Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Provincial Lodges And Chapters ( Largest Centres).
flroirittaai 1 Eo 5 g * s anb Cljapta—( continued ) .
M ANCHESTER—37 LODGES , 11 CHAPTERS . 44 Friendship TO-MOR ., 2 nd Xov Albion Hotel 62 Social 26 th Xov Queen ' s Hotel , Piccadilly 64 Fortitude 25 th Jan Ditto
152 Virtue 16 th Xov F . M . II ., Cooper Street 163 Integrity 31 st Oct Ditto 201 Caledonian 14 th Xov Ditto 317 Affability TO-DAY , 1 st Nov Ditto 325 St . John ' s 21 stXov F . M . H ., Salford 633 Yarborough ... 21 st Xov F . M . II ., Cooper Street 645 Humphrey Cheetham 7 th Xov Ditto 815 Blair 9 th Xov Town Hall , Hulmo
852 Zetland 14 th Xov F . M . IT ., Salford 935 Harmony 22 nd Xov Ditto 992 St . Thomas 7 th Xov Griffin Hotel , Lr . Broughton 993 Alexandra 9 th Xov Midway Hotel , Levenshulme 999 Robert Burns ... 24 th Nov Albion Hotel 1009 Shakspere 5 th Xov F . M . IT ., Cooper Street 1011 Richmond 15 th Nov Old Boar's Head , AVithy Grove 1052 Callcnder 20 th Xov Town Hall Buildings , King Street
1055 Derby 8 th Xov Bedford Street , Cheetham 1077 AVilton Sth Xov Red Lion Hot ., Blackley 1083 Townlcy Parker ... 28 th Xov Grand Hotel , Aytoun Street 1134 Xewall 6 th Xov F . M . II ., Salford 1147 St . David Sth Xov F . M . II ., Cooper Street 1161 Do Grey and Rlpon 6 th X ov F . M . H ., Manchester 1170 St . George 19 th Xov F . M . H ., Cooper Street 1219 Strangeways ... 28 th Xov Old Boar's Head , AVithy Grove
1253 Travellers 9 th Xov Queen ' s Hotel 1458 Truth 3 rd Xov Conservative Club , Newton Heath 1534 Concord 15 th Nov Chester Bank , Prestwich 1633 Avon 28 th Xov Denmark Hot ., Lloyd Street , Grecnheys 1773 Albert ATctor ... 16 th Xov Town Hall , Pendleton 1798 Zion 5 th Xov 74 a , King Street 1993 AVolseley 6 th Xov 74 A , King Street 2109 Prince Edward ... 14 th Xov Assembly Hall , Heaton Moor
2156 Arthur Sullivan ... 14 th Xov Old Boar ' s Head , Hyde ' s Cross 2185 Ardwick 12 th Xov Midland Hotel , Ardwick R . A . C . 62 Social 12 th Dec Queen's Hotel , Piccadilly 152 Virtue 28 th Dec F . M . H ., Cooper Street 204 Caledonian 15 th Nov Ditto 317 Affability 20 th Doc Ditto 325 StJohn ' s TO-DAY 1 st Xov M . II . Salford
. , , 581 Rectitude 6 th Dec Midland Hotel , Ardwick 645 Humphrey Cheetham 4 th Deo F . M . IT ., Cooper Street 815 Blair 27 th Xov Town Hall , Hulmo 935 Starkie Sth Xov M . II ., Salford 993 Alexandra 16 th Nov Midway Hotel , Levenshulme 1055 Derby 20 th Xov M . R ., Bedford Street , Cheetham
NEWCASTLE-ON-TYNE—11 LODGES , 4 CHAPTERS . 24 Ncwcastle-on-TyneTO-DYlstXov M . H ., Grainger Street 406 Xorthern Counties 7 th Xov F . M . II ., Maple Street 481 St . Peter's 12 th Xov Ditto 541 DeLoralne 16 th Nov M . H . Grainger Street
, 685 Xorthumberland ... 6 th Xov Assembly Rooms 1342 AValker 14 th Xov F . M . II ., Grainger Street 1427 Percy 20 th Xov F . M . IT ., Maple Street 1626 Hotspur 22 nd Xov Ditto 1676 St . Xicholas ... 9 th Xov F . M . H ., Grainger Street 1712 St , John's 23 rd Xov Ditto 2260 Ridley Gth Xov F . M . IT ., Maple Street R . A . C .
24 Do Swinburne ... 17 th Jan Ditto 406 De Sussex 14 th Dee M . H ., Maple Street 481 St . Peter ' s 21 st Xov Ditto 685 Xorthumberland ... 20 th Xov Assembly Rooms , Wcstgate Road NEWPORT , MOX . —;? - LODGES . 2 CHAPTERS .
471 Silurian 7 th Nov F . M . H ., Dock Street 683 Isca 21 st Xov Ditto 1423 Albert Edward ... Sth Nov Ditto R . A . C . 471 Silurian 30 th Xov F . M . H ., Dock Street 683 St . Woolos 14 th Xov Ditto NORWICH—6 LODGES , 3 CHAPTERS .
Lo . 52 Union 6 th Xov X orfolk Hotel 93 Social 13 th Xov 23 , St . Giles Street 213 Perseverance ... 20 th Xov Ditto 807 Cabbell 29 th Xov Ditto 943 Sincerity 27 th Nov Ditto 1500 Walpole TO-DAY , 1 st Nov Ditto R . A . C .
52 Royal George ... 21 st Dee Norfolk Hotel 213 Perseverance ... 13 th Deo 23 , St . Giles Street 807 Cabboll 10 th Jan Ditto NOTTINGHAM—9 LODGES , 5 CHAPTERS .
Lo . 47 Xcwstead 6 th Xov j M . H ., Goldsmith Street 402 Royal Sussex ... 18 th Dec George Hotel 411 Commercial ... 12 th Xov | M . II ., Goldsmith Street 1405 Southwell TO-MOR ., 2 nd Nov j Ditto 1434 Nottinghamshire ... Sth Xov I Ditto 1 . 435 Annesley 30 th Xov | Ditto 1794 Do A ' ere 16 ch Nov : Ditto
NOTTINGHAM—' . ) LODGES , 5 CHAPTERS—continued . 1909 Carnarvon 19 th Nov Ditto 2017 Duke of Portland .. 22 nd Nov Ditto R . A . C .
47 Abbey 30 th Oct Ditto 402 Royal Sussex ... 11 th Dec Ditto 411 Commercial ... 26 th Xov Ditto 1435 Annesley ? Ditto 1909 Carnarvon 28 th Jan Ditto PLYMOUTH , DEVONPORT AND
STONEHOUSE—16 LODGES , 12 CHAPTERS . Lo . 70 St . John ' s 6 th Xov . Huyshc Masonic Temple 105 Fortitude 12 th Xov Ditto 156 Harmony Sth Xov Ditto 159 Brunswick 7 th Xov M . H ., Phoenix Place , Stonehouse 189 Sincerity 12 th Xov St . George's Hall , Stonehouse 202 Friendship 22 nd Nov M . IT . Granby StreetDevouport
, , 223 Charity 20 th Xov 193 , Union Street 230 j Fidelity Sth Nov M . IT ., Granby Street , Dovonport 954 I St . Aubyn 13 th Nov Ditto 1205 Motham 19 th Nov 1 , Caroline Place , Stonehouse 1247 St . John ' s 15 th Nov Huyshe Masonic Temple 1255 Dundas 19 th Nov Ditto 1550 Prudence 3 rd Nov Ditto 1847 Ebrington 13 th Xov 8 , Hobart Street , Stonehouse
2025 St . George 27 th Nov St . George ' s Hall , Stonehouse ooso ( AVestern District ) ,, 0 J 2 I > H { United Service ! R . A . C . 70 St . John ' s 22 nd Xov Huyshc Masonic Temple 105 Fortitude 20 th Xov Ditto 166 Harmony Sth Dec Ditto 159 Brunswick 23 rd Jan Ebrington M . II ., Stonehouse
189 Sincerity 28 th Jan St . George ' s Hall , Stonehouse 202 Friendship Sth Xov M . IT . Granby Street , Dovonport 223 Concord 30 th Nov 193 , Union Street 230 Fidelity 23 rd Xov M . II ., Granby Street , Dovonport 954 St . Aubyn 21 st Jan Ebrington M . II ., Slonchouso 1205 Elliott 28 th Jan Metham M . H ., Stonehouse 1255 Dundas 19 th Dec Huyshc Masonic Temple 2025 St . George 15 th Xov St . George ' s Hall , Stonehouse
PORTSMOUTH , LANDPORT , AXD SOUTHSEA—11 LODGES , 6 CHAPTERS . 257 : Phoenix 28 th Nov 110 , High Street 342 Royal Sussex ... 21 st Xov F . M . IT ., Landport 487 j Portsmouth ... Sth Xov M . II ., Highbury Street 1069 United Brothers 12 th Southsea
! ... Xov Grosvenor House , 1428 j United Service ... 9 th Xov i M . II ., Landport 1776 Landport 15 th Nov | Ditto 1834 ! Duke of Connaught 27 th Nov j Ditto 1903 [ j Pli " wetI' ^ i . Snxe | 20 th Nov | M- H- > Portsmouth 1990 | ' : H : l K ^ jatio , ? ' ° } 10 th > ° ' F - - H ., Landport
2068 [! r ° perance Tem" j 26 th Nov i Sol ,, ior ' Institute , High Street 2074 ; St . Clair ' 19 th Xov F . M . IT ., Landport R . A . C i I 257 Friendship 14 th Xov 110 , High Street 342 I Royal Sussex ... 2 nd Jan F . M . H ., Landport 487 Portsmouth .. 13 th Xov ; M . II ., Portsmouth 1428 ! United Service ... 16 th Xov F . M . H ., Landport 1776 i Landport ... 22 ud Xov Ditto 2068 j ; Portsmouth rem- | (?) Soldier ' s Institute , High Street
SHEFFIELD—5 LODGES , 2 CHAPTERS . 139 Britannia Sth Xov I F . M . H ., Surrey Street 296 Royal Brunswick ... 12 th Xov Ditto 1239 AVentworth ... 5 th Xov 1 Ditto 1779 Ivanhoo 27 th Nov 1 Ditto ( StLeonards
, „ .,, . ( con- ) ,,. ,,. " \ secrated 21 July ) j ( ' - > ; <¦¦> R . A . C . j 139 Paradise 19 th Xov ; F . M . H ., Surrey Street 296 Loyalty 17 th Dec ' Ditto S OUTHAMPTON —5 L ODGES , 3 C HAPTERS
130 Royal Glo ' ster ... Sth Xov M . IT ., Albion Place 359 Peace & Harmony 19 th Xov Ditto 394 Southampton ... 15 th Nov Ditto 785 TwelveBrothers ... 23 rd Nov Ditto 1780 Albert Edward ... 6 th Xov Ditto R . A . C 130 Royal GloucesterTO-DYlst Nov Ditto
359 Peace TO-MOK ., 2 nd Xov Ditto 394 Concord 22 nd Xov Ditto S UNDERLAND —5 L ODGES , 3 C HAPTERS . 80 St . John 13 th Nov : M . II ., Park Terrace
94 Phoenix 7 th Nov , F . M . II ., Queen Sweet 97 Palatine 8 th Nov M . 11 ., Park Terrace 1389 Femviek 16 th Nov Ditto 2039 Londonderry ... 23 rd Nov Ditto R . A . C . 80 St , John ' s 18 th Dec M . H ., Park Terrace 94 Do Lambton ... 29 th Jan F . M . H . 97 Strict Benevolence 15 th Xov j JL H ., Park Terracs
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Provincial Lodges And Chapters ( Largest Centres).
flroirittaai 1 Eo 5 g * s anb Cljapta—( continued ) .
M ANCHESTER—37 LODGES , 11 CHAPTERS . 44 Friendship TO-MOR ., 2 nd Xov Albion Hotel 62 Social 26 th Xov Queen ' s Hotel , Piccadilly 64 Fortitude 25 th Jan Ditto
152 Virtue 16 th Xov F . M . II ., Cooper Street 163 Integrity 31 st Oct Ditto 201 Caledonian 14 th Xov Ditto 317 Affability TO-DAY , 1 st Nov Ditto 325 St . John ' s 21 stXov F . M . H ., Salford 633 Yarborough ... 21 st Xov F . M . II ., Cooper Street 645 Humphrey Cheetham 7 th Xov Ditto 815 Blair 9 th Xov Town Hall , Hulmo
852 Zetland 14 th Xov F . M . IT ., Salford 935 Harmony 22 nd Xov Ditto 992 St . Thomas 7 th Xov Griffin Hotel , Lr . Broughton 993 Alexandra 9 th Xov Midway Hotel , Levenshulme 999 Robert Burns ... 24 th Nov Albion Hotel 1009 Shakspere 5 th Xov F . M . IT ., Cooper Street 1011 Richmond 15 th Nov Old Boar's Head , AVithy Grove 1052 Callcnder 20 th Xov Town Hall Buildings , King Street
1055 Derby 8 th Xov Bedford Street , Cheetham 1077 AVilton Sth Xov Red Lion Hot ., Blackley 1083 Townlcy Parker ... 28 th Xov Grand Hotel , Aytoun Street 1134 Xewall 6 th Xov F . M . II ., Salford 1147 St . David Sth Xov F . M . II ., Cooper Street 1161 Do Grey and Rlpon 6 th X ov F . M . H ., Manchester 1170 St . George 19 th Xov F . M . H ., Cooper Street 1219 Strangeways ... 28 th Xov Old Boar's Head , AVithy Grove
1253 Travellers 9 th Xov Queen ' s Hotel 1458 Truth 3 rd Xov Conservative Club , Newton Heath 1534 Concord 15 th Nov Chester Bank , Prestwich 1633 Avon 28 th Xov Denmark Hot ., Lloyd Street , Grecnheys 1773 Albert ATctor ... 16 th Xov Town Hall , Pendleton 1798 Zion 5 th Xov 74 a , King Street 1993 AVolseley 6 th Xov 74 A , King Street 2109 Prince Edward ... 14 th Xov Assembly Hall , Heaton Moor
2156 Arthur Sullivan ... 14 th Xov Old Boar ' s Head , Hyde ' s Cross 2185 Ardwick 12 th Xov Midland Hotel , Ardwick R . A . C . 62 Social 12 th Dec Queen's Hotel , Piccadilly 152 Virtue 28 th Dec F . M . H ., Cooper Street 204 Caledonian 15 th Nov Ditto 317 Affability 20 th Doc Ditto 325 StJohn ' s TO-DAY 1 st Xov M . II . Salford
. , , 581 Rectitude 6 th Dec Midland Hotel , Ardwick 645 Humphrey Cheetham 4 th Deo F . M . IT ., Cooper Street 815 Blair 27 th Xov Town Hall , Hulmo 935 Starkie Sth Xov M . II ., Salford 993 Alexandra 16 th Nov Midway Hotel , Levenshulme 1055 Derby 20 th Xov M . R ., Bedford Street , Cheetham
NEWCASTLE-ON-TYNE—11 LODGES , 4 CHAPTERS . 24 Ncwcastle-on-TyneTO-DYlstXov M . H ., Grainger Street 406 Xorthern Counties 7 th Xov F . M . II ., Maple Street 481 St . Peter's 12 th Xov Ditto 541 DeLoralne 16 th Nov M . H . Grainger Street
, 685 Xorthumberland ... 6 th Xov Assembly Rooms 1342 AValker 14 th Xov F . M . II ., Grainger Street 1427 Percy 20 th Xov F . M . IT ., Maple Street 1626 Hotspur 22 nd Xov Ditto 1676 St . Xicholas ... 9 th Xov F . M . H ., Grainger Street 1712 St , John's 23 rd Xov Ditto 2260 Ridley Gth Xov F . M . IT ., Maple Street R . A . C .
24 Do Swinburne ... 17 th Jan Ditto 406 De Sussex 14 th Dee M . H ., Maple Street 481 St . Peter ' s 21 st Xov Ditto 685 Xorthumberland ... 20 th Xov Assembly Rooms , Wcstgate Road NEWPORT , MOX . —;? - LODGES . 2 CHAPTERS .
471 Silurian 7 th Nov F . M . H ., Dock Street 683 Isca 21 st Xov Ditto 1423 Albert Edward ... Sth Nov Ditto R . A . C . 471 Silurian 30 th Xov F . M . H ., Dock Street 683 St . Woolos 14 th Xov Ditto NORWICH—6 LODGES , 3 CHAPTERS .
Lo . 52 Union 6 th Xov X orfolk Hotel 93 Social 13 th Xov 23 , St . Giles Street 213 Perseverance ... 20 th Xov Ditto 807 Cabbell 29 th Xov Ditto 943 Sincerity 27 th Nov Ditto 1500 Walpole TO-DAY , 1 st Nov Ditto R . A . C .
52 Royal George ... 21 st Dee Norfolk Hotel 213 Perseverance ... 13 th Deo 23 , St . Giles Street 807 Cabboll 10 th Jan Ditto NOTTINGHAM—9 LODGES , 5 CHAPTERS .
Lo . 47 Xcwstead 6 th Xov j M . H ., Goldsmith Street 402 Royal Sussex ... 18 th Dec George Hotel 411 Commercial ... 12 th Xov | M . II ., Goldsmith Street 1405 Southwell TO-MOR ., 2 nd Nov j Ditto 1434 Nottinghamshire ... Sth Xov I Ditto 1 . 435 Annesley 30 th Xov | Ditto 1794 Do A ' ere 16 ch Nov : Ditto
NOTTINGHAM—' . ) LODGES , 5 CHAPTERS—continued . 1909 Carnarvon 19 th Nov Ditto 2017 Duke of Portland .. 22 nd Nov Ditto R . A . C .
47 Abbey 30 th Oct Ditto 402 Royal Sussex ... 11 th Dec Ditto 411 Commercial ... 26 th Xov Ditto 1435 Annesley ? Ditto 1909 Carnarvon 28 th Jan Ditto PLYMOUTH , DEVONPORT AND
STONEHOUSE—16 LODGES , 12 CHAPTERS . Lo . 70 St . John ' s 6 th Xov . Huyshc Masonic Temple 105 Fortitude 12 th Xov Ditto 156 Harmony Sth Xov Ditto 159 Brunswick 7 th Xov M . H ., Phoenix Place , Stonehouse 189 Sincerity 12 th Xov St . George's Hall , Stonehouse 202 Friendship 22 nd Nov M . IT . Granby StreetDevouport
, , 223 Charity 20 th Xov 193 , Union Street 230 j Fidelity Sth Nov M . IT ., Granby Street , Dovonport 954 I St . Aubyn 13 th Nov Ditto 1205 Motham 19 th Nov 1 , Caroline Place , Stonehouse 1247 St . John ' s 15 th Nov Huyshe Masonic Temple 1255 Dundas 19 th Nov Ditto 1550 Prudence 3 rd Nov Ditto 1847 Ebrington 13 th Xov 8 , Hobart Street , Stonehouse
2025 St . George 27 th Nov St . George ' s Hall , Stonehouse ooso ( AVestern District ) ,, 0 J 2 I > H { United Service ! R . A . C . 70 St . John ' s 22 nd Xov Huyshc Masonic Temple 105 Fortitude 20 th Xov Ditto 166 Harmony Sth Dec Ditto 159 Brunswick 23 rd Jan Ebrington M . II ., Stonehouse
189 Sincerity 28 th Jan St . George ' s Hall , Stonehouse 202 Friendship Sth Xov M . IT . Granby Street , Dovonport 223 Concord 30 th Nov 193 , Union Street 230 Fidelity 23 rd Xov M . II ., Granby Street , Dovonport 954 St . Aubyn 21 st Jan Ebrington M . II ., Slonchouso 1205 Elliott 28 th Jan Metham M . H ., Stonehouse 1255 Dundas 19 th Dec Huyshc Masonic Temple 2025 St . George 15 th Xov St . George ' s Hall , Stonehouse
PORTSMOUTH , LANDPORT , AXD SOUTHSEA—11 LODGES , 6 CHAPTERS . 257 : Phoenix 28 th Nov 110 , High Street 342 Royal Sussex ... 21 st Xov F . M . IT ., Landport 487 j Portsmouth ... Sth Xov M . II ., Highbury Street 1069 United Brothers 12 th Southsea
! ... Xov Grosvenor House , 1428 j United Service ... 9 th Xov i M . II ., Landport 1776 Landport 15 th Nov | Ditto 1834 ! Duke of Connaught 27 th Nov j Ditto 1903 [ j Pli " wetI' ^ i . Snxe | 20 th Nov | M- H- > Portsmouth 1990 | ' : H : l K ^ jatio , ? ' ° } 10 th > ° ' F - - H ., Landport
2068 [! r ° perance Tem" j 26 th Nov i Sol ,, ior ' Institute , High Street 2074 ; St . Clair ' 19 th Xov F . M . IT ., Landport R . A . C i I 257 Friendship 14 th Xov 110 , High Street 342 I Royal Sussex ... 2 nd Jan F . M . H ., Landport 487 Portsmouth .. 13 th Xov ; M . II ., Portsmouth 1428 ! United Service ... 16 th Xov F . M . H ., Landport 1776 i Landport ... 22 ud Xov Ditto 2068 j ; Portsmouth rem- | (?) Soldier ' s Institute , High Street
SHEFFIELD—5 LODGES , 2 CHAPTERS . 139 Britannia Sth Xov I F . M . H ., Surrey Street 296 Royal Brunswick ... 12 th Xov Ditto 1239 AVentworth ... 5 th Xov 1 Ditto 1779 Ivanhoo 27 th Nov 1 Ditto ( StLeonards
, „ .,, . ( con- ) ,,. ,,. " \ secrated 21 July ) j ( ' - > ; <¦¦> R . A . C . j 139 Paradise 19 th Xov ; F . M . H ., Surrey Street 296 Loyalty 17 th Dec ' Ditto S OUTHAMPTON —5 L ODGES , 3 C HAPTERS
130 Royal Glo ' ster ... Sth Xov M . IT ., Albion Place 359 Peace & Harmony 19 th Xov Ditto 394 Southampton ... 15 th Nov Ditto 785 TwelveBrothers ... 23 rd Nov Ditto 1780 Albert Edward ... 6 th Xov Ditto R . A . C 130 Royal GloucesterTO-DYlst Nov Ditto
359 Peace TO-MOK ., 2 nd Xov Ditto 394 Concord 22 nd Xov Ditto S UNDERLAND —5 L ODGES , 3 C HAPTERS . 80 St . John 13 th Nov : M . II ., Park Terrace
94 Phoenix 7 th Nov , F . M . II ., Queen Sweet 97 Palatine 8 th Nov M . 11 ., Park Terrace 1389 Femviek 16 th Nov Ditto 2039 Londonderry ... 23 rd Nov Ditto R . A . C . 80 St , John ' s 18 th Dec M . H ., Park Terrace 94 Do Lambton ... 29 th Jan F . M . H . 97 Strict Benevolence 15 th Xov j JL H ., Park Terracs