Article THE "GOULD " TESTIMONIAL. Page 1 of 1 Article COMMITTEE. Page 1 of 1 Article Metropolitan and Provincial Lodge and Chapter Meetings Page 1 of 1
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The "Gould " Testimonial.
Li ilio opinion of many Bretliren the time Las . arrived when the long-continued services of Bro . ROB-RT FREKE GOULD , P . G . D ., to the literature of the Craft merit a more than passing acknowledgment . Entering « is field of labour so far hack as 18 f > 8 , he Avas for many years a contributor to the Masonic -journals , but he will be b < st known as
the author of "The Four Old Lodges , " " The Atholl Lodges , " and last , though not least , of "Tie History of Freemasonry , " which is admitted by all authorities to be the ablest and best Masonic work ever writ-en . Since its production it is no longer possible to affirm , as has been constantly done by foes and friends alike , that tie great body of Freemasons are without a reliable and critical history of their Society .
It is hoped that the Brethren , whose names are subjoined , may prove to be the pioneers of ? movement which will show to Bro . GOULD that the long years of study and research which he has devoted to the interest of Freemasonry are deemed worthy of substantial recognition by the Craft universal , AA'ho , in this way , will be't evince a genuine appreciation of his unexampled labours .
In pursuance of the aboA e object the undermentioned Brethren have formed themselves in » a Committee . Individual Subscriptions ( but not those of Lodges or other Bodies ) are limited to One Guiiea . Contributions to the Fund may be sent to Br . RALPH GOODIXG , B . G . D ., Hon . Sec . aid « d interim Treasurer ( Heath Lodge , The Grove , Blackheath , S . E . 1 , and will be duly acknoAvledged .
Qcljairmait—THE EARL OF CARNARVON , PEO GRAND M ASTER . MEMBERS . Bro . The EARL AMHERST . Prov . G . M . Kent . Bro . EARL OF ZETLAND . Prcv . G . M . Yorks ( North and East ) . .. The EARL OF LIMERICK . Prov , G . M . Bristol . „ SIR GEORGE ELLio / r , Birt ., M . P ., Prov . G . M . S . Wales . E . Div . .. Col . E . C . MALET DE CARTERET . Prov . G . M . Jersey . ,. SIR E . A . H . LECHMEXE , Bart ., M . P ., Prov . G . M . Worcester . ,. Col . SIR FRANCIS BURDETT , Burt ., Prov . G . M . Middlesex . . ' , T . W . TEAV . Prov . G . ? i . Yorkshire , West Biding . .. Col . LE GENDRE X . RTARKIE . Prov . G . M . East Lancashire . ! ' ., The LORD EGERTON OF TATTON , Prov . G . M . Cheshire . „ ' The EARL OF IIAKDWICKF . Prov . GM . Cambridge . ! ' .. The EARL OF EL-STUN , Prov . G . M . Norths and Hunts .
PRESENT GRAND OFFICERS : — Bro . The LORD HALSBURV , Lord Chancellor . S . G . W . Bro . ASHER BARFIELS , G . Treasurer . ,. Gen . LORD JOHN TAYLOUR . J . G . W . ., F . A . PHILBKIJK . Q . C .. G . Registrar . Bro . Col . S . II . CLERKE , G . Secretary . And other Grand Officers of the Year . Together with many distinguished Past Grand Officers and well-known Brethren of the Craft in all parts of England .
Metropolitan And Provincial Lodge And Chapter Meetings
Metropolitan and Provincial Lodge and Chapter Meetings
JJUtopfllitatt8Mtg£SatttrCljapta, " All Lodges held within Ten Miles of FREEMASON ' HALL , LONDON , are LONDON LODGES . " — General Laws and Regulations .
Lod " e p AME 0 F I-- ; E AXD CHAPTER . PLACE OF MEETING . THIS DAY ( 1 st ) THURSDAY , JANUARY 3 rd . 538 La Tolerance F . M . II .
554 A ' arborough Green Dragon , Stepney 1288 Fin-bury Park Cock Tav ., Highbury , N . 1383 Fricnds-in-Council 33 , Golden Square , AV . 14-15 Prince Leopold Three Nuns Hot ., Aldgate 17 'JO Old England M . H ., New Thornton H'th . nr . Crovilon 1050 Souihgatc Railway Hot ., New Southgate l » o : S Duke of Albany Albert Palace , Battersea Park R . A . C .
LSI Universal F . 51 . 11 . 1507 Metropolitan Anderton's Hot ., Fleet Street IDG ' All Saints Vestry Hall , I ' air / ield Road , Bow Mark . I 211 ! Trinity College 13 , Mantlcvillc Place , W . ( 1 st ) FRIDAY , JANUARY 4 th . 7 oa Florence Nightingale M . II ., AVilliam Street , Woolwich
1 K 15 i'engo Thicket Hotel , Anerley 207 G Qualuor Coronati F . M . H . R . A . C 3 Fidelity F . M . T . MS !) Ezra Metropltn . Asylum , Balls Pond Rd ., N . ( 1 st ) SATURDAY , JANUARY 5 th . 1572 Carnarvon Albion Tav ., Aldersgate Street 1 G 22 Rose Surrey M . II ., Caniberwell 21 S 2 Sterndalc Bennett Ditto
( 1 st ) MONDAY , JANUARY 7 th . 25 . llolioi-l Hums F . M . H . 72 lioval Jubilee Anderton's Hot ,, Fleet Street 144 St . Luke ' s Ditto IKS . Joppa F . M . T . KG 2 AYhittiugton V . M . II . 1310 Asaph Ditto 1 ( 124 Wickhani St . Peter ' s HoAVickham ParkBroekley
., , R . A . C . 28 Old Kintr ' s Arms F . M . T . Mark . 5 . Mallei and Chisel 8 a , Red Lion Square , AV . C . Red X . Premier Conclave IGa , Great Queen Street , AV . C . ( 2 nd ) TUESDAY , JANUARY Sth .
40 Old Union Holborn Viaduct Hotel 180 St .. 1 ames \ s Union F . II . H . 198 Percy Ship and Turtle , E . C . 228 United Strength Guildhall Tav ., Gresham Street 518 AVellington AVliite Swan Tav ., Deptford 917 Cosmopolitan Cannon Street Hotel , E . C . ! j : ) 3 Doric Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet Street Jl ' iG L ' rban FM 11
. . . . 1004 AA ' anderers Ditto IGI-1 Co vent . Garden Criterion , Piccadilly . AV . 1035 Canterbury 33 , Golden Square , AV . IOCS Samson Cafe Royal , Regent Street , AV . 19 G 9 Waldtck F . II . II . Mark . 22 SonthwarU Bridge House Hotel , S . 10 .
n . . . 13 Union AA ' aterloo M . II ., AVilliam Street , Woolwich 15 Kent V . M . 11 . 87 Vitruvian Bridge House Hotel , London Bridge 147 Justice AA'hite Swan , High Street , Deptford 749 Belgrave Anderton ' s Hot ., Fleet Street , E . C . 781 Merchant Navy Silver Tav ., Burdett Rd ., Limehouse 820 Lily of Richmond Greyhound , Richmond , Surrey 13 UG St ' John Three Nuns HotAldgato
. ., 1349 Friars ... Ship and Turtle , Leadenhall Street 1 G 94 Imperial Pier Hotel , Oakley Street , Chelsea 1718 Centurion Inns of Court Hotel 198 G Honor Oak AVliite Swan Hotel , Upper Norwood E . A . C . 12 G 0 John Hervey Holborn Restaurant 1305 St , . Alarvlebone Cafe Royal , Regent Street , AV . 144 G Mount Edgcumbc StBotolph Chmbrs 191 Bishpsgte St .
. ., , 1524 Duke of Connanght Anderton's Hotel , Fleet Street 1540 Chaucer Bridge House Hot ., London Bridge Mark . 284 High Cross Seven Sisters' Hot ,, Tottenham K . T . 129 Hoi y Palestine 33 , Golden Square , AV .
( 2 nd ) THURSDAY , JANUARY 10 th . 49 Gilion Guildhall Tnv ., Gresham Street 91 ! Regularity F . M . 11 . 206 Friendship Ship and Turtle , Leadenhall Street 534 Polish National F . M . II . G 57 Canonbury Albion TavAldersgate Street
., 8 G 0 Dalhousio Anderton's Hot ,, Fleet Street 879 Southwark Bridge House Hotel , S . E . 1070 Capper Guildhall Tav ., Gresham Street 1471 Islington Cock Tav ., Highbury , N . 1599 Skclinersdale Ship and Turtle , Leadenhall Street 1 C 42 Earl of Carnarvon Lmlbroke Hall , Notting Hill 1708 Plucknett Baldfaced Stag , East Finchley 1987 Strand CriterionPiccadillyAV .
, , 2033 University of London F . M . 11 . 2090 Hammersmith \ cstry Hall , Hammersmith 21 G 3 Derby Allcrol't Athenaeum , Camden Road R . A . C . 73 Mount Lebanon Bridge House Hotel , S . E . 140 St , George ' s ... Trafalgar Hotel , Greenwich G 19 Beadon M . II ., Masons'Avenue , E . C . 813 New Concord Guildhall Tav ., Gresham Street
898 Teniperancc-in-the-East ... Assembly Rooms , G . Ncwby Place . Poplar 1472 ! Henley Three Crowns , North Woolwich 1710 ! All Saints Vestry Hall , Fairlield Road , Bow B . C . 42 | St . George 33 , Golden Square , AV . N . B . —We icill insert hours of meeting of London Lodges , if summonses are sent to us in suflicicnt time . —ED . M . S .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The "Gould " Testimonial.
Li ilio opinion of many Bretliren the time Las . arrived when the long-continued services of Bro . ROB-RT FREKE GOULD , P . G . D ., to the literature of the Craft merit a more than passing acknowledgment . Entering « is field of labour so far hack as 18 f > 8 , he Avas for many years a contributor to the Masonic -journals , but he will be b < st known as
the author of "The Four Old Lodges , " " The Atholl Lodges , " and last , though not least , of "Tie History of Freemasonry , " which is admitted by all authorities to be the ablest and best Masonic work ever writ-en . Since its production it is no longer possible to affirm , as has been constantly done by foes and friends alike , that tie great body of Freemasons are without a reliable and critical history of their Society .
It is hoped that the Brethren , whose names are subjoined , may prove to be the pioneers of ? movement which will show to Bro . GOULD that the long years of study and research which he has devoted to the interest of Freemasonry are deemed worthy of substantial recognition by the Craft universal , AA'ho , in this way , will be't evince a genuine appreciation of his unexampled labours .
In pursuance of the aboA e object the undermentioned Brethren have formed themselves in » a Committee . Individual Subscriptions ( but not those of Lodges or other Bodies ) are limited to One Guiiea . Contributions to the Fund may be sent to Br . RALPH GOODIXG , B . G . D ., Hon . Sec . aid « d interim Treasurer ( Heath Lodge , The Grove , Blackheath , S . E . 1 , and will be duly acknoAvledged .
Qcljairmait—THE EARL OF CARNARVON , PEO GRAND M ASTER . MEMBERS . Bro . The EARL AMHERST . Prov . G . M . Kent . Bro . EARL OF ZETLAND . Prcv . G . M . Yorks ( North and East ) . .. The EARL OF LIMERICK . Prov , G . M . Bristol . „ SIR GEORGE ELLio / r , Birt ., M . P ., Prov . G . M . S . Wales . E . Div . .. Col . E . C . MALET DE CARTERET . Prov . G . M . Jersey . ,. SIR E . A . H . LECHMEXE , Bart ., M . P ., Prov . G . M . Worcester . ,. Col . SIR FRANCIS BURDETT , Burt ., Prov . G . M . Middlesex . . ' , T . W . TEAV . Prov . G . ? i . Yorkshire , West Biding . .. Col . LE GENDRE X . RTARKIE . Prov . G . M . East Lancashire . ! ' ., The LORD EGERTON OF TATTON , Prov . G . M . Cheshire . „ ' The EARL OF IIAKDWICKF . Prov . GM . Cambridge . ! ' .. The EARL OF EL-STUN , Prov . G . M . Norths and Hunts .
PRESENT GRAND OFFICERS : — Bro . The LORD HALSBURV , Lord Chancellor . S . G . W . Bro . ASHER BARFIELS , G . Treasurer . ,. Gen . LORD JOHN TAYLOUR . J . G . W . ., F . A . PHILBKIJK . Q . C .. G . Registrar . Bro . Col . S . II . CLERKE , G . Secretary . And other Grand Officers of the Year . Together with many distinguished Past Grand Officers and well-known Brethren of the Craft in all parts of England .
Metropolitan And Provincial Lodge And Chapter Meetings
Metropolitan and Provincial Lodge and Chapter Meetings
JJUtopfllitatt8Mtg£SatttrCljapta, " All Lodges held within Ten Miles of FREEMASON ' HALL , LONDON , are LONDON LODGES . " — General Laws and Regulations .
Lod " e p AME 0 F I-- ; E AXD CHAPTER . PLACE OF MEETING . THIS DAY ( 1 st ) THURSDAY , JANUARY 3 rd . 538 La Tolerance F . M . II .
554 A ' arborough Green Dragon , Stepney 1288 Fin-bury Park Cock Tav ., Highbury , N . 1383 Fricnds-in-Council 33 , Golden Square , AV . 14-15 Prince Leopold Three Nuns Hot ., Aldgate 17 'JO Old England M . H ., New Thornton H'th . nr . Crovilon 1050 Souihgatc Railway Hot ., New Southgate l » o : S Duke of Albany Albert Palace , Battersea Park R . A . C .
LSI Universal F . 51 . 11 . 1507 Metropolitan Anderton's Hot ., Fleet Street IDG ' All Saints Vestry Hall , I ' air / ield Road , Bow Mark . I 211 ! Trinity College 13 , Mantlcvillc Place , W . ( 1 st ) FRIDAY , JANUARY 4 th . 7 oa Florence Nightingale M . II ., AVilliam Street , Woolwich
1 K 15 i'engo Thicket Hotel , Anerley 207 G Qualuor Coronati F . M . H . R . A . C 3 Fidelity F . M . T . MS !) Ezra Metropltn . Asylum , Balls Pond Rd ., N . ( 1 st ) SATURDAY , JANUARY 5 th . 1572 Carnarvon Albion Tav ., Aldersgate Street 1 G 22 Rose Surrey M . II ., Caniberwell 21 S 2 Sterndalc Bennett Ditto
( 1 st ) MONDAY , JANUARY 7 th . 25 . llolioi-l Hums F . M . H . 72 lioval Jubilee Anderton's Hot ,, Fleet Street 144 St . Luke ' s Ditto IKS . Joppa F . M . T . KG 2 AYhittiugton V . M . II . 1310 Asaph Ditto 1 ( 124 Wickhani St . Peter ' s HoAVickham ParkBroekley
., , R . A . C . 28 Old Kintr ' s Arms F . M . T . Mark . 5 . Mallei and Chisel 8 a , Red Lion Square , AV . C . Red X . Premier Conclave IGa , Great Queen Street , AV . C . ( 2 nd ) TUESDAY , JANUARY Sth .
40 Old Union Holborn Viaduct Hotel 180 St .. 1 ames \ s Union F . II . H . 198 Percy Ship and Turtle , E . C . 228 United Strength Guildhall Tav ., Gresham Street 518 AVellington AVliite Swan Tav ., Deptford 917 Cosmopolitan Cannon Street Hotel , E . C . ! j : ) 3 Doric Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet Street Jl ' iG L ' rban FM 11
. . . . 1004 AA ' anderers Ditto IGI-1 Co vent . Garden Criterion , Piccadilly . AV . 1035 Canterbury 33 , Golden Square , AV . IOCS Samson Cafe Royal , Regent Street , AV . 19 G 9 Waldtck F . II . II . Mark . 22 SonthwarU Bridge House Hotel , S . 10 .
n . . . 13 Union AA ' aterloo M . II ., AVilliam Street , Woolwich 15 Kent V . M . 11 . 87 Vitruvian Bridge House Hotel , London Bridge 147 Justice AA'hite Swan , High Street , Deptford 749 Belgrave Anderton ' s Hot ., Fleet Street , E . C . 781 Merchant Navy Silver Tav ., Burdett Rd ., Limehouse 820 Lily of Richmond Greyhound , Richmond , Surrey 13 UG St ' John Three Nuns HotAldgato
. ., 1349 Friars ... Ship and Turtle , Leadenhall Street 1 G 94 Imperial Pier Hotel , Oakley Street , Chelsea 1718 Centurion Inns of Court Hotel 198 G Honor Oak AVliite Swan Hotel , Upper Norwood E . A . C . 12 G 0 John Hervey Holborn Restaurant 1305 St , . Alarvlebone Cafe Royal , Regent Street , AV . 144 G Mount Edgcumbc StBotolph Chmbrs 191 Bishpsgte St .
. ., , 1524 Duke of Connanght Anderton's Hotel , Fleet Street 1540 Chaucer Bridge House Hot ., London Bridge Mark . 284 High Cross Seven Sisters' Hot ,, Tottenham K . T . 129 Hoi y Palestine 33 , Golden Square , AV .
( 2 nd ) THURSDAY , JANUARY 10 th . 49 Gilion Guildhall Tnv ., Gresham Street 91 ! Regularity F . M . 11 . 206 Friendship Ship and Turtle , Leadenhall Street 534 Polish National F . M . II . G 57 Canonbury Albion TavAldersgate Street
., 8 G 0 Dalhousio Anderton's Hot ,, Fleet Street 879 Southwark Bridge House Hotel , S . E . 1070 Capper Guildhall Tav ., Gresham Street 1471 Islington Cock Tav ., Highbury , N . 1599 Skclinersdale Ship and Turtle , Leadenhall Street 1 C 42 Earl of Carnarvon Lmlbroke Hall , Notting Hill 1708 Plucknett Baldfaced Stag , East Finchley 1987 Strand CriterionPiccadillyAV .
, , 2033 University of London F . M . 11 . 2090 Hammersmith \ cstry Hall , Hammersmith 21 G 3 Derby Allcrol't Athenaeum , Camden Road R . A . C . 73 Mount Lebanon Bridge House Hotel , S . E . 140 St , George ' s ... Trafalgar Hotel , Greenwich G 19 Beadon M . II ., Masons'Avenue , E . C . 813 New Concord Guildhall Tav ., Gresham Street
898 Teniperancc-in-the-East ... Assembly Rooms , G . Ncwby Place . Poplar 1472 ! Henley Three Crowns , North Woolwich 1710 ! All Saints Vestry Hall , Fairlield Road , Bow B . C . 42 | St . George 33 , Golden Square , AV . N . B . —We icill insert hours of meeting of London Lodges , if summonses are sent to us in suflicicnt time . —ED . M . S .