., as D . C . ; and W . C . Gilles , P . G . Steward , as I . G . In addition to the above , all the founders , with one exception , were likewise present . These were Bros . C . F . Matier , P . G . W ., G . Sec , W . M . designate ; Vero Shaw , S . W . designate ; John Whitehead , J . W . designate ; Capt . J . Parke Airey , G . Steward ; H . E . Campbell , Beaver ; Robert Berridge , P . G . M . O ., G . D . C . ; and George Henderson .
* * -it-Sussex Freemasons will learn with interest that H . R . H . the Duke of Connaught , as Provincial Grand Master of Sussex , is about to appoint the Right Hon . Sir William Thackeray Marriott , Q . C ., M . P ., to be Deputy Provincial Grand Master in the place of
the late Mr . Gerard Ford . Sir William , who is a Past Grand Steward of the Grand Lodge of England , first became connected with the province of Sussex as one of the founders of the " Earl of Sussex " Lodge ( so named from the minor title of H . R . H . the Duke of Connaught , who , on June 15 , 1 SS 6 , was installed by the