Article Masonic Mems. ← Page 3 of 4 →
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Masonic Mems.
Stock Exchange , one of the chief owners of " The Hall , " who fittingly occupies the post of Senior Warden of the Lodge , and next in rotation for the Mastership . The new Lodge may be congratulated upon having secured for its first important officers several experienced brethren . Bro . T . Fenn has accepted the dual post of acting Past Master and Director of Ceremonies , and as be
is one of the greatest Masonic authorities living , the efficient direction of the affairs of the Lodge is assured , whilst the important posts of Treasurer and Secretary are occupied by Past Masters of great experience , the latter office being taken by Dr . Banning , the energetic and agreeable resident manager at " The Hall . " As
may be supposed , advantage was taken of the opportunity later in the day to test the culinary capabilities of the establishment . The result proved that the various departments had combined effectively to entertain the visitors . * * *
Members of the Masonic fraternity in Devonshire , which has of late years largely grown in numbers and in influence under the leadership of the popular Provincial Grand Master , Viscount Ebrington , M . P ., are again under obligations to Bro . W . F . Westcott , of Frankfort-street , Plymouth , for an admirable " Masonic
Register , " which he has just issued , for the year 1889-90 . The Register , which is clearly printed in good type , and neatly bound in a stout blue cover , gives a list of the whole of the Masonic Lodges , Chapters , and Priories in the Province of Devon , together with the names of the officers of every Lodge , Chapter , and Priory , the dates of meeting in each case , and other information of interest to Freemasons .
* * * The Quarterly Convocation of Supreme Grand Chapter of Rjyal Arch Masons of England was held at Freemasons' Hall , and , in the absence of the Prince of Wales , the Earl of Carnarvon , the Earl of Lathom , and Lord Leigh , the Rev . H . Adair Pickard
( Oxon ) , the Rev . C . W . Spencer Stanhope ( Cheshire ) , and Bro . Thomas Fenn occupied the principal chairs . On a memorial from the Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of Victoria , repotting that they had been regularly established in March last , and asking recognition by the Grand Chapter of England , and that fraternal
communication might be established between the two Grand Chapters , a resolution moved by Bro . E . Letchworth , seconded by Bro . Philbrick , Q . C ., was carried to that effect . Charters were granted for the establishment of new Chapters to be attached to the Albion Lodge , London ; the Wilberforce Lodge , Hull ; the
Mundy Grove Lodge , Shipleygate , Derbyshire ; and the Cyclist Lodge , East Molesey , Surrey . Tlie charter of the Abbe ) ' Chapter , Burton-on-Tnnt , having been lost , a charter of confirmation was granted , and the Moravian Chapter ( 3 S 7 ) was authorised to remove from the Masonic Hall to the Saltaire Institute , Shipley ,
West Yorkshire . The Mount Moriah Chapter , London , received authority to detach itself from the Albion Lodge , and to be attached to the Middlesex Lodge ( 143 ) . * # *
Sir Henry Isaacs , the Lord Mayor , was unanimously elected Worship ful Master of the Drury Lane Lodge for the ensuing year . The Installation Ceremony takes place at the Mansion House on February n , and Sir Henry will be the " Eminent Mason at Home " in our issue for that month . * * *
Just after the guests at the Mayoral Banquet at Welshpool had taken their seats the other day , Councillor Robert Hurst , who was elected a member of the Town Council on the 1 st inst ., fell down in a fit . Some medical gentlemen , who formed part of the company , rendered immediate assistance , but life was declared extinct . Past
Master Hurst was formerly borough surveyor , and in good practice in the city . * * # The annual festival of the " Quatuor Coronati '' Lodge of Freemasons , which derives its title from the "Four Crowned " or " Four Holy Martyrs , " the legendary saints of the building trades
was held the other evening at Freemasons' Hall . The Lodge was established in 1884 for the association of Freemasons connected with literature and the arts . Bro . Win . Simpson , the special artist of the Illustrated Loudon News , retired from the chair of the Lodge , on the completion of his year of office , and was succeeded by
Lieut .-Colonel S . C . Pratt , R . A ., late Professor of Military History , Royal Military Academy , Woolwich . The treasurer is Bro . Walter Besant , the eminent novelist . if -vf -5 f
The case of a very large family came before the Board of Benevolence on its last meeting , when the sum of / 805 was voted in grants to petitioners in distress . One petitioner , who was sixtyseven years of age , had had thirty-nine children , the youngest of this interesting family being only three months old .
* * # The brethren of the Gallery Lodge—consisting of journalistic Masons—have elected Bro . Henry Wright their W . M . for the ensuing year . # * *
In the presence of a large gathering of brethren , amongst whom were Bros . Perrin , Tremearne , Fenn , and S . Lambert , Bro . A . Lambert , of Dunsterhouse , ' Mincing-lane , has been installed W . M . of the Addiscombe Lodge . Subsequent to his installation , the new officer presented to the Lodge a beautiful banner of his arms .
* * * As time goes on , the number of candidates for the impending - vacancy in connection with the Secretaryship of the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys increases . There are now in the field , besides Bro . Gordon Smith , M . A ., Bro . S . R . Baskett , of Evershot ,
Dorchester ; Bro . A . C . Greenwood , of Albert Institute-chambers , Charles-street , Blackfriars ; and Bro . Edwin Storr , of Robey Villa , Hornsey .
# # # Bro . J . P . Hoddinott is the new W . M . of the City of London Lodge . * * * A dinner was given last month to Bro . J . C . Parkinson at the
Albion Tavern , Bro . Edmund Yates being in the chair . 'Die guest of the evening was presented by the chairman , on behalf of the subscribers , with a handsome service of plate , artistically designed to illustrate the most celebrated characters and incidents in the works of Charles Dickens . The presentation was from Bro .
Parkinson ' s private friends in acknowledgment of recent public services in connection with an archaeological and philanthropic association , of which Bro . Parkinson has been a leading member for a quarter of a century , and from the chair of which he is now retiring , after the prescribed service of twelve months , for the fourth time . Bros . Sir
John B . Monckton , F . S . A . ; Rudolph Glover , F . S . A ; Colonel Shadwell H . Clerke ; T . Fenn ; A . M . Broadley ; and Alderman Layton , J . P ., were among those present .
# * * The elevation of the W . M . of Lodge Unanimity and Sincerity to the Mayoral Chair of Taunton is an event unique in the history of the Lodge , and occasion was taken the other evening to greet the W . M . with hearty good wishes for his year of office in the form
of the following resolution , very happily proposed by Bro . P . M . MeyJer ( Town Clerk ) , and adopted by acclamation : — " That the brethren of the Lodge desire to record upon the minutes their hearty fraternal congratulations to the Worshipful Master upon his appointment by the unanimous vote of the Corporation , and with the cordial approbation of his fellow-townsmen , to the high office of Mayor and chief magistrate of his native town . "
* * * Bro . H . W . L . Hobbs has been installed as W . M . of the Belgrave Lodge . To the retiring W . M ., Bro . Thomas Weeks , a handsome jewel in recognition of his services was voted at the installation meeting .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic Mems.
Stock Exchange , one of the chief owners of " The Hall , " who fittingly occupies the post of Senior Warden of the Lodge , and next in rotation for the Mastership . The new Lodge may be congratulated upon having secured for its first important officers several experienced brethren . Bro . T . Fenn has accepted the dual post of acting Past Master and Director of Ceremonies , and as be
is one of the greatest Masonic authorities living , the efficient direction of the affairs of the Lodge is assured , whilst the important posts of Treasurer and Secretary are occupied by Past Masters of great experience , the latter office being taken by Dr . Banning , the energetic and agreeable resident manager at " The Hall . " As
may be supposed , advantage was taken of the opportunity later in the day to test the culinary capabilities of the establishment . The result proved that the various departments had combined effectively to entertain the visitors . * * *
Members of the Masonic fraternity in Devonshire , which has of late years largely grown in numbers and in influence under the leadership of the popular Provincial Grand Master , Viscount Ebrington , M . P ., are again under obligations to Bro . W . F . Westcott , of Frankfort-street , Plymouth , for an admirable " Masonic
Register , " which he has just issued , for the year 1889-90 . The Register , which is clearly printed in good type , and neatly bound in a stout blue cover , gives a list of the whole of the Masonic Lodges , Chapters , and Priories in the Province of Devon , together with the names of the officers of every Lodge , Chapter , and Priory , the dates of meeting in each case , and other information of interest to Freemasons .
* * * The Quarterly Convocation of Supreme Grand Chapter of Rjyal Arch Masons of England was held at Freemasons' Hall , and , in the absence of the Prince of Wales , the Earl of Carnarvon , the Earl of Lathom , and Lord Leigh , the Rev . H . Adair Pickard
( Oxon ) , the Rev . C . W . Spencer Stanhope ( Cheshire ) , and Bro . Thomas Fenn occupied the principal chairs . On a memorial from the Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of Victoria , repotting that they had been regularly established in March last , and asking recognition by the Grand Chapter of England , and that fraternal
communication might be established between the two Grand Chapters , a resolution moved by Bro . E . Letchworth , seconded by Bro . Philbrick , Q . C ., was carried to that effect . Charters were granted for the establishment of new Chapters to be attached to the Albion Lodge , London ; the Wilberforce Lodge , Hull ; the
Mundy Grove Lodge , Shipleygate , Derbyshire ; and the Cyclist Lodge , East Molesey , Surrey . Tlie charter of the Abbe ) ' Chapter , Burton-on-Tnnt , having been lost , a charter of confirmation was granted , and the Moravian Chapter ( 3 S 7 ) was authorised to remove from the Masonic Hall to the Saltaire Institute , Shipley ,
West Yorkshire . The Mount Moriah Chapter , London , received authority to detach itself from the Albion Lodge , and to be attached to the Middlesex Lodge ( 143 ) . * # *
Sir Henry Isaacs , the Lord Mayor , was unanimously elected Worship ful Master of the Drury Lane Lodge for the ensuing year . The Installation Ceremony takes place at the Mansion House on February n , and Sir Henry will be the " Eminent Mason at Home " in our issue for that month . * * *
Just after the guests at the Mayoral Banquet at Welshpool had taken their seats the other day , Councillor Robert Hurst , who was elected a member of the Town Council on the 1 st inst ., fell down in a fit . Some medical gentlemen , who formed part of the company , rendered immediate assistance , but life was declared extinct . Past
Master Hurst was formerly borough surveyor , and in good practice in the city . * * # The annual festival of the " Quatuor Coronati '' Lodge of Freemasons , which derives its title from the "Four Crowned " or " Four Holy Martyrs , " the legendary saints of the building trades
was held the other evening at Freemasons' Hall . The Lodge was established in 1884 for the association of Freemasons connected with literature and the arts . Bro . Win . Simpson , the special artist of the Illustrated Loudon News , retired from the chair of the Lodge , on the completion of his year of office , and was succeeded by
Lieut .-Colonel S . C . Pratt , R . A ., late Professor of Military History , Royal Military Academy , Woolwich . The treasurer is Bro . Walter Besant , the eminent novelist . if -vf -5 f
The case of a very large family came before the Board of Benevolence on its last meeting , when the sum of / 805 was voted in grants to petitioners in distress . One petitioner , who was sixtyseven years of age , had had thirty-nine children , the youngest of this interesting family being only three months old .
* * # The brethren of the Gallery Lodge—consisting of journalistic Masons—have elected Bro . Henry Wright their W . M . for the ensuing year . # * *
In the presence of a large gathering of brethren , amongst whom were Bros . Perrin , Tremearne , Fenn , and S . Lambert , Bro . A . Lambert , of Dunsterhouse , ' Mincing-lane , has been installed W . M . of the Addiscombe Lodge . Subsequent to his installation , the new officer presented to the Lodge a beautiful banner of his arms .
* * * As time goes on , the number of candidates for the impending - vacancy in connection with the Secretaryship of the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys increases . There are now in the field , besides Bro . Gordon Smith , M . A ., Bro . S . R . Baskett , of Evershot ,
Dorchester ; Bro . A . C . Greenwood , of Albert Institute-chambers , Charles-street , Blackfriars ; and Bro . Edwin Storr , of Robey Villa , Hornsey .
# # # Bro . J . P . Hoddinott is the new W . M . of the City of London Lodge . * * * A dinner was given last month to Bro . J . C . Parkinson at the
Albion Tavern , Bro . Edmund Yates being in the chair . 'Die guest of the evening was presented by the chairman , on behalf of the subscribers , with a handsome service of plate , artistically designed to illustrate the most celebrated characters and incidents in the works of Charles Dickens . The presentation was from Bro .
Parkinson ' s private friends in acknowledgment of recent public services in connection with an archaeological and philanthropic association , of which Bro . Parkinson has been a leading member for a quarter of a century , and from the chair of which he is now retiring , after the prescribed service of twelve months , for the fourth time . Bros . Sir
John B . Monckton , F . S . A . ; Rudolph Glover , F . S . A ; Colonel Shadwell H . Clerke ; T . Fenn ; A . M . Broadley ; and Alderman Layton , J . P ., were among those present .
# * * The elevation of the W . M . of Lodge Unanimity and Sincerity to the Mayoral Chair of Taunton is an event unique in the history of the Lodge , and occasion was taken the other evening to greet the W . M . with hearty good wishes for his year of office in the form
of the following resolution , very happily proposed by Bro . P . M . MeyJer ( Town Clerk ) , and adopted by acclamation : — " That the brethren of the Lodge desire to record upon the minutes their hearty fraternal congratulations to the Worshipful Master upon his appointment by the unanimous vote of the Corporation , and with the cordial approbation of his fellow-townsmen , to the high office of Mayor and chief magistrate of his native town . "
* * * Bro . H . W . L . Hobbs has been installed as W . M . of the Belgrave Lodge . To the retiring W . M ., Bro . Thomas Weeks , a handsome jewel in recognition of his services was voted at the installation meeting .