Article CONTENTS. Page 1 of 1 Article "Ars Quatuor Coronatorum," Page 1 of 2 Article "Ars Quatuor Coronatorum," Page 1 of 2 →
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EDITORIAL : " ARS QUATUOE COROXATORUM " .. Front page MASONIC BEXEVOLEXCE FOR THE YEAR 1888 .. .. 288 THE RITUAL ( continued ) .. .. .. .. 288 LODGE SECRETARIES .. .. .. .. 289 THE MASONIC POET ' S CORNER .. .. .. 289
MEETINGS .. .. .. .. 29-t , 295 , 29 G METROPOLITAX LODGES OF INSTRUCTION .. .. 297 ADVERTISEMENTS ....Front cover , 280 , 298 , 299 . 300
"Ars Quatuor Coronatorum,"
"Ars Quatuor Coronatorum , "
Y the courtesy of W . Bro . G . W . Speth , P . M ., the Secretary of the Quatuor Coronati Lodge ( the Lodge of the Tour Crowned Martyrs ) , we have been favoured by the
receipt of the fifth part ( completing the first volume ) of the transactions of the Lodge since its consecration on the 12 th January , 1880 . The great majority of the Craft may
not be aware that this new Lodge was formed by the following brethren distinguished as literati and for their Masonic researches , namely , Bros . Sir Charles Warren , G . C . M . G ., Wm . Harry Rylands , Robert Freke Gould , the Rev . A . F . A . Woodford ( since deceased ) , Walter Besant , J . P . Rylands , Major Sisson Cooper Pratt , William James Hughan , and George William Speth , "in honest
attachment to the Craft , and in a sincere desire usefully to extend the many claims masonic history and archjeology have on our time , our intellects and our sympathy as Freemasons who take pride in the Order , and who feel , and feel
strongly , that knowledge and light , the opposites of ignorance and darkness , are , ever have been , and it is to be hoped ever will be , characteristic features and the abiding distinction of Freemasonry . "
With such a programme , every particular of which has been strictly adhered to , it is not to be wondered at that Lodijc Quatuor Coronati is fast becoming that exponent of
true Masonic working which has been so long needed to stay the devastation of the true i pvinti-plcs of the Order , of late years almost effaced by innovations and departures from ancient customs . No true Freemason—in which term we can include only those who are careful to put before every other consideration the practice of each and every of
"Ars Quatuor Coronatorum,"
its beneficent precepts—can fail to rejoice in having so representative a body of what Freemasonry should be . A report of its permanent and Audit Committee has been
circulated and is now before us , and we feel assured that we cannot , at this season , better discharge our duty as journalists , or more fittingly accompany our hearty good
wishes for the individual happiness of our several readers , and the general prosperity of the Craft during the year of Masonry , 5889 , than by briefly recording the progress and present position of the Quatuor Coronati Lodge .
It commenced the past year with a membership of twenty - one , which by the accession of Bros . Whymper ( the author of "The Religion of Freemasonry" ) , Castle , Macbean ,
Goldney and Williams , reached a total of twenty-six , now reduced to twenty-five by the lamented death of Bro . the Rev . A . F . A . Woodford . The lodge met six times
during the past year , and on each occasion in addition to the ordinary ceremonial working very interesting papers on Masonic subjects have been read , and these are most
correctly described as being of such literary merit " as no society in the world would need to be ashamed of . " These valuable contributions to Masonic literature , together with
full and elaborate reports of the several meetings , and other useful information , form together the work so ably edited by Bro . Speth , and entitled Ars Quatuor Coronatorum , a
work we have the utmost confidence in recommending for the perusal of every member of the Craft , without distinction of station , sect or country . It is no small claim to
make , but to our mind it is perfectly justified , that the work " cannot fail to enhance our ( the lodge ' s ) reputation in the Craft , and the world outside it . "
By a very happy arrangement , the spread of the vast amount of knowledge which the members of the Quatuor Coronati Lodge have the opportunity of gaining amongst
themselves is secured to other brethren who might otherwise be precluded in sharing the benefits thereof by direct membership . A correspondence circle has been established
with what we consider extraordinary success , and in the short period of two years no less than 500 brethren have been admitted , at what may be looked upon as merely
a nominal subscription , to a participation in the advantages of hearing and reading the several essays we have referred to , and in claiming connection with some of the brightest
lights of our Order as masonic historians and students . Not content with even this attractive addition to their work , the Lodge has still further evidenced its devotion to
the best interests of the Craft , by commencing the establishment of a Library , already numbering between six hundred and seven hundred volumes now frequently utilized by members of both circles . It should here be
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
EDITORIAL : " ARS QUATUOE COROXATORUM " .. Front page MASONIC BEXEVOLEXCE FOR THE YEAR 1888 .. .. 288 THE RITUAL ( continued ) .. .. .. .. 288 LODGE SECRETARIES .. .. .. .. 289 THE MASONIC POET ' S CORNER .. .. .. 289
MEETINGS .. .. .. .. 29-t , 295 , 29 G METROPOLITAX LODGES OF INSTRUCTION .. .. 297 ADVERTISEMENTS ....Front cover , 280 , 298 , 299 . 300
"Ars Quatuor Coronatorum,"
"Ars Quatuor Coronatorum , "
Y the courtesy of W . Bro . G . W . Speth , P . M ., the Secretary of the Quatuor Coronati Lodge ( the Lodge of the Tour Crowned Martyrs ) , we have been favoured by the
receipt of the fifth part ( completing the first volume ) of the transactions of the Lodge since its consecration on the 12 th January , 1880 . The great majority of the Craft may
not be aware that this new Lodge was formed by the following brethren distinguished as literati and for their Masonic researches , namely , Bros . Sir Charles Warren , G . C . M . G ., Wm . Harry Rylands , Robert Freke Gould , the Rev . A . F . A . Woodford ( since deceased ) , Walter Besant , J . P . Rylands , Major Sisson Cooper Pratt , William James Hughan , and George William Speth , "in honest
attachment to the Craft , and in a sincere desire usefully to extend the many claims masonic history and archjeology have on our time , our intellects and our sympathy as Freemasons who take pride in the Order , and who feel , and feel
strongly , that knowledge and light , the opposites of ignorance and darkness , are , ever have been , and it is to be hoped ever will be , characteristic features and the abiding distinction of Freemasonry . "
With such a programme , every particular of which has been strictly adhered to , it is not to be wondered at that Lodijc Quatuor Coronati is fast becoming that exponent of
true Masonic working which has been so long needed to stay the devastation of the true i pvinti-plcs of the Order , of late years almost effaced by innovations and departures from ancient customs . No true Freemason—in which term we can include only those who are careful to put before every other consideration the practice of each and every of
"Ars Quatuor Coronatorum,"
its beneficent precepts—can fail to rejoice in having so representative a body of what Freemasonry should be . A report of its permanent and Audit Committee has been
circulated and is now before us , and we feel assured that we cannot , at this season , better discharge our duty as journalists , or more fittingly accompany our hearty good
wishes for the individual happiness of our several readers , and the general prosperity of the Craft during the year of Masonry , 5889 , than by briefly recording the progress and present position of the Quatuor Coronati Lodge .
It commenced the past year with a membership of twenty - one , which by the accession of Bros . Whymper ( the author of "The Religion of Freemasonry" ) , Castle , Macbean ,
Goldney and Williams , reached a total of twenty-six , now reduced to twenty-five by the lamented death of Bro . the Rev . A . F . A . Woodford . The lodge met six times
during the past year , and on each occasion in addition to the ordinary ceremonial working very interesting papers on Masonic subjects have been read , and these are most
correctly described as being of such literary merit " as no society in the world would need to be ashamed of . " These valuable contributions to Masonic literature , together with
full and elaborate reports of the several meetings , and other useful information , form together the work so ably edited by Bro . Speth , and entitled Ars Quatuor Coronatorum , a
work we have the utmost confidence in recommending for the perusal of every member of the Craft , without distinction of station , sect or country . It is no small claim to
make , but to our mind it is perfectly justified , that the work " cannot fail to enhance our ( the lodge ' s ) reputation in the Craft , and the world outside it . "
By a very happy arrangement , the spread of the vast amount of knowledge which the members of the Quatuor Coronati Lodge have the opportunity of gaining amongst
themselves is secured to other brethren who might otherwise be precluded in sharing the benefits thereof by direct membership . A correspondence circle has been established
with what we consider extraordinary success , and in the short period of two years no less than 500 brethren have been admitted , at what may be looked upon as merely
a nominal subscription , to a participation in the advantages of hearing and reading the several essays we have referred to , and in claiming connection with some of the brightest
lights of our Order as masonic historians and students . Not content with even this attractive addition to their work , the Lodge has still further evidenced its devotion to
the best interests of the Craft , by commencing the establishment of a Library , already numbering between six hundred and seven hundred volumes now frequently utilized by members of both circles . It should here be