Article Round and About. Page 1 of 11 →
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Round And About.
Round and About .
ckY ^ Here we get the MASONIC Rimtw in a new garb , with a very beautiful portrait in place of the mechanical process block hitherto presented . The work has been reduced in size , but increased in volume , to admit of greater facilities
in binding , and the journal comes one step nearer the perfection of my first conception . For the first time I print forms of application for subscribers , which I hope will be very largely used , but it must be understood that prepayment is absolutely necessary . Whether the M ASONIC REVIEW
is obtained direct from the publishing office or through a bookseller matters but very little to myself , but subscribers may care to know that by ordering through a bookseller they receive the mounted photograph unrolled , and therefore in a better state for framing .
# * Among the more immediate subjects in the Masonic Portrait Gallery are : — Mr . Henry Irving . Lord Brooke .
Mr . Faithfull Begg . Lord Londesborough . Sir Archibald Campbell , Bart . Mr . Robert Grey . Mr . Edmund Yates .
Mr . Charles Barry . Marquis of Hartington . Chief Justice Way . « * *
Lord Dungarvan must be a lucky man to fall into the Provincial shoes of the late Earl of Carnarvon , for although he is a sound and enthusiastic Mason , being the son of his father must answer , I should think , for his appointment .
The late Earl was one of those men who had a kindly word for most people , and when I called upon him the very day his last illness began , he was good enough to express himself most pleasingly about this journal , and invited me to visit him at Highclere when the family went back there in the autumn . As he came to his sittingroom door , on the first floor of his house in
Portmansquare , the hand-shake he gave me proved to be his parting with the Craft of Masonry he had served so brilliantly and well , for on the following day he was confined to his room , never to leave it alive . I have before and elsewhere commented upon the death of one of the most
brilliant Pro-Grand Masters English Freemasonry has ever had ; but in fulfilment of his permission , the present Lord Carnarvon has offered me every facility for preparing a lengthened monograph upon the life of his father , which I purpose illustrating and running as a serial as soon as circumstances will permit .
From the Telegraph , to be read daily by all parvenues who hanker after a seat : — " Sir James Hannen proposed ' The Houses of Lords and Commons , ' remarking , as to the latter Assembly , that he tried to become a member thirty years ago , and had never ceased to rejoice that he
failed . " # * -A < Bro . R . Clay Ludlow , G . St . B ., Sic , & c , has been dining with friends in the Craft , who , backed up principally by the members of the Emulation Lodge of
Improvement , have been showing their admiration for him and his work by presenting him with a really very beautiful album , containing an address and nearly 200 signatures , and the full dress clothing of Grand Standard Bearer and two sets of undress clothing ; the jewel of his Grand Office ,
a complete set of jewels ^ in miniature , and the jewels of D . G . D . of C . of Grand Chapter . The jewels are of gold , and form a worthy gift to a very worthy man .
» * » The presentation was made by Thomas Fenn . That seems the most natural way of writing of a Brother who is so well known and respected that the prefix of Bro . or of Mr . becomes superfluous . Thomas Fenn is the senior
partner in the firm of Fenn & Crosswait , stockbrokers , of Princes Street , City , and is one of the soundest Masons living . He is brave enough to admit' he has very little admiration for the purposes of Masonic journalism , though perhaps he has never very religiously considered what those
purposes are , but , as a subject of the Masonic Portrait Gallery , he may some time in the near future be able to tell us .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Round And About.
Round and About .
ckY ^ Here we get the MASONIC Rimtw in a new garb , with a very beautiful portrait in place of the mechanical process block hitherto presented . The work has been reduced in size , but increased in volume , to admit of greater facilities
in binding , and the journal comes one step nearer the perfection of my first conception . For the first time I print forms of application for subscribers , which I hope will be very largely used , but it must be understood that prepayment is absolutely necessary . Whether the M ASONIC REVIEW
is obtained direct from the publishing office or through a bookseller matters but very little to myself , but subscribers may care to know that by ordering through a bookseller they receive the mounted photograph unrolled , and therefore in a better state for framing .
# * Among the more immediate subjects in the Masonic Portrait Gallery are : — Mr . Henry Irving . Lord Brooke .
Mr . Faithfull Begg . Lord Londesborough . Sir Archibald Campbell , Bart . Mr . Robert Grey . Mr . Edmund Yates .
Mr . Charles Barry . Marquis of Hartington . Chief Justice Way . « * *
Lord Dungarvan must be a lucky man to fall into the Provincial shoes of the late Earl of Carnarvon , for although he is a sound and enthusiastic Mason , being the son of his father must answer , I should think , for his appointment .
The late Earl was one of those men who had a kindly word for most people , and when I called upon him the very day his last illness began , he was good enough to express himself most pleasingly about this journal , and invited me to visit him at Highclere when the family went back there in the autumn . As he came to his sittingroom door , on the first floor of his house in
Portmansquare , the hand-shake he gave me proved to be his parting with the Craft of Masonry he had served so brilliantly and well , for on the following day he was confined to his room , never to leave it alive . I have before and elsewhere commented upon the death of one of the most
brilliant Pro-Grand Masters English Freemasonry has ever had ; but in fulfilment of his permission , the present Lord Carnarvon has offered me every facility for preparing a lengthened monograph upon the life of his father , which I purpose illustrating and running as a serial as soon as circumstances will permit .
From the Telegraph , to be read daily by all parvenues who hanker after a seat : — " Sir James Hannen proposed ' The Houses of Lords and Commons , ' remarking , as to the latter Assembly , that he tried to become a member thirty years ago , and had never ceased to rejoice that he
failed . " # * -A < Bro . R . Clay Ludlow , G . St . B ., Sic , & c , has been dining with friends in the Craft , who , backed up principally by the members of the Emulation Lodge of
Improvement , have been showing their admiration for him and his work by presenting him with a really very beautiful album , containing an address and nearly 200 signatures , and the full dress clothing of Grand Standard Bearer and two sets of undress clothing ; the jewel of his Grand Office ,
a complete set of jewels ^ in miniature , and the jewels of D . G . D . of C . of Grand Chapter . The jewels are of gold , and form a worthy gift to a very worthy man .
» * » The presentation was made by Thomas Fenn . That seems the most natural way of writing of a Brother who is so well known and respected that the prefix of Bro . or of Mr . becomes superfluous . Thomas Fenn is the senior
partner in the firm of Fenn & Crosswait , stockbrokers , of Princes Street , City , and is one of the soundest Masons living . He is brave enough to admit' he has very little admiration for the purposes of Masonic journalism , though perhaps he has never very religiously considered what those
purposes are , but , as a subject of the Masonic Portrait Gallery , he may some time in the near future be able to tell us .