Article Reports of Lodges, &c. ← Page 2 of 2 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1
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Reports Of Lodges, &C.
K 550 , and J . Robinson . I . P . M . 1 ( 550 . The guests included Bros . B . S . Beckwith , P . M . 1230 : AV . Swales . P . M . 1 ( 550 . and Mrs . Swales : J H . Dawson , P . M . 1230 . and Mrs . Dawson : T . Willis . P . M . 311 . and Miss Willis : D . Todd . P . M . 1121 . and Mrs . Todd : J . Lax . P . M . K 550 . P . G . G .. and the Misses Lax ( 3 ) : J . Bailev . P . M . 111 . P . P . J-C . AV .. and the Misses Bailey : R . S . Benson . P . M . 1350 .
and Mrs . Benson : C . T . Stephenson . P . M . 1 ( 550 . and Miss Turiibull : T . Coates , P . M . 1 ( 550 . P . G . Stwd .. and the Misses C ' oates : R . Foster , P . M . 1 ( 550 , and Mrs . AVilkinson : P . AV . Dixon . P . M . K 550 , and Mrs . Dixon : T . AVood , 111 . and Miss AVood ; J . Hodgson , 111 . and Mrs . and the Misses Hodgson : T . Clark . 1230 . and Mrs . Clark and Miss Atkinson : AV . Johnson , P . M .
122-1 , and Mrs . Johnson : J . Maughan , 111 : AVm . Crawford . P . M .. P . P . G . O .. and Mrs . Crawford : J . AV . R . Heslop . 1230 : J . Hartley . I . G . 1 ( 550 : C . II . Sharp . S . D ., 1 ( 550 : M . Bradley , J . AV ., U 558 ; Pyburii , tyler , 1 ( 550 : R . A . Meacock , 1 ( 550 ; AV . C . Barrow , J . AV ., Ill : AV . Hodgson . Ill : AV . Bell . Ill , and Mrs . Bell : Miss Gaines : R . T . Richardson . P . M ., 1230 & 1 ( 550 . P . P . G . R .: T . Shiplev ,
1230 and Mrs . Shipley . Major A . Metcalf-Gibson and Mrs . Metcalf-Gibson , Miss Dent , Mrs . Farrow . Major Benson and Mrs . Benson . Mr . and Mrs . C . AV . Colbeck . Mr . T . Baningham , Mr . R , B . Franklin . Miss Gillingham , Miss Micklethwaite . Mr . and Mrs . Briggs , Mr . A . D . Kyle , Mr . R . Green , Miss Atkinson , Mr . and Mrs . Bell , Mr . Alfred , Miss Crawford , Dr . Homfray , Mrs . and the Misses Mitford .
& c . The stewards were : —AV . T . Scarth . Esq ., J . P .. D . L . : Bros . R . J . Dent , J . P ., P . M ., P . P . G .. T . AV . ; R . T . Richardson . P . M ., P . P . G . R . : L . E . Scarth , P . M ., 1 ( 550 : R . Hudson , P . M ., P . G . Sec . Past Grand Sword Bearer of England : Babbington Boulton . P . M .. P . P . G . D ., P . P . G . treasurer ; J . Bailey . P . M ., P . P . J . G . AV . ; Major R . Bassett Wilson . J . P .: Win . Lear , P . M . P . P . G . S . of AV . ; R . Luck . P . M .. P . P . G . R ,: T . 31 . Barron . P . M .. P . P . G . R . : T . AA atson . P . M .. P . P . G ..
treasurer ; H . Maddison , P . M .. P . P . G . R , ; C . D . Hill Drury , M . D .. P . P . G . R . ( Norfolk ); Jon . E . Backhouse ; Ed . Hutchinson : C . II . Backhouse , P . M .. P . P . J G . AV .: Sam . AVilson , P . M .. P . P .. T . G . D . : J . Hanby Holmes . AV . M ., 1230 : R , S . Benson . P . M .: Jos . Atkinson . M . D ., I . P . M .. 1230 : AVm . Mitford . P . M .. Ill : J . M . AVhile . AV . M .. 1370 ; J . J . Wilkes . P . M ., Ill ; Sevier . M . D ., and J . K . AVilkes . The entertainment Avas of the most agreeable and successful character , and AVC have reason to believe will benefit masonic charity .
NORTHUMBERLAND . —PROPOSED MASONIC HALL AT BLYTH . —An influential committee was some time ago appointed for the purpose of carrying out arrangements for the building of a Masonic Hall at Blyth , for the use of the members of the Blagdon Lodge . The Provincial Grand Master ( Sir M . AV . Ridley . Bart .. M . I ' . ) who is Lord of the Manor for Blyth , has promised a site for such
erection , and the Deputy Provincial Grand Master ( Bro . R . H . Holmes , G . D . ) has the matter in hand . There is no doubt but at an early date the foundation stone of a commodious building —which is much needed in that town—will be laid . Bro . Ed . Forster , I . P . M . of the Blagdon Lodge , is chairman of the building committee , and one of the chief promulgators of the scheme .
In the event of a Charter for a new Royal Arch Chapter to be attached to the Blagdon Lodge , Blyth , being granted by the Supreme Grand Chapter , the ceremony of consecration will in all probability take place at the annual Provincial Convocation , to be held at Newcastle-oil-Tyne . in the month of May , to be conducted by the Provincial Grand Superintendent . Col . Addison Potter . C . Jl .
SUSSEX . —The annual meeting of the Pelham Lodge ( No . 1303 ) of Freemasons , took place at the Freemasons' Hall . Lewes , on Friday . Bro . AV . AVright . of Shortbridge , was installed as AV . M . for the ensuing year . The retiring AV . M .. Bro . AV . AV . Turner , was presented
with a charity jewel in recognition of his past services to the Lodge . Subsequently about 30 brethren sat down to a banquet , at which the newly-elected AV . M . presided . The usual Masonic and complimentary toasts were duly honoured , and during the evening Miss Annie Freeman and Mr . A . J . Read contributed some excellent songs .
MAKK MASONRY . —On Monday last , the 20 th ulto ., the Berks and Oxon Provincial Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons presented a handsome testimonial to Brother Thomas J . Pulley , Past Grand Senior Deacon of the Grand Mark Lodge , in recognition of the valuable services rendered by him in the formation and subsequent development of the province , and also of his able and lengthened services as Provincial Grand Secretary .
ESTABLISHED 1851 . BZRKBECK BANK , Southampton Buildings , Chancery Lane . THREE per CENT . INTEREST allowed on DEPOSITS repayable on demand . TWO per CENT , on CURRENT ACCOUNTS , calculated on tlie minimum monthly balances , when not drawn below £ 100 . The BIRKRECK ALMANACK , with full particulars , can bo obtained post free , on application to FRANCIS RAVENSCROFT Manager-
The Birkbeck Building Society ' s Annual Receipts exceed Five Millions . 1 JOW TO PURCHASE A HOUSE FOR TWO - " ¦ G-UINMAS PER MONTH , OR A PLOT OF LAND hOH tflVH SHILLING'S 1 'ER MONTH . Apply at the oilice of the ISIIIKHECK FREEHOLD LAND SOCIETY . The BIRKBECK ALMANACK , with full particulars , ou application . FRANCIS KAVKNSCROFT Manager . Southampton Buildings , Chancery Lane ,
HOTELS Recommended to the Subscribers to the " Masonic Star . " OTAR AND GARTER HOTEL , KEW BRIDGE , k _ J Bro . JOHN Bitn . i .. Proprietor . Seven Lodges and Chapters held in the . Hotel , which possesses Special Facilities for Concerts , Evening' Parties and Bain | nets . Si-ale of Charges on Application . MAYO'S CASTLE HOTEL , EAST MOLESEY , Hampton Court . Station ( adjoining tlie Kailwav and lacing tlie liiver and Palace ) . liro . JOHN MAVO has ample accommodation in ( lie new wing for Banquets for any number up lo Kill . Spacious landing to River . Specimens of Menus , witli prices , sent on application . Three Lodges meet , at the Castle Hotel , and reference may be made ( o the respective . Masters as to Ihe catering . & . e .
BRIDGE HOUSE HOTEL , LONDON BRIDGE , S . E ., PKAUI'K * SON . Proprietors . Dinners , Wedding Lreakfasts , Balls , Soirees , Concerts , Masonic , Public , or . Private Meetings , & e . The Suite of Itooms for Balls and Concerts includes tlie l . all Boom , Ante-Room , Refreshment and Supper Rooms and Ladies' Retiring Rooms . The Masonic Temple will seat 40 . Terms on Application . "
BOURNEMOUTH . Board and Residence , south aspect , close to tlie Sea , Pleasure Gardens : cent re of Town ; Home comforts . Terms , 30 ¦' -. Apply M . A . Hood . Cavcrshain , Poole Hill . "rpHE BEDFORD" FAMILY AND COMMERCIAL JL HOTEL , PORTSMOUTH . Proprietor , R . P . BltlANT . QT . ELMO ( BOARDING HOUSE ) , No . 18 , LOCH k- > PROMENADE , DOUGLAS . ISLE OF MAN . Incomparably the Queen of Northern Watering Places . Bro . P . T . SCKKKCH . begs respectfully to offer to intending visitors to this charming health and pleasure resort the comfortable advantages of a Home from Home . This establishment , 'with an old connection ( 1 7 years ) , is conveniently situated on the margin of the beautiful Bay , and within two minutes walk of the landing Pier—the arrangements being personally superintended by Miss SHIMJIIN and Mrs . SCREECH . First-class Cuisine—Terms moderate . Particulars on application .
These spaces are reserved for Hotels offering inducements to Masonic visitors .
"W-A- HSTTIEID .. SECOND-HAND Lodge Furniture , Oak or Mahogany preferred ; also Clothing , Reply , -with inventory , price and order to view-, to X .. Office of this paper .
EII ^ IPLOYIiynEILTT "WJLIETTIEIDB BOTHER , 24 , Good Shorthand Writer , desires engagement as Cashier , Correspondent , Book-keeper , or other position of Trust . Eight years' references . M . M .. c / o ToLini , 7 . Harrow Rd .. W .
TO IBIS LET . A FURNISHED House in a main position in a Town in the South-West Suburbs . Forty minutes from town on District and South Western Railways . . 'J Reception , 1 Bedrooms , and good Gardens . Low Rent to careful Tenant . Apply—Manager , MASONIC STAR .
TO THE TEA TRADE . Anyone requiring a Fine First Floor , situated close to Leadenhall Street , and within il minutes of Mark and Mincing Lanes . Rent £ ~ > 0 . Apply—BLAND & CAMPION , l ~ t , Fenchurch Street , E . C .
r [ 10 FOUNDERS OF LODGES , CHAPTERS , PRECEPTORIES . JL & c . The Windsor Castle Masonic Temple to be let . Replete with every convenience ^ including Organ ) for Craft Lodges , R . A . Chapters , Encampments , Preceptories , ku . Resident Tyler . Applv to E . GRLSRKOOK , Windsor .
The SUCCESSFUL TREATMENT of Gout and Rheumatism and the Recipe , by H . T . LAIT , Fressingfield , Harleston , Norfolk . Free to all on receipt of stamp for postage . "Air . Lait ' s aim is lo eradicate the disease from tlie system by removing the cause , and this is most successfully done by Ins treatment . "—The Court Journal . "Mr . Lait ' s remedy has proved most successful , and that his treatment is the true one seems beyond all doubt . "—The Ipsieich Journal .
WANTED TO PURCHASE , a complete sot of Craft and Arch AA ' orking Tools . Apply by letter , " Manager , " MASONIC STAR Newspaper , 50 . Moor Lane , E . C . I
ALFRED W, MURRAY , Merchant and Military Tailor , 27 , KING STKBET LONDON , E . C . First-class Materials and Perfect Fit Guaranteed . Prices exeeediiiiilji inoilnrale . Sosjieclion i . iciUd .
JAMES STEVENSON , C . E ., The People ' s Patent Agent , GIUY'S INN UHAHBEltS , 20 , HIGH HOLBORN , W . C . C 2 " Lowest Possible Charges . = £ »
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Reports Of Lodges, &C.
K 550 , and J . Robinson . I . P . M . 1 ( 550 . The guests included Bros . B . S . Beckwith , P . M . 1230 : AV . Swales . P . M . 1 ( 550 . and Mrs . Swales : J H . Dawson , P . M . 1230 . and Mrs . Dawson : T . Willis . P . M . 311 . and Miss Willis : D . Todd . P . M . 1121 . and Mrs . Todd : J . Lax . P . M . K 550 . P . G . G .. and the Misses Lax ( 3 ) : J . Bailev . P . M . 111 . P . P . J-C . AV .. and the Misses Bailey : R . S . Benson . P . M . 1350 .
and Mrs . Benson : C . T . Stephenson . P . M . 1 ( 550 . and Miss Turiibull : T . Coates , P . M . 1 ( 550 . P . G . Stwd .. and the Misses C ' oates : R . Foster , P . M . 1 ( 550 , and Mrs . AVilkinson : P . AV . Dixon . P . M . K 550 , and Mrs . Dixon : T . AVood , 111 . and Miss AVood ; J . Hodgson , 111 . and Mrs . and the Misses Hodgson : T . Clark . 1230 . and Mrs . Clark and Miss Atkinson : AV . Johnson , P . M .
122-1 , and Mrs . Johnson : J . Maughan , 111 : AVm . Crawford . P . M .. P . P . G . O .. and Mrs . Crawford : J . AV . R . Heslop . 1230 : J . Hartley . I . G . 1 ( 550 : C . II . Sharp . S . D ., 1 ( 550 : M . Bradley , J . AV ., U 558 ; Pyburii , tyler , 1 ( 550 : R . A . Meacock , 1 ( 550 ; AV . C . Barrow , J . AV ., Ill : AV . Hodgson . Ill : AV . Bell . Ill , and Mrs . Bell : Miss Gaines : R . T . Richardson . P . M ., 1230 & 1 ( 550 . P . P . G . R .: T . Shiplev ,
1230 and Mrs . Shipley . Major A . Metcalf-Gibson and Mrs . Metcalf-Gibson , Miss Dent , Mrs . Farrow . Major Benson and Mrs . Benson . Mr . and Mrs . C . AV . Colbeck . Mr . T . Baningham , Mr . R , B . Franklin . Miss Gillingham , Miss Micklethwaite . Mr . and Mrs . Briggs , Mr . A . D . Kyle , Mr . R . Green , Miss Atkinson , Mr . and Mrs . Bell , Mr . Alfred , Miss Crawford , Dr . Homfray , Mrs . and the Misses Mitford .
& c . The stewards were : —AV . T . Scarth . Esq ., J . P .. D . L . : Bros . R . J . Dent , J . P ., P . M ., P . P . G .. T . AV . ; R . T . Richardson . P . M ., P . P . G . R . : L . E . Scarth , P . M ., 1 ( 550 : R . Hudson , P . M ., P . G . Sec . Past Grand Sword Bearer of England : Babbington Boulton . P . M .. P . P . G . D ., P . P . G . treasurer ; J . Bailey . P . M ., P . P . J . G . AV . ; Major R . Bassett Wilson . J . P .: Win . Lear , P . M . P . P . G . S . of AV . ; R . Luck . P . M .. P . P . G . R ,: T . 31 . Barron . P . M .. P . P . G . R . : T . AA atson . P . M .. P . P . G ..
treasurer ; H . Maddison , P . M .. P . P . G . R , ; C . D . Hill Drury , M . D .. P . P . G . R . ( Norfolk ); Jon . E . Backhouse ; Ed . Hutchinson : C . II . Backhouse , P . M .. P . P . J G . AV .: Sam . AVilson , P . M .. P . P .. T . G . D . : J . Hanby Holmes . AV . M ., 1230 : R , S . Benson . P . M .: Jos . Atkinson . M . D ., I . P . M .. 1230 : AVm . Mitford . P . M .. Ill : J . M . AVhile . AV . M .. 1370 ; J . J . Wilkes . P . M ., Ill ; Sevier . M . D ., and J . K . AVilkes . The entertainment Avas of the most agreeable and successful character , and AVC have reason to believe will benefit masonic charity .
NORTHUMBERLAND . —PROPOSED MASONIC HALL AT BLYTH . —An influential committee was some time ago appointed for the purpose of carrying out arrangements for the building of a Masonic Hall at Blyth , for the use of the members of the Blagdon Lodge . The Provincial Grand Master ( Sir M . AV . Ridley . Bart .. M . I ' . ) who is Lord of the Manor for Blyth , has promised a site for such
erection , and the Deputy Provincial Grand Master ( Bro . R . H . Holmes , G . D . ) has the matter in hand . There is no doubt but at an early date the foundation stone of a commodious building —which is much needed in that town—will be laid . Bro . Ed . Forster , I . P . M . of the Blagdon Lodge , is chairman of the building committee , and one of the chief promulgators of the scheme .
In the event of a Charter for a new Royal Arch Chapter to be attached to the Blagdon Lodge , Blyth , being granted by the Supreme Grand Chapter , the ceremony of consecration will in all probability take place at the annual Provincial Convocation , to be held at Newcastle-oil-Tyne . in the month of May , to be conducted by the Provincial Grand Superintendent . Col . Addison Potter . C . Jl .
SUSSEX . —The annual meeting of the Pelham Lodge ( No . 1303 ) of Freemasons , took place at the Freemasons' Hall . Lewes , on Friday . Bro . AV . AVright . of Shortbridge , was installed as AV . M . for the ensuing year . The retiring AV . M .. Bro . AV . AV . Turner , was presented
with a charity jewel in recognition of his past services to the Lodge . Subsequently about 30 brethren sat down to a banquet , at which the newly-elected AV . M . presided . The usual Masonic and complimentary toasts were duly honoured , and during the evening Miss Annie Freeman and Mr . A . J . Read contributed some excellent songs .
MAKK MASONRY . —On Monday last , the 20 th ulto ., the Berks and Oxon Provincial Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons presented a handsome testimonial to Brother Thomas J . Pulley , Past Grand Senior Deacon of the Grand Mark Lodge , in recognition of the valuable services rendered by him in the formation and subsequent development of the province , and also of his able and lengthened services as Provincial Grand Secretary .
ESTABLISHED 1851 . BZRKBECK BANK , Southampton Buildings , Chancery Lane . THREE per CENT . INTEREST allowed on DEPOSITS repayable on demand . TWO per CENT , on CURRENT ACCOUNTS , calculated on tlie minimum monthly balances , when not drawn below £ 100 . The BIRKRECK ALMANACK , with full particulars , can bo obtained post free , on application to FRANCIS RAVENSCROFT Manager-
The Birkbeck Building Society ' s Annual Receipts exceed Five Millions . 1 JOW TO PURCHASE A HOUSE FOR TWO - " ¦ G-UINMAS PER MONTH , OR A PLOT OF LAND hOH tflVH SHILLING'S 1 'ER MONTH . Apply at the oilice of the ISIIIKHECK FREEHOLD LAND SOCIETY . The BIRKBECK ALMANACK , with full particulars , ou application . FRANCIS KAVKNSCROFT Manager . Southampton Buildings , Chancery Lane ,
HOTELS Recommended to the Subscribers to the " Masonic Star . " OTAR AND GARTER HOTEL , KEW BRIDGE , k _ J Bro . JOHN Bitn . i .. Proprietor . Seven Lodges and Chapters held in the . Hotel , which possesses Special Facilities for Concerts , Evening' Parties and Bain | nets . Si-ale of Charges on Application . MAYO'S CASTLE HOTEL , EAST MOLESEY , Hampton Court . Station ( adjoining tlie Kailwav and lacing tlie liiver and Palace ) . liro . JOHN MAVO has ample accommodation in ( lie new wing for Banquets for any number up lo Kill . Spacious landing to River . Specimens of Menus , witli prices , sent on application . Three Lodges meet , at the Castle Hotel , and reference may be made ( o the respective . Masters as to Ihe catering . & . e .
BRIDGE HOUSE HOTEL , LONDON BRIDGE , S . E ., PKAUI'K * SON . Proprietors . Dinners , Wedding Lreakfasts , Balls , Soirees , Concerts , Masonic , Public , or . Private Meetings , & e . The Suite of Itooms for Balls and Concerts includes tlie l . all Boom , Ante-Room , Refreshment and Supper Rooms and Ladies' Retiring Rooms . The Masonic Temple will seat 40 . Terms on Application . "
BOURNEMOUTH . Board and Residence , south aspect , close to tlie Sea , Pleasure Gardens : cent re of Town ; Home comforts . Terms , 30 ¦' -. Apply M . A . Hood . Cavcrshain , Poole Hill . "rpHE BEDFORD" FAMILY AND COMMERCIAL JL HOTEL , PORTSMOUTH . Proprietor , R . P . BltlANT . QT . ELMO ( BOARDING HOUSE ) , No . 18 , LOCH k- > PROMENADE , DOUGLAS . ISLE OF MAN . Incomparably the Queen of Northern Watering Places . Bro . P . T . SCKKKCH . begs respectfully to offer to intending visitors to this charming health and pleasure resort the comfortable advantages of a Home from Home . This establishment , 'with an old connection ( 1 7 years ) , is conveniently situated on the margin of the beautiful Bay , and within two minutes walk of the landing Pier—the arrangements being personally superintended by Miss SHIMJIIN and Mrs . SCREECH . First-class Cuisine—Terms moderate . Particulars on application .
These spaces are reserved for Hotels offering inducements to Masonic visitors .
"W-A- HSTTIEID .. SECOND-HAND Lodge Furniture , Oak or Mahogany preferred ; also Clothing , Reply , -with inventory , price and order to view-, to X .. Office of this paper .
EII ^ IPLOYIiynEILTT "WJLIETTIEIDB BOTHER , 24 , Good Shorthand Writer , desires engagement as Cashier , Correspondent , Book-keeper , or other position of Trust . Eight years' references . M . M .. c / o ToLini , 7 . Harrow Rd .. W .
TO IBIS LET . A FURNISHED House in a main position in a Town in the South-West Suburbs . Forty minutes from town on District and South Western Railways . . 'J Reception , 1 Bedrooms , and good Gardens . Low Rent to careful Tenant . Apply—Manager , MASONIC STAR .
TO THE TEA TRADE . Anyone requiring a Fine First Floor , situated close to Leadenhall Street , and within il minutes of Mark and Mincing Lanes . Rent £ ~ > 0 . Apply—BLAND & CAMPION , l ~ t , Fenchurch Street , E . C .
r [ 10 FOUNDERS OF LODGES , CHAPTERS , PRECEPTORIES . JL & c . The Windsor Castle Masonic Temple to be let . Replete with every convenience ^ including Organ ) for Craft Lodges , R . A . Chapters , Encampments , Preceptories , ku . Resident Tyler . Applv to E . GRLSRKOOK , Windsor .
The SUCCESSFUL TREATMENT of Gout and Rheumatism and the Recipe , by H . T . LAIT , Fressingfield , Harleston , Norfolk . Free to all on receipt of stamp for postage . "Air . Lait ' s aim is lo eradicate the disease from tlie system by removing the cause , and this is most successfully done by Ins treatment . "—The Court Journal . "Mr . Lait ' s remedy has proved most successful , and that his treatment is the true one seems beyond all doubt . "—The Ipsieich Journal .
WANTED TO PURCHASE , a complete sot of Craft and Arch AA ' orking Tools . Apply by letter , " Manager , " MASONIC STAR Newspaper , 50 . Moor Lane , E . C . I
ALFRED W, MURRAY , Merchant and Military Tailor , 27 , KING STKBET LONDON , E . C . First-class Materials and Perfect Fit Guaranteed . Prices exeeediiiiilji inoilnrale . Sosjieclion i . iciUd .
JAMES STEVENSON , C . E ., The People ' s Patent Agent , GIUY'S INN UHAHBEltS , 20 , HIGH HOLBORN , W . C . C 2 " Lowest Possible Charges . = £ »