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Proposed United Grand Lodge For New Zealand.
In a recent issue ( July 18 th ) we published particulars in relation to the movement in New Zealand for the formation of a Grand Lodge in that colony . In support of that movement a l ; Xew Zealand Masonic Union " has been established , from the Auckland Branch of which we have received , through its secretary , Bro . Thomas AV . Kitt , a copy of a circular addressed to the several lodges
m the district , accompanied by financial statements , which cannot fail to be of interest to the Craftsmen generally of the three constitutions , English , Irish , and Scotch , and especially to those of the United Grand Lodge of England . The circular sets forth reasons for the establishment of the proposed Grand Lodge of New Zealand under the following heads : —( 1 . ) The amalgamation of the three
constitutions ; ( 2 . ) In such amalgamation lies the only true hope of stimulating and fully carrying into effect the charity of the Craft ; ( 3 . ) Disadvantages of being governed from a distance , instead of by a local governing body ; ( 4 . ) Evils of concurrent jurisdiction ; ( . "> . ) Rivalry of Constitutions : ( 0 . ) New lodges and small lodges : ( 7 . ) Numerical comparison : ( 8 . ) Cost of maintenance
of United Grand Lodge ; (!) . ) First Grand Master ; and ( 10 . ) The constitution of a United Grand Lodge of New Zealand is a duty which ( in the interests of Freemasonry ) , the brethren of this colony owe to the rising generation . The arguments under these respective headings are very fair and reasonable in favour of the project , and we should have been glad , in the interests of our
colonial brethren , if we could have found space for them inextenso . Failing such reproduction , we can , however , and do , express our opinion that the framers of the circular , in legal phraseology , ' prove their case . " To strengthen their arguments the following financial statements have been compiled , setting forth in a practical form the result of Freemasonry under its present divided government in the Auckland district , and to show that , " as at present
constituted , it is an utter failure in carrying out that ' Charity ' which should be the leading characteristic of every Freemason ' s heart , and is the foundation and copestone of the whole Masonic structure . " These statements have been prepared by AV . Bro . AV . H . Cooper , P . M ., P . Z .. kc , of Auckland , a Past Master of a lodge under the jurisdiction of the Provincial Lodge of AVest Lancashire , and the contrast which he submits is certainly most interesting and important .
Practical results of Ircemasonry as at present constituted iindci three Grand Lodges in Auckland . Receipts and Expenditure of the three Grand Lodges as per theii Balance Sheets for 1888 .
- JJ V § B Expenditure . . , . , f -r ' Accumulated Grand ' S £ Receipts Funds Ti " * = , „ o „ Secretaries' ,.,. , and Assets , Lodge . g-l 1888 . salaries & 1 !? "Cl 1 Charity . 188 S . fa ( 3 j Expenses . """ « -
£ s . d . £ s . d . £ s . d . £ s . d . l £ s . d . English - 1 !) 1 !) 7 13 10108 10 11 1 !) 17 610 3 0 846 0 0 Irish - - 15 145 1 10 53 15 0 58 11 ( i 3 1 0 99 0 2 Scotch - 17 18 !) 8 8 110 19 3 51 19 6 0 12 0 418 10 4 Totals - 51 : 532 4 4 273 11 * 2 130 8 ( i 13 16 0 1 , 363 16 6
These figures are contrasted with the following : — Synojysis of Charitable Funds subscribed by Masons of West Lancashire in , year ISSti . t ; J Lodges . Local Hasonic Charities . Income . Expenses . Funds .
£ s . d . . C s . d . £ s . d West Lancashire Educational Institution educated , clothed , maintained and advanced in life this year 189 orphan children of
Masons . Established 1850 2 , 030 0 0 62 0 0 151 , 520 0 0 Hamer Benevolent Fund for distressed . and aged Masons . Established 13 years .. 589 0 0 18 0 0 2 , 457 0 0 AVest Lancashire ( Alpass )
Benevolent Institution for relief of widows of Masons . Established 1 year .. 1 , 344 0 0 27 0 0 1 . 344 0 0 Provincial Grand Lodge . [ Income this year , £ 085 ] .. 360 0 0 .. 2 , 506 0 0 4 . 323 0 0 107 0 0 125 , 833 0 0
In addition , a Relief Committee meets every Friday for the purpose of granting assistance and forwarding to their homes destitute Masons of all countries and Constitutions . There are no paid Secretaries to any of these charities , and AVest Lancashire is a munificent subscriber to all the London charities .
IS ext week we shall hope to set before our readers an " estimate of saving " which it is thought will be effected by the establishment of the United Grand Lodge of New Zealand , and also a statement showing the annual receipts and expenditure of the District and Provincial Grand Lodges under the three Constitutions it is now sought to bring into union . In the meanwhile we note with surprise that "the three existing Grand Lodges ( with their funds of
benevolence ) , having an annual income of £ 532 , with accumulated assets of £ 1 , 363 in a year of great distress like 1888 only contributed to the aid of distressed Masons , widows , and orphans , the pitiable sum of £ 13 16 s . Od . " Surely such a state of things calls for some measure of reform , and if be that nothing short of a United Grand Lodge of New Zealand will effect it , that in itself is an all important and imperative reason for its establishment .
Our Trestle Board
" For the Master to lay lines and draw designs upon . "
Several of our correspondents , and others whose esteemed communications are always acceptable , may be disappointed by the omission from this number of their -contributions . AVe must express our regret , and appeal to their ' kind consideration . They shall have attention next week .
In our advertisement columns will be found a letter addressed to the Patrons , Governors , and Subscribers of the Royal Masonic Institution for BOJ S , by Bro . R . F . Tomlin , surgeon , of Lordship Lane , AVood Green , close to the Schools , who is a candidate for the appointment rendered vacant by tlie recent resignation of the medical officer of the Institution .
Our attention has been called to an omission in our notice of the summer outing of the Burgoyne Lodge , No . 902 . in our last week ' s number , and which we desire to rectify . This the more readily as we recognise an injustice in not mentioning the names of brethren who zealously strive to carry out the end we should all have in
view , ' the being happy and communicating happiness , " and succeed in the endeavour . The pleasures of the day recorded were materially enhanced by the energetic labours of Bros . Jeffery and AA . Batty , both Past Masters of the lodge , and the former its greatly esteemed secretary ; and to them we express our regret for the perfectly unintentional absence of their names from the report .
A very pleasant relief from editorial labour was afforded us on Saturday last by a visit to our esteemed Bro . Augustus Harris , who entertained a large party of private and public friends , including many members of the Craft , " At Home , " at his charming residence , The Elms , Avenue Road , Regent ' s Park , on that afternoon . A very
delightful hour or two was spent as well within as without doors , the al fresco portion of the festivity being , however , somewhat marred towards its close by the heavy storm which passed over the
locality between 6 and 7 o ' clock . Good fellowship and hospitality were nevertheless paramount to meteorological influences , and the distinguished company evidently appreciated the hearty welcome which the genial host and his amiable wife gave to each and all .
The jubilee of the Sutherland of unity Lodge , No . 460 , Newcastle-under-Lyme , was celebrated on the 20 th inst . by a banquet . AVe have been favoured with a very interesting account of the lodge since its constitution in 1839 , and to such of our readers as take note of masonic progress in our several lodges , and thereby
obtain much valuable information , recommend a perusal of the columns of the Staffordshire Advertiser of Saturday last . The length of the article precludes re-production in our paper , but it will remain for awhile on our " Trestle Board" for useful reference .
AVe hear of the purchase of a piece of vacant land at Deptford Bridge , S . E ., as a site for the erection of a new Masonic Hall . AVe hope this rumour is true , and shall be glad to congratulate the brethren in that district interested in securing for themselves a
temple fitted for the purposes of masonic work . May we express the hope that they will never permit that portion of the building to be set apart for esoteric work to be desecrated by use for any other purpose .
The contiguous premises of the Kentish Mercury were also sold we are informed , and upon the ground will be erected district offices for the London School Board . The proposed masonic hall will therefore be " in good company . "
THE ROYAL MASONIC BENEVOLENT IXSTITUTION . —The annual summer entertainment to the residents of the Asylum , at Croydon , took place on Thursday last , and was fairty attended by brethren and ladies interested in the institution . Amongst those present were Bros . C . . 1 . Perceval , who officiated as chairman of the day , AV . Eckersall , 0 . H . Stone , T . Cubitt , J . G . Tongue , G . F . Cook
E . S . Boulter , J . Newton . C . F . Hogard , AV . AV . Morgan . G . Plucknett . J . S . Fraser . C . G . Hill . H . G . Thompson . Hugh Cotter , A . H . Tattershall , AV . Massey , H . M . Hobbs , James Stevens , A . T . Faull , F . E . Terry , J . A . Farnfield , E . Terry , H . A . Lovett , & c ., and Mesdames and Misses James Terry , E . Eckersall , James Stevens , AV . AA Morgan , Stone . Newton , Tongue , A . R . and C . Massey , Hill . Clara
Cooke , Cissie Crutch , K . S . Terry , M . Rucker , Aula Crutch , Jessie Terry , Lillian Rucker , Cotter , Angelina Hill , Lovett , & c , & c . The majority of the party left Charing Cross and Cannon Street Railway Stations respectively at 3 . 22 and 3 . 32 p . m ., and after the customary renewal of visits to the residents to the mutual satisfaction of all , partook of high tea . Subsequently , under the direction of Bro . A . G . Pritchard , who was assisted . by Miss Emily Pritchard , Miss
Lizzie Holmes , Miss Frances Grahame , Mr . John Crosse , and Bro George Cronin , a very successful musical entertainment was given before the residents and their friends . The performances of all concerned were meritorious and much appreciated , and a cordial vote of thanks was accorded to them at its termination . Bro . Pritchard gracefully acknowledged the same on behalf of his company and himself , and shortly afterwards the visitors took leave of the residents and separated en route for their respective homes .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Proposed United Grand Lodge For New Zealand.
In a recent issue ( July 18 th ) we published particulars in relation to the movement in New Zealand for the formation of a Grand Lodge in that colony . In support of that movement a l ; Xew Zealand Masonic Union " has been established , from the Auckland Branch of which we have received , through its secretary , Bro . Thomas AV . Kitt , a copy of a circular addressed to the several lodges
m the district , accompanied by financial statements , which cannot fail to be of interest to the Craftsmen generally of the three constitutions , English , Irish , and Scotch , and especially to those of the United Grand Lodge of England . The circular sets forth reasons for the establishment of the proposed Grand Lodge of New Zealand under the following heads : —( 1 . ) The amalgamation of the three
constitutions ; ( 2 . ) In such amalgamation lies the only true hope of stimulating and fully carrying into effect the charity of the Craft ; ( 3 . ) Disadvantages of being governed from a distance , instead of by a local governing body ; ( 4 . ) Evils of concurrent jurisdiction ; ( . "> . ) Rivalry of Constitutions : ( 0 . ) New lodges and small lodges : ( 7 . ) Numerical comparison : ( 8 . ) Cost of maintenance
of United Grand Lodge ; (!) . ) First Grand Master ; and ( 10 . ) The constitution of a United Grand Lodge of New Zealand is a duty which ( in the interests of Freemasonry ) , the brethren of this colony owe to the rising generation . The arguments under these respective headings are very fair and reasonable in favour of the project , and we should have been glad , in the interests of our
colonial brethren , if we could have found space for them inextenso . Failing such reproduction , we can , however , and do , express our opinion that the framers of the circular , in legal phraseology , ' prove their case . " To strengthen their arguments the following financial statements have been compiled , setting forth in a practical form the result of Freemasonry under its present divided government in the Auckland district , and to show that , " as at present
constituted , it is an utter failure in carrying out that ' Charity ' which should be the leading characteristic of every Freemason ' s heart , and is the foundation and copestone of the whole Masonic structure . " These statements have been prepared by AV . Bro . AV . H . Cooper , P . M ., P . Z .. kc , of Auckland , a Past Master of a lodge under the jurisdiction of the Provincial Lodge of AVest Lancashire , and the contrast which he submits is certainly most interesting and important .
Practical results of Ircemasonry as at present constituted iindci three Grand Lodges in Auckland . Receipts and Expenditure of the three Grand Lodges as per theii Balance Sheets for 1888 .
- JJ V § B Expenditure . . , . , f -r ' Accumulated Grand ' S £ Receipts Funds Ti " * = , „ o „ Secretaries' ,.,. , and Assets , Lodge . g-l 1888 . salaries & 1 !? "Cl 1 Charity . 188 S . fa ( 3 j Expenses . """ « -
£ s . d . £ s . d . £ s . d . £ s . d . l £ s . d . English - 1 !) 1 !) 7 13 10108 10 11 1 !) 17 610 3 0 846 0 0 Irish - - 15 145 1 10 53 15 0 58 11 ( i 3 1 0 99 0 2 Scotch - 17 18 !) 8 8 110 19 3 51 19 6 0 12 0 418 10 4 Totals - 51 : 532 4 4 273 11 * 2 130 8 ( i 13 16 0 1 , 363 16 6
These figures are contrasted with the following : — Synojysis of Charitable Funds subscribed by Masons of West Lancashire in , year ISSti . t ; J Lodges . Local Hasonic Charities . Income . Expenses . Funds .
£ s . d . . C s . d . £ s . d West Lancashire Educational Institution educated , clothed , maintained and advanced in life this year 189 orphan children of
Masons . Established 1850 2 , 030 0 0 62 0 0 151 , 520 0 0 Hamer Benevolent Fund for distressed . and aged Masons . Established 13 years .. 589 0 0 18 0 0 2 , 457 0 0 AVest Lancashire ( Alpass )
Benevolent Institution for relief of widows of Masons . Established 1 year .. 1 , 344 0 0 27 0 0 1 . 344 0 0 Provincial Grand Lodge . [ Income this year , £ 085 ] .. 360 0 0 .. 2 , 506 0 0 4 . 323 0 0 107 0 0 125 , 833 0 0
In addition , a Relief Committee meets every Friday for the purpose of granting assistance and forwarding to their homes destitute Masons of all countries and Constitutions . There are no paid Secretaries to any of these charities , and AVest Lancashire is a munificent subscriber to all the London charities .
IS ext week we shall hope to set before our readers an " estimate of saving " which it is thought will be effected by the establishment of the United Grand Lodge of New Zealand , and also a statement showing the annual receipts and expenditure of the District and Provincial Grand Lodges under the three Constitutions it is now sought to bring into union . In the meanwhile we note with surprise that "the three existing Grand Lodges ( with their funds of
benevolence ) , having an annual income of £ 532 , with accumulated assets of £ 1 , 363 in a year of great distress like 1888 only contributed to the aid of distressed Masons , widows , and orphans , the pitiable sum of £ 13 16 s . Od . " Surely such a state of things calls for some measure of reform , and if be that nothing short of a United Grand Lodge of New Zealand will effect it , that in itself is an all important and imperative reason for its establishment .
Our Trestle Board
" For the Master to lay lines and draw designs upon . "
Several of our correspondents , and others whose esteemed communications are always acceptable , may be disappointed by the omission from this number of their -contributions . AVe must express our regret , and appeal to their ' kind consideration . They shall have attention next week .
In our advertisement columns will be found a letter addressed to the Patrons , Governors , and Subscribers of the Royal Masonic Institution for BOJ S , by Bro . R . F . Tomlin , surgeon , of Lordship Lane , AVood Green , close to the Schools , who is a candidate for the appointment rendered vacant by tlie recent resignation of the medical officer of the Institution .
Our attention has been called to an omission in our notice of the summer outing of the Burgoyne Lodge , No . 902 . in our last week ' s number , and which we desire to rectify . This the more readily as we recognise an injustice in not mentioning the names of brethren who zealously strive to carry out the end we should all have in
view , ' the being happy and communicating happiness , " and succeed in the endeavour . The pleasures of the day recorded were materially enhanced by the energetic labours of Bros . Jeffery and AA . Batty , both Past Masters of the lodge , and the former its greatly esteemed secretary ; and to them we express our regret for the perfectly unintentional absence of their names from the report .
A very pleasant relief from editorial labour was afforded us on Saturday last by a visit to our esteemed Bro . Augustus Harris , who entertained a large party of private and public friends , including many members of the Craft , " At Home , " at his charming residence , The Elms , Avenue Road , Regent ' s Park , on that afternoon . A very
delightful hour or two was spent as well within as without doors , the al fresco portion of the festivity being , however , somewhat marred towards its close by the heavy storm which passed over the
locality between 6 and 7 o ' clock . Good fellowship and hospitality were nevertheless paramount to meteorological influences , and the distinguished company evidently appreciated the hearty welcome which the genial host and his amiable wife gave to each and all .
The jubilee of the Sutherland of unity Lodge , No . 460 , Newcastle-under-Lyme , was celebrated on the 20 th inst . by a banquet . AVe have been favoured with a very interesting account of the lodge since its constitution in 1839 , and to such of our readers as take note of masonic progress in our several lodges , and thereby
obtain much valuable information , recommend a perusal of the columns of the Staffordshire Advertiser of Saturday last . The length of the article precludes re-production in our paper , but it will remain for awhile on our " Trestle Board" for useful reference .
AVe hear of the purchase of a piece of vacant land at Deptford Bridge , S . E ., as a site for the erection of a new Masonic Hall . AVe hope this rumour is true , and shall be glad to congratulate the brethren in that district interested in securing for themselves a
temple fitted for the purposes of masonic work . May we express the hope that they will never permit that portion of the building to be set apart for esoteric work to be desecrated by use for any other purpose .
The contiguous premises of the Kentish Mercury were also sold we are informed , and upon the ground will be erected district offices for the London School Board . The proposed masonic hall will therefore be " in good company . "
THE ROYAL MASONIC BENEVOLENT IXSTITUTION . —The annual summer entertainment to the residents of the Asylum , at Croydon , took place on Thursday last , and was fairty attended by brethren and ladies interested in the institution . Amongst those present were Bros . C . . 1 . Perceval , who officiated as chairman of the day , AV . Eckersall , 0 . H . Stone , T . Cubitt , J . G . Tongue , G . F . Cook
E . S . Boulter , J . Newton . C . F . Hogard , AV . AV . Morgan . G . Plucknett . J . S . Fraser . C . G . Hill . H . G . Thompson . Hugh Cotter , A . H . Tattershall , AV . Massey , H . M . Hobbs , James Stevens , A . T . Faull , F . E . Terry , J . A . Farnfield , E . Terry , H . A . Lovett , & c ., and Mesdames and Misses James Terry , E . Eckersall , James Stevens , AV . AA Morgan , Stone . Newton , Tongue , A . R . and C . Massey , Hill . Clara
Cooke , Cissie Crutch , K . S . Terry , M . Rucker , Aula Crutch , Jessie Terry , Lillian Rucker , Cotter , Angelina Hill , Lovett , & c , & c . The majority of the party left Charing Cross and Cannon Street Railway Stations respectively at 3 . 22 and 3 . 32 p . m ., and after the customary renewal of visits to the residents to the mutual satisfaction of all , partook of high tea . Subsequently , under the direction of Bro . A . G . Pritchard , who was assisted . by Miss Emily Pritchard , Miss
Lizzie Holmes , Miss Frances Grahame , Mr . John Crosse , and Bro George Cronin , a very successful musical entertainment was given before the residents and their friends . The performances of all concerned were meritorious and much appreciated , and a cordial vote of thanks was accorded to them at its termination . Bro . Pritchard gracefully acknowledged the same on behalf of his company and himself , and shortly afterwards the visitors took leave of the residents and separated en route for their respective homes .