Article THE BOYS' SCHOOL REPORT. ← Page 2 of 2 Article THE MASONIC "POET'S CORNER." Page 1 of 1 Article UNITED GRAND LODGE OF ENGLAND. Page 1 of 1 Article UNITED GRAND LODGE OF ENGLAND. Page 1 of 1
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Boys' School Report.
great measure it is in reliance on the effectual nature of their oversight and control , and in perfect confidence in the care and devotion they have brought to their onerous duties , that Masons have year by year contributed their money . It is through no want of confidence in them , but by their own motion that this Commission has been appointed : and we trust that the forthcoming report will be full confirmation of the wisdom of their management .
The Masonic "Poet's Corner."
To the Editor of THE MASONIC STAB . DEAR SIR AND BROTHER , Whether nature abhors a vacuum or does not . it is quite certain that crery Mason does , and that after labour we all want refreshment , and it is with the view of filling up a possible vacuum in the ' corner " this week , that I have made dilisrent search and discovered
what is certainly not a "ditty . " nor . according to tlie ordinary acceptation of the term , a " lay . " I think it might be catalogued as an ' invocation . " At any rate , whatever its genus or species may be , I enclose a copy of it . Like Wilkie Collins' novel , it has ¦ no name . " but I think it might well be christened ; ' A Masonic Invocation to Fame . " It is Masonic from toil to bottom , more
especially at bottom , and although I think it might be recited with effect by an able elocutionist , it would sound better set to a solemn air . composed by Sir Arthur Sullivan , to whose attention I respectfully call it—oi - to be more grammatical , whose attention I respectfully call to it—in case he is seeking a subject . I trust my research will shortly be rewarded by a singable •¦ ditty , '" which you can "lay" before your admirers , who don't seem to be backing you up lately with poetical contributions . Yours fraternally . 1 ! M , Clapham Road , April 29 th , 1889 . FRIAR TUCK .
Arise ! and blow the trumpet . Fame . ' Freemasonry aloud proclaim To realms and worlds unknown : Tell them 'twas this great David ' s son , The wise , the matchless , Solomon , Prized far above his throne .
The solemn temple's cloud-capt towers . Th' aspiring domes are works of ours , By us those piles were raised : Then bid mankind with song advance , And through th' ethereal vast expanse Let Masonry be praised !
We help the poor in time of need , The naked clothe , the hungry feed , 'Tis our foundation stone : While justice and benevolence , With fortitude and temperance , Adorn and grace the throne !
United Grand Lodge Of England.
The Annual Festival of the United Grand Lodge of Freemasons of England was held on . tlie 24 th mst ., at Freemasons' Hall , London . H . R . H . the Prince of Wales was not able to be present , and his place was taken by the R . W . Bro . Major Goldie Taubman , Speaker of the House of Keys . Provincial Grand Master of the Isle of Man . The Prince of Wales , who was unanimously re-elected Grand
Master at the March meeting , was proclaimed by Bro . Sir Albert Woods ( Garter ) Grand Master for the year ensuing , and the presiding officer then announced that the Grand Master had appointed the M . W . Bro . Earl of Carnarvon as Pro .-Grand Master , and the R . W . Bro . Earl of Lathom as Deputy Grand Master . The other Grand Officers anpointed were Bros . Lord George Hamilton , M . P ., and
Sir J . E . Gorst , M . J ' ., Grand Wardens ; the Hon . and Rev . Francis Byng ( Chaplain to the Speaker of the House of Commons ) , and the Rev . T . B . Spencer Preston , Grand Chaplains ; Edward Terry , Grand Treasurer ; F . A . Philbrick , Q . C , Grand Registrar ; Colonel Shad well Gierke , Grand Secretary ; Dr . Ernest Emil Wendt , Grand Secretary for German Correspondence ; Sir Lionel Darrell and Sir
Polydore de Keyser , senior Grand Deacons ; Colonel Addison Potter , C . H ., and Charles Chester Cheston , Junior Grand Deacons ; Colonel R . W . Edis , Grand Superintendent of Works ; Sir Albert W . Woods ( Garter ) , C . B ., Grand Director of Ceremonies ; C . Belton and G . H . Haydon , Deputy and Assistant Grand Directors of Ceremonies ; Eugene Monteuuis , Grand Sword Bearer ; T . G . Buller and G .
Taylor , Grand Standard Bearers ; M . Maybrick , Grand Organist ; A . A . Pendlebury , Assistant Grand Secretary ; T . W . Whitmarsh and D . D . Mercer , Pursuivants ; and H . Sadler , Grand Tyler . Grand Lodge was duly closed after the new Grand Officers had been invested , and the brethren adjourned to dinner at Freemason ' s Tavern .
Major G oldie Taubman presided , and the company at dinner numbered about 300 . The toast of "The Sister Grand Lodges , " received with great enthusiasm , was acknowledged by Dr . Tarrant , Provincial Grand Master of New South Wales , who bore testimony to the services rendered by Lord Carrington and the Earl of Carnarvon in making Freemasonry as successful as it was at present
in the Colonies . The R . W . Bro . Lord George Hamilton , who was cordially received , responded for the Grand Oflicers , and said that , though he and Sir John Gorst . who , by favour of the Grand Master , had been appointed Wardens in Grand Lodge , might , by prior and more imperative duties , be called to another sphere when they ought otherwise to
be devoting attention to masonic work , the time might come , to use the words of a distinguished statesman , when they would be in a position which gave greater freedom and less responsibility ( cries of " Never " ) . Whenever that period arrived he trusted that he and Sir John Gorst would lie . able to make up for any lapse of duty during the present year , for , if there was one feeling which animated past and present Grand Oflicers . it was to improve the
United Grand Lodge Of England.
organisation and administration of Grand Lodge , and to promote the growth and development of that great brotherhood whose spread in every part of the globe was synonymous with the instincts of charity , hospitality and benevolence . Grand Lodge having been closed , the brethren attended the " feast" provided by the Grand Stewards of the year , the president
of whom Avas the late Lord Mayor , Bro . Sir Polydore de Keyser ; the treasurer , Bro . John Pullman ; and the secretary , Bro . Charles Herbert Shoppee . The company included Bro . Cama , P . G . treas .. Sir R . N . Fowler , M . P ., S . Pope , Q . C , Sir John Monckton . Alderman Savory , Alderman and Sheriff Gray , Dr . Tarrant ( Pro .-Grand Master of New South Wales ) . Dr . Lennox Browne . J . C . Parkinson ,
James Ferry ( Dep .-Grand Master of Aberdeenshire ) . Richard Eve . R . Grey , and other distinguished brethren . The feast was not " tyled " as ladies sat in the gallery for a part of the time , and for them the stewards provided a banquet in another part of the building . The loyal toasts of -: The Queen " and " The Royal Family " and the toast of - Loyalty to the Craft" were given and responded
to . Lord George Hamilton returned thanks for the Grand Officers , and Bro . F . Binckes , secretary of the Royal Benevolent Institution for Boys , responded for the charitable institutions . The brethren then joined the ladies in the throne room , where a concert was given under the direction of Bro . W . A . Barrett , M . B . Oxon , Past Grand Organist .
ROYAL ARCH—SUPREME GRAND CHAPTER . —A Quarterly Convocation , of the Supreme Grand Chapter was appointed to be held at Freemasons' Hall , London , last evening , the 1 st inst . The business of the Agenda comprised the Installation of Principals and appointment and investiture of officers for the ensuing year ; tins reception of the report of the Committee of General Purposes , and
the receipt of petitions for new Chapters as follows : —1 st . —From Comps . William Johnson , as Z . ; Joseph Witham , as II . ; John Hatch , as J . ; and eight others for a chapter to be attached to the Starkie Lodge , No . 1070 , Southport . to be called the Southport Chapter , and to meet at the Masonic Buildings , Lord Street , Southport , Lancashire ( W . D . ) . 2 nd . —From Comps . William James
Runting , as Z . ; George Gordon Ross , as II . ; John Brain , as J . : and six others for a chapter to be attached to the Clarke Lodge , No . 2080 , Melbourne , Victoria , to be called the Clarke Chapter , and to meet at the Freemasons' Hall . Collins Street , Melbourne , in the District of Victoria . 3 rd . —From Comps . Henry Walmsley Little , Mus . Doc . as Z . ; William Clifford , as H . ; John Knowles Hodges
as J . ; and six others for a chapter to be attached to the Sterndale Bennett Lodge , No . 2182 . Camberwell , to be called the Sterndale Bennett Chapter , and to meet at the Surrey Masonic Hall , Camberwell New Road . -tth . —From Comps . James Eadington . as Z . ; Edward Forster , as II . ; James Carmichael . as J . ; and six others for a chapter to be attached to the Blagdon Lodge , No . (> 59 Blyth
, to be called the Blagdon Chapter , and to meet at the Mechanics ' Institute , Blyth , in the county of Northumberland . 5 th . —From Comps . John Read , as Z . ; Charles Bennett Cooper , as H .: Horatio Henry Shirley , as J . ; and seven others for a chapter to be attached to the Cecil Lodge . No . 419 , Hitchin , to be called the Cecil Chapter , and to meet at the Sun . Hotel . HiicMw . Hertfordshire , tith . —From
Comps . the Rev . Richard Peek , as Z . ; Samuel Green Carley , as II . ; William Minter , as J . ; and six others for a chapter to be attached to the Fidelity Lodge , No . 555 , Framlingham , to be called the Henniker Chapter , and to meet at the Crown Hotel , Framlingham , in the county of Suffolk . 7 th . —From Comps . Eugene Monteuuis , ' as Z . ; George Henri Bue . as II . ; Ernest St . Clair , as J . ; and seven
others for a chapter to be attached to the La France Lodge . No . 20 G 0 , to be called the La France Chapter , and to meet at the Regent Masonic Hall , Air Street , Regent Street , London . 8 th . —From Comps . Samuel Victor Abraham , as Z . ; Sigismund Pollitzer . as II . ; Joseph Griinebaum , as J . ; and six others for a chapter to be attached to the Montefiore Lodge . No . 1017 . to be called the
Montefiore Chapter , and to meet at the Regent Masonic Hall Air Street , Regent Street . London . The Committee having recommended these petitions the warrants will doubtless issue in due course . The removal of the following chapters will have most probably been been sanctioned , viz .: — -The Chapter of Fortitude No . 10 . * i , from the Huyshe Masonic Temple , to the Devon and '
Cornwall Freemasons' Hall , 1 . Princes Square , Plymouth ; the Union Waterloo Chapter . No . 13 . Woolwich , from the Freemasons ' Hall , Woolwich , to the new Masonic Hall , Plumstead , Kent ; the Grove Chapter , No . 110 , from the Swan Hotel . Leatherhead . to the Spring Hotel , Ewell , in the Province of Surrey ; and the Old King ' s Arms Chapter , No . 28 , from the Freemasons' Tavern , to the Freemasons' Hall . Great Queen Street . In consequence of the formation
and recognition of a Grand Lodge of New South Wales , there are no longer English Craft Lodges in that colony to which the Chapters meeting in New South Wales can be attached , as required by Article 45 , Royal Arch Regulations , and the Charters of tlie Chapters , Nos . 390 , 547 , 817 . 1053 , 1 ( 151 , I 7 ( i 2 , 1795 , ] S 9 S . and 1943 . will be withdrawn and cancelled , and the chapters erased from the Register of the Grand Chapter .
The Annual General Meeting of the Royal Masonic Institution , for general business and the Election of Candidates , will take place at Freemasons'Hall , London , on Fridav . the 17 th inst .. at 12 noon
precisely . Ihe poll will close at 3 p . m . The General Committee of the R . M . Benevolent Institution will meet at Freemason ' s Hall , London , at 4 p . m ., on Wednesday next the 8 th inst .
Ihe General Committee of the R . M . I . Boys will meet at Freemasons' Hall , at 4 p . m ., on Saturday , the 4 th inst . The Festival of the Royal Masonic Institution for Girls will be held at Freemasons' Hall , on Wednesday next , the 8 th inst ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Boys' School Report.
great measure it is in reliance on the effectual nature of their oversight and control , and in perfect confidence in the care and devotion they have brought to their onerous duties , that Masons have year by year contributed their money . It is through no want of confidence in them , but by their own motion that this Commission has been appointed : and we trust that the forthcoming report will be full confirmation of the wisdom of their management .
The Masonic "Poet's Corner."
To the Editor of THE MASONIC STAB . DEAR SIR AND BROTHER , Whether nature abhors a vacuum or does not . it is quite certain that crery Mason does , and that after labour we all want refreshment , and it is with the view of filling up a possible vacuum in the ' corner " this week , that I have made dilisrent search and discovered
what is certainly not a "ditty . " nor . according to tlie ordinary acceptation of the term , a " lay . " I think it might be catalogued as an ' invocation . " At any rate , whatever its genus or species may be , I enclose a copy of it . Like Wilkie Collins' novel , it has ¦ no name . " but I think it might well be christened ; ' A Masonic Invocation to Fame . " It is Masonic from toil to bottom , more
especially at bottom , and although I think it might be recited with effect by an able elocutionist , it would sound better set to a solemn air . composed by Sir Arthur Sullivan , to whose attention I respectfully call it—oi - to be more grammatical , whose attention I respectfully call to it—in case he is seeking a subject . I trust my research will shortly be rewarded by a singable •¦ ditty , '" which you can "lay" before your admirers , who don't seem to be backing you up lately with poetical contributions . Yours fraternally . 1 ! M , Clapham Road , April 29 th , 1889 . FRIAR TUCK .
Arise ! and blow the trumpet . Fame . ' Freemasonry aloud proclaim To realms and worlds unknown : Tell them 'twas this great David ' s son , The wise , the matchless , Solomon , Prized far above his throne .
The solemn temple's cloud-capt towers . Th' aspiring domes are works of ours , By us those piles were raised : Then bid mankind with song advance , And through th' ethereal vast expanse Let Masonry be praised !
We help the poor in time of need , The naked clothe , the hungry feed , 'Tis our foundation stone : While justice and benevolence , With fortitude and temperance , Adorn and grace the throne !
United Grand Lodge Of England.
The Annual Festival of the United Grand Lodge of Freemasons of England was held on . tlie 24 th mst ., at Freemasons' Hall , London . H . R . H . the Prince of Wales was not able to be present , and his place was taken by the R . W . Bro . Major Goldie Taubman , Speaker of the House of Keys . Provincial Grand Master of the Isle of Man . The Prince of Wales , who was unanimously re-elected Grand
Master at the March meeting , was proclaimed by Bro . Sir Albert Woods ( Garter ) Grand Master for the year ensuing , and the presiding officer then announced that the Grand Master had appointed the M . W . Bro . Earl of Carnarvon as Pro .-Grand Master , and the R . W . Bro . Earl of Lathom as Deputy Grand Master . The other Grand Officers anpointed were Bros . Lord George Hamilton , M . P ., and
Sir J . E . Gorst , M . J ' ., Grand Wardens ; the Hon . and Rev . Francis Byng ( Chaplain to the Speaker of the House of Commons ) , and the Rev . T . B . Spencer Preston , Grand Chaplains ; Edward Terry , Grand Treasurer ; F . A . Philbrick , Q . C , Grand Registrar ; Colonel Shad well Gierke , Grand Secretary ; Dr . Ernest Emil Wendt , Grand Secretary for German Correspondence ; Sir Lionel Darrell and Sir
Polydore de Keyser , senior Grand Deacons ; Colonel Addison Potter , C . H ., and Charles Chester Cheston , Junior Grand Deacons ; Colonel R . W . Edis , Grand Superintendent of Works ; Sir Albert W . Woods ( Garter ) , C . B ., Grand Director of Ceremonies ; C . Belton and G . H . Haydon , Deputy and Assistant Grand Directors of Ceremonies ; Eugene Monteuuis , Grand Sword Bearer ; T . G . Buller and G .
Taylor , Grand Standard Bearers ; M . Maybrick , Grand Organist ; A . A . Pendlebury , Assistant Grand Secretary ; T . W . Whitmarsh and D . D . Mercer , Pursuivants ; and H . Sadler , Grand Tyler . Grand Lodge was duly closed after the new Grand Officers had been invested , and the brethren adjourned to dinner at Freemason ' s Tavern .
Major G oldie Taubman presided , and the company at dinner numbered about 300 . The toast of "The Sister Grand Lodges , " received with great enthusiasm , was acknowledged by Dr . Tarrant , Provincial Grand Master of New South Wales , who bore testimony to the services rendered by Lord Carrington and the Earl of Carnarvon in making Freemasonry as successful as it was at present
in the Colonies . The R . W . Bro . Lord George Hamilton , who was cordially received , responded for the Grand Oflicers , and said that , though he and Sir John Gorst . who , by favour of the Grand Master , had been appointed Wardens in Grand Lodge , might , by prior and more imperative duties , be called to another sphere when they ought otherwise to
be devoting attention to masonic work , the time might come , to use the words of a distinguished statesman , when they would be in a position which gave greater freedom and less responsibility ( cries of " Never " ) . Whenever that period arrived he trusted that he and Sir John Gorst would lie . able to make up for any lapse of duty during the present year , for , if there was one feeling which animated past and present Grand Oflicers . it was to improve the
United Grand Lodge Of England.
organisation and administration of Grand Lodge , and to promote the growth and development of that great brotherhood whose spread in every part of the globe was synonymous with the instincts of charity , hospitality and benevolence . Grand Lodge having been closed , the brethren attended the " feast" provided by the Grand Stewards of the year , the president
of whom Avas the late Lord Mayor , Bro . Sir Polydore de Keyser ; the treasurer , Bro . John Pullman ; and the secretary , Bro . Charles Herbert Shoppee . The company included Bro . Cama , P . G . treas .. Sir R . N . Fowler , M . P ., S . Pope , Q . C , Sir John Monckton . Alderman Savory , Alderman and Sheriff Gray , Dr . Tarrant ( Pro .-Grand Master of New South Wales ) . Dr . Lennox Browne . J . C . Parkinson ,
James Ferry ( Dep .-Grand Master of Aberdeenshire ) . Richard Eve . R . Grey , and other distinguished brethren . The feast was not " tyled " as ladies sat in the gallery for a part of the time , and for them the stewards provided a banquet in another part of the building . The loyal toasts of -: The Queen " and " The Royal Family " and the toast of - Loyalty to the Craft" were given and responded
to . Lord George Hamilton returned thanks for the Grand Officers , and Bro . F . Binckes , secretary of the Royal Benevolent Institution for Boys , responded for the charitable institutions . The brethren then joined the ladies in the throne room , where a concert was given under the direction of Bro . W . A . Barrett , M . B . Oxon , Past Grand Organist .
ROYAL ARCH—SUPREME GRAND CHAPTER . —A Quarterly Convocation , of the Supreme Grand Chapter was appointed to be held at Freemasons' Hall , London , last evening , the 1 st inst . The business of the Agenda comprised the Installation of Principals and appointment and investiture of officers for the ensuing year ; tins reception of the report of the Committee of General Purposes , and
the receipt of petitions for new Chapters as follows : —1 st . —From Comps . William Johnson , as Z . ; Joseph Witham , as II . ; John Hatch , as J . ; and eight others for a chapter to be attached to the Starkie Lodge , No . 1070 , Southport . to be called the Southport Chapter , and to meet at the Masonic Buildings , Lord Street , Southport , Lancashire ( W . D . ) . 2 nd . —From Comps . William James
Runting , as Z . ; George Gordon Ross , as II . ; John Brain , as J . : and six others for a chapter to be attached to the Clarke Lodge , No . 2080 , Melbourne , Victoria , to be called the Clarke Chapter , and to meet at the Freemasons' Hall . Collins Street , Melbourne , in the District of Victoria . 3 rd . —From Comps . Henry Walmsley Little , Mus . Doc . as Z . ; William Clifford , as H . ; John Knowles Hodges
as J . ; and six others for a chapter to be attached to the Sterndale Bennett Lodge , No . 2182 . Camberwell , to be called the Sterndale Bennett Chapter , and to meet at the Surrey Masonic Hall , Camberwell New Road . -tth . —From Comps . James Eadington . as Z . ; Edward Forster , as II . ; James Carmichael . as J . ; and six others for a chapter to be attached to the Blagdon Lodge , No . (> 59 Blyth
, to be called the Blagdon Chapter , and to meet at the Mechanics ' Institute , Blyth , in the county of Northumberland . 5 th . —From Comps . John Read , as Z . ; Charles Bennett Cooper , as H .: Horatio Henry Shirley , as J . ; and seven others for a chapter to be attached to the Cecil Lodge . No . 419 , Hitchin , to be called the Cecil Chapter , and to meet at the Sun . Hotel . HiicMw . Hertfordshire , tith . —From
Comps . the Rev . Richard Peek , as Z . ; Samuel Green Carley , as II . ; William Minter , as J . ; and six others for a chapter to be attached to the Fidelity Lodge , No . 555 , Framlingham , to be called the Henniker Chapter , and to meet at the Crown Hotel , Framlingham , in the county of Suffolk . 7 th . —From Comps . Eugene Monteuuis , ' as Z . ; George Henri Bue . as II . ; Ernest St . Clair , as J . ; and seven
others for a chapter to be attached to the La France Lodge . No . 20 G 0 , to be called the La France Chapter , and to meet at the Regent Masonic Hall , Air Street , Regent Street , London . 8 th . —From Comps . Samuel Victor Abraham , as Z . ; Sigismund Pollitzer . as II . ; Joseph Griinebaum , as J . ; and six others for a chapter to be attached to the Montefiore Lodge . No . 1017 . to be called the
Montefiore Chapter , and to meet at the Regent Masonic Hall Air Street , Regent Street . London . The Committee having recommended these petitions the warrants will doubtless issue in due course . The removal of the following chapters will have most probably been been sanctioned , viz .: — -The Chapter of Fortitude No . 10 . * i , from the Huyshe Masonic Temple , to the Devon and '
Cornwall Freemasons' Hall , 1 . Princes Square , Plymouth ; the Union Waterloo Chapter . No . 13 . Woolwich , from the Freemasons ' Hall , Woolwich , to the new Masonic Hall , Plumstead , Kent ; the Grove Chapter , No . 110 , from the Swan Hotel . Leatherhead . to the Spring Hotel , Ewell , in the Province of Surrey ; and the Old King ' s Arms Chapter , No . 28 , from the Freemasons' Tavern , to the Freemasons' Hall . Great Queen Street . In consequence of the formation
and recognition of a Grand Lodge of New South Wales , there are no longer English Craft Lodges in that colony to which the Chapters meeting in New South Wales can be attached , as required by Article 45 , Royal Arch Regulations , and the Charters of tlie Chapters , Nos . 390 , 547 , 817 . 1053 , 1 ( 151 , I 7 ( i 2 , 1795 , ] S 9 S . and 1943 . will be withdrawn and cancelled , and the chapters erased from the Register of the Grand Chapter .
The Annual General Meeting of the Royal Masonic Institution , for general business and the Election of Candidates , will take place at Freemasons'Hall , London , on Fridav . the 17 th inst .. at 12 noon
precisely . Ihe poll will close at 3 p . m . The General Committee of the R . M . Benevolent Institution will meet at Freemason ' s Hall , London , at 4 p . m ., on Wednesday next the 8 th inst .
Ihe General Committee of the R . M . I . Boys will meet at Freemasons' Hall , at 4 p . m ., on Saturday , the 4 th inst . The Festival of the Royal Masonic Institution for Girls will be held at Freemasons' Hall , on Wednesday next , the 8 th inst ,