Article THE SESSION. ← Page 2 of 2 Article THE HISTORY OF FREEMASONRY. Page 1 of 2 →
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The Session.
may be very surprising to many people who see only so much of Masonry as is confined to their own Lodges , or those of their immediate friends ; but it becomes humiliating to those whose range of acquaintance is somewhat wider .
Worshipful Masters , then , with the co-operation of the veterans of a Lodge , should no longer delay some concerted action in this matter , by making it a rule that some previous enquiries should be made of every candidate brought up for admission to the brotherhood of Freemasonry , and
unless they find him a man of sound education , whose position in life warrants his connection with an Institution claiming charity as its watchword , and whose social connections may be spoken of without a blush , then let them politely refuse to open those gates which seem to be so effectively guarded when an initiate first crosses the threshold of the Craft .
The History Of Freemasonry.
BY J . VALLENTINE , P . M . THE history of Freemasonry presents a most interesting study to its followers ; the mystery that surrounds its foundations , the uncertain traces of its progress , the changes that have taken place in the character of its ritual ;
now a pure and simple system of allegiance to God , then Jewish , then probably allied to Catholicism , then of a Protestant character , and now happily cosmopolitan . Yet , notwithstanding its all-importance ; notwithstanding the benign influence of its teachings ; notwithstanding its
sowing broadcast the seeds of Love , Charity , and Truththose powerful factors in humanity—and influencing the affairs of mankind , there is no art , no science , no discovery , no invention , the history of which is so little known as that of Freemasonry .
It may be true that Freemasonry is a system veiled in allegory ; but when we attempt to lift that veil we find a seeming impenetrable darkness beyond it . The sands that
have covered great cities and monuments of old are being removed , but sufficient light to enable us to trace the early history and progress of our Order has not yet reached us . The student of o : her arts and sciences has some gracious memories that shine like stars , guiding and encouraging
him on his path , increasing his devotion to the pursuit he loves . The painter can refer , with glowing pride in his art , to his Apelles ; the sculptor to a Phidias ; the geometrician to Euclid ; the mechanician to Archimedes ; the physician to Galen ; the lawyer to Justinian ; the orator
to Demosthenes : the poet to Homer ; but , alas for Freemasons , the history of their Craft depends almost altogether upon tradition , and tradition too often , but sometimes justly , is regarded as a fable . Of it may be repeated those lines in Ecclesiastes i . 2 , "There is no remembrance of
former things" ; and doubtless many might add , from the 8 th of the same chapter , whilst thinking of much relating to our Order , " The eye is not satisfied with seeing , nor the ear filled with hearing . "
As regards Freemasonry from mediaeval periods to the present day , the Masonic student is more fortunate ; for , thanks to the energy and perseverance of such writers as Gould , Hughan , Lane , Oliver , Sadler , and others , much of its history from those times is so delineated as to be more
easily grasped by those who covet its possession . But there are still many crannies and many corners into which it would be well if the light could reach . As to the commencement of the Order , its foundation
and propagation , we have many suggestions—Adam , the Patriarchs , Solo mon , King of Israel , the ancient operative Masons , Cromwell , Charles Stewart , Sir Christopher Wren , and a long list of others . The most important theory , however , was ( and it was propounded , too , by men whose
learning and genius is beyond all doubt , and whose opinions demand respect ) that Freemasonry existed before the Creation . Dr . Oliver , one of the most devoted , erudite , and loving of Freemasons , writes : — " Ancient Masonic traditions say , and I think justly , that our science existed
before the creation of the globe , and was diffused amidst the numerous systems of which the grand empyrean of universal space is furnished . " Dr . Dodd , in a Masonic oration , said : — " Though it might owe to the wise and glorious King of Israel some of its many mystic forms and hieroglyphical ceremonies , yet certainly the art
itself is coeval with Creation , when the Sovereign Architect raised on Masonic principles the beautiful globe , and commanded that master science geometry to lay the rule to the planetary mould , and to regulate by its laws the whole stupendous system in just unerring proportion rolling round
the sun . " Preston is of opinion that Freemasonry existed from the creation of the world . Mackay says : " Freemasonry is in its principles undoubtedly coeval with the Creation , but in its origination as a peculiar Institution , such as it now exists , we dare not trace it further back than the
building of King Solomon's Temple . To Noah , God was merciful , and to the Patriarch and his prosterity was to be entrusted the knowledge of the true God . " Smith ) Provincial Grand Master of Kent , claims for Freemasonry an existence at the same early period , and quotes , referring to Paradise , the lines : —
* ' Here Masons first their secrets did impart , Had to mankind revealed their sacred art , " from the extracts of the opinions of Drs . Dodd and Oliver , the importance attributed to geometry in the construction
of this our world will be perceived . But they are not alone in these opinions . Josephus writes ; " Let no one , upon comparing the lives of the ancients with our lives , and with the few years which we live , think that what we have said of them is false , nor make the shortness of our lives at
present an argument that neither did they attain to so long a duration of life , for those ancients were beloved of God and lately made by Himself , and because their food was then fitter for the prolongation of life , might well live so great a number of years ; and besides God afforded them a
longer time of life on account of their virtue and the good use they made of it in astronomical and geometrical discoveries . "
The importance attributed to geometry reaches a higher point of absurdity when we read that Boresius , a Chaldean writer , apparently well known to ancient historians , says : —¦ " Shortly after the Creation , there appeared , out of the Red Sea , an animal like a fish , called Oanncs . This animal
conversed with mankind in the daytime , and delivered to them the knowledge of various arts and sciences . He taught them to erect temples , and instructed them in geometry . " Mackenzie says this fish was afterwards
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The Session.
may be very surprising to many people who see only so much of Masonry as is confined to their own Lodges , or those of their immediate friends ; but it becomes humiliating to those whose range of acquaintance is somewhat wider .
Worshipful Masters , then , with the co-operation of the veterans of a Lodge , should no longer delay some concerted action in this matter , by making it a rule that some previous enquiries should be made of every candidate brought up for admission to the brotherhood of Freemasonry , and
unless they find him a man of sound education , whose position in life warrants his connection with an Institution claiming charity as its watchword , and whose social connections may be spoken of without a blush , then let them politely refuse to open those gates which seem to be so effectively guarded when an initiate first crosses the threshold of the Craft .
The History Of Freemasonry.
BY J . VALLENTINE , P . M . THE history of Freemasonry presents a most interesting study to its followers ; the mystery that surrounds its foundations , the uncertain traces of its progress , the changes that have taken place in the character of its ritual ;
now a pure and simple system of allegiance to God , then Jewish , then probably allied to Catholicism , then of a Protestant character , and now happily cosmopolitan . Yet , notwithstanding its all-importance ; notwithstanding the benign influence of its teachings ; notwithstanding its
sowing broadcast the seeds of Love , Charity , and Truththose powerful factors in humanity—and influencing the affairs of mankind , there is no art , no science , no discovery , no invention , the history of which is so little known as that of Freemasonry .
It may be true that Freemasonry is a system veiled in allegory ; but when we attempt to lift that veil we find a seeming impenetrable darkness beyond it . The sands that
have covered great cities and monuments of old are being removed , but sufficient light to enable us to trace the early history and progress of our Order has not yet reached us . The student of o : her arts and sciences has some gracious memories that shine like stars , guiding and encouraging
him on his path , increasing his devotion to the pursuit he loves . The painter can refer , with glowing pride in his art , to his Apelles ; the sculptor to a Phidias ; the geometrician to Euclid ; the mechanician to Archimedes ; the physician to Galen ; the lawyer to Justinian ; the orator
to Demosthenes : the poet to Homer ; but , alas for Freemasons , the history of their Craft depends almost altogether upon tradition , and tradition too often , but sometimes justly , is regarded as a fable . Of it may be repeated those lines in Ecclesiastes i . 2 , "There is no remembrance of
former things" ; and doubtless many might add , from the 8 th of the same chapter , whilst thinking of much relating to our Order , " The eye is not satisfied with seeing , nor the ear filled with hearing . "
As regards Freemasonry from mediaeval periods to the present day , the Masonic student is more fortunate ; for , thanks to the energy and perseverance of such writers as Gould , Hughan , Lane , Oliver , Sadler , and others , much of its history from those times is so delineated as to be more
easily grasped by those who covet its possession . But there are still many crannies and many corners into which it would be well if the light could reach . As to the commencement of the Order , its foundation
and propagation , we have many suggestions—Adam , the Patriarchs , Solo mon , King of Israel , the ancient operative Masons , Cromwell , Charles Stewart , Sir Christopher Wren , and a long list of others . The most important theory , however , was ( and it was propounded , too , by men whose
learning and genius is beyond all doubt , and whose opinions demand respect ) that Freemasonry existed before the Creation . Dr . Oliver , one of the most devoted , erudite , and loving of Freemasons , writes : — " Ancient Masonic traditions say , and I think justly , that our science existed
before the creation of the globe , and was diffused amidst the numerous systems of which the grand empyrean of universal space is furnished . " Dr . Dodd , in a Masonic oration , said : — " Though it might owe to the wise and glorious King of Israel some of its many mystic forms and hieroglyphical ceremonies , yet certainly the art
itself is coeval with Creation , when the Sovereign Architect raised on Masonic principles the beautiful globe , and commanded that master science geometry to lay the rule to the planetary mould , and to regulate by its laws the whole stupendous system in just unerring proportion rolling round
the sun . " Preston is of opinion that Freemasonry existed from the creation of the world . Mackay says : " Freemasonry is in its principles undoubtedly coeval with the Creation , but in its origination as a peculiar Institution , such as it now exists , we dare not trace it further back than the
building of King Solomon's Temple . To Noah , God was merciful , and to the Patriarch and his prosterity was to be entrusted the knowledge of the true God . " Smith ) Provincial Grand Master of Kent , claims for Freemasonry an existence at the same early period , and quotes , referring to Paradise , the lines : —
* ' Here Masons first their secrets did impart , Had to mankind revealed their sacred art , " from the extracts of the opinions of Drs . Dodd and Oliver , the importance attributed to geometry in the construction
of this our world will be perceived . But they are not alone in these opinions . Josephus writes ; " Let no one , upon comparing the lives of the ancients with our lives , and with the few years which we live , think that what we have said of them is false , nor make the shortness of our lives at
present an argument that neither did they attain to so long a duration of life , for those ancients were beloved of God and lately made by Himself , and because their food was then fitter for the prolongation of life , might well live so great a number of years ; and besides God afforded them a
longer time of life on account of their virtue and the good use they made of it in astronomical and geometrical discoveries . "
The importance attributed to geometry reaches a higher point of absurdity when we read that Boresius , a Chaldean writer , apparently well known to ancient historians , says : —¦ " Shortly after the Creation , there appeared , out of the Red Sea , an animal like a fish , called Oanncs . This animal
conversed with mankind in the daytime , and delivered to them the knowledge of various arts and sciences . He taught them to erect temples , and instructed them in geometry . " Mackenzie says this fish was afterwards