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Ross and Cromarty had recommended Bro . Sir Hector Munro , of Foales , Bart ., for appointment as Provincial Grand Master of Ross and Cromarty , and that the Grand Master had heartily endorsed this recommendation . On the motion of the Grand Committee the Grand Lodge gave effect to this recommendation .
* The consecration of the Alan Lodge ( 2368 ) at Alderley took place on the 6 th ult The ceremony was performed by the Provincial Grand Master the Right Hon . Lord Egerton of Tatton . The Lodge was opened by Bro .
Thomas Marwood , P . P . S . G . W ., acting D . P . G . M . After the dedication of the Lodge , Bro . the Hon . Alan Egerton P . M ., AV . M . designate , was presented to the installing Master , Bro . Thomas Marwood , and duly installed first W . M . of the Lodge .
* # * The eldest son of Bro . Colonel Sir Francis Burdett , Bart ., was proposed by his father as a candidate for initiation at the last meeting of the Burdett Lodge ( 1293 ) . May he follow in the footsteps of the Provincial Grand Master of Middlesex .
* # * The tenth annual meeting of the Dorset Masonic Charity was held at the Masonic Hall , Weymouth , on Thursday , 31 st July . In the unavoidable absence of Bro . AV . W . Dugdalethe Chairmanthe chair was taken bBro
, , y . Tillwood Milledge , the Vice-Chairman . Letters ¦ of regret at inability to be present were read from Bros . Montague J . Guest , P . G . M ., AV . D . Dugdale , and others . The Hon . Secretary announced that the Right Hon . the Earl of
Eldon , a Vice-President , and one of the original Trustees of the Charity , now wished to be relieved from the Trusteeship , but had kindly sent a further donation of ^ 25 towards the funds . After the Committee had accepted Lord Eldon's resignation , though with great regret ,
Bro-AV . E . Brymer , D . P . G . M ., was unanimously elected to fill the vacant post . # « # On AVednesday , the 30 th July , the annual meeting of the
Provincial Grand Chapter of Kent was held at Sittingbourne , a number of companions from all parts of the county being present . The official business was performed at the Masonic Hall , a banquet being afterwards held in the Town Hall , Earl Amherst , Grand Superintendent , in the chair .
* * * The inauguration of the Grand Lodge of Tasmania took place on the 27 th June , the Rev . R . D . Poulett-Harris being installed as first Grand Master by Lord Carrington , assisted by Lord Kintore , Chief Justice AVay , and Sir
AVilliam Clarke . In the evening a banquet in celebration of the event was held in the exhibition building . There was a large gathering , and the proceedings passed off most successfully . * « »
At a special meeting of the York Lodge ( 236 ) , held on the 5 th ult ., at the Masonic Hall , Duncombe-place , the business was the election of Trustees . Bros . C . M . Forbes , W . M ., in the chair . The Secretary read a circular convening the meeting of the Lodge to the effect that the Lodge was called together to elect and choose " as many Trustees
as will make up the number of ten Trustees out of the subscribing members of the said Lodge in accordance with the provisions of the deed of conveyance of the Lodge premises , bearing date 18 th February , 1863 . " Eventually the result of the voting for the Trusteeship was as follows ,
the AV . M . declaring the brethren " elected with a clear majority in each case , " according to the report of the Scrutineers : —Bros . J . Biscomb , S . Border ( P . G . R . ) , Geo . Garbutt , Geo . Kirby , M . Rooke , J . S . Rymer , Sir J . Terry , and Jos . Todd . After a vote of thanks to the Scrutineers , the Lodge was closed . # * *
On AVednesday , the 6 th ult ., a Masonic Service was held in the parish church , AVarrenpoint , Ireland , the offertory being devoted in aid of the Irish Masonic Orphan Schools . The proceedings were held under the auspices of the St John ' s Lodge ( 697 ) . A substantial sum was realised for the schools . « * *
The adjourned meeting of the General Committee of th e Royal Masonic Institution for Boys was held at Freemasons ' Hall on Saturday last , the 9 th ult ., Bro . Richard Eve , Past Grand Treasurer , Patron , occupying the chair . During the proceedings the Chairman introduced the newly-elected
Secretary , Bro . James Morrison McLeod , who was congratulated as he thus formally entered upon the duties of his office .
» # ® The dedication of the Masonic Temple , Denver , Colorado , took place on the 3 rd July , and a handsome souvenir of the event has been issued in the shape of a printed account of the ceremonies . Bro . AVm . D . Todd , G . M ., assisted by
the Grand Officers , dedicated the new Masonic Temple and Grand Master Todd and Past Grand Master Bro . H . P . H . Bromwell , of Illinois , delivered addresses . The Temple Fund began with the small sum of $ 3 60 , in 1873 , and reached the large sum of $ 475 , 000 . The cost of the
Temple and furniture was $ 250 , 000 , and of the lots on which it is erected , $ 225 , 000 . Our Colorado brethren have every reason to be proud of their home for the Craft .
# * Sf AVe regret to announce the death , on the 1 st ult ., of Bro . Robert Collier , P . M ., & c , at the advanced age of ninetytwo . Our deceased brother was initiated in the Lodge of Loyalty , ( 320 ) , Mottram , on the 5 th of December , 1 8 21 ,
being at the time twenty-three years of age , and was installed as AVorshipful Master in 18 37 , and again in 1848 . He had held office in his Lodge of one kind or another for no less than fifty-one years , and was the oldest Freemason in Cheshire . # * #
Many members of the Craft will be glad to hear of the initiation of Bro . Edward Rake , son of the late Bro . George Rake , of Portsmouth . Bro . Rake , who carries on his father ' s architectural work , bids fair to become as widely known and popular as his father . ' r >) i = #
The Executive Committee of the Glasgow Grand Masonic Bazaar met on Monday , the 4 th ult ., under the Presidency of Colonel Sir Archibald C . Campbell , G . M ., when considerable progress was reported . The Chairman intimated that he had succeeded in securing as Vice-Patrons
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Ross and Cromarty had recommended Bro . Sir Hector Munro , of Foales , Bart ., for appointment as Provincial Grand Master of Ross and Cromarty , and that the Grand Master had heartily endorsed this recommendation . On the motion of the Grand Committee the Grand Lodge gave effect to this recommendation .
* The consecration of the Alan Lodge ( 2368 ) at Alderley took place on the 6 th ult The ceremony was performed by the Provincial Grand Master the Right Hon . Lord Egerton of Tatton . The Lodge was opened by Bro .
Thomas Marwood , P . P . S . G . W ., acting D . P . G . M . After the dedication of the Lodge , Bro . the Hon . Alan Egerton P . M ., AV . M . designate , was presented to the installing Master , Bro . Thomas Marwood , and duly installed first W . M . of the Lodge .
* # * The eldest son of Bro . Colonel Sir Francis Burdett , Bart ., was proposed by his father as a candidate for initiation at the last meeting of the Burdett Lodge ( 1293 ) . May he follow in the footsteps of the Provincial Grand Master of Middlesex .
* # * The tenth annual meeting of the Dorset Masonic Charity was held at the Masonic Hall , Weymouth , on Thursday , 31 st July . In the unavoidable absence of Bro . AV . W . Dugdalethe Chairmanthe chair was taken bBro
, , y . Tillwood Milledge , the Vice-Chairman . Letters ¦ of regret at inability to be present were read from Bros . Montague J . Guest , P . G . M ., AV . D . Dugdale , and others . The Hon . Secretary announced that the Right Hon . the Earl of
Eldon , a Vice-President , and one of the original Trustees of the Charity , now wished to be relieved from the Trusteeship , but had kindly sent a further donation of ^ 25 towards the funds . After the Committee had accepted Lord Eldon's resignation , though with great regret ,
Bro-AV . E . Brymer , D . P . G . M ., was unanimously elected to fill the vacant post . # « # On AVednesday , the 30 th July , the annual meeting of the
Provincial Grand Chapter of Kent was held at Sittingbourne , a number of companions from all parts of the county being present . The official business was performed at the Masonic Hall , a banquet being afterwards held in the Town Hall , Earl Amherst , Grand Superintendent , in the chair .
* * * The inauguration of the Grand Lodge of Tasmania took place on the 27 th June , the Rev . R . D . Poulett-Harris being installed as first Grand Master by Lord Carrington , assisted by Lord Kintore , Chief Justice AVay , and Sir
AVilliam Clarke . In the evening a banquet in celebration of the event was held in the exhibition building . There was a large gathering , and the proceedings passed off most successfully . * « »
At a special meeting of the York Lodge ( 236 ) , held on the 5 th ult ., at the Masonic Hall , Duncombe-place , the business was the election of Trustees . Bros . C . M . Forbes , W . M ., in the chair . The Secretary read a circular convening the meeting of the Lodge to the effect that the Lodge was called together to elect and choose " as many Trustees
as will make up the number of ten Trustees out of the subscribing members of the said Lodge in accordance with the provisions of the deed of conveyance of the Lodge premises , bearing date 18 th February , 1863 . " Eventually the result of the voting for the Trusteeship was as follows ,
the AV . M . declaring the brethren " elected with a clear majority in each case , " according to the report of the Scrutineers : —Bros . J . Biscomb , S . Border ( P . G . R . ) , Geo . Garbutt , Geo . Kirby , M . Rooke , J . S . Rymer , Sir J . Terry , and Jos . Todd . After a vote of thanks to the Scrutineers , the Lodge was closed . # * *
On AVednesday , the 6 th ult ., a Masonic Service was held in the parish church , AVarrenpoint , Ireland , the offertory being devoted in aid of the Irish Masonic Orphan Schools . The proceedings were held under the auspices of the St John ' s Lodge ( 697 ) . A substantial sum was realised for the schools . « * *
The adjourned meeting of the General Committee of th e Royal Masonic Institution for Boys was held at Freemasons ' Hall on Saturday last , the 9 th ult ., Bro . Richard Eve , Past Grand Treasurer , Patron , occupying the chair . During the proceedings the Chairman introduced the newly-elected
Secretary , Bro . James Morrison McLeod , who was congratulated as he thus formally entered upon the duties of his office .
» # ® The dedication of the Masonic Temple , Denver , Colorado , took place on the 3 rd July , and a handsome souvenir of the event has been issued in the shape of a printed account of the ceremonies . Bro . AVm . D . Todd , G . M ., assisted by
the Grand Officers , dedicated the new Masonic Temple and Grand Master Todd and Past Grand Master Bro . H . P . H . Bromwell , of Illinois , delivered addresses . The Temple Fund began with the small sum of $ 3 60 , in 1873 , and reached the large sum of $ 475 , 000 . The cost of the
Temple and furniture was $ 250 , 000 , and of the lots on which it is erected , $ 225 , 000 . Our Colorado brethren have every reason to be proud of their home for the Craft .
# * Sf AVe regret to announce the death , on the 1 st ult ., of Bro . Robert Collier , P . M ., & c , at the advanced age of ninetytwo . Our deceased brother was initiated in the Lodge of Loyalty , ( 320 ) , Mottram , on the 5 th of December , 1 8 21 ,
being at the time twenty-three years of age , and was installed as AVorshipful Master in 18 37 , and again in 1848 . He had held office in his Lodge of one kind or another for no less than fifty-one years , and was the oldest Freemason in Cheshire . # * #
Many members of the Craft will be glad to hear of the initiation of Bro . Edward Rake , son of the late Bro . George Rake , of Portsmouth . Bro . Rake , who carries on his father ' s architectural work , bids fair to become as widely known and popular as his father . ' r >) i = #
The Executive Committee of the Glasgow Grand Masonic Bazaar met on Monday , the 4 th ult ., under the Presidency of Colonel Sir Archibald C . Campbell , G . M ., when considerable progress was reported . The Chairman intimated that he had succeeded in securing as Vice-Patrons