Article Reports of Lodges, &c. Page 1 of 2 Article Reports of Lodges, &c. Page 1 of 2 Article Metropolitan Lodge and Chapter Meetings for the Current Week. Page 1 of 1
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Reports Of Lodges, &C.
Reports of Lodges , & c .
METROPOLITAN . RAVEXSBOUKXE—No . 1 ( 501 . —The installation meeting of this prosperous lodge was held at the Board of Works' Offices . Catford .
S . L ., on the 2 ( ith inst ., Bro . Geo . W . Murnane , W . M ., presiding . There 'was a very good attendance of members and visitors , and with the exception of ordinary routine business , the installation ceremony alone occupied tlie attention of tlie brethren . Bro . Jno . A . P . Ingoldby , Past S . AV ., was installed into the chair of K . S ., as W . M . for the ensuing year , and his officers were invested in the
following order , viz . : Bros . Grazebrook , S . W . and Wright , J . W . ; AV . Bros . Wm . Geo . Lemon , P . M .. treas ., and Magnus Ohren , P . M ., sec . ; Bros . H . T . Bonner and A ' an Putten , Deacons ; Hernali , I . G-., and H . Shaw , tvler . A Past Master ' s iewel was uresented to
AV . Bro . G . AV . Montane , as a mark of esteem and regard from the members on the termination of his year of office . The installation banquet was held at the Holborn Restaurant , AV . C ., where the remainder of a very pleasant evening was spent under the presidency of tlie new master . The musical arrangements were directed ) iy lira . , T . A . Brown , amongst tlie vocalists being Bros . Albert
James and I * red Bevan , and gave general satisfaction . On Wedncsdiiy , the 24 th ulto ., a return visit was paid by the members of the Star Lodge of Instruction to the Ravensbourne Lodge of Instruction . Present—Bros . AValter Martin , Bird , Morley Humphreys , Newell , Waterman , AAllkinson , Beat , Lazarus and Talbot , of the Star : and Noves . Visger . Scott . Blanchard , Pickering ,
McCarthy . Shelton , Drew , Hardy-Smith , Clark , Norris , Skudder and Atkins , of the Ravensbourne Lodge of Instruction , and others . The lodge was opened in the first degree , and the minutes of the last meeting read and confirmed . Bro . AA alter Martin vacated the chair in favor of Bro . "Waterman , who opened in the third degree , and worked the ceremony of Raising . The lodge was then resumed-to the first degree , when Bro . Talbot worked the ceremony of
Initiation . The following brethren were elected members—Bros . Waterman , of the Justice Lodge 147 ; AA . J . Newell , of the Mount Lebanon Lodge 73 , and Lazarus , AVilkinson and Best , of the Southwark Lodge 87 ' . ) . At the conclusion of the meeting it was unanimously resolved that a hearty vote of thanks be accorded the visiting brethren for the able way they had worked the ceremonies . Bro . AV . J . Newell acted as organist , and the musical portion was well rendered .
STAB CHAPTER . —No . 1275 . —The usual convocation of this chapter was held on Tuesday , 23 rd ult ., at The Ship , Greenwich . Present : —Comps . J . Addington , M . E . Z . ; Hilton , P . Z .. Acting II .: Crook . J . ; Capt . C . AVoolmer Williams . P . Z .. S . E . : Benedetti , S . N . ; Carl Fleck . P . S . ; Meierhoff . 1 st A . S . : Charlie Woods . 2 nd A . S .:
Elliott . P . Z . ; Grummant . P . Z . : Towers ; C . H . Stone : Dr . Makeham ; North ; and Patrick , janitor . Comp . Elliott was presented with a P . Z . jewel . The companions afterwards dined together under the presidency of Comp . Addington . and a very happy evening was spent .
Reports Of Lodges, &C.
STAR CHAPTER OF INSTRUCTION . —No . 1275 . —On Friday , the 2 ( 5 th ult ., at the Stirling Castle , Camberwell . Present : —Comps . Neeld , P . Z ., M . E . Z . : Grummant . P . Z ., H . ; F . Hilton , P . Z ., J . and Preceptor ; C . H . Stone , S . E . ; Stone , S . N . ; C . AVoods , P . S . ; and J . Addington , M . E . Z ., 1275 . The ceremony of exaltation was rehearsed . Comp . Addington , candidate . Comp . Grummant was elected M . E . Z . for the meeting on Friday next ( to-morrow ) .
i The Tredegar Lodge of Instruction , No . 1 ( 525 , worked the Fifteen Sections in good style , on the 25 th ult ., at the AA ' elling'fcon Arms , Bow Road . London , Bro . J . Moloney , S . AV . of 1 ( 525 , presiding as Section Master . Bros . AA . Musto , P . M . 1340 , and B . Da Costa , J . AV . 1340 , occupied the respective AVarden ' s chairs . Bro . B . Stewart , P . M . 1278 . assisted as I . P . M ., and Bro . Charles Nash FoxS . D . 1340 .
, officiated as Hon . Sec . The evening ' s work was of a highly instructive character . PROVINCIAL . MIDDLESEX . —SUNBURY LODGE . —No . 1733 . —The installation
! meeting of this lodge was held at the Magpie Hotel , Sunbury-on-Thames . on AVednesday , the 21 th inst . Bro . F . C . Austin AVell opened the lodge , supported by Bros . Forty , S . AA .. AA . M . elect : Covell . J . AV . : Clark , treas . ; Phillips . P . M . 975 . 2032 , sec . ; Fisk . S . D . : Jobbett . J . D .: AVebster . I . G . : Tucker . I . P . M . : Blackburn .
P . M ., P . P . G . S . B .. Middx .: Raymond II . Thrupp , Dep . P . G . M . : and about 30 other brethren and visitors , amongst whom were : —Bros , Axford . AV . M . Hornsey SO !) : L . Conbro . P . M . Clapton 13 ( 55 ; Blasbv . P . M .. 780 . 2032 * : Hopkins . 1512 . & c . Ballots were taken for Bros . Col . Harfield , P . M ., 143 , and A . Stearns , P . M ., 1 ( 537 , as joining members , Avhich was unanimous in their favour . Mr .
A . Aubert was duly initiated into Freemasonry by the AV . M .. after which the AA . M . proceeded to instal Bro . Forty into the chair of K . S . The officers for the ensuing year were invested in the following order : —Bros . Covill , S . AV . ; Fisk , J . AV . ; Clark , treas . ; Phillips , sec . ; Jebbitt , S . D .: AVebster , J . D . ; AV . Clifford , I . G . ; AVilkins , D . C . ; Cathrow , S . ; and Sapsworth , A . S . The AV . M . then presented the retiring AV . M ., Bro . Austin , with an elegant P . M . jeivel , voted to
him by the lodge at the previous meeting , to mark the appreciation of the brethren of his services for the past year . ' The banquet was served in the usual admirable style for Avhich the host , Bro . Freeman , is celebrated , after which the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were proposed and duly honoured . DURHAM . —On Easter Monday night a grand full dress Masonic ball was given by the Rose of Raby Lodge , No . 1 ( 550 , in the Scarth Memorial Hall , Staindrop , in aid of the Masonic Charities . The
large room Avas decorated with Masonic devices , surmounted by flags of all nations , the placing and arranging of which reflected the highest credit on Bro . T . AA ' ood , of Darlington , under whose i superintendence the decorations were carried out . The orchestra 1 Avas tastefully arranged with palms , ferns , and other plants , kindly
lent for the occasion by AV . T . Scarth , Esq ., J . J ' ., D . L . and C . C Dancing commenced punctually at 8 . 30 p . m ., the ball being opened by Bro . J . P . Daley , AV . M . 1 ( 550 , and Mrs . Swales , to the beautiful strains of Bro . Boynes' band , and was spiritedly kept up till 4 a . m . Appended is a list of those present : —M . C . ' s Bros . J . K . AVilkes .
Metropolitan Lodge And Chapter Meetings For The Current Week.
Metropolitan Lodge and Chapter Meetings for the Current Week .
" All Lodges held within Ten Miles of FREEMASONS'HALL , LONDON , are LONDON LODGES . "—General Laws and Regulations . Lodge P ^ AJrE 0 P IjonGE ANO C HAPTER . P LACE OP M EETING . Lodge \^ op IJ 0 DGB AND C HAPTER . P LACE OP M EETING .
( THIS DAY ) ( 1 st ) THURSDAY , MAY 2 nd . 10 AVestminster and Keystone ... F . M . II . 27 Egyptian Anderton ' s Hotel , E . C . 45 Strong Man M . H . Tav ., l ' . asingliall Street , E . C . 2 : il St . Andrews F . M . II . 551 Yarborongh Green DragonStepney
, 1155 Excelsior White Swan Tav ., Dejltford 1288 Finsbury Park Cock Tav ., Highbury , X . 1 XC 1 United Service Cafe Itoyal , Regent Street , AV . M 25 Hyde Park The Westhourni ' , Craven Road , W . 1115 Prince Leopold Three Nuns Hot ., Aldgate , E . C . 1721 1 Kaiser-i-Hind Cafe Roval . Regent Street , \ V . 17 ( 15 Trinity College 13 , Mandeville Place , W . 1790 Old England MITNew Thornton H ' tli 11 Croydon
. ., , r . 11 ) 50 Southgate Railway Hot ., New Sonthgate R . A . C . 9 Mount Moriali ... Albion Tav ., Aldersgate Street , E . C . 17-1 ; Sincerity London Tav ., Fcnelnirch St ., E . C . 1507 I Metropolitan Anderton ' s Hot ., Elect Street , E . C .
( 1 st ) FRIDAY , MAY 3 rd . 700 Florence Nightingale M . IL , AVilliam Street , Woolwich 2 I 7 G Quntuor Coronatl V . M . 1 J . ¦ 22 : iS Old AYeslminsters' Cafe Royal , Regent Street , AV . R . A . C . 3 Fidelity F . M . T . '
8 British F . M . IL ( 1 st ) SATURDAY , MAY 4 th . 1-12 St . Thomas ' s ' Caution Street Hotel , K . C . 2182 Sterndale Bennett : Surrey M . IL , Camberwell ! 202 Regent ' s Park I York & Albany Hot ., Gloster . Gatc , N . W .
( 1 st ) MONDAY , MAY ( 1 th . 10 Royal Alpha Willis ' s Rooms , St . James ' s , AV . 72 Rovul Jubilee Anderton ' s Hot ., Fleet Street , K . C . IKS . Idj ' ipa F . M . T . 20 C Unions F . ALII . 1319 Asaph Ditto 11 * 21 Wickham i St . Peter ' s Hall . AVickham Pk ., Erock 1 ey 1990 Priory of Acton | lioyal Assembly Rooms , Acton 2098 Harlesden ' National School , Harlesden
( 1 st ) TUESDAY , MAY 7 th . 18 Royal York of Perseverance ... Albion Tav ., Aldersgate Street , E . C . 171 Amity Ship Hot ., Greenwich 1257 firosvenor F . M . IT . 1259 Duke of Edinburgh Cape of flood Hope Tav ., Comrel . Rd ., E . 1201 Golden Rule Cat ' ii Royal , Regent Street , \ V . 1002 lleaconslield
Chequers , Waltliamstow 2032 Richmond Station Mot ., Richmond , Surrey 2128 United Northern Counties ... Inns of Court Hot ., AV . C . 21 Mo Savage Club F . M . H . R . A . C . 1159 Marquis of Dalhousie 33 , Golden Square , AV . Mark . 1 St . Mark's 8 a , Red Lion Sq ., AV . C .
( 2 nd ) WEDNESDAY , MAY Sth . 3 Fidelity : F . M . H . 13 Union Waterloo M . 1 L , AVilliam Street , AVoolwich 15 Kent F . M . IT . 781 Merchant Navy ... Silver Tav ., Burdctt Rd ., Limehonso , E . 820 Lily of Richmond Greyhound Hotel , Richmond 1300 St . John Three Nuns Hot ., Aldgate , E .
1029 United : F . M . H . J 091 Imperial I Pier Hotel , Oakley Street , Chelsea 19 H 0 Honor Oak I AVhite Swan Hot ., Upper Norwood R . A . C . 857 St . Marks Surrey M . IL , Camberwell 1305 St . Marylebono Cafe Royal , Regent Street , AV . 1140 Mount Edgcmnbe j 191 , Bishopsgate St ., E . C . Mark . 281 IIigli Cross J Seven Sister ' s Hot ., Tottenham , N .
( 2 nd ) THURSDAY , MAY «) th . 19 Royal Atlielstim Cannon Street Hot ., E . C . 200 Friendship Ship and Turtle , Leadenhall St ., E . C . 238 Pilgrim F . M . II . 879 Southwark Bridge House Hot ., S . E . 1070 Capper Guildhall Tav ., Gresham Street , E . C . 1210 Macdotiald 1 st Surrey Rilles , Ciunberwe ! I
1558 Duke of Connaught Surrey M . IL , Camberwell 1012 Earl of Carnarvon Ladbroke Hall , Notting Hill 2033 University of London F . M . H . 210 S Derby Allcroft Atheiia-um , Camden Road , N . Mark . 331 Davison 8 a , Red Lion Square , AV . C . K . T . 117 New Temple Inner Temple , Fleet Street , E . C .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Reports Of Lodges, &C.
Reports of Lodges , & c .
METROPOLITAN . RAVEXSBOUKXE—No . 1 ( 501 . —The installation meeting of this prosperous lodge was held at the Board of Works' Offices . Catford .
S . L ., on the 2 ( ith inst ., Bro . Geo . W . Murnane , W . M ., presiding . There 'was a very good attendance of members and visitors , and with the exception of ordinary routine business , the installation ceremony alone occupied tlie attention of tlie brethren . Bro . Jno . A . P . Ingoldby , Past S . AV ., was installed into the chair of K . S ., as W . M . for the ensuing year , and his officers were invested in the
following order , viz . : Bros . Grazebrook , S . W . and Wright , J . W . ; AV . Bros . Wm . Geo . Lemon , P . M .. treas ., and Magnus Ohren , P . M ., sec . ; Bros . H . T . Bonner and A ' an Putten , Deacons ; Hernali , I . G-., and H . Shaw , tvler . A Past Master ' s iewel was uresented to
AV . Bro . G . AV . Montane , as a mark of esteem and regard from the members on the termination of his year of office . The installation banquet was held at the Holborn Restaurant , AV . C ., where the remainder of a very pleasant evening was spent under the presidency of tlie new master . The musical arrangements were directed ) iy lira . , T . A . Brown , amongst tlie vocalists being Bros . Albert
James and I * red Bevan , and gave general satisfaction . On Wedncsdiiy , the 24 th ulto ., a return visit was paid by the members of the Star Lodge of Instruction to the Ravensbourne Lodge of Instruction . Present—Bros . AValter Martin , Bird , Morley Humphreys , Newell , Waterman , AAllkinson , Beat , Lazarus and Talbot , of the Star : and Noves . Visger . Scott . Blanchard , Pickering ,
McCarthy . Shelton , Drew , Hardy-Smith , Clark , Norris , Skudder and Atkins , of the Ravensbourne Lodge of Instruction , and others . The lodge was opened in the first degree , and the minutes of the last meeting read and confirmed . Bro . AA alter Martin vacated the chair in favor of Bro . "Waterman , who opened in the third degree , and worked the ceremony of Raising . The lodge was then resumed-to the first degree , when Bro . Talbot worked the ceremony of
Initiation . The following brethren were elected members—Bros . Waterman , of the Justice Lodge 147 ; AA . J . Newell , of the Mount Lebanon Lodge 73 , and Lazarus , AVilkinson and Best , of the Southwark Lodge 87 ' . ) . At the conclusion of the meeting it was unanimously resolved that a hearty vote of thanks be accorded the visiting brethren for the able way they had worked the ceremonies . Bro . AV . J . Newell acted as organist , and the musical portion was well rendered .
STAB CHAPTER . —No . 1275 . —The usual convocation of this chapter was held on Tuesday , 23 rd ult ., at The Ship , Greenwich . Present : —Comps . J . Addington , M . E . Z . ; Hilton , P . Z .. Acting II .: Crook . J . ; Capt . C . AVoolmer Williams . P . Z .. S . E . : Benedetti , S . N . ; Carl Fleck . P . S . ; Meierhoff . 1 st A . S . : Charlie Woods . 2 nd A . S .:
Elliott . P . Z . ; Grummant . P . Z . : Towers ; C . H . Stone : Dr . Makeham ; North ; and Patrick , janitor . Comp . Elliott was presented with a P . Z . jewel . The companions afterwards dined together under the presidency of Comp . Addington . and a very happy evening was spent .
Reports Of Lodges, &C.
STAR CHAPTER OF INSTRUCTION . —No . 1275 . —On Friday , the 2 ( 5 th ult ., at the Stirling Castle , Camberwell . Present : —Comps . Neeld , P . Z ., M . E . Z . : Grummant . P . Z ., H . ; F . Hilton , P . Z ., J . and Preceptor ; C . H . Stone , S . E . ; Stone , S . N . ; C . AVoods , P . S . ; and J . Addington , M . E . Z ., 1275 . The ceremony of exaltation was rehearsed . Comp . Addington , candidate . Comp . Grummant was elected M . E . Z . for the meeting on Friday next ( to-morrow ) .
i The Tredegar Lodge of Instruction , No . 1 ( 525 , worked the Fifteen Sections in good style , on the 25 th ult ., at the AA ' elling'fcon Arms , Bow Road . London , Bro . J . Moloney , S . AV . of 1 ( 525 , presiding as Section Master . Bros . AA . Musto , P . M . 1340 , and B . Da Costa , J . AV . 1340 , occupied the respective AVarden ' s chairs . Bro . B . Stewart , P . M . 1278 . assisted as I . P . M ., and Bro . Charles Nash FoxS . D . 1340 .
, officiated as Hon . Sec . The evening ' s work was of a highly instructive character . PROVINCIAL . MIDDLESEX . —SUNBURY LODGE . —No . 1733 . —The installation
! meeting of this lodge was held at the Magpie Hotel , Sunbury-on-Thames . on AVednesday , the 21 th inst . Bro . F . C . Austin AVell opened the lodge , supported by Bros . Forty , S . AA .. AA . M . elect : Covell . J . AV . : Clark , treas . ; Phillips . P . M . 975 . 2032 , sec . ; Fisk . S . D . : Jobbett . J . D .: AVebster . I . G . : Tucker . I . P . M . : Blackburn .
P . M ., P . P . G . S . B .. Middx .: Raymond II . Thrupp , Dep . P . G . M . : and about 30 other brethren and visitors , amongst whom were : —Bros , Axford . AV . M . Hornsey SO !) : L . Conbro . P . M . Clapton 13 ( 55 ; Blasbv . P . M .. 780 . 2032 * : Hopkins . 1512 . & c . Ballots were taken for Bros . Col . Harfield , P . M ., 143 , and A . Stearns , P . M ., 1 ( 537 , as joining members , Avhich was unanimous in their favour . Mr .
A . Aubert was duly initiated into Freemasonry by the AV . M .. after which the AA . M . proceeded to instal Bro . Forty into the chair of K . S . The officers for the ensuing year were invested in the following order : —Bros . Covill , S . AV . ; Fisk , J . AV . ; Clark , treas . ; Phillips , sec . ; Jebbitt , S . D .: AVebster , J . D . ; AV . Clifford , I . G . ; AVilkins , D . C . ; Cathrow , S . ; and Sapsworth , A . S . The AV . M . then presented the retiring AV . M ., Bro . Austin , with an elegant P . M . jeivel , voted to
him by the lodge at the previous meeting , to mark the appreciation of the brethren of his services for the past year . ' The banquet was served in the usual admirable style for Avhich the host , Bro . Freeman , is celebrated , after which the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were proposed and duly honoured . DURHAM . —On Easter Monday night a grand full dress Masonic ball was given by the Rose of Raby Lodge , No . 1 ( 550 , in the Scarth Memorial Hall , Staindrop , in aid of the Masonic Charities . The
large room Avas decorated with Masonic devices , surmounted by flags of all nations , the placing and arranging of which reflected the highest credit on Bro . T . AA ' ood , of Darlington , under whose i superintendence the decorations were carried out . The orchestra 1 Avas tastefully arranged with palms , ferns , and other plants , kindly
lent for the occasion by AV . T . Scarth , Esq ., J . J ' ., D . L . and C . C Dancing commenced punctually at 8 . 30 p . m ., the ball being opened by Bro . J . P . Daley , AV . M . 1 ( 550 , and Mrs . Swales , to the beautiful strains of Bro . Boynes' band , and was spiritedly kept up till 4 a . m . Appended is a list of those present : —M . C . ' s Bros . J . K . AVilkes .
Metropolitan Lodge And Chapter Meetings For The Current Week.
Metropolitan Lodge and Chapter Meetings for the Current Week .
" All Lodges held within Ten Miles of FREEMASONS'HALL , LONDON , are LONDON LODGES . "—General Laws and Regulations . Lodge P ^ AJrE 0 P IjonGE ANO C HAPTER . P LACE OP M EETING . Lodge \^ op IJ 0 DGB AND C HAPTER . P LACE OP M EETING .
( THIS DAY ) ( 1 st ) THURSDAY , MAY 2 nd . 10 AVestminster and Keystone ... F . M . II . 27 Egyptian Anderton ' s Hotel , E . C . 45 Strong Man M . H . Tav ., l ' . asingliall Street , E . C . 2 : il St . Andrews F . M . II . 551 Yarborongh Green DragonStepney
, 1155 Excelsior White Swan Tav ., Dejltford 1288 Finsbury Park Cock Tav ., Highbury , X . 1 XC 1 United Service Cafe Itoyal , Regent Street , AV . M 25 Hyde Park The Westhourni ' , Craven Road , W . 1115 Prince Leopold Three Nuns Hot ., Aldgate , E . C . 1721 1 Kaiser-i-Hind Cafe Roval . Regent Street , \ V . 17 ( 15 Trinity College 13 , Mandeville Place , W . 1790 Old England MITNew Thornton H ' tli 11 Croydon
. ., , r . 11 ) 50 Southgate Railway Hot ., New Sonthgate R . A . C . 9 Mount Moriali ... Albion Tav ., Aldersgate Street , E . C . 17-1 ; Sincerity London Tav ., Fcnelnirch St ., E . C . 1507 I Metropolitan Anderton ' s Hot ., Elect Street , E . C .
( 1 st ) FRIDAY , MAY 3 rd . 700 Florence Nightingale M . IL , AVilliam Street , Woolwich 2 I 7 G Quntuor Coronatl V . M . 1 J . ¦ 22 : iS Old AYeslminsters' Cafe Royal , Regent Street , AV . R . A . C . 3 Fidelity F . M . T . '
8 British F . M . IL ( 1 st ) SATURDAY , MAY 4 th . 1-12 St . Thomas ' s ' Caution Street Hotel , K . C . 2182 Sterndale Bennett : Surrey M . IL , Camberwell ! 202 Regent ' s Park I York & Albany Hot ., Gloster . Gatc , N . W .
( 1 st ) MONDAY , MAY ( 1 th . 10 Royal Alpha Willis ' s Rooms , St . James ' s , AV . 72 Rovul Jubilee Anderton ' s Hot ., Fleet Street , K . C . IKS . Idj ' ipa F . M . T . 20 C Unions F . ALII . 1319 Asaph Ditto 11 * 21 Wickham i St . Peter ' s Hall . AVickham Pk ., Erock 1 ey 1990 Priory of Acton | lioyal Assembly Rooms , Acton 2098 Harlesden ' National School , Harlesden
( 1 st ) TUESDAY , MAY 7 th . 18 Royal York of Perseverance ... Albion Tav ., Aldersgate Street , E . C . 171 Amity Ship Hot ., Greenwich 1257 firosvenor F . M . IT . 1259 Duke of Edinburgh Cape of flood Hope Tav ., Comrel . Rd ., E . 1201 Golden Rule Cat ' ii Royal , Regent Street , \ V . 1002 lleaconslield
Chequers , Waltliamstow 2032 Richmond Station Mot ., Richmond , Surrey 2128 United Northern Counties ... Inns of Court Hot ., AV . C . 21 Mo Savage Club F . M . H . R . A . C . 1159 Marquis of Dalhousie 33 , Golden Square , AV . Mark . 1 St . Mark's 8 a , Red Lion Sq ., AV . C .
( 2 nd ) WEDNESDAY , MAY Sth . 3 Fidelity : F . M . H . 13 Union Waterloo M . 1 L , AVilliam Street , AVoolwich 15 Kent F . M . IT . 781 Merchant Navy ... Silver Tav ., Burdctt Rd ., Limehonso , E . 820 Lily of Richmond Greyhound Hotel , Richmond 1300 St . John Three Nuns Hot ., Aldgate , E .
1029 United : F . M . H . J 091 Imperial I Pier Hotel , Oakley Street , Chelsea 19 H 0 Honor Oak I AVhite Swan Hot ., Upper Norwood R . A . C . 857 St . Marks Surrey M . IL , Camberwell 1305 St . Marylebono Cafe Royal , Regent Street , AV . 1140 Mount Edgcmnbe j 191 , Bishopsgate St ., E . C . Mark . 281 IIigli Cross J Seven Sister ' s Hot ., Tottenham , N .
( 2 nd ) THURSDAY , MAY «) th . 19 Royal Atlielstim Cannon Street Hot ., E . C . 200 Friendship Ship and Turtle , Leadenhall St ., E . C . 238 Pilgrim F . M . II . 879 Southwark Bridge House Hot ., S . E . 1070 Capper Guildhall Tav ., Gresham Street , E . C . 1210 Macdotiald 1 st Surrey Rilles , Ciunberwe ! I
1558 Duke of Connaught Surrey M . IL , Camberwell 1012 Earl of Carnarvon Ladbroke Hall , Notting Hill 2033 University of London F . M . H . 210 S Derby Allcroft Atheiia-um , Camden Road , N . Mark . 331 Davison 8 a , Red Lion Square , AV . C . K . T . 117 New Temple Inner Temple , Fleet Street , E . C .