Article Grand Mark Lodge and its Benevolent Fund. ← Page 2 of 2 Article SPECIAL GRAND MARK LODGE. Page 1 of 1 Article SPECIAL GRAND MARK LODGE. Page 1 of 1 Article THE MARK BENEVOLENT FUND. Page 1 of 2 →
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Grand Mark Lodge And Its Benevolent Fund.
the " exception to the rule" was welcome to the . Mark Grand Lodge , affording as it did an opportunity for testifying their loyalty and devotion to their Chief Head and Ruler , and their desire for the welfare and happiness of the contracting parties more immediately concerned . That the circumstance must be considered and observed as an
exception only was made manifest by the instant recognition of the rule , on W . Bro . J . S . Cumberland rising to call attention to a matter which should have the attention of the General Board at once , and in respect of which their
agreement with the views he briefly expressed , and action consequent thereon , may prevent the necessity of discussion elsewhere , and publicity affecting what should be kept undisclosed from those who have no acquaintance with the esoteric working of the Mark Master Mason ' s Degree .
With regard to the Twenty-first Annual Festival of the Mark Benevolence Fund it will be sufficient for us in this place to remark on the highly successful character of the celebration of its majority , and to accord unstinted praise to the stewards and the executive Avho together so ably
contributed to that result . Bro . Sir Lionel E . Darell , Bart ., J . G . Warden , who presided as Chairman , very aptly explained in his address when proposing " prosperity to the Fund , " a difference between it and the Craft Masonic Institutions , in that , with the exception of but a trifling
outlay , —partly in recognition of secretarial services , and partly in necessary expenses of office requirements , —the whole of the subscriptions to the fund were applied to masonic benevolence . The "Fund" has no occasion to provide for the erection and upholding of large buildings ,
and the accompanying necessity of maintaining an expensive staff of officials and servants ; and we trust it never will have . To do all the good it can in the present to the greatest number of those who are unfortunately compelled to seek its assistance , and to increase its reserve so as to
secure a continuance of its beneficent operations in the future , are the great and important purposes of this particular association ; and it is to be hoped its managers may not at any time be led into the error of thinking that the establishment of a material " Institution " for the reception
of the recipients of its bounties will add to the benefits the fund can confer . The amount contributed last week , the second largest return yet made , sufficiently indicates the favour in which the Mark Benevolent Fund is held by the
Craft ; and we venture to prophecy that if its management and the disposition of its effects are continued on the same lines as heretofore , the sum of £ 2 , 084 will be greatly exceeded at ensuing festivals .
Special Grand Mark Lodge.
A Special Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons of England and Wales and the Colonies and Dependencies of the British Crown was held on Wednesday , the 24 th ulto ., at No . 8 a , Red Lion Square . Lord Egerton of Tatton , M . AV . Pro . G . M .. presided , and amongst those present were—Bros . AV . J . Hughan . P . G . W .. acting as G . S . Warden-Sir Lionel Darell , G .. J . W .: W . G . Lemon . G . S . O . : "~ H . Kynaston . & ' .
Chap . ; Frank Richardson , G . Reg .: Frank Sumner Knyvett . G . S . I ) .: H . E . Cousans . G . J . D . : Robert Berridge . G . D . C .: J . B . Bridgeman A . G . D . C . ; J . IT . Matthews , A . G . D . C ; T . B . Purchas , G . S . B .: JI Mainwaring , G . I . G . : J . AV . II . Thompson . S . Knight and J . ' M . Collins . G . Stwds . ; Baron de Forrieres . P . G . 31 . Gloucestershire and Herefordshire : J . II . Wynne . P . GJ . & . : C . F . Woodall . P . S . G D J . L . Murray , P . O . Std . Br . : N . T . West , P . G . O . : Alfred Williams .
P . G . M . O . ; Walter Adlard , P . G . M . O . : Geo . Allen , P . G . O . ; Geo ! Gravelejv P . G . S . B .: . lohn A . Lloyd . P . G . C : John Ramsey P . A . G . D . C . : Driver . P . G , Std . Br . : R . I . Emmens . P . G . M . O . : B iV Bryant . P . G . Std . Br .: T . Cubitt . P . S . G . O . : E . T . Hoare P G Or" J . S . Cumberland . P .. I . G . O .: G . Powell . P . G . S . : . lames StevenV P . G . J . O . ; Geo . Mickley . P . G . D .: Jabez Church . P . G . S . ; A B Cook P . G . M . O .: Cha . s . H . Driver . P . G . M . O .: Lord Euston . P . G S AV ' P . G . B . ; Thos . J . Railing . P . G . D . : Edwin M . LottP G . Oro- ' AV *'
, II . Kempster , M . D ., P . G . Stwd . ; Pi . Loveland Loveland . D . P . G . M . M . Hants ; and others . The object of the meeting was to receive a special communication from his Royal Highness the M . AV . G . M .. approving of certain recommendations made by the General Board in relation to the
resignation by A . AV . Bro . Frederick Binckes of his official position as Grand Secretary , which tlie Grand Master had been pleased to accept , and that the sum of . C 12 "> per annum should be voted to that brother from the Funds of Grand Mark Lodge , as a retiring allowance ; and , further , that the office thereby vacated should be filled by the appointment of AV . Bro . Charles Fitzgerald Matier . Assistant Grand Secretary . The communication having been read
by the Prov . Grand Master in due form , and motion made by the R . AV . Bro . Lord Euston , seconded by AV . Bro . Frank Richardson , Grand Registrar , as President of the General Board , that the recommendations submitted to , and approved of by , the Grand Master , should lie adopted , resolutions to that effect were carried unanimously . Bro . Robert Berridge , Grand Director of Ceremonies , then conducted Bro . Matier to the East , where he was invested by
Special Grand Mark Lodge.
the Prov . Grand Master with the collar and jewel of office , and amidst congratulations from the president and brethren , commenced his duties as Grand Secretary and was saluted in ancient form . After a brief address from Bro . AV . J . Hughan , presenting , as the representative of the Grand Chapter of Pennsylvania in the Grand Mark Lodge of England , greetings and good wishes from that
Grand Chapter , the Prov . Grand Master rose and said : —Brethren , there is no other business on the paper , but there is one event which is about to happen which I think , although there is no previous notice of it . I should be justified , standing in the position I do , in bringing before you , and I shall ask you to give it your favourable reception . I allude to the approaching marriage of the
eldest daughter of our Grand Master , the Princess Louise , with the Earl of Fife . I am sure that an event like that which affects so closely the welfare of our Royal Family , and the welfare and happiness of His Royal Highness the Most AVorshipful Grand Master must be recognised by all Mark Masons , will give every satisfaction to vou . air ! I am sure Mark Masons would also like to
testify their loyalty and affection to their Grand Mastsr on such an occasion as this . I think , therefore , that it would not be inappropriate , without giving notice , that I should on this occasion move that an humble address be presented to His Royal Highness the Most AVorshipful Grand Master , congratulating His Royal Highness on the auspicious event of the marriage of his eldest daughter , the
Princess Louise , with the Earl of Fife . I am sure you will all agree with me that we should not allow this opportunity to pass by without expressing our great joy and sympathy with His Royal Highness on such an interesting occasion . We know also that Her Royal Highness , like all the members of the Royal Family , has been well known to Masons on various public occasions , and has
shown her interest in all Masonic events . AVe also know that Lord Fife has taken a prominent part in Scotland in Masonry , as Provincial Grand Master of Banffshire , and he is also known as a Royal Arch Mason in the Scottish Order . AVe have , therefore , every reason also to congratulate ourselves as Masons that the eldest daughter of our Grand Master is about to ally herself to a
distinguished Mason . I have much pleasure in moving this resolution , and I trust it will be received as cordially by Grand Lodge as I move it . The resolution was as follows : — i ; That a congratulatory address be presented to H . R . II . the Prince of AVales , Grand Mark Master , on the auspicious marriage of H . R . H . the Princess Louise of AVales with Bro . the Earl of Fife . P . G . M . of Banffshire . "
The Earl of Euston : I beg to second the motion . I think that no words are needed from me after what the Most AVorshipful Prov . Grand Master has said to you . I . have the greatest pleasure in seconding the motion . AVe are all loyal , and we wish every happiness to our Grand Master and his family . The motion was carried unanimously and amidst loud applause .
Bro . Toralin . No . 147 ( A ictoria ) , tendered to the Grand Lodge on behalf of the Mark Lodges in Victoria , congratulations on the appointment of Bro . Matier as Grand Secretary , remarking that Bro . Matier ' s name was as well known to those lodges as that of any mason , and that his appointment would give them great
satisfaction . Bro . . 1 . S . Cumberland referred to a matter connected with official routine , and to which he took strong objection , but as his remarks were evidently leading up to a formal resolution , the Prov . Grand Master reminded him that it could not then be discussed , and it would doubtless have the attention of the General Board . The special Grand Lodge was then closed .
The Mark Benevolent Fund.
The 21 st annual Festival was held on Wednesday , the 24 th ult ., at Freemason ' s Tavern , when a large company of ladies and brethren , presided over by Sir Lionel Darell , Grand Junior AVarden , attended . Among those present were Bros . Sir Lionel Darell , Bart ., G . J . W ., Lady Darell and Miss Darell ; Right Hon . the Earl of Euston , President Gen . Board : Col . Shadwell II . Gierke , P . G . S . AA . ;
Major A . Y > . Cook , P . G . M . O ., and Mrs . Cook : Seva Ram and Mrs . Ram , of Lahore ; E . X . Leon , P . G . D ., P . G . Sec ., Jamaica ; Frank Richardson . G . Reg .. A ice-President Gen . Board : C . F . Matier , P G AA G . Sec . Sec . M . B . F . ; James Moon , P . G . Treas . : Thos . Fenn , P . G . AV . : Geo . Mickley , P . G . D .: J . D . Murray , P . G . D . ; G . AV . Marsden . Dr . Zacharie . G . S . R . Secret Monitor ; Alfred AVilliams , P . G Overseer ; Col . Marmaduke Ramsey , D . G . M . Mediterranean :
A . F . Godson , P . G . M . Worcestershire ; Baron de Ferrieres , P . G . M . Gloucestershire and Herefordshire : Robert Berridge , G . D . of C . ; Dr . Purchas . G . Sd . Br .: R . J . Emmerson , P . G . O . ; Rev . H . R . Cooper-Smith . P . G . O . ; Horatio AVard , P . G . D . ; Percy AVallace , F . G . I ) . : A . AVoodiwiss . Mayor of Derby ; C . II . Driver , P . G . M . O . ; James Stevens . P . G . J . O .: Geo . Cooper . P . G . O . ; James Terry ,
P . A . G . D . C . i : c , & c . After an admirably served banquet , during which an excellent string band performed a choice selection of music . Grace was sung by the professional artistes , under the direction of AV . Bro . Edwin M . Lott , Past Grand Organist , and the customary toasts were then introduced . In proposing " The health of the Most AVorshipful
Grand Master , H . R . II . the Prince of AVales . " the Chairman remarked on the services he rendered to the Order , and the fidelity and strictness with which he discharged the onerous duties he had to perform : and continued : - ' On the present occasion , especially as the festive board was graced with the presence of ladies , he must allude to the happy event which was about to take place in the
family of the Grand Master , viz ., the marriage of his eldest daughter , the Princess Louise , with the Earl of Fife . They were assured by their Grand Master that this marriage was one of love and affection . Lord Fife was a mason ; he was a Provincial Grand Master of Banffshire : he was also a Mark Mason . On this occasion , in drinking
the health of the Grand Master , In ; must couple the Princess of AVales and the Princess Louise and Lord Fife , the bride and bridegroom , wishing them long life , health , happiness , prosperity , anil Godspeed . The toast was drunk with enthusiasm . To the toast of , ; The Pro Grand Master and Past Grand Masters ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Grand Mark Lodge And Its Benevolent Fund.
the " exception to the rule" was welcome to the . Mark Grand Lodge , affording as it did an opportunity for testifying their loyalty and devotion to their Chief Head and Ruler , and their desire for the welfare and happiness of the contracting parties more immediately concerned . That the circumstance must be considered and observed as an
exception only was made manifest by the instant recognition of the rule , on W . Bro . J . S . Cumberland rising to call attention to a matter which should have the attention of the General Board at once , and in respect of which their
agreement with the views he briefly expressed , and action consequent thereon , may prevent the necessity of discussion elsewhere , and publicity affecting what should be kept undisclosed from those who have no acquaintance with the esoteric working of the Mark Master Mason ' s Degree .
With regard to the Twenty-first Annual Festival of the Mark Benevolence Fund it will be sufficient for us in this place to remark on the highly successful character of the celebration of its majority , and to accord unstinted praise to the stewards and the executive Avho together so ably
contributed to that result . Bro . Sir Lionel E . Darell , Bart ., J . G . Warden , who presided as Chairman , very aptly explained in his address when proposing " prosperity to the Fund , " a difference between it and the Craft Masonic Institutions , in that , with the exception of but a trifling
outlay , —partly in recognition of secretarial services , and partly in necessary expenses of office requirements , —the whole of the subscriptions to the fund were applied to masonic benevolence . The "Fund" has no occasion to provide for the erection and upholding of large buildings ,
and the accompanying necessity of maintaining an expensive staff of officials and servants ; and we trust it never will have . To do all the good it can in the present to the greatest number of those who are unfortunately compelled to seek its assistance , and to increase its reserve so as to
secure a continuance of its beneficent operations in the future , are the great and important purposes of this particular association ; and it is to be hoped its managers may not at any time be led into the error of thinking that the establishment of a material " Institution " for the reception
of the recipients of its bounties will add to the benefits the fund can confer . The amount contributed last week , the second largest return yet made , sufficiently indicates the favour in which the Mark Benevolent Fund is held by the
Craft ; and we venture to prophecy that if its management and the disposition of its effects are continued on the same lines as heretofore , the sum of £ 2 , 084 will be greatly exceeded at ensuing festivals .
Special Grand Mark Lodge.
A Special Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons of England and Wales and the Colonies and Dependencies of the British Crown was held on Wednesday , the 24 th ulto ., at No . 8 a , Red Lion Square . Lord Egerton of Tatton , M . AV . Pro . G . M .. presided , and amongst those present were—Bros . AV . J . Hughan . P . G . W .. acting as G . S . Warden-Sir Lionel Darell , G .. J . W .: W . G . Lemon . G . S . O . : "~ H . Kynaston . & ' .
Chap . ; Frank Richardson , G . Reg .: Frank Sumner Knyvett . G . S . I ) .: H . E . Cousans . G . J . D . : Robert Berridge . G . D . C .: J . B . Bridgeman A . G . D . C . ; J . IT . Matthews , A . G . D . C ; T . B . Purchas , G . S . B .: JI Mainwaring , G . I . G . : J . AV . II . Thompson . S . Knight and J . ' M . Collins . G . Stwds . ; Baron de Forrieres . P . G . 31 . Gloucestershire and Herefordshire : J . II . Wynne . P . GJ . & . : C . F . Woodall . P . S . G D J . L . Murray , P . O . Std . Br . : N . T . West , P . G . O . : Alfred Williams .
P . G . M . O . ; Walter Adlard , P . G . M . O . : Geo . Allen , P . G . O . ; Geo ! Gravelejv P . G . S . B .: . lohn A . Lloyd . P . G . C : John Ramsey P . A . G . D . C . : Driver . P . G , Std . Br . : R . I . Emmens . P . G . M . O . : B iV Bryant . P . G . Std . Br .: T . Cubitt . P . S . G . O . : E . T . Hoare P G Or" J . S . Cumberland . P .. I . G . O .: G . Powell . P . G . S . : . lames StevenV P . G . J . O . ; Geo . Mickley . P . G . D .: Jabez Church . P . G . S . ; A B Cook P . G . M . O .: Cha . s . H . Driver . P . G . M . O .: Lord Euston . P . G S AV ' P . G . B . ; Thos . J . Railing . P . G . D . : Edwin M . LottP G . Oro- ' AV *'
, II . Kempster , M . D ., P . G . Stwd . ; Pi . Loveland Loveland . D . P . G . M . M . Hants ; and others . The object of the meeting was to receive a special communication from his Royal Highness the M . AV . G . M .. approving of certain recommendations made by the General Board in relation to the
resignation by A . AV . Bro . Frederick Binckes of his official position as Grand Secretary , which tlie Grand Master had been pleased to accept , and that the sum of . C 12 "> per annum should be voted to that brother from the Funds of Grand Mark Lodge , as a retiring allowance ; and , further , that the office thereby vacated should be filled by the appointment of AV . Bro . Charles Fitzgerald Matier . Assistant Grand Secretary . The communication having been read
by the Prov . Grand Master in due form , and motion made by the R . AV . Bro . Lord Euston , seconded by AV . Bro . Frank Richardson , Grand Registrar , as President of the General Board , that the recommendations submitted to , and approved of by , the Grand Master , should lie adopted , resolutions to that effect were carried unanimously . Bro . Robert Berridge , Grand Director of Ceremonies , then conducted Bro . Matier to the East , where he was invested by
Special Grand Mark Lodge.
the Prov . Grand Master with the collar and jewel of office , and amidst congratulations from the president and brethren , commenced his duties as Grand Secretary and was saluted in ancient form . After a brief address from Bro . AV . J . Hughan , presenting , as the representative of the Grand Chapter of Pennsylvania in the Grand Mark Lodge of England , greetings and good wishes from that
Grand Chapter , the Prov . Grand Master rose and said : —Brethren , there is no other business on the paper , but there is one event which is about to happen which I think , although there is no previous notice of it . I should be justified , standing in the position I do , in bringing before you , and I shall ask you to give it your favourable reception . I allude to the approaching marriage of the
eldest daughter of our Grand Master , the Princess Louise , with the Earl of Fife . I am sure that an event like that which affects so closely the welfare of our Royal Family , and the welfare and happiness of His Royal Highness the Most AVorshipful Grand Master must be recognised by all Mark Masons , will give every satisfaction to vou . air ! I am sure Mark Masons would also like to
testify their loyalty and affection to their Grand Mastsr on such an occasion as this . I think , therefore , that it would not be inappropriate , without giving notice , that I should on this occasion move that an humble address be presented to His Royal Highness the Most AVorshipful Grand Master , congratulating His Royal Highness on the auspicious event of the marriage of his eldest daughter , the
Princess Louise , with the Earl of Fife . I am sure you will all agree with me that we should not allow this opportunity to pass by without expressing our great joy and sympathy with His Royal Highness on such an interesting occasion . We know also that Her Royal Highness , like all the members of the Royal Family , has been well known to Masons on various public occasions , and has
shown her interest in all Masonic events . AVe also know that Lord Fife has taken a prominent part in Scotland in Masonry , as Provincial Grand Master of Banffshire , and he is also known as a Royal Arch Mason in the Scottish Order . AVe have , therefore , every reason also to congratulate ourselves as Masons that the eldest daughter of our Grand Master is about to ally herself to a
distinguished Mason . I have much pleasure in moving this resolution , and I trust it will be received as cordially by Grand Lodge as I move it . The resolution was as follows : — i ; That a congratulatory address be presented to H . R . II . the Prince of AVales , Grand Mark Master , on the auspicious marriage of H . R . H . the Princess Louise of AVales with Bro . the Earl of Fife . P . G . M . of Banffshire . "
The Earl of Euston : I beg to second the motion . I think that no words are needed from me after what the Most AVorshipful Prov . Grand Master has said to you . I . have the greatest pleasure in seconding the motion . AVe are all loyal , and we wish every happiness to our Grand Master and his family . The motion was carried unanimously and amidst loud applause .
Bro . Toralin . No . 147 ( A ictoria ) , tendered to the Grand Lodge on behalf of the Mark Lodges in Victoria , congratulations on the appointment of Bro . Matier as Grand Secretary , remarking that Bro . Matier ' s name was as well known to those lodges as that of any mason , and that his appointment would give them great
satisfaction . Bro . . 1 . S . Cumberland referred to a matter connected with official routine , and to which he took strong objection , but as his remarks were evidently leading up to a formal resolution , the Prov . Grand Master reminded him that it could not then be discussed , and it would doubtless have the attention of the General Board . The special Grand Lodge was then closed .
The Mark Benevolent Fund.
The 21 st annual Festival was held on Wednesday , the 24 th ult ., at Freemason ' s Tavern , when a large company of ladies and brethren , presided over by Sir Lionel Darell , Grand Junior AVarden , attended . Among those present were Bros . Sir Lionel Darell , Bart ., G . J . W ., Lady Darell and Miss Darell ; Right Hon . the Earl of Euston , President Gen . Board : Col . Shadwell II . Gierke , P . G . S . AA . ;
Major A . Y > . Cook , P . G . M . O ., and Mrs . Cook : Seva Ram and Mrs . Ram , of Lahore ; E . X . Leon , P . G . D ., P . G . Sec ., Jamaica ; Frank Richardson . G . Reg .. A ice-President Gen . Board : C . F . Matier , P G AA G . Sec . Sec . M . B . F . ; James Moon , P . G . Treas . : Thos . Fenn , P . G . AV . : Geo . Mickley , P . G . D .: J . D . Murray , P . G . D . ; G . AV . Marsden . Dr . Zacharie . G . S . R . Secret Monitor ; Alfred AVilliams , P . G Overseer ; Col . Marmaduke Ramsey , D . G . M . Mediterranean :
A . F . Godson , P . G . M . Worcestershire ; Baron de Ferrieres , P . G . M . Gloucestershire and Herefordshire : Robert Berridge , G . D . of C . ; Dr . Purchas . G . Sd . Br .: R . J . Emmerson , P . G . O . ; Rev . H . R . Cooper-Smith . P . G . O . ; Horatio AVard , P . G . D . ; Percy AVallace , F . G . I ) . : A . AVoodiwiss . Mayor of Derby ; C . II . Driver , P . G . M . O . ; James Stevens . P . G . J . O .: Geo . Cooper . P . G . O . ; James Terry ,
P . A . G . D . C . i : c , & c . After an admirably served banquet , during which an excellent string band performed a choice selection of music . Grace was sung by the professional artistes , under the direction of AV . Bro . Edwin M . Lott , Past Grand Organist , and the customary toasts were then introduced . In proposing " The health of the Most AVorshipful
Grand Master , H . R . II . the Prince of AVales . " the Chairman remarked on the services he rendered to the Order , and the fidelity and strictness with which he discharged the onerous duties he had to perform : and continued : - ' On the present occasion , especially as the festive board was graced with the presence of ladies , he must allude to the happy event which was about to take place in the
family of the Grand Master , viz ., the marriage of his eldest daughter , the Princess Louise , with the Earl of Fife . They were assured by their Grand Master that this marriage was one of love and affection . Lord Fife was a mason ; he was a Provincial Grand Master of Banffshire : he was also a Mark Mason . On this occasion , in drinking
the health of the Grand Master , In ; must couple the Princess of AVales and the Princess Louise and Lord Fife , the bride and bridegroom , wishing them long life , health , happiness , prosperity , anil Godspeed . The toast was drunk with enthusiasm . To the toast of , ; The Pro Grand Master and Past Grand Masters ,