Article We Notify that:- Page 1 of 1 Article Press Exchanges and Books Received. Page 1 of 1 Article CONSECRATION OF " THE SCOTS LODGE," No. 2819. Page 1 of 1 Article Answers to Correspondents. Page 1 of 1 Article Metropolitan Lodge and Chapter Meetings for the Current Week. Page 1 of 1
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
We Notify That:-
We Notify that:-
> - " The Provincial Grand Lodge of Somerset will be held in the Town Hall , at AVcston-super-Mare , on Friday next , the 2 nd inst . The Earl of Carnarvon , Pro Grand Master of England , Prov . Grand Master of Somerset , will preside . Lodge will be opened at 1 p . m .
The Southwark Lodge of Instruction . Ao . 87 !) . held at the Sir Garnet AVolseley Tavern . AVarndon Street . Rotherhithe New Road . S . E ., has adjourned until the 1 st Thursday in September . The Annual Provincial Lodge of the Province of Essex will be holden in the library at Easton Lodge . Dunmow . the seat oi
the R . AV . Prov . G . M .. the Right Hon . the Lord Brooke , M . I ' ., on Tuesday next , at 2 p . m . The Grand Lodge will be opened punctually at 2 . 30 p . m . Brethren should attend in dark morning dress , and no jewels are to be worn but those appertaining to Graft Masonry . Carriages will be in waiting at Dunmow Station . Railway fares , single for double journey , on production of summons .
THE UIUQUE LODGE—No . 1789 . —Bro . AA . K . Arnold , Royal Artillery , AVorshipful Master , will hold its usual quarterly meeting at the Regent Masonic Hall , Cafe Royal . Air Street , Regent Street , AV ., on Monday , the 12 th inst ., at 5 . 30 o ' clock p . m . The agenda paper shows that the following brethren will be balloted for as joining members , viz .. Bros . Capt . A . Crawford . R . A ., Ockenden
Lodge No . 1465 ; Capt . E . H . Elliot . R . A .. Friendship Lodge No . 6 Lieut . Y . F . AV . A . Paget . Jl . II . A .. J . AV . Aldershot Army and Navy Lodge No . 1971 ; Lieut . \ V . Jarvis , R . A .. P . M . 491 . P . P . G . J . D . of Jersey , and the Military Jubilee Lodge No . 2195—and to initiate the undermentioned gentlemen ( if approved ) viz .. Capt . S . AV . Lane ,
It . A ., and Sergt . Major G . Allen . 11 . A .: to pass Bro . Capt . AV . Y . Faber , A . D . C . to General AA illinms , Commanding the AVoolwich Garrison , and Capt . T . Y . Osmond . R . A .: and to raise Bro . Lieut . R . J . AA ilson , R . A . Bro . Geo . Mason , if . A ., P . M .. 139 , Alderney Street , S . AV .. is now the secretary , to whom all communications concerning the lodge should be addressed .
Ihe next General Committee of the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys will be held on the 10 th inst ., and not on the 3 rd as per calendar .
Press Exchanges And Books Received.
Press Exchanges and Books Received .
South African Freemason : Report of Quarterly ( omnivnication of Grand Lodge of Scotland , 2 nd May . 1889 .
AV . Bro the Rev . T . AA . Lemon , M . A ., Prov . G . J . AV . of the Masonic Province of Devon , P . S . G . AV . of Prov . Mark Grand Lodge of Devon , and Prov . Prior of the Knights Templar of Devon , presented on the 26 th inst . a donation of one hundred guineas to the Masonic Institution for Boys , and completed his gift of one
hundred guineas to the Masonic Benevolent Institution for Aged Freemasons and AVidows of Freemasons . He had previously constituted himself a vice-patron of the Masonic Institution for Girls , and by his recent donations is now vice-patron of all three of the London great masonic charities .
ALLIED DEGREES . — Metropolitan Council , T . I . ~ The usual meeting of -this Council was held on Friday , the 26 th ult .. at 8 a , Red Lion Square . The chair was occupied by Bro . Baron de Ferrieres . AA ' . M ., who was supported by Bros . Loveland Loveland . as S . AA' . : AV . G . Lemon . J . W . : Thomas Cubitt . C . : Geo . Powell
Treas .: T . C . AValls , as Sec . : and various other members of the Order of St . Lawrence . Bro . Poore was elected a joining member . The treasurer ' s accounts were produced and approved . Bro Sweeney was appointed auditor , and after transacting the business of the Council the brethren adjourned to refreshment at the Holborn Restaurant .
THE ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTE N FOR BOYS . —The Quarterly General Court of the subscribers to this institution was held on Friday , the 26 th ult .. at Freemasons' Hall , V . W . Bro . Richard Eve , P . G . Treas ., presiding . The provisional committee appointed in June last to manage , temporarily , the institution made a further report , in which they stated that since their last report Miss Harcome .
matron of the Royal Asylum of St . Ann ' s Society , had been appointed matron of the institution ; and that they had appointed Dr . J . J . Lough medical officer to the school for two months , during which time advertisements inviting applications for the more permanent appointment would be published The committee had conferred with Bro . Binckes . the secretary , in regard to the terms
of his retirement , but the matter was still under consideration Bro . Beevir proposed that the report of the provisional committee should be received , that its recommendations should be sanctioned and confirmed , and that the Quarterly Court should authorise them to carry the same into effect . After some discussion the resolution was carried by a large majority .
Consecration Of " The Scots Lodge," No. 2819.
This newly-founded lodge was consecrated on Saturday last , at the Scottish Corporation Kail . Crane Court . Fleet Street , by the A ' . AA " . Bro . Col . Shadwell II . Gierke , Grand Secretary of England , who was assisted by Bros . Sir John Monckton , P . G AV . as S . AA ' . : Thomas Fenn . P . B . G . P ., as J . AV . : the Rev . G . AV . AVeldon , P . G . Chap ., as Chap . : and Frank Richardson , P . G . D .. as D . C . Amongst
the large assembly present were Bros . Sir Henry Morland . Grand Master of All India ( Scottish Constitution ) , Mullet . P . G . D .: Sir Lionel Darell , Bart .: AV . B . Fenwick . Grand Registrar of Queensland : Tilden . from America : R . Berridge . P . M . : C . O . Driver . P . M . ; Shoppee . P . M . : Levick . P . M . : E . C . Mulvev , P . M . : R . II . Dillon , P . M . : Col . T . Tully . AV . M .. 1 , 718 : Capt . C . Probyn , P . M ., 18 :
J . R . Stacev . P . M .. 1 . 54 ] : AV . AV . Snelling . P . M .. 1 . 541 : J . Edmeston . P . M . : P . H . Jones . P . M . : D . Forbes , P . M . : A . A . Pendlebury . A . G . S . : Pozatti , 756 ; Gilbert Marsh , 1 , 185 : E . Massey , P . M .. & c , & c . Amongst the founders were Bros , the Earl of Euston . Prov . Grand Blaster Norths and Hunts .. AA . M . designate of the new lodge . - A ero Shaw . S . AA ' . designate : John AAliitehead , P . M ., 1425 , J . AA " . designate :
George Shaw . P . M . 59 , treas . : George Henderson , sec . designate ; John Page , AA ' . M . 753 . S . D . designate : Thomas Grant . J . D . designate : Charles F . Matier , P . G . Standard Bearer , who was appointed D . C , and James Thomson , steward . Amongst the other founders of the lodge who were at the ceremony were - Bros . D . F . Gellion . P . M . 1425 . D . Charteris . J . Plenderleith . and Roderick
Mitchell , but unfortunately Sir Michael R . Shaw Stewart . Bart ., Past Grand Master of Scotland , Bro . George Edward , and Bro . H . Campbell-Beaver . I . G . designate , were prevented from taking part in the proceedings . The lodge having been duly consecrated , and the Earl of Euston having been installed as AA ' . M ., Bros . Colonel Shadwell II . Gierke . Sir John Monckton . Thos . Fenn . the Rev . G .
AY . AA ' eldon , Frank Richardson , R . Berridge , Capt . Sir Henry Morland , and D . Murray Lyon , Grand Secretary of Scotland , were elected honorary members of tlie Scots Lodge . The AA . M ., on behalf of the Founders , presented a Founders' jewel in 18-carat gold to the Grand Secretary as a memento of the ceremony , and the Secretary , Bro . George Henderson , having read a letter of apology
from the Grand Secretary of Scotland , who was prevented at the very last moment by his masonic duties from attending , the lodge was closed in due form . A most recherche banquet , accompanied by the music of the pipes , was served in the lower hall , the menu including a variety of Scotch courses , such as the traditional cock-aleekie , hotch potch , sheepsheads , and haggis . The usual patriotic
toasts having been drunk with enthusiasm , the Grand Secretary of England , in proposing "The Health of the Earl of Euston , " took the opportunity of congratulating him upon the brilliant prospect that lay before the Scots Lodge , and most heartily drank his health as its AA ' orshipful Master . ¦ —Sir Henry Morland , in replying for the Grand Lodge of Scotland ,
expressed his profound conviction that a great future lay before the lodge , which has for its main object the draAving closer of the bonds that bind English and Scottish Masons together , and Colonel Gierke having responded for the Consecrating Officers , and the SAN * .. V . Bro . Shaw , ' for the officers , a most enjoyable and instructive evening was brought to a termination . In fact it may safelv be prophesied
that a great future lies before the Scots Lodge , which , it may he observed , is the only central lodge in London that can boast of having its own premises , kitchen and cellar of wine . It may . however , be added that the cuisine on Saturday was in the hands of Messrs . Hill and Son . of Bishopsgate Street , as the large number of
guests necessitated special arrangements being made for the occasion ; whilst the music was superintended by Bro . E . Bryant , of Messrs . Novello ' s , with the happiest results . It should likewise be stated that Bro . Charles Thomas , Provincial Grand Tyler of Herts , was elected Tyler of the Scots Lodge .
Answers To Correspondents.
Answers to Correspondents .
The followiiifr , anion !; .- ! other communications , are in type . Inn mu .-t stand over for next number : —Review : "Constitutiones Aiiis Gemoiria' Sccundeni Knclydem . " Questions and Answers : —M .. M . M . and R . A . : . I . G . It ., "W . M ., G ' , ' A Masonic Glee . "
UNITED MILITARY LODGE OF INSTRUCTION . —The usual weekly meeting was held on Monday . 29 th ult .. at the Earl of Chatham . AVoolwich . Present—Bros . Wheeler , AV . M . : Bilton . S . AV . ; Sayle , J . AA ' . ; Sinnette , S . D .: Carr , J . D . ; Benstead , I . G ., and Charlie AA oods . The ceremony of passing was rehearsed , Bro . AVoods candidate , after which the lodge adjourned till Monday , 12 th inst .
Metropolitan Lodge And Chapter Meetings For The Current Week.
Metropolitan Lodge and Chapter Meetings for the Current Week .
" All Lodges held within Ten Miles of FREEMASONS' HALL , LONDON , are LONDON LODGES . " —General Laws and Regulations T N „ ° ,- ° NAME OF LODGE AND CHAPTER . ' PLACE OP MEETING . T „ ° { ; NAME OF LODGE AND CHAPTEH . PLACE OF MEETING . Lidge . I Liouge . i
( THIS DAY ) ( 1 st ) THURSDAY , AUGUST 1 st . inw | Old England | M . If ., New Thornton II ' ili ., l . r . Croydon ( 1 st ) FRIDAY , AUGUST 2 nd . —Nil . ( 1 st ) SATURDAY , AUGUST 3 rd . —Nil .
( 1 st ) MONDAY , AUGUST 5 th . Bank Holiday .
\ ( 1 st ) TUESDAY , AUGUST 6 th . I COLONIAL BOARD , AT 4 . i ] " 1 I Amity | Slii ] i Hot ., Greenwich ( 1 st ) WEDNESDAY , AUGUST 7 th . GHAND CHAl'TE !! , AT G .
( 2 nd ) THURSDAY , AUGUST 8 th . l' » 7 J | Cipier ... I Gi'ildhal ] Tar ., Grcsh-im Strcc .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
We Notify That:-
We Notify that:-
> - " The Provincial Grand Lodge of Somerset will be held in the Town Hall , at AVcston-super-Mare , on Friday next , the 2 nd inst . The Earl of Carnarvon , Pro Grand Master of England , Prov . Grand Master of Somerset , will preside . Lodge will be opened at 1 p . m .
The Southwark Lodge of Instruction . Ao . 87 !) . held at the Sir Garnet AVolseley Tavern . AVarndon Street . Rotherhithe New Road . S . E ., has adjourned until the 1 st Thursday in September . The Annual Provincial Lodge of the Province of Essex will be holden in the library at Easton Lodge . Dunmow . the seat oi
the R . AV . Prov . G . M .. the Right Hon . the Lord Brooke , M . I ' ., on Tuesday next , at 2 p . m . The Grand Lodge will be opened punctually at 2 . 30 p . m . Brethren should attend in dark morning dress , and no jewels are to be worn but those appertaining to Graft Masonry . Carriages will be in waiting at Dunmow Station . Railway fares , single for double journey , on production of summons .
THE UIUQUE LODGE—No . 1789 . —Bro . AA . K . Arnold , Royal Artillery , AVorshipful Master , will hold its usual quarterly meeting at the Regent Masonic Hall , Cafe Royal . Air Street , Regent Street , AV ., on Monday , the 12 th inst ., at 5 . 30 o ' clock p . m . The agenda paper shows that the following brethren will be balloted for as joining members , viz .. Bros . Capt . A . Crawford . R . A ., Ockenden
Lodge No . 1465 ; Capt . E . H . Elliot . R . A .. Friendship Lodge No . 6 Lieut . Y . F . AV . A . Paget . Jl . II . A .. J . AV . Aldershot Army and Navy Lodge No . 1971 ; Lieut . \ V . Jarvis , R . A .. P . M . 491 . P . P . G . J . D . of Jersey , and the Military Jubilee Lodge No . 2195—and to initiate the undermentioned gentlemen ( if approved ) viz .. Capt . S . AV . Lane ,
It . A ., and Sergt . Major G . Allen . 11 . A .: to pass Bro . Capt . AV . Y . Faber , A . D . C . to General AA illinms , Commanding the AVoolwich Garrison , and Capt . T . Y . Osmond . R . A .: and to raise Bro . Lieut . R . J . AA ilson , R . A . Bro . Geo . Mason , if . A ., P . M .. 139 , Alderney Street , S . AV .. is now the secretary , to whom all communications concerning the lodge should be addressed .
Ihe next General Committee of the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys will be held on the 10 th inst ., and not on the 3 rd as per calendar .
Press Exchanges And Books Received.
Press Exchanges and Books Received .
South African Freemason : Report of Quarterly ( omnivnication of Grand Lodge of Scotland , 2 nd May . 1889 .
AV . Bro the Rev . T . AA . Lemon , M . A ., Prov . G . J . AV . of the Masonic Province of Devon , P . S . G . AV . of Prov . Mark Grand Lodge of Devon , and Prov . Prior of the Knights Templar of Devon , presented on the 26 th inst . a donation of one hundred guineas to the Masonic Institution for Boys , and completed his gift of one
hundred guineas to the Masonic Benevolent Institution for Aged Freemasons and AVidows of Freemasons . He had previously constituted himself a vice-patron of the Masonic Institution for Girls , and by his recent donations is now vice-patron of all three of the London great masonic charities .
ALLIED DEGREES . — Metropolitan Council , T . I . ~ The usual meeting of -this Council was held on Friday , the 26 th ult .. at 8 a , Red Lion Square . The chair was occupied by Bro . Baron de Ferrieres . AA ' . M ., who was supported by Bros . Loveland Loveland . as S . AA' . : AV . G . Lemon . J . W . : Thomas Cubitt . C . : Geo . Powell
Treas .: T . C . AValls , as Sec . : and various other members of the Order of St . Lawrence . Bro . Poore was elected a joining member . The treasurer ' s accounts were produced and approved . Bro Sweeney was appointed auditor , and after transacting the business of the Council the brethren adjourned to refreshment at the Holborn Restaurant .
THE ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTE N FOR BOYS . —The Quarterly General Court of the subscribers to this institution was held on Friday , the 26 th ult .. at Freemasons' Hall , V . W . Bro . Richard Eve , P . G . Treas ., presiding . The provisional committee appointed in June last to manage , temporarily , the institution made a further report , in which they stated that since their last report Miss Harcome .
matron of the Royal Asylum of St . Ann ' s Society , had been appointed matron of the institution ; and that they had appointed Dr . J . J . Lough medical officer to the school for two months , during which time advertisements inviting applications for the more permanent appointment would be published The committee had conferred with Bro . Binckes . the secretary , in regard to the terms
of his retirement , but the matter was still under consideration Bro . Beevir proposed that the report of the provisional committee should be received , that its recommendations should be sanctioned and confirmed , and that the Quarterly Court should authorise them to carry the same into effect . After some discussion the resolution was carried by a large majority .
Consecration Of " The Scots Lodge," No. 2819.
This newly-founded lodge was consecrated on Saturday last , at the Scottish Corporation Kail . Crane Court . Fleet Street , by the A ' . AA " . Bro . Col . Shadwell II . Gierke , Grand Secretary of England , who was assisted by Bros . Sir John Monckton , P . G AV . as S . AA ' . : Thomas Fenn . P . B . G . P ., as J . AV . : the Rev . G . AV . AVeldon , P . G . Chap ., as Chap . : and Frank Richardson , P . G . D .. as D . C . Amongst
the large assembly present were Bros . Sir Henry Morland . Grand Master of All India ( Scottish Constitution ) , Mullet . P . G . D .: Sir Lionel Darell , Bart .: AV . B . Fenwick . Grand Registrar of Queensland : Tilden . from America : R . Berridge . P . M . : C . O . Driver . P . M . ; Shoppee . P . M . : Levick . P . M . : E . C . Mulvev , P . M . : R . II . Dillon , P . M . : Col . T . Tully . AV . M .. 1 , 718 : Capt . C . Probyn , P . M ., 18 :
J . R . Stacev . P . M .. 1 . 54 ] : AV . AV . Snelling . P . M .. 1 . 541 : J . Edmeston . P . M . : P . H . Jones . P . M . : D . Forbes , P . M . : A . A . Pendlebury . A . G . S . : Pozatti , 756 ; Gilbert Marsh , 1 , 185 : E . Massey , P . M .. & c , & c . Amongst the founders were Bros , the Earl of Euston . Prov . Grand Blaster Norths and Hunts .. AA . M . designate of the new lodge . - A ero Shaw . S . AA ' . designate : John AAliitehead , P . M ., 1425 , J . AA " . designate :
George Shaw . P . M . 59 , treas . : George Henderson , sec . designate ; John Page , AA ' . M . 753 . S . D . designate : Thomas Grant . J . D . designate : Charles F . Matier , P . G . Standard Bearer , who was appointed D . C , and James Thomson , steward . Amongst the other founders of the lodge who were at the ceremony were - Bros . D . F . Gellion . P . M . 1425 . D . Charteris . J . Plenderleith . and Roderick
Mitchell , but unfortunately Sir Michael R . Shaw Stewart . Bart ., Past Grand Master of Scotland , Bro . George Edward , and Bro . H . Campbell-Beaver . I . G . designate , were prevented from taking part in the proceedings . The lodge having been duly consecrated , and the Earl of Euston having been installed as AA ' . M ., Bros . Colonel Shadwell II . Gierke . Sir John Monckton . Thos . Fenn . the Rev . G .
AY . AA ' eldon , Frank Richardson , R . Berridge , Capt . Sir Henry Morland , and D . Murray Lyon , Grand Secretary of Scotland , were elected honorary members of tlie Scots Lodge . The AA . M ., on behalf of the Founders , presented a Founders' jewel in 18-carat gold to the Grand Secretary as a memento of the ceremony , and the Secretary , Bro . George Henderson , having read a letter of apology
from the Grand Secretary of Scotland , who was prevented at the very last moment by his masonic duties from attending , the lodge was closed in due form . A most recherche banquet , accompanied by the music of the pipes , was served in the lower hall , the menu including a variety of Scotch courses , such as the traditional cock-aleekie , hotch potch , sheepsheads , and haggis . The usual patriotic
toasts having been drunk with enthusiasm , the Grand Secretary of England , in proposing "The Health of the Earl of Euston , " took the opportunity of congratulating him upon the brilliant prospect that lay before the Scots Lodge , and most heartily drank his health as its AA ' orshipful Master . ¦ —Sir Henry Morland , in replying for the Grand Lodge of Scotland ,
expressed his profound conviction that a great future lay before the lodge , which has for its main object the draAving closer of the bonds that bind English and Scottish Masons together , and Colonel Gierke having responded for the Consecrating Officers , and the SAN * .. V . Bro . Shaw , ' for the officers , a most enjoyable and instructive evening was brought to a termination . In fact it may safelv be prophesied
that a great future lies before the Scots Lodge , which , it may he observed , is the only central lodge in London that can boast of having its own premises , kitchen and cellar of wine . It may . however , be added that the cuisine on Saturday was in the hands of Messrs . Hill and Son . of Bishopsgate Street , as the large number of
guests necessitated special arrangements being made for the occasion ; whilst the music was superintended by Bro . E . Bryant , of Messrs . Novello ' s , with the happiest results . It should likewise be stated that Bro . Charles Thomas , Provincial Grand Tyler of Herts , was elected Tyler of the Scots Lodge .
Answers To Correspondents.
Answers to Correspondents .
The followiiifr , anion !; .- ! other communications , are in type . Inn mu .-t stand over for next number : —Review : "Constitutiones Aiiis Gemoiria' Sccundeni Knclydem . " Questions and Answers : —M .. M . M . and R . A . : . I . G . It ., "W . M ., G ' , ' A Masonic Glee . "
UNITED MILITARY LODGE OF INSTRUCTION . —The usual weekly meeting was held on Monday . 29 th ult .. at the Earl of Chatham . AVoolwich . Present—Bros . Wheeler , AV . M . : Bilton . S . AV . ; Sayle , J . AA ' . ; Sinnette , S . D .: Carr , J . D . ; Benstead , I . G ., and Charlie AA oods . The ceremony of passing was rehearsed , Bro . AVoods candidate , after which the lodge adjourned till Monday , 12 th inst .
Metropolitan Lodge And Chapter Meetings For The Current Week.
Metropolitan Lodge and Chapter Meetings for the Current Week .
" All Lodges held within Ten Miles of FREEMASONS' HALL , LONDON , are LONDON LODGES . " —General Laws and Regulations T N „ ° ,- ° NAME OF LODGE AND CHAPTER . ' PLACE OP MEETING . T „ ° { ; NAME OF LODGE AND CHAPTEH . PLACE OF MEETING . Lidge . I Liouge . i
( THIS DAY ) ( 1 st ) THURSDAY , AUGUST 1 st . inw | Old England | M . If ., New Thornton II ' ili ., l . r . Croydon ( 1 st ) FRIDAY , AUGUST 2 nd . —Nil . ( 1 st ) SATURDAY , AUGUST 3 rd . —Nil .
( 1 st ) MONDAY , AUGUST 5 th . Bank Holiday .
\ ( 1 st ) TUESDAY , AUGUST 6 th . I COLONIAL BOARD , AT 4 . i ] " 1 I Amity | Slii ] i Hot ., Greenwich ( 1 st ) WEDNESDAY , AUGUST 7 th . GHAND CHAl'TE !! , AT G .
( 2 nd ) THURSDAY , AUGUST 8 th . l' » 7 J | Cipier ... I Gi'ildhal ] Tar ., Grcsh-im Strcc .